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Safe House: The Predicament
Safe House: The Predicament
Safe House: The Predicament
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Safe House: The Predicament

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'This predicament has made my whole life change just by meeting Jay. In my life I needed the risk, wanted the change, desired new love and regretted the past; this predicament has completely transformed me.'

The start of a twisting trilogy begins with Marie traveling to California in order to find a meaning to her life. On the way, she finds herself at the aid of an elderly man that she befriends, Jay Pagnero. Little does she know their introduction will change her life forever.

As Marie opens her eyes, she is remembering being thrown into a car, sedated and brought to the Pagnero estate; unable to leave the safe house. As Marie attempts to find answers and meets the family, she becomes enchanted into this new world of danger, seduction, love, and sacrifice. She finds herself in a heated love affair and faced with another predicament: the choice to stay or flea.
Release dateNov 11, 2014
Safe House: The Predicament

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    Safe House - Kelly Terry

    Safe House: The Predicament

    Safe House: The Predicament

    By Kelly Terry



    This book is dedicated to not only my family for all the love,

    support, and always believing in me; but the ones who

    doubted me and my creativity.

    You all helped me succeed.

    The Predicament

    A twisting tale of danger and love sets Marie a part from all other females. As she settles in her new predicament that Jay Pagnero places her in, she uncovers a new love interest and a new thirst for a change in her life.

    Marie opens her eyes and realizes the reality of her new predicament. She was thrown into a car and brought to a house, owned by the man she just met. She is told that she is unable to leave the residence in order to be kept safe. Marie remains in the care of Jay and his grandsons; Ryan and Lucca as she begins her search for answers. She finds herself falling deeper into this new world as she is seduced with no only the new predicament but the ideas of love, power and fear. Marie begins to transform as her role changes from captive to house guest. As time passes, she finds herself faced with a choice: should she continue with the love affair or flea from the danger.

    Chapter One

    ‘Let me out! What the hell did I do?’ These words are all I can bear to scream over and over again. All I can do at this moment is just yell, cry and scream. I continue as loud as I can and move my body uncontrollably. I twist, squirm and shake. I feel myself on my back and the numb feeling is beginning to fade. I feel myself turning blue from lack of oxygen and start to feel exhausted. I try to calm down but my body continues to shake with fear. I don’t hear anyone near me and take a deep breath. I come to the realization that I have been thrown into a car and now I am being taken somewhere. My face is covered with a black cloth and I feel a little out of it. I begin to move my arms and feel wedged between two objects. I am stuck in the silence not sure whether I should be worried or relieved. My head hurts and I feel hung over. I was sedated; I just know it as I try to move my hand to one side and push. There is no movement and I attempt to move my hands in front of me and lift them up. They feel like they are in the air and there is nothing on top of me; I sigh in relief. I realize that is a good thing as I start to sit up. I breathe a deep breath; as I think to myself; I am not in a trunk. There is an awkward and weird feeling on my lower back and butt like a seat cushion. As I continue to move slowly, I continue to focus on the silence. I may be alone so I do not attempt screaming anymore. I try to focus on what the hell is happening. I have a black cloak over my eyes and face, a bag? I start to hyperventilate but cease it in my mind. How the hell is that going to help me now? I begin again to realize the feeling of my hands. They feel tight and sweaty. I realize the hug of something over my wrists. It isn’t too tight so I may be able to move them? I shake my head and try to assess more of the situation before the plan for the escape. I continue to sit and realize I am no longer as confined, so I try to relax more. I then think of my feet. As I move them, they feel bound at the ankles just like my wrists. I try to breathe in the black cloth on my face to see if I could bite it. I try to look through it, but it is as dark as night. I try to breathe slowly and think of what the hell brought me to this place as my heart is pounding in my chest. My face feels like it is on fire as the tears settle. I try again to think of what led to this: the airport, meeting Jay, California and then being thrown into the car. I can’t remember much before or after which is odd. I continue to try to think of how I ended up here. I remember what my dad told me if I was ever kidnapped. My eyes stare in this new darkness and I feel the burn beginning to rise. ‘You only have a certain amount of time before you are dead, do not get in the car.’ I feel my eyes fill with tears as I try to focus on what is happening at this moment. I am in the damn car, shit. I lean back to feel a bump on my lower back, I begin to take another deep breath. I get the courage to move my legs as I try to push myself up on what feels like a seat. I move my hands in front of me in case I am not alone.

    I could use my hands as a shield or to show whoever is with me I am not trying to escape. I am now sitting with my hands on my lap, tied. I lean my head back and try to think of the next move. I feel a prick on my right shoulder and an instant burn. Shit. I take another deep breath and feel my heart begin to race again, here I go. I just go for it and quickly move my hands to my face. I feel the cloak on my eyes and remove the blackness; I begin to quickly look around. At first, the sun beaming in my face leaves my vision blurry. I try to focus but it is too hard. I see a blurry shadow of someone sitting close to me. I am in a car, a long one. I begin to blink a little more and rub my eyes. I look to my right and see a window and then look to my left and see a man in a suit, typing on his phone. He doesn’t even look at me, which is odd but I don’t care. My eyes become more blurry again but my heart rate isn’t rising, it feels like it is slowing down. I try to look around to see anything or anyone else but feel sluggish. My eyes feel heavy and my mouth dry. I now realize the blackness setting in as I fight it, but it is no use. I am now slump on the seat.

