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The Pleiadian Papers
The Pleiadian Papers
The Pleiadian Papers
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The Pleiadian Papers

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The Pleiadian Papers lets you know that by taking 100% personal responsibilty for your life, that you can make a difference in your life and others. Talk on Pleiadian history, space craft,human origins,Gravity Force, essence of the soul,energy centers and psychic powers. This book is a gift for mankind, that one day we can make a difference.
Release dateApr 3, 2013
The Pleiadian Papers

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    The Pleiadian Papers - Ed Russo

    The Pleiadian Papers


    By Ed Russo


    Also by Ed Russo:

    THE ILLUMINATI CODE: Mystery of The New

    World Order

    THE ILLUMINATI CODE 2:The Apocalypse Rises



    Published by


    Cover photo by NASA

    Copyright © 1998, 2013

    ISBN 978-1-300-90362-8

    revised edition

    Dedicated to the advancement of humanity

    This book 'The Pleiadian Papers' is written to help advance mankind. I use hypothetical examples when I talk about the Pleiadians. I am not saying that they are real or fiction. The fact is the Pleiades is mentioned in many cultures, including the Bible in the book of Job 38-31, "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?' It's in the Qu'ran a book for Moslems. it is also mentioned in the culture of the Greeks, Mayans and American Indians. They all mention about messengers of God or gods coming from the Pleiades. I give examples to give, so that maybe we can learn from to make a difference in our lives. Along with hypothetical examples, I also presented esoteric knowledge to give deep insights into what we must do if we are going to make a change in our lives and the world. Perhaps this knowledge I received came from beyond, maybe it didn’t, and you be the judge. The only thing that is important is the message, not the messenger.


    These Pleiadian Papers are based on the teachings of the Pleiadians. The Pleiadians who are supposedly from the star cluster the Pleiades are the Heavenly Host who comes to send the Word to let earth men and women know the Universal Truth that is the Laws of Creation. With this comes wisdom. Wisdom is logical thinking. Logical thinking is using reason based upon the facts of reality and taking 100% personal responsibility for our thinking and actions. When you do this you build character and self-esteem. Conscious effort in your actions brings emotional and material benefits to all. This will increase ones wealth and happiness guiltlessly.

    Why would the Pleiadians be concerned about our well being? That is because they see everything as a whole, and we all have to love in the same universe and what happens elsewhere affects the whole.

    Many of you are familiar with the story of the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy and her dog Toto, the Tin Man, Scare Crow, and the Cowardly Lion are searching for the Great Oz. they want the Great Oz to provide and solve all their problems. Dorothy wants a home. The Tin Man wants a heart, the Scare Crow wants a brain and the Cowardly Lion wants courage. They were all looking externally toward a Godlike figure. It turns out the Oz was a fraud and what they sought was within. This is what people do today; they seek a God to solve all their answers when everything they seek is within.

    "Look into yourself with honesty and you shall find God. Look outside yourself for God and you shall find a false God." Ed Russo


    There is a misinterpretation about the UFO concept. Most people see UFO’s as mystical things. UFO’s are not mystical. When people think this it cripples their thinking and undermines their personal power while believing the UFO occupants are superior with supernatural abilities. There is no supernatural, all is natural. There are just some advance sciences that we just don’t understand yet.

    Mysticism claims that there is a hidden nature of reality that you can know about without relying on the five senses. It claims that your senses are deceiving you and therefore you can know things by a gut feeling. What this does is causes people to not have a sense of a separate self from their experiences. Without a separate self then one feels no need for suffering while encouraging a trust in a benevolent universe. Seeing UFO’s as mystical encourages people to trust in benevolent beings that will take care of you, like gods or angels.

    The occupants are human just like you. They are not superior. They just have more advance knowledge because they are older. Advance conscious beings with advanced technology will allow them to achieve biological immortality which gives them more time to acquire knowledge.

