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How to Know God - Twelve Steps to a Spiritual Awakening: A Practical Guide to Enlightenment
How to Know God - Twelve Steps to a Spiritual Awakening: A Practical Guide to Enlightenment
How to Know God - Twelve Steps to a Spiritual Awakening: A Practical Guide to Enlightenment
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How to Know God - Twelve Steps to a Spiritual Awakening: A Practical Guide to Enlightenment

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How to Know God - Twelve Steps to a Spiritual Awakening is a practical, step by step, action plan to move beyond our limited self into our whole, connected Self. It utilizes the same method millions have used to escape the pits of addiction by achieving a personal relationship with God. If you want to witness real results in evolving consciousness to God Consciousness, this method has proven results, and is as simple as 1, 2, 3...
Release dateDec 13, 2016
How to Know God - Twelve Steps to a Spiritual Awakening: A Practical Guide to Enlightenment

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    How to Know God - Twelve Steps to a Spiritual Awakening - Thomas Olson

    How to Know God - Twelve Steps to a Spiritual Awakening: A Practical Guide to Enlightenment


    Greetings, my name is Thomas, and I am an evolutionary scientist. In a previous incarnation I walked the earth with Jesus (Yeshua) where I was known as Didymous Judas Thomas (Thomas is not a name used at the time, words Didymous and Thomas both mean 'twin'). I bring this information to you because I am here at this time to assist mankind in making a shift in consciousness.

    As evidence of this, I offer a text which is part of a group of texts found in Egypt in 1945, known as the Nag Hammadi Library. The text known as The Book of Thomas the Contender includes the record of a private conversation Jesus (Yeshua) and Thomas (Yehuda) were having, which was recorded by Mathias. It is my understanding that this conversation was recorded and made available today so that I may offer proof of my claim, and so that I could come to accept who I am, and my mission assigned to me by Yeshua, who knew that I would discover it in this lifetime.The first part of The Book of Thomas the Contender" follows. The entire text is a combination of two separate writings. I am giving the parts which are relevant here:

    The secret words that the savior spoke to Judas Thomas which I, even I Mathias, wrote down, while I was listening to them speak with one another.

    The savior said "Brother Thomas, while you have time in the world, listen to me, and I will reveal the things you have pondered in your mind.

    Now since is has been said that you are my twin and true companion, examine yourself and learn who you are, in what way you exist, and how you will come to be. Since you will be called my brother, it is not fitting that you be ignorant of yourself. And I know that you have understood, because you had understood that I am the knowledge of the truth. So, while you accompany me, although you are uncomprehending, you have already come to know, and you will be called the one who knows himself.

    The conversation continues, Judas Didymous was an argumentative soul, and did not quite understand all that Yeshua was telling him. And so it continued:

    Again the savior answered and said, Therefore, it is necessary for us to speak to you, since this is the doctrine for the perfect. If, now, you desire to become perfect, you shall observe these things; if not, your name is 'Ignorant'.

    And so, the message I have to share is simple. I do

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