    As I feel my eyes open slightly, I breathe a deep breath and pull my arms in front and around me. I am not in the car anymore, but sitting in a bed. I am drowsy again like before. I try to open my eyes more and look around but can’t. I begin to think to myself, what brought me here? I need to try to remember what happened. I begin to close my eyes. The airport, I feel my tears forming. I need to remember from the beginning. My head aches slightly but I try to focus. I remember getting out of the car, then nothing. I feel myself getting worked up and cover myself with the soft blankets. I can’t help but feel tears falling and my heart racing. I have to remember, I need to try. I close my eyes tight and take a breath: I look to the airport behind me and become aware of every time I travel, the anxiety and stress is present. I know this is how my body responds but I love to travel. I begin to get a stress headache but continue to say my goodbye. I look at his beautiful face before me. I begin to look at his grey eyes, handsome face and gel formed brown hair. I always loved his hairline and soft smile; I almost forget we have been fighting so much. He pulls me close and kisses me. As I kiss him back, it has been so long since we kissed; and I instantly feel the need to leave. The need to breathe. I need to feel free of this life. I need the adventure, view and space. I constantly talk about how I feel the need to do more in life and I am not sure what the hell I mean by that. I need a change, I know I do and can’t stay in Pittsburgh for this reason. My city has not many connections or help with expanding or acquiring more experiences for a lot of people, I am one of them. I close my eyes and try not to think anymore as I let go of his embrace and smile, ‘Goodbye.’ I look down, lift my bags and turn. I begin to walk and take a breath, ‘Shit. Here I go,’ I say as I walk into the airport. I begin to walk through security, scoping everyone out. As I finish and head to the train for transport, I keep thinking and talking to myself. ‘I am going to California to see my sister. I will have fun and be happy. I will leave everything here behind and stop thinking negatively. As I begin my crazy thoughts and over-thinking, I am bumped into by an older man. He smiles and nods at me apologizing without any words, he is probably lost. I smile and steady myself, he reminds me instantly of my grandfather. He has a fedora and a smile with some confusion on his face. He has bushy grey eyebrows and hair. I smile and say sorry, as the airport terminal train stops and doors open. I let him get off first and then begin to follow him when I realize he must be alone. I feel sorry for him and feel the need to make sure he ends up in the right place as I continue to think about my grandfather. My pappy. As tears rush to my face, I change the thought and think about California. Damnit, always thinking about things which make me start to cry, I shake off my emotions and continue to the boarding list on the wall. I see it is close to my waiting area where my plane will be taking off. I look over to my left and see the older man now walking to where I am standing.  I look and see he is dressed in a nice suit and has only a briefcase. I smile to him, touching his shoulder as I ask if he needs help finding his plane. The older man smiles and tips his fedora, ‘No dear. I am okay.’ He begins to try to figure out what he is looking for as I quietly shake my head in my mind. I look at his ticket then the screen. ‘You are on the same plane as me! We are right here,’ I say and give him a welcoming smile as he accepts it with another nod. I turn and walk slowly, only hoping he will follow me to the waiting area. I set my carry on down and begin to think more. I look around and see outside of the airport, the sky. I begin to think, what am I going to do with my life? What purpose do I have? What should I be doing and why am I always feeling like I am wasting my time?   I feel my tears beginning as I take a deep breath again. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing. I hate flying but enjoy the travel, there needs to be a happy median somewhere. As I open my eyes, I see the older man take his seat next to me with his briefcase at his side. He opens it and takes out a folder, beginning to look at it. I smile and continue to observe my surroundings. I look at the families, people and baggage. I look at the flight boards and only hope that time passes fast because I am starting to get tired and anxious. I open up my school book and then realize I need to text and email prior to getting on the flight. As I look up to think and observe some more, I look at the older man to my side. He puts his folder back and then looks at his hands. He then rests his hands on his head and bends to rest his arms on his knees. I feel myself become worried and at this moment, I am thankful I am in the medical field. He looks pale, begins to cough and can’t catch his breath. His face now appears red, his right hand is finding somewhere to hold himself up and he wants to stand but appears to not have the strength. He continues to cough and appears paler. I assure him he needs to sit as I now stand at his side. He points into his briefcase and I quickly bend down and open it.

