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The Slumber of Death: A Gods' Chosen Story
The Slumber of Death: A Gods' Chosen Story
The Slumber of Death: A Gods' Chosen Story
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The Slumber of Death: A Gods' Chosen Story

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A circle broken and laid at your feet, accident, perhaps? A part suspects the circle broken intentionally to represent a broken trust. No sooner than the word normal escapes lips, a new threat takes its place. An evil fog covers the world, slowly taking shape and grasping for small amounts of power it can find. New bonds mend and new hostilities break with no end in sight. A broken path appears on the edge of our heroes minds but they will not travel down unfamiliar territory. Broken. The word keeps repeating, broken. A broken shield tarnished by lies and tempered in secret remains in the hands of the future crown. A power long believed lost returns to take what it claimed by right thru the warmth of gold. Words stop writing and the pages grow fewer with each turn.
Release dateSep 27, 2011
The Slumber of Death: A Gods' Chosen Story

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    The Slumber of Death - Zachary Jennings

    The Slumber of Death: A Gods' Chosen Story

    The Slumber of Death:

    A Gods’ Chosen Story

    Written by Zachary Jennings


    2011 Zachary Jennings. All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-300-88987-8

    Chapter 1

    I will not stand for this! Leo shouted.

    I will not allow this! Seyev echoed.



    Those who look to us for aid will turn away!

    Anybody else will do!

    The Dead will crawl throughout Jenaut!

    The Dragons will feast themselves on us all, if he does not first!

    Pray tell me you finished? Zacarius asked.

    I did not even begin to express how I feel inside! Leo shook his head.

    How many laws did we break?

    None, Seyev, as you all know Zachir serves as an ambassador to the Humans from the Dragons and does not follow our laws. You see, he used that loophole to defy Achara one too many times. Ameli only uses his own game to teach him a lesson, Zacarius explained. Mary sat behind her desk listening to the exchange. Although she did not approve of the disrespect towards Prince Zacarius, she held her own reservations. The Intercontinental Court recently announced him only two months ago, three months after the end of the Summoner War. As a Royal Summoner, Prince Zacarius could assume authority of the Council by right, but his parents, King Gril and Queen Yenna of Cervical, hid him away to protect him. When Cervical announced his existence, Queens Ameli, from Achara, and Grecthe, from the Underground Grotto, spoke on Zacarius’s behalf. Chartise personally informed her of Zacarius’s assignment to the Royal Overseer, a term she came up with. His real title, Royal Advisor, sat ill with her, to what he advised she did not know.

    Nevertheless, she sat and watched Leo and Seyev’s vain attempt to stop this. Leo’s face looked cherry red and Seyev almost plum purple. Zacarius handled it well, he stood leaning upon her desk with his hands in front of him. Zacarius appeared a skinny youth, although less skinny than his brother, Darkivr. Zacarius’s blonde hair and blue eyes created an almost doll like appearance against his fine porcelain skin. However, these months out in the world already turned the pale white to a pale peach as if the doll maker began to paint him. She could not yet define his personality, but knew that the coming years would give her plenty of time to find out.

    The rest of the Gods’ Chosen sat around the room. Jack looked nervous for some reason. When she learned of Jack’s status as the walking Dead it made her fearful. However, Jack felt pain and bled, signs that Chartise assured her meant Jack lived. Tar’Kar appeared cautious and his greeting one morning made her think a burglar broke into the building. He began speaking to the rest of the group after five years of silence. Romand and Eremi sat talking with each other; both appeared overjoyed at the thought of the legendary Half-breed joining them. They spoke like gossiping women over the things Eremi wanted to ask him and the women that Romand and Zachir could seduce. She fought the urge to laugh. Mylissian remained missing and she hoped she fared well in Cervical. Mylissian escaped the Convent of St Augusta before the King locked it for aiding the Half-breeds’ escape from the clutches of the High Paladin. She did not know the entire story but Mary did not make a habit of interfering. Yenna invited Mylissian to Cervical after the Summoner War and ever since then kept Mylissian from the guards. St. Augusta knew where Mylissian lived but dared not enter the city.

    This will not end well, Seyev huffed.

    We all know that, Zacarius smiled.

    I think this seems the worse out of all the things the Gods threw at us! Leo rose and stood in front of the door.

    I beg to differ, Jack shrugged.

    I spent enough of my time wallowing in the low, immoral world here! I can no longer stand idle while the last shred of dignity I possess as a Paladin disappears! Leo shook his head. Mary noticed no one cared enough, not even Jack who took pride in the group. Suddenly, she felt very afraid for Leo.

    Leo, She said.

    I despise that beast; despise him with every part of my soul!

    Ah… Leo, Jack noticed too.

    That Tainted, evil, scoundrel can rot in Hells for all I care! I will not belong to this depravity!

    Leo… Seyev mouth dropped. She noticed Zacarius nodding his head but did not attempt to stop him. She watched as his eyes, which before looked warm and caring, now displayed the cold, calculating stare that identified his race. She mentally urged him to stop this but dared not say anything to him.

    Furthermore, if that beast dares to show his lizard hide anywhere here, I will kill him and break every bone in his body! Leo yelled.

    Leo, behind you! Romand and Eremi said at once.

    What…?! Leo turned. A few inches away from him the hooded form of Zachir stood. He crossed his arms, made his mouth into a snarl, and stared directly at Leo. His face muscles strained not to growl. He towered over Leo even slightly bent due to the low doorway. However, Tar’Kar still stood taller than he did and the ceilings already compensated. She never knew why they never did raise the doorway though. 

