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The Larcenist (Volume 2, Issue #3)
The Larcenist (Volume 2, Issue #3)
The Larcenist (Volume 2, Issue #3)
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The Larcenist (Volume 2, Issue #3)

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The Larcenist is an international literary magazine, published bimonthly in paperback and ebook form.
Release dateJun 15, 2015
The Larcenist (Volume 2, Issue #3)

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    The Larcenist (Volume 2, Issue #3) - Audrey Rey

    The Larcenist (Volume 2, Issue #3)



    Stealing reality to achieve art

    The Larcenist

    Volume II, Issue 3

    (June/July, 2015)

    ISBN: 978-1-329-21446-0


    Audrey Rey (poetry, stageplay)

    Mina Hunt (prose, stageplay)

    Illustrations: Hana Mori

    License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 2.0

    Cover illustration based on Ladies in Lavender by Mira Patel.

    Visit for more information.


    Gabrielle LaFrank


    He doesn't wait until the weekend

    to pour whiskey in his coffee.

    From the scream of the alarm

    every miserable Monday

    to the last exhausted sighs

    of slow Friday evenings,

    he pours coffee into his liquor.

    He spends his weekdays numb,

    able to work, unable to think,

    going through the motions like a machine

    with a taste in his mouth

    almost as bitter as the ones

    that others have left him.

    Maruša Romih

    Kitchen Counter

    the kitchen counter counts

    the cuts on the cutting board

    the cat’s claws that scratch it

    the canopies of the trees it sees

    and it counts the times you

    bring home the brunette

    because among them all it

    loves the brunette the most

    because you always bring her

    to the kitchen and you lift

    her up on the counter and she

    lifts up the skirt and lets down

    her hair and you let down your pants


    the kitchen counter silently counts

    the times she countlessly comes

    Max Reagan

    A Brief Interlude In-Between Births

    The only thing that would have been different

    from what had happened in the morning

    is the fact that you have no idea

    what I'm doing with your life,

    quelled cerebral,

    spoon ineligible,

    weevil issues and

    a bucket of cider;

    vinegar chips and the

    rest of the bourbon bile,

    bikers crunching gravel and

    their teeth cracking in the lurking potential,

    the cosmos squad formulates jello for our skulls,

    the same day water drinks itself and drools out a cloud of silver linings,

    wings of birds of prey sail aligned with the moons third eye, all the while

    licking her naval with a lemon dropper,

    astounding ash in capillaries and cigarette stubs in her eyes,

    when we went to the park we saw the

    homeless man rejoice in the sorrow of his freedom,

    playing a guitar with four strings and a

    rabbit named Hendrix perched on his head

    -- we made it to the ocean all right but there's no jelly in that cortex

    Sharon L. H. Kelly


    Stetson shaded eyes

    he scans the hills for outlaws

    on his broomstick horse

    Gaston Villanueva

    Broken Piano Keys

    When you find out Randi likes you, don’t get scared and actually ask her out. When you go to Border’s, read the first Harry Potter book first, not the fifth (Dumbledore isn’t Professor Quarrel). When you go to Baskin-Robin’s for the first time don’t get the cookie dough flavor. Every time you make popcorn check to make sure you didn’t put 20:00 minutes instead of 2:00 minutes. Don’t wear that itchy wool sweater. Study for you final math test in 5th grade so you don’t end up with a B+. Save all the writing you do even if you think it’s dumb. Freddy Krueger isn’t real. Don’t be afraid to do anything because the worst thing that will happen is that an adult will tell you to stop. If there are free samples, don’t worry about taking more than one. Don’t look down when you’re on the rock-climbing wall and make it to the top so Shelby can tell you that you did a good job. Be kind to everyone and Cody Davis isn’t as bad as you think he is. Don’t drink maple syrup from the bottle on your washing machine so you can enjoy it when the waitress spills it on your order at a soccer tournament. When you find out that you won your class election don’t resign. When you are offered snicker-doodles, eat them because you’ll like them. Macaroons are not crayons. When you are playing baseball, always wear a cup. Don’t sit on the chimney on Thanksgiving, you’ll burn your butt. Always do the cake walk at the carnival. Draw more and start playing the guitar. Hang out with your dogs. Pack snow boots for Calvin Crest or you’re going to have cold feet all week. Do the zip line more than once. Middle school isn’t like how it’s portrayed on television. Don’t be afraid to hang out with people you don’t know. Don’t eat the jalapeño in Mustang Madness. Listen to music. Take the computers elective so you can learn how to type (it’ll pay off). When you get a gamecube for Christmas, remember where you store your playstation. There is no giant shark in the swimming pool. Get to the movies earlier so you can watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire not sitting in the front row with Adam (your neck will hurt). Liking someone isn’t bad and girls are just humans. Don’t start playing Yu-Gi-Oh because you’ll think about it 24/7. The Academic Pentathlon is fun and expect to win 1st in the math team event and 3rd in the individual reading event. Don’t run away when a girl wants to hug you. Don’t fill you backpack up with meaningless stuff. High schoolers are not adults that have their lives in order. Talk to Courtney Woodel more in geometry. Don’t jump out of a moving car to tell James you found his ostrich unless you want to use crutches the first month of 9th grade.

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