    There are two medicine bottles, two phones, folders, a flat pill case, cough drops, mini orange juice bottle and little sugar snacks. I take the medication, orange juice, sugar snacks and ask if he has low blood sugar. He looks at each bottle with the cough and points to it. I read the label, spill the proper dose and open the orange juice, handing it to him. At this point he decreased his coughing but appears to be a little out of it. He chugs the orange juice and puts his head back. I am observing his breaths and face. He appears to be looking better and more color to his face but still looks not quite right. As he sips the final contents of the orange juice with his pill, he smiles at me and shakes his head. ‘This happens sometimes where I can’t catch my breath as I feel the effects of my sugar dropping and then my nerves take off. I try not to forget to take what I need, but it takes some getting used to. I feel his wrist which is feeling slightly fast. ‘Your heart rate is a little up there, try closing your eyes and focusing on breathing. It will be easier since you have your breath back. Is this a new problem?’ He gives me a look that older men give due to the look of youth on my face or the fact that they are stubborn and think they know everything. He shakes his head, ‘No. Let me eat some sugar snacks and I will be okay,’ as he lets out a sigh. ‘I am beginning to feel better, don’t worry! This happens all the time.’ I look at his face and know he is lying. He gives me a smile and focuses on trying to breathe slowly and shuffling around in the chair. I shake my head, ‘Maybe you should relax and wait for the next flight to make sure you are okay?’ He disagrees with his head shake, ‘I may call to consult my primary care provider but will not do more than that. I need to leave to get home.’ I give a smirk and wonder if he even had a doctor to call. ‘My name is Marie. Are you going to Los Angeles or are you headed to the second stop?’ The elderly man smiles back, taking off his fedora and placing it on his knee. ‘My name is Jay. I am going to Los Angeles.’ I ask him to make the call to the doctor and I will be back. I help him with his phone and then proceed to the desk with both tickets. I ask the younger female working behind the desk with an unhappy look on her face for her assistance. As I begin to explain the situation, I give her the two tickets and ask if there is a later flight for Los Angeles due to the gentleman over there being ill for this flight. ‘I think I should stay with him until I am sure he is okay before flying.’ The female gives a confused smile as she states, ‘We have a 4:15 evening flight two hours after this flight if that is okay. We can get two seats but the only ones left are in first class. She smiles almost rudely at me. I sigh and look at my hands. There goes the manicure and pedicure in California, along with my shopping too.  I look up at the younger female with her blonde hair, blue eyes and thin lips. I smile my friendly big, white smile, ‘Alright. I would like two new tickets, please’. I look over to Jay, talking with his hands and now standing. He is looking better and talking on his phone. He smiles and waves at me to come over.

    I smile and turn to the young lady who is typing and re-arranging the flights. I begin to walk over to Jay, smiling at him as I ask him to sit down and relax. He hands his phone to me and gives a look of apology. I flip my hair back while Jay sits, ‘hello.’  I hear a cough and stern voice, ‘This is Ryan. I am the grandson for Mr. Pagnero, the man you are helping presently. Who is this may I ask?’ I give a small smirk in case Jay is watching, ‘My name is Marie Mannella.’ Ryan quickly interrupts repeating my name slowly, ‘Yes. I would like to be updated with the health of my grandfather’. His voice is strong, frantic and rude. I smile again due to Jay watching me as I begin to walk. ‘Your grandfather is fine, he is resting after having a coughing spell and low blood sugar, it appears. He was given some medication, orange juice and sugar. I think he will be okay but I having him rest until the next flight because, ‘as I begin to explain his condition, I hear him talking elsewhere and answering questions. I begin to stop talking and feel my face become red and angry. How rude and ignorant, what a prick. Turning to Jay, I begin to hand him back his phone, ‘I am not sure if he was done speaking to me but he is informed and now talking elsewhere. I got us two tickets on a later flight to make sure you are okay. Please don’t be upset, I am trying to keep you safe,’ I smile hoping he wouldn’t get upset, his face has a nice smile and he nods, grabbing for my hand. ‘This is the nicest thing anyone has done for me in a long time. I am very grateful that you are showing humanity.          I know you are helping me and I will let you; however, I have a business meeting to get to tomorrow morning, no other flights.’ He looks very peaceful but serious. I smile and nod in agreement. Jay places the phone to his tan face and smiles. ‘Yeah, Yeah. She informed you, you arrogant ass. I think that is enough talking. She is kind and I know she wants to help. She does not appear a threat’. I focus on his face, the wrinkles and tan complexion. I feel a jolt of electricity as I hear it replay in my mind; she does not appear a threat. I come back to reality as Jay smiles and points to the young lady with the new tickets. I turn and proceed to the desk, surprised by his conversation. What the hell does that mean? I am not a threat? I smile as I hear him calling him arrogant and giving him attitude. He explains that after so many years he knows more about people and respect than anyone within knows. ‘I don’t give a shit with the Intel and computers, I just know Ryan please.’ I smile and take the tickets, returning to his side. This will be interesting, I think as I wait for Jay to get off the phone, not a threat. What the hell does that mean?

    Chapter Two

    ‘Did you call everyone you needed to call?’ I ask as I walk with the tickets back to our seats. I see Jay who just ended his conversation smiling and he puts his hat back on. He nods and begins to relax on the chair. He had a tan fedora hat on his grey full head of hair, a nice tan on his aged face with a collared white shirt, and brown pants. I look down to see a nice, expensive pair of shoes crossed as he begins to settle in the seat. ‘Yes,’ he says as he closes his eyes and put his hands on his lap, folded. ‘I did call everyone I had to. I called my grandson who feels he owns me and every move I make, my driver and a couple of other people. I am sorry if my grandson was rude, he doesn’t mean it. He is serious and tough but has a good heart.’ I smile and look to my seat. I see a reflection on the one wall of myself. I look down at my airport outfit, kind of feeling out of place sitting next to Jay. I am wearing a bright pink Juicy Couture jacket with a pair of jeans and wedges. I instantly look away and I shake the feeling off. I realize I didn’t call anyone yet, which was needed because my sister was picking me up from the airport. ‘I am going to get something to eat and drink, would you like me to get you something while you rest?’ Jay opens his eyes and fishes for his wallet in his pocket. I stand and put my hand up stopping him. ‘There is no need; I can get whatever you want. I am getting a sandwich and water, what would you like?’ Jay continues with his wallet and says, ‘The same thing is fine.’ I nod and walk away as I pull my phone to my ear; before he can get any money out. I attempt to call my sister to inform her of what is happening as I wait in line. I begin to look around to assess everyone while the phone rings. Of course, no answer. I begin to leave a message and let her know that I will arrive at the airport later that night and to text me if she has any questions. I give the new number for the flight and inform her of the situation. As I walk back to Jay, I assess what he is doing. He is on the computer and emailing- Ryan Pagnero. My face goes crooked and I roll my eyes. I never liked arrogant, annoying, impatient men. I know I am impatient but still; not a jerk at least. I smile and sit next to Jay giving him his water and food. We both sit quietly, eating and drinking. As I finish assessing the room, I see Jay doing the same thing. I smile and figure I would make conversation but Jay began instead.