    A tense silence filled the room, as everyone grew quiet. Leo froze to his spot, which shocked Seyev. Leo dispelled magic and should counter anything the beast could throw. Zacarius sighed and chuckled, he found amusement in the hand Fate played. Romand waited for Zachir to strike as well as Eremi. Jack gulped and Tar’Kar shook his head. Finally, the tension eased as Zacarius spoke.

    I feel certain Zachir would like nothing more than to kill everyone here. However, Ameli told him to keep his teeth and claws, as well as whatever else he owns, to himself or face the consequences. The same applies to you both, Seyev and Leo, you will not fight amongst yourselves or I will stand by while Zachir kills you both, understand? Zacarius did not wait for an acknowledgement.

    Zachir, if you so much as scratch them, Ameli gave me the authority to chain you in the dungeons, Zacarius smiled. Seyev sat down, defeated, but Leo stood affixed to his spot. Zachir huffed at Leo before taking his seat next to Eremi and Romand. He moved his wings and tail so that he would not sit upon them.

    Welcome, Eremi nodded.

    Shut up, Zachir huffed.

    We will not suffer your attitude, She eyed him. Zachir looked at her with a snarl.

    Do not start, Zachir, Zacarius eyed him as well. Zachir huffed and leaned his head back against the wall.

    Well now, on towards actual work, She turned to her parchments. She read the requests at her desk interrupted from reading them this morning by the announcement. She picked up a request from the office of Chartise, their employer. The gold lettering only stated that she wished to speak to Zachir. She thought Chartise would want to lay some rules upon the Half-breed or wanted to know what he could do. She wanted to send Romand or Eremi with him to keep Zachir from threatening her, but knew that it would not work. She sighed and shrugged. May the Gods show mercy upon the faithful.

    Zachir, Charitse wishes to speak to you, She looked up. The Half-breed rose.

    Only him? Romand sighed.

    Afraid so, She nodded and then noticed Zachir gone.

    Did you see where he went?

    His minion can make it appear as if he just vanished, Eremi recalled the conversation in the Summoner Council Tower. Another Necromancer, Jecipe, explained it.

    I wish I could learn to disappear like that, Jack sighed.

    We all feel the same way, Romand laughed. The room joined in except for Leo who still stood frozen.

    In her office, Chartise organized her desk. The last time Zachir came to her he scared her to death. This time she felt adamant that she would remain the stronger one. She rummaged thru her parchments and wondered why she kept so many of them when the assistants could store them away. Absorbed in her work, she failed to notice that right behind her inkwells rested the feet of a Half-dragon. She looked up to see Zachir seated in a chair of bone resting his arms on the armrests while tapping one foot against the other. Neither she nor her assistants heard the door open or him walk inside.

    Good morning, She started with pleasantries.

    What do you want? Zachir asked calmly.

    Straight to the point, I see, She smiled. Zachir cocked his head to the left.

    Then allow me, I want you to locate my guards, She leaned back.

    What? Zachir cocked his head to the other side.

    About a month ago, my personal guards started to disappear during the night. Their families and friends do not know where they disappeared to nor do they know I consider them missing, She explained.

    You found no indication they left town?

    No, and to answer your next question all of the guards volunteer for the position. I did not enlist their servitude only their employment, She cut him off.

    At night then? I hope to discover the answer by tomorrow, Zachir yawned. She could see his teeth still looked very sharp.

    Then I will wait for you, She smiled. Zachir rose, his chair disappeared, and started to walk to the door.

    Seil, would you please…? She blinked and Zachir disappeared.

    The door remains closed and magics prevent anyone from teleporting in here, Seil said.

    Do you think Half-dragons contain that power? Heather asked.

    Hmm… She thought.

    Zachir arrived back at the building. He wished that the others left somewhere and that no one would still sit around. However, Mary sat behind her desk and Zacarius sat on the couch next to her. The others left though. He cursed to himself and wished he could just teleported into his room but Ameli gave him strict instructions to behave. He remembered being called into her throne room before he set off for Jenaut.

    "While at Jenaut, I do not want to hear of anyone eaten, mass deaths, riots, or anything related, do you understand?" Ameli sat on her throne. He stood in front of her straining not to growl.

    You only brought this on yourself, you know, Ameli shrugged.

    Act courteous to Chartise, Mary, Zacarius, and the Gods’ Chosen, Ameli looked at him.

    They will allow you to return home whenever you wish, my insistence, and whenever Clari needs you. The Courier office in Jenaut will come find you if needed, Ameli smiled.

    However, if Mary gives you a request you will complete it first if you can. If you can enjoy the leisure than you can do whatever you wish, Ameli crossed her hands.

    I will receive reports from Chartise, Zacarius, and Mary. I shall reward you for your accomplishments but for any complaints I will make sure your parents punish you severely, Ameli picked up a piece of meat and threw it at him. He caught it in his mouth since he did not waste food.

    You may leave and prepare your room but report to Mary when you finish, Ameli waved her hand. He quickly left.

    He wished he never agreed to fight with the Rebel Summoners. He felt a pang of remorse for his lost comrade, the Wiseman Gur’lenth. He sacrificed his life to save them all and now sat by the God Gromir in his afterlife. Hopefully, he could visit him one day after he, himself, died. Gur’lenth joined with the Ancients, Barbarians that earned the right to battle in the Arena of Gromir for all eternity. They even made a myth about him. He smiled and sighed. He felt depressed after the war ended. He did nothing since.

    He entered the Hall and both Mary and Zacarius looked at him. They displayed smiles on their faces that to him appeared disapproving. They waited in silence for a while. As long as they made him suffer here, he would rebel in any way possible.

    Yes, Mary said.

    Yes, what? He huffed.

    What did Chartise want? Zacarius asked.

