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Demon Slayer Chronicles: Origins
Demon Slayer Chronicles: Origins
Demon Slayer Chronicles: Origins
Ebook67 pages50 minutes

Demon Slayer Chronicles: Origins

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A trilogy following the battle between angels vs. demons and the group of kids granted the powers to bring order back to the world.
Release dateSep 30, 2016
Demon Slayer Chronicles: Origins

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    Demon Slayer Chronicles - Miles Murphy

    Demon Slayer Chronicles: Origins

    Demon Slayer Chronicles:  Origins


    I was born without rights, privileges, or family.  Orphaned from birth.  I was bullied for the scar – a mark around my eye.  The saints and the fathers said that it was to ward off demons, but it didn’t stop them when they came:  ripping throats from the village people, eviscerating children in front of their parents, and then butchering the parents.

    I hid in the chapel of the village like a coward.  And as the demon approached, my eye started to glow red and into my hands jumped a scythe - sharp as a razor, light as a feather, a killing machine.  I started to raise my weapon but it occurred to me, I don’t know how to fight.  So I closed my eyes waiting for the inevitable.  But when I opened my eyes the demons lay before me – hewn open by my, now bloodstained, scythe.  I blinked, confused by what just happened.  When I looked back at my scythe it had shrunk into a simple mark on my hand - a tattoo of a scythe.  I was only seven when I killed my first ten demons. 

    I heard a cough and then a sputtering.  I ran to the sound.  It’s the priest.

    You must find m-my cross, I must d-die with… it… in my… hand, he said.  With every word, blood welled up in his wounds.  I ran and grabbed his cross.

    Thank y-you.  G-God… be… with you… Demon-Slayer, he muttered as he died.

    From thenceforth that was my title – my burden to bear.  So I took a necklace and everything of value that I could carry, prayed to the gods for forgiveness, and left.  I live my life fighting the evil shadow that plagues this land.

    Chapter 1

    It’s a quiet night in London as I patrol the streets.  I am dressed like the type of person you’d tell your kids to stay away from:  black trench coat, black gloves, black leather boots, with a slender black hardwood cane.  Off in the distance, I hear laughter pour out of a pub.

    Do you hear that? Myrene asked.

    She is dressed the same as me, minus the cane.  She also has powers like me.  She summons dual crossbows. 

    Michal looks at her.  He summons a sword.

    I hear it, he said gruffly.

    Jonathon looked at us – nervous as always.

    I just hear the pub, he said, his fat belly jiggling.  He summoned a shield.  He was our hostage saver.

    No, have we taught you nothing?  Hear past the sound, she said, smacking the back of his head.

    Shut up, both of you! I said.  I listened carefully, then I heard it:  a scream.

    I start to run, my team not far behind.  We run for ten minutes.  Finally we find a crowd of people around an alley.  Pushing our way through, we see why they are all there.  The entire back wall of the alley is covered in blood.  A bloody skeleton sits at the foot of the wall – ribs broken, bite marks, missing limbs – a normal demon attack victim.

    I look behind me.  Myrene and Michal looked grim.  Jonathon looked pale, as if he was about to vomit.  I chuckle.  New bloods always get sick the first time.  I look around trying to find footprints, blood trails, any evidence.  Listening closely, I hear footsteps and creaking wood on the roof.  I look up to see a tail flashing past a house.

    Come on, I say, climbing onto the roof and summoning my scythe.

    Myrene is close behind me, crossbows in hand.  Michal is on the street following its blood trail.  Jonathon is staring, bewildered at how fast we move.  I’ll worry about him later; he couldn’t catch up with us now.

    I turned a corner and I saw it:  eyes of flame, teeth of steel, claws of obsidian, stained with blood from the tip of its horn to the end of its four-foot long tail; an unholy killer.

    Easy big fella, I say, wouldn’t want to get hurt now, would ya?

    It looks off into the distance as if contemplating something then lunged at my roaring.  Acting quickly, I throw my cane like a spear.  It hits the monster square in the head but has little effect.  I’ll have to talk to Arthur

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