    ‘So what do you do in healthcare? I swallow my food and smile, ‘I am in the middle of my Masters degree presently, and I am a nurse.’ Jay smiles a large smile and pats my back. I feel tears and remember my grandfather doing the same thing. ‘That is very good. Very nice, I knew it was something and figured a nurse or doctor would fit.’ I smile, ‘It took me a long time to become a nurse, and I should be a doctor by now with the years I racked up. I had a great bit of troubles, trials and failure.’ I look down and can’t believe I just admitted that.

    I feel my palms sweaty and feel the tears again, shit. He pats my back again and I continue to fight back more tears again. ‘It is a sore subject then, I understand. We don’t have to discuss it. It is very good you never quit or gave up. I can see you being the best nurse because of all of that. We all need people like you, strong and determined. I especially did or else my butt would be on the floor, probably unconscious,’ I smile and feel not as embarrassed anymore, ‘I am traveling to visit my sister before I finish. I feel this is my needed vacation to clear my head, get away and just relax. I need a change of scenery from back home. It was killing me slowly,’ I smile and look at him. Knowing I am type A, planning on reading books for the next semester and studying was on my list for this vacation but he doesn’t know that. I know I need to get away and breathe. I felt like I was suffocating in the city and with Justin. There is more out there, I would continuously tell myself and once I stopped crying and feeling depressed, I called my sister and told her I am coming to California. I smile to Jay and try asking him questions. ‘So, you have one grandson?’ Jay smiles and plays with his wedding ring. ‘I have a son and a daughter and three grandchildren. I have one daughter who wants nothing to do with me’, he shakes his head and puts his two palms together. ‘I made my peace with it but it is still hard, she has two sons who live with me. I have another son with a daughter. They all help with my business while I travel.’ Jay pats his briefcase and folders, ‘I am glad I met you though Marie. I am very blessed to have met you and received your help.’ I smile and feel my face flush. I feel proud for the first time in a long time. I place my hand on his hand and pat; like I do with my stubborn, elderly patients. I smile, ‘Thanks Jay.’ I start moving my hands up my arms as I push the words out of my mouth, ‘So you have your own family business?’ I see Jay shift and almost wonder if he is thinking to lie or not. Why is this so difficult for me to ask? He pulls out his leather wallet, crisp and clean. He opens the fold which reads J.P.P on it.  ‘J.J. Empire’ was etched inside as I realize how nosy I probably look. I wait for pictures but it appears he doesn’t have any. He pulls out a piece of white, wrinkled paper covered in plastic and turns it over. My love, My life, My eternity. Love, Mary – was written on the bottom with a picture of him and a cute, older lady. I again feel my tears, Jay smiles, ‘she is waiting for me in California. I hate to leave, but with business it is hard.’ He shifts again and takes off his hat almost looking like he is in agonizing pain. I am thinking it could be something medical but he then rubs his eyes. ‘Everyone is a pain in my ass but I have to travel to stay connected even after sixty. I feel like I want the others to do this, but they have no respect or understanding of business or past times’. He gives me a wink, ‘Damn young people.’ He laughs; I smile and look at the picture. It reminds me of my grandparents. As we continue, I start talking to Jay and can’t stop. We talk to each other as if we knew each other forever.

    I tell him I am twenty- six, have lived in Pittsburgh all of my life. I love living here with exception of this year and of course the weather. I emphasize the weather depresses me with the cold and rain. Jay shakes his head, ‘Yeah. That is not a good thing. It is that type of weather 80% of the time here.’ I nod and start playing with my arms. I feel like I exposed my secret to a complete stranger but continue anyway. I talk about school and my love for culture and language. I continue to talk about how I taught myself languages out of school; how I love working as a nurse; however, feel like I was made for business sometimes. I continue to talk about school and graduating with a dual degree incorporating business. Jay smiles and claps his hands together, ‘This happens sometimes in life. It is hard because it is a big change and drastic, but you know what your heart is telling you. Do your parents support this change or choice?’ I nod my head; I always spoke very highly of my parents and never minded talking family life with anyone. I continue to spill my life story of my siblings; their mannerisms and personalities. Jay was intrigued and appears to enjoy how I rant about the stories. How I speak with such personality and amusement, which I take it as a compliment.