    To locate someone at night, He turned to walk to his room.

    Who? Mary asked after him.

    Her guards! He yelled and jumped the steps upstairs. He walked towards his room and entered. His bed, a replica of the one he owned at home sat right in front of him. The bedding from Achara used fur lined with feather; it symbolized his rank stemming from the General of Achara. At night, he lay under furs which felt more comfortable than the bedding.

    He walked down steps to his second floor, this one held a desk with a cabinet filled with vials for rituals and a few tomes and grimoires he studied. The other side contained a table with his own summon grimoire resting upon the makeshift stand. He could not construct a proper stand in the little time of the move but would do so soon. Near the far end of the floor stood a coffin resting upon a slab of stone for his Ash Guard and across rested a tombstone for his Spectral. His Ash Guard and Spectral both resided in their graves until needed. Past the two graves, he peered over to see a third floor with a huge depiction of his Gods’ symbol. He would spend time practicing and experimenting with summoning rituals here.

    He yawned and jumped onto his bed. Everything looked like a tomb; the walls made of obsidian, the fires burning eternal, and the details macabre. He moved into a comfortable position as he could and began to drift when a knock on the door roused him. He roared and he smelled the Mage enter.

    Forgive me for intruding but I wondered if we could discuss something sometime whenever you feel ready, Eremi said.

    Fine, He snorted.

    Good, good, Eremi nodded and left. He sighed and looked at his feet. His talons appeared jagged and dull, with him too busy making the transition from Achara to here they grew too much. He rose, stretched, and grabbed the nail file on his way out. He knocked loudly on Eremi’s door and then entered. He walked in, sat down on his chair, which materialized, and then rested both feet on Eremi’s lap.

    Make them sharp and use caution, if you break one I will break yours. You may speak while you sharpen, He huffed. Eremi took the file and began to rub it on his talon. The sound of scraping filled the room for a while. Eremi blew away the dust of one talon and he looked at it. It appeared okay. Eremi took a parchment and dragged it across. It sliced thru the parchment cleanly.

    Who told you of my trick? Zachir asked.

    Most of what Humans know about Half-breeds comes from the Illith Records. Illith observed the technique using a form of cloth rather than parchment,

    I like parchment, I find cloth rips,

    Hmm, Eremi thought to himself. The silence of the room made him uncomfortable. Eremi focused on sharpening his talons and so he relaxed. The chair felt hard yet comfortable

    You can fly with your wings, yes?

    Yes, long distances, He answered.

    How do you manage to fly? It feels as if your bones weigh heavy and your physique would surly bring you down? Eremi was intrigued.

    How should I know? I flew even when younger, Zachir sighed.

    Then no one taught you? Eremi asked.


    What else did you learn from instincts?

    Most of what comes from my Dragon side,

    Your Human side?

    Humans possess no instincts, Zachir huffed.

    What we lack in physical skill we make up in logic, Eremi argued.

    I hear your logic caused the others no short of troubles, Zachir smiled.

    You hear correctly, Eremi cleanly sliced another parchment.

    You finished two but you need to sharpen six more, He hoped he would speed up.

    Four toes, Eremi felt the bones.

    Four talons, He corrected.

    Ten truthfully, I see a fifth, Eremi said.

    Impressive, He felt Eremi feel the back of his foot. A lone talon pierced his scales on the back of his ankle for an unknown reason. Since he barely uses it, he allows it to grow.

    This may balance the way you lean forward when walking or standing. It feels thicker and heavier than the others. Your tail plays the same role as well might your wings,

    Never knew,

    Your skin feels amazing with how it scrapes against my skin, Eremi started to rub his shins.

    Keep sharpening, He growled.

    Where does the growl come from?

    Somewhere from my neck or chest,

    Does your feet bother you?

    No, why?

    I notice when I place my thumb on the arch of your foot and press, you grimace,

    I do not,

    Yes, you do, Eremi pressed his thumb and watched him cringe.

    If this hurts you would growl so this must feel good to you, Eremi pressed harder. Zachir started to purr, Eremi felt Zachir’s feet relaxing. He learned to ignore the mild pain from walking but Eremi found the spot where the pain originated. Eremi massaged harder and then started on the other one. It felt intriguing to see Zachir purring and leaning back, his tail dropping, his arms falling, and his head nodding. It took a while but Eremi then heard snoring. Eremi looked him over and noticed right away the leather guards Zachir wore.

    One guard ended at his elbow, it stayed separate from his glove and tied by only a strap. His left guard attached to his glove and covered his entire arm wrapping around his elbow. Eremi saw some discoloration on his arm where the guard separated a little to allow the joint to move. It looked like a scar and Eremi’s curiosity flared. Eremi began to undo the guard when a bright sword pressed into his neck. The Ash Guard looked the same when he appeared before them at the Summoner Council Tower. His armor appeared old but free of rust including his weapon. The weapon attached to his arm by a thick metal chain that wrapped around and thru him. The Ash Guard’s eyes glowed a fierce red. Eremi gulped.

    On second thought, perhaps I will stick to sharpening, Eremi picked up the file and resumed sharpening. The Ash Guard withdrew his sword but remained watching Eremi.

    At Cervical, Mylissian quietly sewed in a corner in a room at the castle. Queen Yenna and her ladies sewed more banners for their army. The banner depicted a woman only clothed in hair with whirling wisps of water surrounding her and looked ever-increasingly content. She wondered if she felt oversensitive because she herself wanted to feel content. Before the Summoner War, St Augusta declared her an outlaw after she escaped the imprisonment of the Convent with the aid of Amanda, the Reverend Holy Mother. After the war, Queen Yenna took her to Cervical as her invited guest. She knew that she would return one day to face the charges. Still, Queen Yenna provided her with a room, clothes, and news of her city. She felt eternally grateful.

