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The L.G.H: Part 2 Runes and Ruins
The L.G.H: Part 2 Runes and Ruins
The L.G.H: Part 2 Runes and Ruins
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The L.G.H: Part 2 Runes and Ruins

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This is the second book in the L.G.H. series. The volcano moves her attention to the United Kingdom, where she infects the citizens with her magical energy from the ley lines.
Release dateJan 4, 2012
The L.G.H: Part 2 Runes and Ruins

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    The L.G.H - Kendra Campbell

    The L.G.H: Part 2 Runes and Ruins

    The L.G.H: Part 2 Runes and Ruins

    This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    In the year 1995, December in fact, an icelandic refugee from a volcanic disaster of that same year predicted a volcanic eruption in Edinburgh. His prediction of the timing of this forthcoming eruption was wrong, though despite the eruption not occuring there and then, a community of Catholics living in Scotland evacuated to the Shetland islands out of sheer terror. This was not in vain, for one of the Scots Andrew Devereux was destined from birth to be poisoned by this volcano. This boy now teenaged is a carrier of the gene that would lead to a poisoned mind. These genetic mutant people react psychotically when inhabiting the volcanic lands. He and another two carriers Ashley and Sam another two survivors of the mutations who had been imprisoned in the Netherlands for their crimes, were back in the UK when the volcano finally took hold. Andrew escaped from his fate on this occasion. Ashley and Sam did not. A weed that took hold in the poisoned lands had been largely wiped out with the efforts of the teams that had fought and survived ten years previously. Unfortunately a new genetically similar weapon had been found by an unknown woman. A business owner from Devizes. As the new chain of events unravel, we can see the same patterns emerging. On the 21st of December 2006, at the winter solstice, a catastrophe occurred in the Scottish capital city; Edinburgh. The castle fell down and the volcanic crag on which it stood became active again. For thousands of years this crag had been inactive, believed to be extinct for the rest of all time. Alas, it was not to be as the volcano once more consumed vast acres of south east Scotland taking with it the lives of over 3 million innocent people.The first sign something was wrong came when there was another volcano on the British Isles. The other volcano was previously believed to be an ordinary town in the West Country; Warminster it was called. Only there was more to this phenomenon than just volcanic activity. Hawaii, Japan and Iceland had all experience the same problems. Mainly their problems were linked the Georgia weeds and the activity of the people of the plains.Survivors from each country came to Britain in 1995 to help with the problems, but the problems continued eventually resulting in a war and the evacuation of British citizens to The Netherlands a flat land, void of any volcanic activity or ancient energies. The last of the evacuees; Shelly Long finally escaped to The Republic of Ireland after rescuing her father and friends from certain death. Years later, she would be back again after spending years in the military learning how to use weaponry.On returning to Scotland to clean up the mess, an ancient Celtic stone had been uncovered in what was believed to be underneath the ancient dungeons of Edinburgh Castle. I would take a Druid council of ley line readers to unravel the mystery of the rune stone in the ruins, and the separation among members of the oldest religion of Britain- Paganism.This wasn’t the only discovery. Every Celtic monument and stone circle has remained intact to this day to ensure that her legacy lives on… 

    LGH A New World

    Chapter 1

    It was June twenty sixth 1976. The hottest day in a very long time. A young lady by the name of Dorothy Leadbeater had been enjoying a day in the garden with her family. That evening, as she lay in her bed with the window wide open to allow the air to circulate, she was visited by a presence.

    Dorothy, I am Mother Georgia of the hills. You are to be witness to an amazing event. You will spread the truthful message about your original culture. There will be no Abrahamic or eastern religion and you must get the people of the UK to listen. In 24 years you will set up a network of health shops, you will sell all sorts of normal goods, but also some 'special' goods. I will teach you how to make them from the weeds and they will be sold as cures for nausea, tiredness headaches, a wave of tablet distribution. Pay attention in particular to a man of Chinese and polynesian origin who is a regular user and I have known him for a while now, Chang is his name and your supplier Devereux. They will be your guide. The result of consuming the weeds will be getting people to see the message perfectly. For those that do not get the message, we will need you and your new wave to dispatch a newer potion. There will be difficult times ahead of you. You will probably have to face difficulties. As in all new movements, you get your sceptics and those who will fight for their own way of life. You will also get menfolk who prove difficult. The loving nature of women and their mothering instinct helps women to be better news bearers than men. If you come across men that hider you, use the potion.

    This was an unexpected speech and Dorothy didn't know what to do! She was only seventeen years old and was still under the orders of her father to do as she was told by him. She very much doubted he would understand why she was on a mission. The ancient being could sense her anxiety.

    You will be 35 when you will initiate the first wave, you will not be ready to use the potion until you are fully regenerated by the tablets. Over the course of ten years your power will become great. You will be protected over these ten years by me, to complete the mission. You are the second of your kind, but nobody will know what you are doing. I would suggest that you joined the army of antagonists and that you become one of them. We will never kill you and you will never kill us. That's the way it shall be until our days of reckoning. You will of course fight as is necessary, but it will never be that you can ever kill anybody on our side, if they fall, they will be resurrected when I say so and carry on in my name. I will ask this of you prior to the potion times and you will make our sisters and brothers live for me with the runes of the fire and the power. Failure of this second mission will not be tolerated. If you do not pass the test, we will replace you and wash clean your memory.