    Jay starts conversations of cultural views and interests, religion and work ethic. As I insist of the dryness with our society and culture and how it is always about domination and who is better or worse, he is intrigued. It is sad we can’t learn from the past and just move on to make the world better. Jay nods, and begins to ask me about medical questions and what his thoughts were about it. He takes out a piece of paper and looks for a pen. I smile and mention about low blood sugar, medications and side effects. I look for clarifications on my phone if needed and would ask him questions about his health as well. I would rate hospitals in the area and talk with him about his doctors. As we continue to talk, a lady in her mid fifties walks over with a wheelchair, ‘Mr. Pagnero, we are ready to start boarding the next flight. Well, specific people,’ she said as she made sure to look at Jay and not me. I help Jay into the wheelchair and tell him I will meet him inside the plane. I tell him to take it easy and slow. Jay smiles and looks at Jane, the lady helping with the wheelchair. ‘She is coming with me. She is my private nurse, ‘he smiles and winks at me and Jane. I laugh nervously as I begin to pick up both of our items. I place Jay’s briefcase on his lap per his request and carry mine. Jane smiles, ‘Of course she can come with us! Anything for Mr. Pagnero,’ I give a wrinkled brow and continue to walk. I start thinking to Google him or just ask him what he does again. A younger male flight attendant takes my bag and ushers me along to first class. I smile and feel a little weird at the same time but continue to follow. I never flew first class before and planned on taking a sleeping pill but figure that would be rude, especially if I am to observe and make sure he was okay.

    As I sit, Jane and a new female with the name tag, Tamara offered beverages. I am given blankets and a bottle of water. I smile an awkward smile and take it all in. I ask Jay if he is okay. ‘Do you check your blood glucose regularly? He smiles, ‘Ah I have my machine in the checked in luggage and figured I would be okay for now.’ This was diagnosed a couple years ago; not since birth so I should be fine.’ I smile and want to educate him but figure I would observe and make sure he was okay. I see a young, handsome man walk to us and smile. ‘Hello, I am your pilot today, Captain Thomas Exon. It is a pleasure to meet you. I didn’t know you flew with the airlines anymore. Jay nods, ‘Yes. I try to once in a while to stay humble and socialize. Keep human,’ he begins to laugh with the Captain. ‘Did you bring your granddaughter, Mr. Pagnero? What a beautiful sight. I say with no disrespect.’ I look up shocked and Jay chuckles, ‘No, no. She is a nice young nurse who helped me when I wasn’t at my best.  She wanted to wait and fly to make sure I was okay. She is a very nice and respectful young lady. This is Marie, my new friend and nurse for the ride.’ I smile a simple smile, ‘Nice to meet you. I am just doing my job and making sure he is okay,’ I begin to wonder why he is so nosy. Calm down Marie, I say to myself. I begin to sip my water as the pilot smiles at me in an interesting way. ‘Well, we can take care of that bill with credit or just take you anywhere you would like to go,’ I am surprised but nod in return. The pilot gave a big grin again, and then looked at Mr. Pagnero. ‘Okay, I will return to my cockpit and we can board the rest of the passengers. Have a nice flight.’ He says as he looks at me again, ‘Please let me know if you need anything.’ I look into my purse to avoid any discomfort that he now has me feeling. I wasn’t sure if that was flirting or me being tired and susceptible to amusement. ‘Thank you,’ I say as I look up and smile at Jay who called for Tamara asking for a drink. He smiles at me, ‘Did you find the pilot interesting?’ I feel my face flush and smile feeling embarrassed, it wasn’t just me feeling that way. I shrug, ‘He seemed nice.’ I look at Jays wide eyes as he continues, ‘A young pilot is always single. He seemed very interested in you.’ I look down as my face continues with warmth, ‘I am flattered but his profession or charm will only go so far.’ I look down and pretend to stretch hoping to not feel judgment. I can’t believe I just said that. Jay smiles and states he agrees. I look for my iPod and book I travel with. ‘How are you feeling?’ I ask as Jay smiles, ‘I have been worse, especially in my crazy life. My wife would be happy to know I have a nurse to take care of me. She will be thankful!’ I smile, ‘so tell me about Mary? Jay’s face lights up, ‘She is my angel, my soul mate.’ His face begins to slow and his smile is magnificent. ‘We met when we were younger. Both from Pittsburgh, poor and emotionally damaged. I worked for my family at a young age and she did the same. You see, I was the youngest and the only one who went to college because of my siblings. They all helped me with school and would pick up my chores so I could finish homework. I was the ticket.’