    Mylissian, you missed a thread change, Queen Yenna said.

    I did? Hells, She began pulling the thread back to where she needed it.

    Relax, my girl, St Augusta will not harm you here, Yenna smiled.

    I know that, your Grace, but when I leave they will, She sighed and cut the thread to change color.

    You saved my youngest son from a life of seclusion. Stay as long as you need, Yenna resumed sewing. She started again with the new color. Months before she met Prince Zacarius in Jenaut in disguise. She remembered him excited to learn a new world he never seen before. She recalled when she felt like that. She left her Convent to join with the Gods’ Chosen before they served Jenaut. She also shared his depression of feeling secluded and trapped.

    Thank you, your Grace, if you excuse me. I think I need some air, She rose. Yenna nodded and she walked out of the Royal Quarters, thru the garden, thru the quarters of the Royal Guards, and the throne room before mingling with the common folk outside.

    Cervical took life slow and as a result, they moved slowly. No one it seemed knew any emergencies or worries and they laughed, danced, and played music all day and night. She walked down the castle steps and to the market place. She looked for anything to cheer her up. Sometimes the merchants offered linens from St Augusta, sewed by the Clerics and Nuns of the Convent. She loved to purchase them and take them to her room just so she can identify who sewed them. However, thieves overtook a shipment and the merchants displayed little to sell. The only foreign made items available came from Jenaut. She politely thanked the merchant and turned down his offer to send word when he received a shipment. She felt saddened, until she caught her eye on something.

    A tapestry sewed with care hung over a stand. She recognized her stitching along the side and other stitching from her sewing circle in St Augusta. She walked up to it and noticed the same band of gypsies that she hid with after fleeing the Convent and traveling to Jenaut. The same woman danced around with her tambourine matching the flute and lyre player providing a pleasant discord against a fiddle player who played a more upbeat tune. The jubilant tune and the dance pulled onlookers around them. She especially and she stood in the front row. The woman’s clothes looked the same as she remembered it. The woman twirled and spun around her stand, gracefully skipping and jumping in the air. Her tambourine, attached to her hip by a strap of bells, jingled with every sound the flute made. The speed at which the gypsies played and danced made her stare at them in wonder.

    The woman grabbed the tapestry and began to twirl. She looked at her and smiled. The woman kept dancing but held her stare with her. She thought the woman danced just for her. The tapestry twirled around her before she covered herself with it and spun. The tapestry flared out around her blending the colors faster and faster. She felt a pull and saw an image. Amanda, the Revered Holy Mother, spiritual leader of the Convent, lay upon the rocks on the Lady Isle. Her eyes contained tears and her neck a bruise. The gallows rope swung above her, held by nothing. She felt shocked and shook her head. Still, the blurry colors showed more, the Convent burning, the Monastery collapsing, the castle crushed by a Human hand. She wanted to look away from it but she could not. Then she saw Leo held by two men and looking at the High Paladin, Luke. Luke put a sword to Leo’s chest and stuck it thru. The sword exited out his back and surprisingly stayed free of blood but it changed. She could not forget the crafted hilt and diamond blade. The sword belonged to Saint Augusta, the Holy Knight her city took its name from. Then a shadow covered the sword and she heard a word echo in her mind, oblivion.

    The tapestry came to a stop and the images faded. She woke up from her trance to see the woman bowing and curtsying to the crowds. They threw coins into a hat for them. She waited in the front as the crowd dwindled. The gypsies packed their things and the woman walked to her.

    How does the serving life find you? Quite a promotion serving Jenaut and then Queen Yenna, The woman smiled.

    You knew my name, She recalled.

    I know many things, The woman laughed

    I do not know yours,

    People call me many names, the Temptress, the Dancer, the Lone Lady, the Bringer of Woe,

    Your real name?

    Real name? Do people call you Mylissian?


    Yet also an outlaw, the Battle Mistress, a Saint, and a Holy Spirit, all of these describe you,

    I only heard a few of those names,

    People call you more names than most,

    By who?

    Those you met along your path. Yenna calls you a savior,

    A Queen calling me a savior?

    Savior, a God’s answer,

    That tapestry came from the Convent, correct?

    It originated from the Convent but, in fact, original to this continent in construction,

    I stitched that myself,

    You stitched the original,

    Then someone copied my workmanship?

    This tapestry symbolizes a memory, a future memory,

    How can something symbolize a future memory? Memories belong in the past,

    Ah, but memorable events exists in the future. The memory exists there the same,

    Then those images I saw, you tell me they recall events from the future?

    You saw images? The woman asked.

    Yes, many,

    Perhaps the tapestry caught future memories, perhaps not,

    You will not tell me what they mean, will you,

    Images seem wonderful in that within one image contains a treasure trove of knowledge,

    It appears the trove remains locked and I without a key, She sighed.

    You know where I would start looking for one?


    I heard a rumor that the Reverend Holy Mother sailed upon a pirate ship called the Fallen by sailors, The woman shrugged. She gasped. Amanda told her she sailed on a pirate ship before she fled. The woman smiled and turned.

    The Arch Summoner, Eatislyn, I hear sailed on the same vessel, perhaps they knew each other. The Fallen, remember the name when you see her, The woman started to walk away. She stood in shock before realizing the tapestry rested in her hands.

    Wait! She called. The woman turned.

    Thank you, She threw a coin and watched the woman extend her hand to grab it. She turned and fled with the tapestry in hand towards the castle to ask a favor of the Queen.

