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Realm of Bynthcahal
Realm of Bynthcahal
Realm of Bynthcahal
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Realm of Bynthcahal

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Realm of Bynthcahal - Sequel to Realm of Miotas

Is my fictional tale that lies in a distant galaxy, thousands of light years away; the Realm of Bynthcahal - land of the mighty warrior Zemaxians and Zyrntians. Cut off when the portals were closed during the war of Druneul, they live their lives training and preparing to defend all realms, including their own. They wait for the day that the portals reconnect to the other peaceful realms, such as Miotas.

A treasonous act causes four to be banished from the great City of Ashkanai, to the territory of Evlerin, where the harshest of creatures and most ferocious animals dwell. Trying to dominate and take possession, they become ally to a darkened evil being of Druneul. They set out to conquer their quest and claim the realm of their choosing. The four journey and face the territory of Evlerin, battling against Wrynins, Daeodons, Soligs, and mysterious creatures from the depths of their sea that separate their territories.
Release dateAug 3, 2014
Realm of Bynthcahal

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    Realm of Bynthcahal - Marcia Carter

    Realm of Bynthcahal

    Realm of Bynthcahal


    Marcia Carter

    Published by Lulu

    Copyright © 2014 Marcia Carter.  All rights reserved

    This is a work of fiction.  Names, character, places and

    incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or

    are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual events or

    locales or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or

    reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written

    permission of the author.

    First Edition 2014

    Distributed by

    ISBN 978-1-312-40773-2


    To my daughters:

    Jessica and Kasandra.

    Thanks to my family and friends:

    For encouraging me not to give up on my dreams.

    Special thanks to:

    Nat, Katrina, Malika, Georgina, Tony and Phil.

    To All:

    Gra Anois Agus Go Deo

    – Chapter 1 – Realm of Bynthcahal –

    In a distant galaxy, thousands of light years away, lies the realm of Bynthcahal. The sun sheds its brilliance over capacious lands. Mountainous buildings of a mighty city span further than the eye can see, and brown and gray gargantuan walls conceal a fortress with bridged streets that house the main population.  It is inhabited by its originators and a collective brought over by ancient Zemaxians from other realms and dimensions.

    The sound of laughter echoes down the roadway from small children running to play.  Careless and worry free, they race to a protected, grassy, relished area within the city.  Cries follow from their mothers, naturally urging them to slow down.

    Ashkanai, an offspring of the mighty Zemaxians, and Ruler of Bynthcahal, inconspicuously walks the roadways inspecting his city.  Checking, while strolling along the roads, he examines if anything appears to need repair.  His eyes and hands follow words inscribed on many great walls.  Nodding his head up and down, he acknowledges the words as he knows it should be.  He makes sure that it is clear in visibility and free of any defect in its clarity.  Each word is able to be understood with certainty of this knowledge from ancient text carved into the city’s structure.  It tells of the battle that once raged in his land and the plight of his ascendants.

    Great care is taken of their city, although no major construction has been done in his lifetime.  It ended when his ancestors felt the city was suitable enough to be what Yithwran, known as the King of wisdom, may have imagined it to be.  They built it to be a solid and peaceful nation of strength, and spacious enough to house more than adequately needed.

    He is the last true descendant of the mighty Yithwran of Bynthcahal.  Distant grandson of Yithwran’s only daughter, Sihka, he carries the legacy of the land, and the duty to protect it.  He and his remaining cousins of the Zemaxian race are the last with DNA capability to travel to all of the other realms without consequence. 

    Making his way along to the outer perimeter of the city, he approaches an abundance of standing colossal headed figures of Maoi.   These were placed as protection many centuries ago against ravenous Ruongls.  They remain to guard the perimeter of the city from possible future attacks.  Staring at the solid expression of their faces, he feels their strength.

    Ashkanai remembers a time in his childhood, when he tried to imagine a giant creature intimidated by the rock whose head was larger than its own.  Many days he’d throw pebbles at them, while leaping or flying up from behind with a holler.  Trying to pretend that they were the beasts, he would weave in and about them.  Ideas ran through his mind of how he could startle and defeat a monstrous beast with his intimidating maneuvers, but no devilish creature ever came from behind, and the protectors remained fixated in position, not bothered by the petty attacks of a child’s daydream play.  No, they stand waiting to make the giants feel weak in their presence and now the children are made to clear away the foliage that attempts to grow upon them.  Their parents assert respect for the ancient defenders, stressing the importance that they always remain completely visible.  Performing the bestowed task, they lay freshly cleaned pebbles at their bases to keep new growth from forming.

    Ashkanai continues around the outskirts of his city.  He swells his wings to rise to the top of one of the larger figures, and notices that an animal has left feathers and debris on its head.  He spares a child from having to scale to reach and pull it down.  Smaller than his original kind, he knows that his race once stood over ten feet tall, but to many in his city, he still towers down from over eight feet.  After the war of Druneul, the few remaining Zemaxian men needed to guard the dark world from re-entering, leaving the Zemaxian children without fathers.  The female population of Bynthcahal was left without mates their age at that time, but found companionship with natives from the stone faces isolated island. 

    The honored natives of the past, who had carved these large faced protective statues, proved their loyalty and kinship when needed.  They had worked endlessly, morning, noon and night during the war.  Zemaxians, gifted with extraordinary strength, carried hundreds of colossal rock slabs to be crafted.  Once finished, they would travel back across the realms, through the portal, placing the Maoi in Bynthcahal.  Many were also arranged and placed on the island for the natives, while a great fear grew of the evil Ruongl creatures.  Word of Druneul’s army reached the other realms and caused a great panic that they would soon find their way over.  Since the sea surrounded their isolated dwelling, they placed the statues strategically for protection, and the rest to drive the Ruongls towards the waters to drown.