    The idea is to realize that they are human too and that they do not depend upon trusting a benevolent universe or god for their success. Instead they take full personal responsibility to achieve their goals. They realize the universe isn’t benevolent. Nature can be harsh and we are responsible for how we deal with life.

    I remember hearing a Mystic teaching about visualizing our goals for success. He started out OK when he mention how we can achieve our goals and seeing in the mind’s eye what you want, then he ended it by saying you may not always succeed, because if the universe knows something isn’t good for you, no matter how much you want it, the universe will prevent you from achieving that goal for your own well being.  I say that’s hog wash. Try to tell a drug addict that, whom has a strong desire to get more drugs. Drugs are not good for you, but despite how dangerous drugs are, the universe isn’t stopping him because its unhealthy, if that addict desire to get more is strong enough, nothing is going to stop him or her.

    Therefore the only thing that prevents one from achieving a goal is our self. Many times it’s our habits that conflict with what we want. We tend to become blind to this and become clueless of why we are not achieving a goal, and jump to a conclusion that something supernatural doesn’t want us to have it. How many times have you heard people say, I guess it’s just wasn’t meant to be after failing a few times.

    In an advance society people would prosper, advanced society elsewhere, others would have no economic, social or scientific need to contact earth. They would have all their needs. Only reason they may contact us is to preserve the earth for ecological reasons because what we do also affects the whole.


    By taking 100% personal responsibility for our actions and spiritual growth, we know exactly what’s going on and what to do to gain advantages in all situations.

    When one doesn’t take 100% personal responsibility for ones actions, they rely on external saviors. That dependency lowers one’s self esteem. The lower the self esteem, the more one becomes dependent. It becomes a vicious cycle. When one’s self esteem is lowered they cannot see objectively. Depending on external saviors causes laziness and deception while blaming others and waiting for someone to save you.

    Let’s define evil: anything that lowers the self esteem the mentality and physical body. Depending on external saviors weaken the self esteem when one is in error, they do not need to feel guilt. Recognize the error and then fix it. Guilt is self-destructive and usually keeps one trapped in their error. Therefore by taking 100% personal responsibility and following objective law with the use of reason puts an end to this insidious mentality.


    These integrated tools provide man’s most powerful thinking tools. These tools provide prosperity, happiness and romantic love to everyone who uses them consistency.

    We must combine the activities of the mind, body and emotions to continually increase prosperity, happiness and romantic love. These integrations when used can cause one to experience lasting pleasures.

    Growth of mind is not automatic. It takes conscious effort through experience, when one doesn’t put conscious effort their mind stops growing. Our minds doesn’t degenerate, it just grows or remain stagnant.


    The sensual relates to the five senses. The sensual pleasures are associated with pleasurable gratification associated with one or more of the physical senses. Integrated pleasures stimulate the most important part in humans, the mind. That integration of the mind causes the gratification to include the harmonious agreement in a person’s love life with the intellectual, material, and emotional well being.

    The mind integrates all the pleasures that a human thinks of. The mind offers unlimited pleasures and happiness. Consciousness is the God within.


    Sex goes beyond physical sensation of gratification. Sex encompasses all sexual influence that moves through each person’s life.

    Sex dominates the lives of those that shun or reject the pleasure of sex, such as guilt ridden preachers for example. Their acts of shunning or frowning upon sexual pleasure cause their lives to be more dominated by sex than those who accept having healthy confident sex lives. It is the guilt that causes them to become obsessed with sex. This shunning of sexual pleasure from religions has spread lewd thinking throughout the world for 2000 years.


    Conscious life is having control in your life. We can have control over our present and future. It is the only thing in the universe that can control nature and future events. Conscious life is possible only when one takes 100% personal responsibility. A person who has mastery over their life is happy and prosperous. A person who has no control in their life due to dependency on external saviors, whether those external saviors are other people or drugs is unhappy and will fail.


    Just like the body has

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