    A little boy watched the Cleric run off. He walked to the spot where the gypsy woman stood. Her group vanished leaving behind a lone coin on the ground. The coin fell straight thru the gypsy woman’s hand before clanking on the ground. The boy shrugged and pocketed the coin. The Cleric ran off and she would not miss it.

    Back at the Chosen building Jack knocked on Zachir’s door. Mary mentioned Zachir took on a request at night and he wanted to join. More so to learn how Zachir could enter places locked securely. He knocked repeatedly but no answer. He found the door unlocked and went inside.

    He looked around and felt depressed. The details carved into the walls looked like skulls, flames and graves. He sighed. Zachir left somewhere. He stepped onto the second level. He found vials in the cabinet and began to rummage through it. He read the labels on the bottles, each marked with two names, one in a foreign language and another in Common.

    Thyme, Nightshade, Belladonna, Rosemary, Birch Bark, Tree Root. What an odd collection Zachir keeps, He wondered what they were for. He picked up another bottle, this one with a label in a language different than the others. He opened the vial and sniffed, the aroma smelled sweet.

    Some kind of poison or perfume, perhaps both? He placed the vial back. He then noticed a polished tombstone facing a stone coffin. The carvings formed letters in Common. It described an epitaph to a lost woman. The smooth polished surface reflected his image as he rubbed his hand over the surface. It felt frigid cold and started to burn. He thought he saw another image behind the text. He peered into the stone to stare.

    A shriek made him jump back into someone’s arms. He turned and met the cold stare of the Dead. His rotten muscles made him want to vomit. Then he saw wisps of ethereal tendrils surround him. He ran back up to see a Spectral in front of the tombstone. Both beings stared at him with a cold empty stare.

    What do you need? The Ash Guard asked.

    Zachir, He said frighten.

    Eremi’s room, The Spectral’s high-pitched voice sounded unmistakably female.

    Thank you, He stepped back out of the room. Once he shut the door, he sighed relief.

    Did Zachir kick you out? Romand laughed.

    No, his minions appeared and scared the Hells out of me, He shuddered.

    Serves you right, Romand smiled.

    Although, they said Zachir went into Eremi’s room, He wondered.

    Perhaps to gnaw on Eremi’s bones, Romand laughed evilly.

    Zachir would not gnaw on bones, He shook his head.

    Yes, I would, Zachir yawned.

    Zachir! He jumped.

    The beast himself, Romand bowed.

    Shut up and stop bowing like you serve me, Zachir angrily said.

    As you wish, Sire, Romand laughed but before Zachir could growl, Romand went inside his room. Zachir turned to him.

    Do not touch my vials again, Zachir huffed.

    You know! He stepped back.

    Why do you think I wake? I napped well until you intruded,

    Sorry, He cringed.

    Stop cowering, you act like you freshly expelled from your mother,

    I hear you accepted a request at night, He changed the subject.


    Mind if I tag along?


    I thought so, He sighed.

    I work better alone,

    My mentor said that a long time ago. He then told me he found it nice to rely on others for a while,

    Your mentor?

    Klennen, the Night Owl,

    What fool calls himself the Night Owl? Owls stay awake at night,

    Klennen always said it sounded better than Dawn Owl or Day Owl,

    I would disagree,

    You could find him, since Klennen died years ago,

    The he made a wise choice,

    He did not choose to die,

    Then he did not excel at what he did,

    He lived to an old age,

    Then his time came, Zachir yawned.

    Fate acted cruelly to him,

    Yes, when things turn worse blame the God,

    You mean you do not?

    I think any God must attend to more important matters than to punish or reward people,

    Then why do we worship them?

    If you do not, Summoners, like me, come to persuade you, Zachir smiled and his teeth seemed to glow.

    Again with the teeth? Yes, very scary and I feel so frightened,

    I like myself that way, Zachir walked past him and into his room. He slammed his door.

    What would I not give to kill that Tainted, Seyev came up the stairs.

    I want to leave him alone but Prince Zacarius and Mary told me I need to,

    Need to what? If that beast does not want to belong to our group, then to Hells with him. He can fight on his own and when he falls, I will stand by and watch him die, Seyev smiled.

    Seyev, why do you hate Half-breeds so much?

    They perverse Nature. We hold evidence to support they belonged to Destruction’s forces,

    You cannot believe every quack on the street,

    This quack happens serve as one of my village Elders, a historian too,

    Then why did the Gods allow them to live?

    They do not. We will end their existence,

    One day you will see that Half-breeds only want what we all do, He walked into his room.

    When ice coats the Hells, Seyev huffed and entered her room.

    The sun set upon Jenaut, sending the citizens home or to the inns and taverns for a night of drinking. The sky lit up with a brilliant sheen of colors that faded to a cool crisp night plagued by stars. A half-moon rose over the horizon and seemed to shine down on Jenaut. The warm breeze turned cool to give relief from the hot sun and then to freeze. Lanterns and torches lit up the surrounding buildings down on the street but on the roofs, only the moon could shed light.

    Zachir lay outstretched on top of a building and waited for one of Chartise’s guards to move. The guard stepped into a tavern and from his drunken appearance he felt certain the guard would not disappear tonight, almost. He needed to check upon the five other guards. He stood and jumped from the roof to roof, probably waking up the inhabitants but he did not care. He crouched on one roof and peered over the side. Two more of Chartise’s guards spoke in strained hushed tones. He cocked his head to listen.

    First a Wall Demon and now we mysteriously vanish!

    I know! What shall we do? Two more guards disappeared last night!

    What did Chartise do about it?

    Nothing, but said she will handle it. We asked for a professional,

    A professional! Did you gather enough coins for someone like that?