    When a massive earthquake shook their island, the honored race fled across to Bynthcahal for protection.  During the forceful act of nature, it shifted a few of the megalithic stones of their doorway, causing them to fall.  It closed the portal, leaving the natives to live their days in Bynthcahal, so they meshed into the city’s population.

    During the war, the portals to and from Miotas were to be temporarily disassembled.  Bynthcahal rebuilt theirs after the war to reconnect to Miotas.  Miotas did not, and left only one hidden natural gateway to reconnect, with what we know as, Earth.  It was a choice made by the male Zemaxians that guarded Druneul before they went dormant.  Unknown to the survivors in Bynthcahal, was the outcome of their warriors in Miotas.  There was just no way to cross over without the other side reconstructing its doorway.  They feared the worst had fallen on them, either being held captive in Druneul or killed.  It was a time of great mourning and as a tribute to their lost; they spent a year carving the legend of their beloved into the city walls, to tell of their sacrifice and for it to be remembered by all.

    The Bynthcahal warrior men are pushed and trained to be skilled in the art of defense and war from a young age.  The winged Zemaxians, more than the non-winged Zyrntians, as they possess the ability of flight and have a superior strength.  After the war there was only one fully trained in all of the talents of their kind, and this task had fallen on Yithwran’s daughter Sihka.  Unlike the other females of her kind, it was fortunate Yithwran allowed Sihka to learn alongside her brothers.  She was relentless in her urges to not only learn their healing abilities, but also their defense, and worked twice as hard to grasp all she could to become a master.  Yithwran’s decision was made to appease his daughter, although even he thought it was fruitless.  He adored her and wished her to feel powerful in her nature; even if it meant that she too was armed with warrior ability.  Inwardly scorned by the rest of her female kin, as they felt a woman must always remain soft and delicate, she craved the freedom of her spirit to be strong like the men.  It made the job of finding her mate more difficult, but more true, for when she found him, the two were free to enjoy battling each other in sport and the softer side of comfort at night.  She met his expectation that no other female was able to offer, a challenging duality of spirit.  The war had taken her mate and left her with an emptiness that could not be filled, so carrying on the legend of her father, brothers and her husband, she taught while using them as examples of strength in her lessons to her students.  She occupied what remained of her life, training both males and females the ability of how to protect their families, their realm and ready themselves to protect all of the realms one day. 

    Leaving the city and heading towards the field of training, Ashkanai watches as the young boys and selected girls are trained.  In approximately a month’s time will be the ceremony, Ufliada.  This ceremony chooses which of the best students are to become masters, and there is also a celebration of the newly trained masters who have completed their training.  A maximum of five Zemaxian each year are selected and individually trained by three masters in accordance to the revered tradition.  This training enhances their skill and they are taught the final lessons of spiritual defense.  It comes at a time when the leaf underside edges on the trees turn a brilliant gold and turn upward.  A sign given from the elder Zemaxians who have parted from their embodiment, their spirits return to choose who to bless with Neuzra.  The gift, Neuzra, enables the warrior master to disperse their energy amongst all masters in their presence, by their will and choice.  It heightens their speed and awareness, granting ability to draw energy from the ground and sky, and the most gifted ability of going dormant.  Only from the energy and blessing of a departed one, can one achieve this level, granted at the time of a master’s annunciation.  This gift has only been achieved by a Zemaxian, because a Zyrntian has not been able to match the level of skill.  All are taught equally though, as is the law that has been passed down by Sihka.

    Students suddenly stop, step back from their activity, and turn and bow as Ashkanai stands in their presence.  Their teacher also bows and leans his arms forward.  In his arms beholds an offering, his pair of four-foot wooden staffs, and with his head facing low, he continues to make eye contact.  Ashkanai nods, ‘No,’ in response to his offer.  From the group, an older student steps forward as a challenge, planting one foot solid to the ground, standing firm in a side stance with his staffs held, he holds his gaze.  He is a young winged Zemaxian that wishes to test his strength, against who he knows to be the strongest of his kind, Ashkanai.  One of the girls lets out a sound of disbelief and shock, Oh, as it is only the practice of the masters, to challenge another master, in this way.  To challenge Ashkanai, their ruler, in this manner is something they have never seen or would even consider.  Taking in a deep breath and exhaling, Ashkanai looks towards the teacher.  A challenge cannot be ignored or dismissed of that nature, for then it is a sign of weakness, unless the other knows that it is not just.  If one is too weak, or not skilled enough to stand against the other, then one can place their staffs to the ground, step back, and deny its presence by shaking their head no.  But to challenge Ashkanai is entirely different.  He is the strongest, most skilled warrior, and has defeated every master.  Only with the masters does he practice and maintain his abilities in staff, sword and hand battle.

    Decidedly, he walks slowly towards the teaching master to accept the offered instruments.  The teacher’s eyes, while meeting his ruler’s, are judged for concern of his student.  He bows and leans his arms forward again to give the staffs to his ruler.  Ashkanai can feel a sense of certainty that the pupil is equipped, but has not yet achieved the level of his skill.  He can also detect the young man’s unacceptance of his teacher’s wisdom in lessons.  Ashkanai accepts the staffs, bows and turns to face the young challenger.  The class steps back to make way and watch.  Standing silently, their

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