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The Legend of MacNawckett Castle
The Legend of MacNawckett Castle
The Legend of MacNawckett Castle
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The Legend of MacNawckett Castle

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The Birch kids continue their adventures in the mountains of the scenic New England countryside. In the long avoided castle in the White Mountains, a mysterious man visits and invites the town to a Halloween costume party. Is his intention to help the town or seal the fate of the residents?
Release dateFeb 9, 2013
The Legend of MacNawckett Castle

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    The Legend of MacNawckett Castle - James Garvey

    The Legend of MacNawckett Castle

    The Legend of MacNawckett Castle

    By James E. Garvey

    Copyright © 2008 by James E. Garvey

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    First Printing: 2001

    ISBN:  978-0-557-92182-9<

    Lulu Press, Inc

    for Patrick:

    Keep chasing the stars. 


    Chapter 1:  An Affair at the Museum

    The coastal town of Pelican Sound was quiet that summer night.  Inside the Pelican Sound Museum of Natural History, Dr. Arthur worked diligently - unaware of the late hour.  He carefully studied the mysterious rock before him.  He wondered.  Could this be the rock of legend?

    His concentration was broken by a ringing phone.   He rubbed his tired eyes and picked up the receiver.

    Pelican Sound Museum of Natural History, he announced. 

    I thought I would find you still working! teased Mrs. Arthur. 

    Oh, dear! he moaned with utter sincerity and embarrassment as he peer at his watch. Nine o’clock! he gasped. Where has the time gone?"

    It’s alright, we just began to worry about you! she affectionately replied.  What is keeping you?

    I was just unpacking some fascinating stones we received from some benefactors up in the White Mountains, and I am afraid, time got away from me! he admitted.  I think they may have profound historical significance.  

    Well, it is funny you mentioned history, because you won’t believe what we received today….by messenger! Mrs. Arthur excitedly replied.

    Messenger? he said with surprise.  After all, no one delivered anything by messenger in this day and age.  What is it, dear? 

    An invitation to a costume ball! she replied with great emphasis.

    You don’t say! he gasped with a hint of understatement.  After all, costume balls were not that unusual.

    Well, what would you say, if I told you it was at… she paused for effect.  MacNawckett Castle! she exclaimed.  And it is on Halloween Night!

    The castle! he gasped.  But it has been uninhabited for over four hundred years!  I am shocked.  Who could have planned such an event? he inquired.

    Well, I was curious too.  So, I called Janice - Mayor Bartelby’s wife - and she said a very mysterious gentleman from out of town wants to buy the place.  As an incentive to gain the support of the town, he is throwing this gigantic party at the castle for the entire town.  Apparently he wants to prove to everyone that the old castle isn’t cursed.  He wants to make it into an elegant bed and breakfast or tourist attraction or something.  Mayor Bartelby thinks it will be a big boost to the town’s economy.  As part of the deal our benefactor negotiated with the city council, he is renovating some of it - in complete secrecy, of course.  I guess he wants to surprise everyone! she exclaimed.

    What an intriguing idea!  But he will have a lot of convincing to do.  The old legend keeps everyone away from that creepy old place! he gasped.  Then, reasoned, Although, I would love an opportunity to have a look.  I am sure there are plenty of old artifacts that have not been touched for years in there!

    Isn’t it a wonderful idea! she declared.

    It certainly is! he agreed and announced, We shall certainly attend!

    It was at that moment Dr. Archer heard a noise.  A loud noise, like someone had opened a door to the locked museum.

    Hold on, dear.  I heard something. He said as he put the receiver down.

    He listened again.  Again, he heard noise and picked up the phone. 

    Dear, I have to go.  I have to see what that is?  It could be a door left open.

    Alright, dear.  But if you do not call me back soon, I will call Chief McCarthy and have him come by.

    Alright.  No worries, I will be home soon enough, he echoed as he hung up the phone.

    There should not have been anyone in the museum this late in the evening.  He peered down the long, dimly lit hallway.

    Is someone there? called Dr. Arthur through the darkness.   He listened.  He did not detect the presence.

    Only the sound of silence replied.

    Probably kids getting into mischief! he whispered to himself.

    He listened again.  The vacant museum was silent.  He rationalized that the cool evening air must have caused some settling in the large building.  He put the whole idea out of his curious mind and went back to work.