    Yes, word around the city highly recommends this person,

    Ha! What if the Wall Demon returned?

    The Wall Demon perished! Plus, it only attacked the wall guards,

    Perhaps, this one likes Chartise?

    Then this person will take care of it,

    Do you even know this professional?

    No, I used a woman to send our request,

    A woman? What kind of professional uses a woman?

    One that I do not doubt,

    For the amount of coins I gave, it better,

    Go home friend, sleep well,

    Fine, The two guards left the alleyway.

    You know, they should show more faith in their Noble, He sighed.

    Then I would never make a living, A familiar voice sounded from behind. He jumped off the roof, turned, climbed up the side, and hopped back up to face a figure carrying a sword.

    Curses, if I did not say anything, I could catch you off guard, The figure cursed.

    Do not flatter yourself, I could smell you from ten houses away, He frowned.

    Why the sad face? Feel angry that you see me live?

    A little, I thought I left you back in that cave bleeding internally, He smiled. The figure took off its hood and a beautiful woman took its place. Her hair wrapped tightly down her back and she wore tight fitting clothes but loose in the bust. The woman’s skin appeared a healthy peach and save only a scar on her cheek, flawless.

    Now what will you do?

    We could always try again,

    You must think me a fool that I would ever lay with you again,

    As I recall you liked me bounded to the wall,

    Next time, I will bind your manhood,

    I doubt any man possess anything close,

    Prideful lizard,

    I do not need to feel prideful, how do I match with the men you slept with today?




    Midu, what do you want?

    What else? The bounty on your head reached twenty-thousand coins,

    That much? I may kill myself, He laughed.

    However, I did manage to acquire half that taking this mission, Midu smiled.

    I knew they spoke of you, He frowned.

    Everyone thinks just because a woman’s role in life reduces to carrying children, they stay frail. However, truthfully women emerge as the stronger sex,

    I doubt that, especially when you tear so easily,

    Proof of my claim, I seen women give birth in fields only to continue working bleeding internally, as you would put it,

    Speaking about children, you do not carry any?

    You teared me to shreds and the blood alone took care of everything,

    I did enjoy the look in your eyes,

    I feel lucky that a Necromancer owed me a favor,

    Dam Necromancers,

    Yes, dam Necromancers,

    You know who abducts Chartise’s guards? He changed the subject.

    No and neither do you, Midu crossed her arms.

    Whoever did abducted those two guards, He huffed.

    Yes, right before I almost impaled you,

    Then I blame you if they yell at me, He growled.

    Fine, Midu fell over the edge. He sighed and jumped down himself, landing on the ground and standing. They both looked around careful to keep each other in sight.

    I think whoever did it abducted them both right around here. That meant they traveled in that direction, Midu picked up shreds of cloth with Chartise’s family seal on them.

    Hmm… He sniffed around. He smelled the usual scents of a city, Humans, livestock, garbage, urine, and the surrounding grass but then smelled a more familiar scent. He sniffed some more trying to locate where the scent came from. He smelt the pieces of cloth for a minute and then smiled.

    It appears you know where they went,

    Not where they went exactly but I do know who took them,

    You would not mind sharing that information, would you?

    I only share information with corpses! He lunged at her. Midu jumped just in time. Midu readied her sword and sliced at him when he rebounded. He dodged each time. Midu improved her swordsmanship and with her magical enchantments kept up with his speed.

    Do not think you can best me, Midu drew another sword and ferociously slashed at him. He easily dodged the two swords and looked for an opportunity to attack. He found one while Midu twirled and took it using everything he could gather. He caught Midu off guard and threw her against the wall. She ducked as he punched the wall and the stone cracked under his fist.

    You appeared to grow stronger than the last time we met, Midu noticed she dropped her sword in her right hand. The sword fell behind him and he stepped on it. He then pulled the sword back.

    Will one sword suffice for you? He smiled.

    You can die with only the one, Midu smiled and jumped. He twisted and his tail grabbed her sword arm and then pulled causing Midu to tumble. He kicked her knees and threw her to the ground. He smiled and placed one of his claws at her neck but then frowned. In the fall, Midu switched hands and the sword now poised to impale him. Her other hand grabbed his and she twisted her legs to lock him in.

    It ends in a draw, what a shame, Midu smiled.

    Nice trick,

    Fighting a Half-dragon takes every trick in Sylsteruin,

    What now?

    I kill you, you kill me,

    What would that accomplish?

    Someone would claim the bounty on both of us,

    How noble of you to willingly lose your life to make someone rich,

    Let us say, I know who would,

    I know a better idea, He smiled. The fight called to his Dragon blood and he went a long while without someone. He looked around, the alleyway looked deserted. No one would see. He pulled Midu and kissed her.

    No! Midu tried to fight but he took her sword in the confusion.

    This time, no one will save you, He growled and tore at her clothes.

    No! Midu tried to scream but he placed his claw over her mouth. Midu felt helpless. She began to squirm but felt the coldness of the night. She then felt his warmth close to her. He just turned the draw into a victory. Midu prayed to any God to save her.

    Chapter 2

    In the early morning, he walked the streets. The morning sun greeted Jenaut with a passion. In minutes, the shadow of the night fled leaving a warm embrace. The signs of summer rapidly signaled all who paid heed. It would seem like a glorious day in Jenaut. Zachir felt glad he woke early to avoid the crowds. Most citizens still either felt terrified and thus despised him or intrigued and wanted to study him. He hated them both and took great care to avoid people. He reached the Gods’ Chosen building before the majority of the citizens took to the streets. When he entered, he smelled meat and other food aromas. He sighed. His father told him he needed to at least sit with the rest of them for meals. He walked to the kitchen where the rest of the Gods’ Chosen sat. They all looked at him for a while before resuming their breakfast. He noticed a chair for him at the end. He sat down and rested his feet on the table.

