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Magical Words (The Most Inexhaustible Source of Magic in Your Life): Simply Intellectually Spiritual Revolution (Simply INSPIRE)
Magical Words (The Most Inexhaustible Source of Magic in Your Life): Simply Intellectually Spiritual Revolution (Simply INSPIRE)
Magical Words (The Most Inexhaustible Source of Magic in Your Life): Simply Intellectually Spiritual Revolution (Simply INSPIRE)
Ebook138 pages1 hour

Magical Words (The Most Inexhaustible Source of Magic in Your Life): Simply Intellectually Spiritual Revolution (Simply INSPIRE)

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This Book Can Be The Start Of A Legendary Story Called YOU! “Highly evolved human beings are successful, however the question is why? Hope you find your answers in this book and they reach the beautiful soul who is reading them.” Ravi Anand, an author and motivational blogger, seeks to answer that question in this inspirational collection of maxims and principles. The magical words he shares include: Today give someone a precious smile so contagious that it flows from your face to theirs in a fraction of a second. The true spirit of life is that when one dream fails or is shattered, you chase another even bigger dream, and life goes on. When the mirror is intact, people stop and admire their beauty. When the mirror is broken, people step away and walk past. The fact is only the perception changes, not the quality of image visible. There is no benchmark of success. If you try and imitate, then you are setting a limit. Remember, as athletes say, records are meant to be broken.
Release dateNov 1, 2018
Magical Words (The Most Inexhaustible Source of Magic in Your Life): Simply Intellectually Spiritual Revolution (Simply INSPIRE)

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    Magical Words (The Most Inexhaustible Source of Magic in Your Life) - Ravi Anand


    Copyright © 2018 Ravi Anand.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic—without written permission of the author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-8945-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-8927-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018909151

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Lulu Publishing Services rev. date: 10/19/2018

    mindfulness, meditation, silence,

    smile, laughter, gratitude, possibilities,

    growth, patience, dreams,

    enlightened, present, compassion,

    yoga, serenity, love, integrity, life,
    motivation, inspiration, sentiments,

    emotions, power, mind, ability,

    personality, passion, bliss, joy,

    wonders, kindness, family, forgiveness,

    abundance, purpose, blessings,

    soul, faith, acceptance, life, peace,
    transcend, soul, hope, spirituality,
    healing, calibre, divine-light, blessings,
    courage, belief, honesty, truth,

    parents, relationships, God


    Life is Blissful and Full of Miracles.


    A thought is a mind’s perspective of the moments experienced on the vast canvas of life. It is also the sum of these experiences, often leading to invaluable life lessons. It takes a beautiful mind guided by observant sensitivity to notice what most would ignore.

    Ravi Anand, a dear friend, a coach, and a relentless guiding force, stands true to all those virtues.

    In a work life spanning more than two decades, he marked envious milestones many times with an equal share of tall challenges. What could slow down most, and plan safe abodes, served as inspiration for him to bottle this blend of experiences and morals.

    This is a definite read for all who seek company in their unique journeys and for those who await guidance. This is for the genius and the novice, the teller and the reader. This is for anyone who yearns for a heartfelt take on life.

    So read it and thrive on the empowerment it introduces into your life. Be the person you have been waiting to become!

    Relish every thought and savor on the extract of the sense it spills into your vision and perspective!

    Good luck on your journey.

    Srijit Pillai

    Friend, Corporate L&D / Coaching Professional


    This book is an outcome of my desire to write my experiences in life thus far. In as many harsh ways as possible, life distracted me while I wrote this collection of intellectually spiritual magical words. At the same time, I can say life gave me inspiration to keep marching ahead and write some words of wisdom that have defined me as a person and have the potential to help you carry on with life, giving you a different perspective when you have limited choices.

    While writing this book, my own inspiration came from my parents, my wife, my siblings, my two lovely princesses, my friends, motivational gurus I follow, and spiritual gurus who worked like a lighthouse in the vast sea of life—every time I felt lost, without a sense of direction, and at times with negligible sight of the shore.

    My own imagination is the source of these words, which I have tried my best to keep simple and close to typical day-to-day vocabulary. I wanted to keep my audience as diversified as possible in order to reach the maximum number of readers.

    The time it took me to complete this book matters. It showcases that I did not keep writing for hours or days at a stretch but each day for few minutes, and I concluded this intellectually spiritual revolution in one year. This past year has been harsh, as I touched upon earlier. During the third quarter, I lost my force, my strength, and my inspiration—my dear, respected father, who was a source of wisdom and would continue to be through my reading and writing in this life. This significant loss was a wake-up call that life does not wait for you to make it merry; you have to make it happen now, in this moment. Do not ever believe that what you see will remain with you forever. However, this moment, when you see or have someone with you, is when you create memories to cherish—especially parents because they are your biggest source of love, reason, motivation, strength, and wisdom all through your life. Neither you nor they chose each other, so it is a gift of destiny that you will cherish as long as you are breathing in this universe.

    I faced this harsh time strongly enough, as he did when he lost his wife, my mother. Even my family faced this reality with a lot of courage and composure. I have to be

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