    Jay smiles and drinks some more of his drink. ‘Ah, yeah Kid. Those were the days. When family meant loyalty, respect and love. Family meant family.’ I nod, ‘it isn’t what it used to be.’  He smiles, ‘you ain’t kidding. I started working at a Company making nickels, literally! Nickels! Helping out, making change and finishing school. I smile as I read the pride in his face. ‘I bet when you finished, you felt great!’ Jay frowns, ‘No’, he says sternly, ‘I felt more pressure than ever because I owed it to my entire family to finish and get a job to support and take care of everyone.’ As Jay had an overcoming and dreadful look on his face, I knew how to change the subject. ‘So how does Mary fit into this?’ Hopefully turning the mood and I do as Jay smiles. ‘There was a lot to do in order to start and succeed. Every time I saw her, it made me want to work harder. I knew she was the one. She had brown, long hair and was quiet unless she was mad. I would tell her she has to wait for me. She would laugh and I would tell her that she is everything, and she would basically tell me to piss off with a hand motion.’ Jay smiles and covers his face with his hand. I smile and try to imagine his stories. This is my favorite thing to do with my patients; connect and bond. I loved when they would reminisce and tell their favorite stories. Creating the patient and caregiver bond. He smiles at me, ‘you ever love yet, my dear?’ I smile and shake my head, ‘Love is a very serious word. Not a lot of men know what that is, especially in this generation. I rather receive some education first then there will be time for love’. Jay smiles, ‘there is always time for love.’ He continues to discuss how he met his friend Tom, interviewing for his fathers’ business.  ‘I was given the proposition to work and help Tom, in return if the business gets turned around, I can become his partner. Tom had a drug problem but I didn’t get in his business. I stuck to my own and one day his old man called me into his office. He said he needed my help. I had to work all night with him and help with these papers, math and trying to figure ways to work out some issues. As the morning came, Mr. Sarto and I worked all night and were exhausted. We had been talking and bullshitting all night. We were laughing and crying, probably delirious. The next morning, he got a call out of the meeting room, and he walked out with me into another room full of people. They all had huge, big, glossy eyes. We were tired and I had no idea what was going on. His secretary came up and hugged him; I saw her crying on his shoulder. I walked forward to see his face and all the other faces. The room all of the sudden felt dark and strange as I looked around. I was the only one not crying and I looked to Mr. Sarto confused. He pulled me in for a hug and whispered, Tom killed himself yesterday in front of me and his mother. I had to get away, so I came here’. I felt like someone hit the wind out of me and I couldn’t breathe. I felt dizzy and delirious. His voice brought me back into the cold, sad room. ‘I am sorry I didn’t tell you but I didn’t need sympathy. I needed a friend and support. He released me and stood there looking at me, I felt like it was a test.

    ‘Okay,’ was the only thing to come out of my mouth. Since that day and after, I was his right hand man. He didn’t need anything but to succeed and that was my goal as well. I signed the contract, worked my ass off, married Mary and never looked back since’. I feel exhausted from the story, and try to take in everything. It was a bittersweet story. Jay rubs his eyes and coughs which woke me from the daydream. He laughs, ‘well times have changed, you can’t buy shit for five hundred dollars now and everyone is selfish. They all want the great Gatsby or oil money- wish they knew better’. He smiles and closes his eyes. I couldn’t believe how much he reminded me of my grandfather and father. As I lay back and try sleeping, I couldn’t help but think of how life was easy and hard back then. When my family spoke of it and how much life was valued; it is crazy how time changes everything. It wasn’t about your name, status, or what you did. I thought about how selfish people are and what the world is coming to. As I think of the stories, I fall asleep wondering who the hell Jay Pagnero is.

    I woke to Jay on his phone texting and talking, I think to myself that we must have landed. I began to get my things together and wipe my eyes. I am going to text my sister, will call you when I am ready for you to pick me up. I continue to collect whatever I have like my iPod or book laying around and place them in my purse. Jay was off the phone at this time and told me he would drop me wherever I need to go. I smile, ‘it is okay. My sister is picking me up. Jay smiles, ‘I have a driver for you, it is the least I can do.’ As we exit the plane, Jay refuses the wheelchair and walks with me at his side. ‘Please, I insist you have my driver drop you.’ He smiles, ‘I could always use a private nurse. So if you ever are wishing to stay and want a job, don’t hesitate.’ I return a smile, ‘I am very expensive but I can give you a discount. Thank you for entertaining me and sharing your stories and listening to mine’. I give me a small hug as we are greeted by two big framed men in suits who are now walking behind us as soon as we step off of the walkway exiting the plane. I feel uneasy as they ignore me and look at Jay. ‘Mr. Pagnero, we are here for you, sir. As a request of your grandson, Ryan.’ I smile, ‘Jay, have a great time here. I am pleased that I met you. Please follow up with your doctor.’ I try walking in front of them, but the larger builds would not allow me as they are now in front of us. We walk together to the front of the airport as Jay asks again if I need a ride but I refuse. ‘No, sir. I am okay; I will text my sister and let her know I am here. Thank you again for the offer,’ I say feeling he is being a little pushy. I overhear Jay tell another man to wait with me to make sure I am safe. I am guessing he was the one to bring me to my sisters. ‘If he would need you, where are you staying?’ the big guy standing next to me asks as I try to text my sister. I begin to think and look in my phone and read off the apartment complex which she just moved into. She was always moving to something nicer and bigger, so I never was able to remember the addresses.

    I smile and tell the ‘Big guy’ goodbye as I finish telling him my phone number. I begin to walk away as I text my sister again. As I walk, I see him talking in his ear piece and a black long car pulls up next to him. As I turn, I see him make eye contact with me and I text my sister once more. I just got into the airport. I am waiting outside. Take your time. I …I look up again to see the ‘Big guy’ next to me. ‘If you don’t mind, I wish to take you to your sisters; it is Mr. Pagnero’s wish.’ The black car is now at my side and I am looking with confusion and aggravation. I feel my eyes grow large along with my pupils and feel my heart rate increase, ‘No, Thank you!’ I state, and begin to feel myself become red and angry. He smiles, opening the door of the car which is now blocking my way of walking. ‘Well, I could ask again or make you get in’, He demands me and I feel my heart pounding but try to keep cool. I drop my carry on as he grabs my arm. He looks both ways and pushes me into the black car. My eyesight goes black.