    Mary eyed him with a fury. Not only did he arrive late for breakfast but he stayed out all night, did not report in, and dirtied the table with his unwashed feet. Maria placed a plate with meat for him and Miriam poured water in a cup. He took the plate and began to eat. Mary sighed, his manners looked atrocious. He gulped water down and practically inhaled his food.

    Zachir, how did your request go? Mary kept herself from screaming.

    Unfinished… He said with his mouth full of food.

    I would refrain from trying to rein Zachir in, Zacarius said as he drank.

    I set rules, Mary eyed him.

    About his feet, he suffers from a peculiar condition, Zacarius winked at her.

    I do not, He growled.

    Just because you feel embarrassed to admit your feet cause you pain does not mean you should hide your condition, Zacarius shrugged.

    Your feet? Hmm... Leo thought to himself. He growled and put his feet on the ground.

    I feel fine, He resumed eating.

    I see, Zacarius smiled at Mary who smiled herself.

    Eremi, do you want to visit Mylissian today? Jack asked.

    Yes, Eremi nodded.

    Good, I will give you a basket to send to her, Mary smiled.

    Zachir, you want to come along? You must know Cervical well, Jack asked.

    Fine, He said finishing his meat. He belched.

    What about Chartise’s request? Mary asked.

    It leads me to Cervical anyway, He finished the water. He belched louder.

    Nice, Romand smiled. He growled and left the room.

    He acts calm today, Zacarius laughed.

    How do you know that? Mary asked.

    Most times he would say little or tell someone he would kill them,

    Do you know a trick to make him refrain from that? Mary asked.

    Do not let it show that it scares you, Zacarius shrugged and finished his meal.

    More water, Milord? Miriam asked.

    No, I must leave to meet with Chartise and various other Nobles soon, Zacarius rose and left the room.

    I still do not believe he belongs to Royalty, Seyev said after he left.

    The Queen of the Underground Grotto announced she knew him, Romand shrugged.

    And Achara, Eremi nodded.

    Achara does not oppose Cervical often and the Underground Grotto would say anything for coins, Seyev shrugged.

    Next time you see him, Seyev, ask him to show you proof, Mary smiled.

    As if I would act that stupidly. What proof?

    The crown on his head, only a Prince of Cervical can wear that one,

    What happens if he did not belong to Royalty?

    Soul, herself would come after him,

    Gods, Jack gasped.

    Goddess, Miriam giggled.

    Do you feel prepared, Jack? Eremi asked.

    I do, Jack nodded.

    Here, Maria came into the room. She gave a basket to Jack as he rose from the table.

    Do you want to tell Zachir we leave? Jack asked Eremi.

    He waits in the hallway, Mary looked thru the doorway.

    Perfect, Eremi rose and nodded to the rest of the group.

    Give my regards to Mylissian! Mary smiled as Jack and Eremi left the room. They met a very impatient Zachir leaning against the doorway.

    What kept you? He asked.

    Sorry, Jack shrugged.

    I will meet you there, He huffed.

    Since you now belong to the Gods’ Chosen, you can now use the Carriage, Jack explained.

    That rickety thing made over a century ago? I would rather swim to Cervical,

    Cervical lies on this continent, Jack felt confused.

    Exactly, Jack, Eremi sighed.

    Oh, I understand now, Jack laughed.

    Gods, He sighed.

    We will see you there, Eremi nodded. He left growling to himself. Jack and Jeremy walked to the Carriage and entered. Jack spoke the name of the city they wished to visit and the door opened. They emerged onto the streets of Cervical.

    How long do you think it will take for Zachir to arrive here? Jack asked.

    You know nothing of the magical world, He said behind Jack. Jack turned suddenly and chocked.

    Do not sneak up on me, Jack sighed.

    Do not ask stupid questions, He huffed.

    Mylissian lives here as the invited quest of the Queen, Eremi changed the subject.

    Which means unless she walks outside, I would need to fetch her for you, He explained.

    Only Royal Guards can enter the Royal Quarters, Eremi nodded.

    Let us hope your Cleric walks outside, He started to walk through the streets. Along the way, the citizens of Cervical stopped to engage him in conversation. Jack and Eremi saw a side to Zachir they never dreamt existed. Zachir actually appeared nice. They came upon a little girl crying. Her father tried to console her but the girl kept crying.

    Oh dear, what bothers her? A woman came out of the house.

    She lost her doll out of the window, The father looked up. The doll hanged over a ledge high on the house.

    How did that doll end up there? The woman asked.

    Gods know, The father tried to hush the girl.

    Poor little girl, Eremi looked at Zachir. He stared at the doll and cocked his head to the left.

    Quick, fetch a ladder and get it down,

    We do not own a ladder,

    Borrow it from… The woman looked as he crouched and extended his wings. He jumped in the air and hovered before flapping harder and rising in the air. He flew towards the house, grabbed the doll, and then landed in front of the girl. He held up the doll to her and smiled. The girl smiled and took her doll.

    Say thank you to the nice Dragon, The father said.

    Thank you, The girl smiled.

    Do not lose it again, He laughed.

    Here for you, The woman gave him a pouch.

    Thank you, He walked on. Jack and Eremi found it peculiar that Zachir would so willingly fetch a doll.

    Why do you walk slowly? He asked eating from the pouch of more meat.

    Our Human legs walk slowly, Eremi sighed.

    Humans can walk fast,

    I can walk fast, Jack smiled.

    Dear Gods, do not let them start, Eremi prayed.