    Dorothy while being a rather naïve girl was also not against the idea of other worlds. She loved the sci fi films of the time and had now likened herself to the lead in The Bionic Woman. She was very excited! It was not every day you were chosen to change the world. Having had no religious upbringing, her morals were that of her fathers rather than any specific religious types. In all honesty though, she would become a very difficult burden for her parents to bear as the years rolled on. In the 1980's for example, she decided that she would leave home by herself and not be subjected to her tyrannical father's codes of conduct. This produced a rift between her and her mother who strictly believed that all women were supposed to listen to their fathers if unmarried and their husbands if married.

    She was never the marrying kind. It was sort of inevitable really given what lay ahead of her. She'd probably have to murder any suitor or beau that tried to get it on with her. A bit like the deadly black widow spider, the young woman had her own way of doing things and any man (or woman) who didn't let her get on with it found themselves in very hot water indeed! She had a large circle of friends. This was planned. She had to be an outgoing person in her public life. She had to have a rhetorical way of speaking and the presence that had visited her on that sticky night in June was with her the whole way. In every way she was an ordinary twenty something independent woman, except in her room at night when she would talk to the presence about her life, the future. She wasn't always sure that anybody was listening to her though, but as in a lot of belief systems, they are mainly about what humankind does for the deity, rather than what the deity does for humankind. In all respects she had been the start of a new belief and her few friends would be the beginning of a much larger movement.

    In the year 1995 true to predictions, after receiving the customary green ball signifying initiation of a leader, Dorothy Leadbeater was an army private. She mainly drove water cannon around, though she was very careful to not touch them herself. If you have ever wondered why witches are afraid and melt in legend if exposed to water, it is because they have souls made of fire. They had to avoid rain at all times! In the olden days, they were burnt even if they weren't really witches! They were innocent victims of a tyrannical Roman church who just wanted all the world to be as Christians, but sometimes they weren't witches either, they were just of a different belief system, usually their own and that is why they were deemed crazy and possessed! After Shelly had defeated the majority of the tablet folk, much ads it pained her (as she was like them), Dorothy began building her first coven. It was just her and her friends at first, but in certain places it became very popular, if very underground. For fear of getting caught, new buildings had been had been purchased. The old health shops had been closed and Dorothy had spend years in Holloway ladies prison as a consequence for malpractice and fraudulent behaviour acting as one of the British army when she was in fact a spy for the enemy. She was supposed to be there for ten years, but on morning of the vernal equinox 2003, she was miraculously freed by an unknown friend of the presence and this enabled her to change her identity.

    Dorothy and her new friends used shops selling new age artefacts to cover up their true intentions. These new age shops sold stones mainly and herbs. The chain was called Rocks of New Ages aka RONA in casual conversation, but under every shop there were meeting places for the group soon to be identified as the LGH, that was their nickname. They called themselves the LGH  (the legacy of Georgia of the hills).

    In 2004 the LGH went out in public. It all started in a little shop in Devizes with an excursion to Avebury for the Beltain. They toured the country along the stones, along the lines. If they met anybody new, they would heal them, or at least they would appear to heal them, if they were ladies. If they were men it was curtains if they didn't co-operate and submission to the earth of the English which was a strengthening blessing and fertiliser for the hills. Nobody had put 2+2 together though. How likely is it that a group of women could poison susceptible men with spells and curses in the 21st century? It was only when they had been apprehended by the old order and told to stop, that the wider public actually took any notice of their goings on, and their new recruits, (three of them are mentioned regularly in this story: MM= Margaret Molesley, MT= Magenta Thompson and the daughter of the chief of Somerset police) got on the LGH bandwagon and began destroying the lives of those around them, alienating their non converted friends and family on their tour of English Celtic heritage sites.  

    The Big Tour. Cleansing and Healing of The Dead. Vernal Equinox 2004.

    Dorothy took her friends with her, Angela, Elaine, Eleanor, Georgia (her favourite) and Joanne. All of the women had been chosen for the purpose of cleansing the British soils of the alien bloods of the Romans, Saxons, Viking invaders that had settled since the beginning. I suppose they were like disciples of the LGH.  Their purpose was to cleanse the land and sea by resurrecting the dead from the Shelly Long war of a few years back. That war was well know to everybody locally and there had been much blood shed and death. There had been allied countries of Japan and USA involved and their people had been buried in special memorial places. Any neutrals (people who had not decided which side they were on) that had fallen were put with the Shelly team on the grounds they were considered not to be dangerous or influential and therefore unlikely to strengthen the bonds of the hill people. Dorothy (now identified as Chloe George) knew she could convert the neutrals though, provided that they were not alien.