    He adjusted his glasses and peered down into the focused light of his reading lamp. 

    Such a magnificent piece!  Who would imagine such a piece would come from those old mountains, he muttered to himself.

    He lifted his head up and rubbed his neck realizing that it had been a long day.  He glanced back at the large stone, and he noticed a change.  In the center he detected what appeared to be a very small glow - an orange glow.

    Goodness! he exclaimed.  How can that be?

    As an experienced geologist and curator, he studied many rocks and mysterious pieces in the past.  He even possessed a small piece of a meteorite.  But a rock glow – never!

    The illumination increased through the rock and lit the room.

    Then, as suddenly as the mesmerizing illumination began, it faded away.

    I must be losing my mind tonight!  Maybe it is the lighting in here! he mumbled to himself as he looked up.  What he cast his stare upon next, froze him with fear.

    Down long dark hall he saw them.  There were three figures moving slowly.  They were enormously wide figures that appeared only as a shadow in front of the faint light.  He knew he was not seeing things.  They were moving toward him.

    He swallowed hard and informed through trembling lips.

    The museum is closed!   he offered as if that would halt the figures.

    He gathered himself and the mysterious jewel and backed-up instinctively.  The evil presence bulled forward.

    As terror set in he broke and ran hoping they would not follow him into the dark recesses of the enormous museum that he knew so well.  

    He could hear the enormous creatures grunting as they tracked him through the meandering halls.  Dr. Arthur ran through the offices as fast as he could.  He darted around piles of paper, artifacts and long lost souls of the past.  Souls he was not eager to join.  He could only hear the creatures and that only made his fear grow.  A fear of what could be chasing him.  

    He replayed the shadowy vision in his head as he rushed toward the display cases.  They had enormous heads with pointing ears, no necks and very broad shoulders.  The creatures were shorter than a man and much stockier.  He could swear he saw a giant pig’s snout on the creatures.

    Why were they in the museum?  And why were they chasing him?   Dr. Arthur did not stay to find out. 

    The creatures were getting close, he reasoned as he ran.  Remembering his wife’s caution and her plan to contact Chief McCarthy, he realized he had to buy himself some time until the police arrived.  From the looks of things, time he would need if he was going to survive.  

    Dr. Arthur turned a corner and spied a fire extinguisher on the wall.  He quickly removed it and instinctively ducked down.  He was going to have to take a risk.  The creatures were coming much more quickly than he realized.  The grunting and rustling was coming.

    At just the right moment, he swung the large cylinder at what would be waist level for the creatures.  He connected with the first just as it turned the corner.

    The creature doubled over in pain as the force of momentum forced the thick creature into the heavy metal object.  The other two creatures collided with the wincing first creature and the three top-heavy creatures collapsed like pins in a bowling alley.  Dr. Arthur righted the extinguisher, took a few steps away and prepared to spray - only pausing as a result of his shock at the ghastly creatures.  They were pig people; large pink people with pig snouts, ears, and bellies.  Short skinny hoofs and arms attached to bulbous pink bodies.

    As the creatures struggled to right themselves, Dr. Arthur regained his composure and sprayed them vigorously.  The white foam blinded the creatures and made the task of righting their stubby carcasses that much more difficult, if not impossible in the narrow hallway.  Time and again, as a creature would gain his footing, the slick foam would cause a rapid and painful fall.

    Dr. Arthur would have laughed if it were not for the fact that these creatures were attempting to do him bodily harm.

    Sorry, boys! he apologized as he turned.  He pulled the jewel from his pocket, tossed it in the air, as a symbol of his good fortune, and hastily made his way toward the museum exit.

    He caught the jewel in stride, as he passed a dark doorway enroute. 

    From the darkness lunge a hand.  Like a striking viper, it wrapped tightly around his mouth and muffled his attempts to scream.  He was caught like a fly in the web of a waiting spider. It pulled him into the darkness. 

    As it did, a strange glow erupted from the mysterious item held by the curator.  As the curator’s body stiffened, the glowing orb rolled down his lifeless body to the floor.

    Chapter 2:  Dr. Arthur


    Chief McCarthy and his deputy were patrolling the downtown and responded quickly to the call from the dispatcher.  Chief McCarthy grew up in Pelican Sound and the small town was an easy place for law enforcement.  There was little crime and most nights were routine.  But, the Chief had a bad feeling as they parked in front of the museum.