    You walk slower than Eremi,

    I can keep up,

    I bet I could walk to Jenaut before you could run there,

    Please, any God? Eremi looked up.

    I will show you! Jack sprinted towards the entrance of the city. Eremi looked at Zachir to see him smile the biggest smile he ever seen.

    Must you enjoy yourself on the short comings of others?

    Do you think he will run all the way to Jenaut?

    Yes, I do,

    What fun, He laughed.

    Mylissian should walk somewhere around here, Eremi sighed as he walked on.

    Then you do not need me, He huffed.

    Yes, I do. I cannot find her myself, Eremi pulled on him.

    Release me before you lose your hand, He growled.

    Zachir! A yell made him cringe. Eremi turned to see Queen Yenna walk down the street with Mylissian behind her. Her Royal Guards stood around them appearing just as angry as Yenna did. Eremi bowed.

    Rise, Eremi, Yenna smiled. Eremi rose.

    I saw what you did to Jack, Zachir, Yenna walked over to him.

    I grow bored easily, He whined.

    That does not justify tricking your comrade into running all the way to Jenaut,

    Not my fault if he wanted to prove something, He huffed.

    And did I hear you threaten to devour Eremi’s hand?

    I said lose, I never said how, He chomped. Eremi suddenly felt a new appreciation for his hand.

    I wonder if Ameli would make the same distinction,

    Do not tell the Queen, He whined.

    Then play nicely, Yenna smiled. He huffed.

    Fine, He crossed his arms.

    Wonderful, then you can escort Mylissian to Achara, Yenna turned to her.

    Why? He asked.

    She wishes to speak with Eatislyn,


    It does not matter the reason why. I told you to escort her, now go, Yenna sternly ordered.

    Fine, but I cannot leave right away. I must attend to other affairs,

    What could a Kreg’Noch Summoner attend to in Cervical? Yenna asked.

    I do not feel comfortable with sharing that information, He smiled.

    You will or else, Yenna frowned.

    I currently work to complete a request, He explained.

    The Gods’ Chosen? Yenna asked,

    Yes, He crossed his arms.

    Wonderful, then take Mylissian with you,


    I rule as Queen and I ordered you too, Yenna raised her eyebrow.


    Wonderful, Yenna smiled.

    Jack, Eremi nodded as Jack ran up.

    I ran as far as the gate, Jack breathed heavily.

    Dam gate guards always need to ruin my fun, He laughed. Yenna frowned and stepped in front of him placing her hands on her hips. He stopped laughing and sighed.

    Sorry, He huffed.

    For? Yenna prodded.

    Tricking you, He snarled.

    And? Yenna leaned towards him.

    I will not do it again, He sighed.

    Good, now then take your group and finish the request and do not leave them in the forest, Yenna smiled and winked at Mylissian before walking back towards the castle.

    Hurry up! He rushed off towards the outskirts of town. The others nearly ran after him. They wound through alleyways and narrow streets before entering on the edge of Cervical in front of a beaten path inside the forest. Two guards sat underneath a tree conversing rather passionately. They both looked up at the intrusion and then started laughing.

    Zachir, since when did you start babysitting? One of the guards asked.

    This morning, He smiled.

    Out for a stroll? The guard laughed.

    Why would you care? He asked.

    The King orders this path closed, due to some argument between the King and one of the pack leaders,

    Which one?

    The Alpha,

    What did he want?

    Control over the forest and lands up to Jenaut,

    Insane, if you ask me, The other guard shrugged.

    Perhaps, He smiled. He started to walk along the path.

    Hold, Zachir, The guards rose but fell to the floor faster.

    Gods! Jack felt surprised.

    Intriguing, Eremi thought.

    How awful, Mylissian rushed to them.

    They still live, only unconscious, He huffed and walked down the path.

    That looked interesting, Eremi pulled out his book and began writing.

    Come along Eremi, before he demonstrates on you, Jack sighed.

    What a wonderful idea! Eremi smiled.

    Coming, Mylissian? Jack asked.

    Yes, but what about them? Mylissian asked.

    Their relief will recover them, Jack shrugged.

    All right, Mylissian stood up.

    Do you feel okay? Jack asked.

    My stomach churns, Mylissian meekly said.

    Not what I envisioned, Jack followed Mylissian.

    In her room at the Chosen building Seyev stretched in her hammock. It seemed a slow day, truthfully a slow half a year. Since no one requested anything it left her with only boredom. She wanted to join Jack and Eremi to visit Mylissian in Cervical but the beast went with. How she hated him, the way he despised everyone, the way he acted violent, the fact he reminded her about John.

    She shook her head and rose. She walked downstairs to see guards from St. Augusta in the reception hall. The head guard, considering all guards from St Augusta acted polite, probably apologized numerous times by letter before apologizing in person. She could not stand honestly cheery people who could not feel sad or grow angry with anyone or anything.

    Mary sat at the desk with her hands crossed in her lap. The guards sat around her on the couches. A squire passed food and drink between them and they took it graciously. She noticed other people seated on the couches. Perhaps, people who needed something that would also take away her boredom.

    She silently walked behind the desk and pulled out some request forms. She took a quill and ink and gave it to the nearest person not from St Augusta. The man smiled and accepted it. She sat across and watched the two girls and a man that she assumed all belonged to the same family. Jack could tell family resemblances better than she could. When Jack and she found themselves back at her forest, Jack pointed her father to her. It still amazed her when she thought about it.

    The man finished and handed the parchment over to her. She rose and took the parchment back to Mary. Mary smiled at her and read it over with concern. She hoped they needed her, anything to free her from the bounds of boredom.

    I must apologize, