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Divorce: A Practical Guide: A Common-Sense Approach from an Experienced Matrimonial Attorney
Divorce: A Practical Guide: A Common-Sense Approach from an Experienced Matrimonial Attorney
Divorce: A Practical Guide: A Common-Sense Approach from an Experienced Matrimonial Attorney
Ebook106 pages1 hour

Divorce: A Practical Guide: A Common-Sense Approach from an Experienced Matrimonial Attorney

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About this ebook

It’s almost impossible not to go through life without being affected by divorce.
If it happens, it’s important to know your rights to protect yourself and your family—especially your children.
Phillip J. Jusino, an experienced matrimonial attorney who heads the law firm of Phillip J. Jusino & Associates in Lake Grove, New York, walks you through the process to ensure that you receive all to which you are entitled. Learn how to:
 prepare yourself for a divorce, including options such as a legal separation;
 avoid mistakes that could come back to haunt you during legal proceedings;
 pick a lawyer and other professionals that are qualified to protect your interests;
 fill out a financial net worth statement and other important forms.
 deal with issues surrounding Domestic Violence.
Release dateOct 17, 2014
Divorce: A Practical Guide: A Common-Sense Approach from an Experienced Matrimonial Attorney

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    Divorce - Phillip J. Jusino, Esq.



    A Practical Guide

    A Common-Sense Approach from an Experienced Matrimonial Attorney

    Phillip J. Jusino, Esq.

    Copyright © 2014 Phillip J. Jusino, Esq.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic—without written permission of both publisher and author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-1686-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-1688-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-1687-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014914697

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    Lulu Publishing Services rev. date: 09/15/2014



    Chapter 1    Welcome To The Divorce Process

    Chapter 2    Assembling Your Team

    Chapter 3    Know Your Worth

    Chapter 4    Listen To Your Attorney And Keep An Open Mind

    Chapter 5    Take Advice From Non-Professionals With Appreciation And A Great Deal Of Skepticism

    Chapter 6    What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate

    Chapter 7    Re-Evaluate Your Expectations And Adjust Them [If Necessary]

    Chapter 8    Time To Negotiate

    Chapter 9    Do All You Can To Settle

    Chapter 10    Prepare For Trial, But Still Do All You Can To Settle

    Chapter 11    What To Expect From A Trial

    Chapter 12    Understanding The Judge’s Decision And Moving Forward

    Chapter 13    If At First You Don’t Succeed…

    Chapter 14    Your Options When There Is Domestic Violence

    Chapter 15    Same Sex Marriage

    Chapter 16    Yes, There Is Life After Divorce

    Chapter 17    My Opinion Of Mediation

    Chapter 18    Obamacare And Marriage

    Afterword    An Imperfect System


    About The Author





    dedicate this book to my parents,

    Ozzie and Alice Jusino

    Thanks for always being there for me.


    There are five birds sitting on a fence. Three of those birds decide to fly away. How many birds are left?

    The most common answer that I receive when I tell this riddle is I want to say two, but I know that’s not the right answer. Although that response is accurate, it is not the correct answer.

    The correct answer is five because those three birds decided to fly away, but did not actually do so. The point here is that quite often people decide to do things, but do not take the necessary steps to complete the task or achieve their goal.

    For instance, I have decided to lose twenty pounds many times but as of yet I have not achieved that goal. In other words, my decision to lose the weight is only the first step in a process that requires other actions to follow.

    The same applies when you decide to get divorced. The decision to get divorced or legally separated is just the first step in a process that will require you to venture out into a minefield requiring you to make decisions and take action before you achieve your goal.

    Divorce: A Practical Guide will prepare you for what you will face, or are now facing, and how best to deal with those issues.

    As I wrote Divorce: A Practical Guide, my goal was to deal with those issues, some of which are complex, in a concise and understandable way. I believe I have achieved that goal. Now, you be the judge.



    If no one ever took risks, Michelangelo would have painted the Sistine floor.

    —Neil Simon

    I’m not going to sugar coat it, going through a divorce is unpleasant. Yet it does not have to feel like walking through the fires of hell either. In fact, it can be quite liberating.

    According to some studies, about half of the marriages in America end in divorce. That number was about fifty percent in the 1980s, but according to one study reported in 2013, those numbers have lowered to around forty percent.¹ As someone who has practiced matrimonial law for well over twenty years, the divorce rate is high no matter what report or study you believe.

    According to U.S. Census Bureau data, the number of Americans getting divorced rose for the third year in a row to about 2.4 million in 2012, after plunging in the eighteen month recession that ended in June 2009. To put it in perspective, as the economy started to rebound, so did the divorce rate.

    According to Johns Hopkins University sociologist Andrew Cherlin, the same phenomenon occurred in the 1930s. The divorce rate dropped during the Great Depression not because people were happier with their marriages but because they could not afford to get a divorce. To quote a sentiment that I hear often, It’s cheaper to keep her.

    Generally speaking, and depending upon your particular state, when you are considering a divorce, you have the following five options:

    1. Obtain a legal separation. With a legal separation you and your spouse sign a Separation Agreement that is almost identical to a Stipulation of Settlement in a divorce action. However, with a legal separation, the Separation Agreement is not submitted to the court at that time. With a legal separation, you and your spouse are still legally married, but you will live separately and all of your legal marital issues will have been resolved pursuant to the Separation Agreement. If after one year either

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