    You needed special genes if you were native to Britain, some people believed they were native, most did have the genes, but rarely a person without any Celtic genes would show up and this type of person would be unable to follow the LGH willingly. If they were to follow they would have to be forced and blackmailed and so far only two people from Britain who could not be converted in the usual way had been located, one in Woolwich, London. The other was in an army base in Wyoming USA. Unfortunately for Georgia Hill both of those people would put spanners in the works for Dorothy and her gang because their human nature was more tuned in with modern culture and they had no scope for the larger picture since they weren't really a part of it.

    A world without war and blood. A world of peace just as the pagan faith has been and always had been. Some death was necessary to achieve this fate. It wasn't ideal, but it is a known fact in human civilisation that the human race is bitter and greedy and will not naturally be selfless. In that respect the communists and original Christians had the right idea, but without brutal force as the means to an end their success was limited, and the human need to plunder and hoard was too great and the communist ideals became lost and ignored in the quest for greed and now most cultures looks to the rich capitalist north west quarter as the perfect world.

    New year ladies, new world! Chloe turned to Joanne with a big grin.

    I was just this morning in prayer and I know we are going to do some good work this autumn and winter. Joanne grinned back at her and said

    You're right Clo! For too long it has just been us hasn't it? Too busy with getting this mixture right. Do you remember going to the woods and picking those plants, how we had to watch out for puddles? Then that big thunder cloud came and we had to leg it! Chloe rubbed her hands together in a gloating manner.

    Well, we got it right in the end. I had to buy a big pot from John Lewis and a pestle. I wish they would make bigger pestles because it is really hard to use a small one on such big tree branches.. The two women were sitting on a hill overlooking Stonehenge. Joanne asked Chloe how she wanted to do the trip, where to go first which graves to visit? The important stuff would be done in the dead of night far away from people and with no torchlight, during the day they would travel and nap. They knew that they would  get help from the leys.

    I have a map here. I suggest we follow each ley starting here, in Wiltshire, there are several here, so we should split in groups of two and do them between us. We will need to come off occasionally for the resurrections, but when moving from one county to another we need to stick to the leys. We can get all our energy that way, especially if we are apprehended or we run out of the potion. All six women agreed they would split into three groups of two.

    and don't forget your blankets, metal rods and your runes ladies. We may need some help on this one from the goddess. It had been a very long time since she had heard any word from the presence that had visited her room so many years ago. She was beginning to believe she was to do this job with just five mystical young women. She put all the routes in a large cloth bag and asked each friend to pick several until the bag was empty.

    Elaine and Angela, the oldest of the group were given the line running from Dorset to South Yorkshire, starting at Swanage and ending at Bridlington,  Cornwall to East Anglia, starting at Penzance and Isle of Wight to Stranraer,  Galloway, then Galloway back to Bridlington South Yorkshire. Georgia and Chloe were to take the Exmoor National Park, Devon to Dover, Kent,  and the Cardigan Wales to Ipswich East Anglia one, Joanne and Eleanor a few others and so on and so forth. There were over thirty lines in total and they had to take at least ten each. It seemed like a daunting task, but the women had faith and it was very strong. Their task would be complete in thirty-two months. During that time they would have celebrated many a festival, sang many old Celtic songs, drank over five thousand pints of potion between them, had a bit of naked fertility ritual, grown their own mobile vegetable cart, raised an army of twenty million Celtic genomed people (three of them were Margaret Molesley, Magenta Thompson and the chiefs daughter) and brought a volcano upon Scotland. Before Chloe left the circle, she told the women that the sign to start would be on the wings of a bird and only she had the stone that would initiate 'The rising'. The women parted company after their plans had been made.

    Chloe wandered back home on foot, the women tried to avoid cars where possible.  She jumped into her bed at about 11pm. She wasn't at all scared about the task that lay ahead. She was on a mission that had been on the cards for 28 years. The following morning she awoke with gusto. She packed her essential tools: a ley line map, the runes, the blanket and the rods. She had to pack her protective rain wear also. It was very difficult for  a witch to survive a downpour of hail stones, sleet or snow. This was to be a two year mission and some things would be difficult to come by. When the worst came she had a huge network of employees which was always a bonus, she wouldn't need to look far for more workers! Being essentially human she needed to eat, but she couldn't carry  enough food and drink for the whole time.

    The women would have to make do with forest provisions and the energy in the ley lines that was provided by her elusive leader . Although the first incarnation Dorothy Leadbeater had adapted to the modern world as much as was necessary to get by without getting killed, the new incarnation Chloe George had to be a bit more cautious. It was all very well talking to people, but if those people ever got into a taped, or bugged conversation with the police, woe would betide. Not only did the LGH not believe in new inventions, but she had to steer clear of mobile phones and technology to avoid being overheard.

    She had bought a large back pack from John Lewis and a mini trailer, the sort that children pull along by hand. This was on the same day she bought her cooking pot. All that she needed was the recipe for the hemlock potion and the means to nourish herself. All six women were equipped with the same basic articles. They need not say goodbye to loved ones, nobody in 2004 loved them, but at least they were loved once long ago before

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