    Chapter Three

    If anyone would ask you if you would mind living in a huge house in California, what would you say? What about if you couldn’t leave? What if it was against your will? How the hell would this occur? What would you do or how would you act? I sit in the bed I woke up in. I am in a room which looks like a suite. It is a baby blue color with light grey etching over the walls. The floors are a grey marble and the suite is freshly cleaned, it smells of cotton and lavender. The bed is covered in a beautiful baby blue and white sheet and comforter which is so soft it feels like what clouds would feel like. It is a dream, or is it? I rub my eyes, face and arms. I sit up in this dreamy bed and try to collect my thoughts. I continue to think of the airport and flying like it was a dream. I want to scream with fear but unusually intrigued. I pull my knees to my chest and realize that my ankles are free as well as my hands. I feel my right shoulder and the bandage on it. I feel a slight headache and start to think. My feet are bare as I look at what I am wearing. My t-shirt and pants; I am in a nice room instead of a basement with dirt. It appears that I am in good form and nothing hurts besides my arm and head. I slide to the side of the bed and notice my shoes and jacket on the side table folded. A note reads,

    Marie. I am sorry for the circumstance, you are safe and secure.

    Please do not be upset, we were only protecting you.

    We will be speaking more once you wake and get situated in this house, my safe house.

    Sorry for the inconvenience but this is again for your safety.


    As I start to stand, I see beautifully sculpted furniture. The dressers are white with silver linings and the bed frame is a thick silver curly appearance. As I stand, I feel a little weak but don’t let it bother me. I start to walk around the room slowly and my head hurts more now than ever. Who the hell is Jay Pagnero and why am I here? My mind is fuzzy and I look in my pockets for my phone. I look in the perfectly folded clothes for it as well. ‘Niente’, Nothing, I say to myself. Instead of being scared, I look for more clues and answers. If I woke up sore and naked it would be one thing, I think and look around again curiously. I see the doors which lead to the balcony. I quietly open the beautiful grey curtains and my eyes open wide as I see the water; blue. The water has the sun glistening in such a way, it looks like heaven.

    I try to look at the sides of the balcony without opening the doors. I can see a great amount of height; I cross off jumping from my mental escape list. Not that way, I close the grey curtains. I turn and walk around the room. I stop to the first door I see and bravely open it. I see a bathroom and enter into the white walls, floor, bathtub; everything white with exception of towels; a soft material and a baby blue color dyes them. I look at myself in the mirror. My face is drained, hair a mess and clothes wrinkled. I should be frightened but completely curious about where I am; well at least at the moment. I see glass doors and a white walled shower. I look in the drawers and closet space which has nothing in them. I turn to exit the bathroom and look at another set of double doors, the dresser and back to the balcony. I move the curtain and turn the knobs on the double doors slightly. I open and walk outside then quickly fall to my knees. I begin to feel my heart rate increase, what the hell am I doing! I look from my knees which I can only see the sides of the balcony, solid white material. I turn to sit on by butt with my knees to my chest. I look up to see another balcony which is shorter than mine and empty. Thank God it is empty. As I turn to my knees and raise a little, I see the ocean. I see below me is a vast amount of land, grass and to the left is a beautiful landscape. To the right, there is a garden and more land. I feel slightly more comfortable and wonder again where the hell am I? I turn to the doors and close them, curtains and all. I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror again. I wash my face and finger my hair, placing it into a side braid. I take a deep breath and leave the bathroom; not sure what to expect to do next. I feel my heart rate increase again and my palms begin to sweat. I move slowly toward the last door unopened and close my eyes. As I feel like this is all a dream, I put my moist hand on the doorknob and turn it.

    I open the door slightly, looking with one eye to see a bigger man standing outside. The same damn guy from the airport, and he is talking. Who is he talking to? I shift my eye to a young, dirty blonde with a beautiful face. He has a five o’clock shadow on his face but still looks perfect. His green eyes, small nose, with a pouty mouth fascinate me. He is dressed in a white t-shirt and cargo pants. He speaks quietly and asks, ‘Is she up yet or still sleeping?’ The bigger man gives a shrug, ‘No one came out yet and I didn’t hear anything since I carried her in there.’ The beautiful face shakes his head, ‘This all makes no sense. My grandfather said she was nice and took care of him, why is Ryan being like this?’ My eyes open wide and I feel another scream climbing in my throat. ‘Make sure you let her sleep and make her comfortable while she is here. Until my stepbrother gets here at least and he updates us all.’ I instantly thought of the grandchildren Jay spoke of. I slowly back away making sure I close the door with no sound or sudden movement. I go back into the room to think and figure all of this out. As I look for paper and pencil to try making a map or diagram piecing whatever together, I hear a loud noise and more of men’s voices.

    The door opens as I stand next to the bed and night stand. I think to myself what to grab. My eyes scope the room as I see my shoes. I will start throwing them at whoever comes in, that is the plan at least. I look at the lamp and think that can be thrown as well. I feel fire in my lungs and begin to count. One, two….the door opens at this moment I regret helping Jay, this moment I will try my best to escape.