    Let’s stick together. suggested the Chief.

    Right, Chief! whispered Deputy Griffin as he carefully exited the car.

    They drew flashlights and together they went to the front entrance.  It was locked.  They peered in the windows and flashed their lights into the darkness.  There was no sign of anyone or anything about.

    They walked along the tall columns, around the side and directly to the back entrance.

    The door was open.

    The Chief drew his gun and Griffin instinctively drew his own.  The Chief motioned for Griffin to do search the immediate area.  The Chief would enter alone, and Griffin would soon follow just as they had done many times before.

    The warm glow of a light beckoned them forward toward one of the many back offices.  Outside one of the offices was what looked like a battle scene.  White foam and dirty footprints covered the area.  The result of what appeared to be a struggle to the veteran officers.

    Several long streaks in the dirty foam meandered into one of the dark offices.  This was where the battle must have ended the Chief surmised.  The victim dragged to the dark room by the attackers.

    Chief McCarthy turned his flashlight toward the dark room.  Against the wall he saw the sitting figure and focused the aim of his light.

    It was a man.

    They instinctively rushed toward him, but the figure did not move.  His outstretched arms were frozen in front of him and his face was cast as if a man actually frozen with fear.

    I think its Dr. Arthur! reasoned the chief as he instinctively took his pulse.  His temperature was like ice and his gaunt appearance and zombie-like state made him appear to be far less than alive.

    He reached for his radio.  In the darkness he made the call.

    Dispatch, this is the Chief.  Get a doctor over to the museum immediately!  We have found what we believe to be Dr. Arthur.

    Chief, he is trying to say something! whispered Deputy Griffin. 

    They huddled down around the stricken figure and listened to the faint voice.

    He returns. He whispered through unmoving lips. He returns.

    Chapter 3:  Checkmate


    Mr. Checkov pondered every piece on the chessboard rubbing the stubble on his face.  After an agonizing amount of time, he moved a pawn forward.  He feverishly scanned the board for impending danger from the stoic pieces.  He held the pawn tightly, as if an invisible hand would tear it away and destroy his pieces with one sweeping move.

    He saw no chance for his opponent, the young man across from him, to attack.  Although Patrick was only in fourth grade, Mr. Checkov had a great deal of respect for his chess skills.  He managed a nervous smile and released the pawn from his grip.

    All set? Patrick asked patiently.  Mr. Checkov nodded cautiously, and Patrick nodded imperceptibly and moved his hand quickly to the board. 

    Checkmate, Patrick announced. 

    What! Where?  Mr. Checkov blurted out in succession as he analyzed the board.

    Fools Mate is a simple but effective way to put your opponent in checkmate with very few moves.   Most chess enthusiasts learn the strategy early in their career.  As a result, experienced players rarely attempt the strategy.  They would not expect it.   Patrick had chosen it against Mr. Checkov, his instructor.

    One more game! he declared as he put his hands on his head.

    I have to go, sir.  Patrick explained as he put his book bag over his shoulder.  It’s my birthday and my family has dinner.

    Well, Happy Birthday to you, Patrick. He responded warmly realizing the selfishness of his desire to keep playing.

    Thank you, Mr. Checkov. Patrick replied.

    It was a lucky win! Mr. Checkov declared as he raised a finger in the air.

    Mr. Checkov, I won seven in a row!  Patrick said sheepishly.

    Of course, I am sorry.  He blushed.  Will you be here next week?

    Certainly! Patrick assured him turning back at the doorway.  Patrick made his way out of the old bookstore smiling at Mrs. Checkov as she placed a new book on the shelf.

    He lost again, didn’t he? she asked with a smile.

    Only seven this time!  Patrick responded sounding encouraged.  He’s getting better.  See you Mrs. C!

    It was good to see you, Patrick.  You are a good boy! she said with a warm smile in her thick Russian accent.

    Patrick opened the door to the cool breeze and admired his sleek transportation - his yellow mountain bike.  It was an older model, without all the bells and whistles, but it had a strong frame and a comfortable seat.   Patrick glanced at the bright sun and gave a wink as if to say thanks for the reassuring warm rays that broke the chill of the salty breeze.  He took a deep breath of the ocean air and mounted his bike with great satisfaction.  When you are nine, your bike is your life.  He

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