    I stand there wide-eyed; looking at a slender, young man with short, dark hair and stands within the door. He is dressed in a suit with the bigger man at his side. The bigger man I saw earlier, who pushed me forcefully in the car. I touch my eyes to his, we lock our gazes. I feel the fear escape me even though I was just kidnapped; he has me feeling other emotions. I look to the slender young man and can’t take my eyes off of him. He has the most amazing dark brown eyes, a perfect nose and beautiful lips. He stands with a strong posture, stern jaw and such sex appeal. He looks at me in an awkward way as I blink my eyes several times back into reality. I try to not appear to be confused. He opens those perfect lips, ‘Did you hear me?’ I blink again feeling red and embarrassed. I bravely shake my head no.  He looks at me again, ‘Who are you? What were you doing with my grandfather?’ I feel myself becoming angry and frustrated. ‘My name is Marie. I helped your grandfather at the airport.’ I want to start screaming and acting crazy but I stop as I see green eyes and a beautiful face walk in. I know after I heard him talking earlier, I will be safe with him around. I continue to look back at Mr. Brown eyes and lift my chin to show confidence. Then it dawns on me, this is the grandson he was arguing with in the airport. Ryan, the stubborn and serious one who was rude to me on the phone. Ryan, the one who gave me attitude when I was informing him of helping his grandfather. Even though he pissed me off, there was something about him. There was something that made this specific predicament more interesting. ‘I am guessing your Ryan’, I bravely say with no fear in my voice, ‘I thought you were briefed on who I was and what I was doing for your grandfather by your grandfather himself’. I smiled inside as I looked into his eyes, he wasn’t expecting that. His face looks angry but he was still gorgeous, I hate how he is so sexy. He moves slowly towards me with his awkward look again, ‘You better be careful what you say. You do not know who I am or what I do,’ I instantly feel like I am caught on fire, well inside at least. My body begins to burn and I am angry, very angry. I take my eyes off of Ryan and go to the beautiful face standing next to him. I lower my voice and turn to the right so I am facing him, Ryan at my back. I take a deep breath, ‘I am guessing you are the other grandson Jay talked about. My name is Marie. I heard a lot about you from Jay, or Mr. Pagnero, or your grandfather. I saw the note he wrote me. I want to know why I am here and why I am being treated in this manner,’ as I finish, I stare rudely at Ryan. I point to the note, ‘Am I not to be welcomed instead of being treated as so?’ I look back at the big guy in the room. ‘Did you give me a sedative in the car? If so what was it?’ The big guy smiles and nods. For some reason he makes me more comfortable with the smile. I feel I won’t have to hit him with my shoe, presently at least. I turn my face to Ryan, who is walking and looking at the note his grandfather left, ‘Who brought this here?’ He looks at me, I am looking elsewhere. He walks toward me with the note; the beautiful face walks over and wedges himself in front of me. I smell his shirt and for a second, I feel turned on which is so bizarre. What the hell is going on with me? ‘Ryan, he asked me to bring it and check on her. She was sleeping and I placed it there. He wanted to make sure she was comfortable and knew he was only doing this,’ he was cut off by Ryan pushing him. I collided with the back as he was pushed into me. ‘Did you ask me if that was okay? Was it cleared by security’, Ryan began to scream as everyone was getting louder and louder. ‘Why would you do that without asking me,’ Ryan’s eyes were furious and a freaking prick. ‘We don’t know who she is or what she does. It is against the protocol for security and for this house. You know that more than anyone Lucca,’ Ryan walks to the door and yells to the security to keep me in the room. He will talk with his grandfather and be back. As I watch him leave, I look to the security guard (the big guy) who is smiling. ‘You have some balls girl,’ he says, ‘Lucca, are you okay? You know your brother is a hot head, you were wrong,’ I turn and see a beautiful smile on that beautiful face, he looks down at me and smiles. ‘Well, welcome to the safe house. My name is Lucca and that is who we call S.J,’ he points to the big guy who is standing, smiling at the door. He is a big, dark skinned; nice smiling security guard. ‘Mam’, he says, ‘Sorry about the happening earlier, we had a couple of threats and I had to detain you,’ he says knowing he said too much. He smiled and walked out of the room. I felt my headache coming back as I look from the door to Lucca. ‘Am I a prisoner here then?’ I whisper, walking to the bed and sitting down. Lucca gives a look, ‘do you feel like a prisoner? I mean look at this room! Once we clear your name and background, you can leave the room,’ he says as if I should be happy I was detained in this beautiful room. ‘Why am I considered a threat?’ I ask bravely, ‘Uh let’s just say my grandfather has a lot of trust in people and sometimes he lets them in when he shouldn’t. He is a very well known and popular guy who everyone wants to get their hands on. He is stubborn and wants to live, but it isn’t safe for him; or that is what Ryan says.’ Lucca is now standing by me and puts his hand on my shoulder, ‘are you okay? It is all kind of strange but trust me; it isn’t that bad here.’ I look down to the floor and put my head into my hands. I don’t know what to do or think. Why should I be detained? Why should I feel like a victim or villain? Who the hell is Jay!

    I feel a body next to me and it doesn’t seem to effect me, at this point it might as well be another sedative in my shoulder because I can’t deal with this anymore. A nice start to a vacation, right! ‘My grandfather will make sure you are okay and safe, please don’t be mad at us,’ Lucca whispers as he quickly jumps to his feet. ‘Hello sir,’ he says and he disappears by the time I pick up my head. ‘Marie, are you okay?’ I open my eyes to the voice, it is Jay’s voice. I look up and don’t know what to think. ‘I am not sure.’ I say, still sitting on the bed. I open my arm to the room, ‘what is all of this? Why am

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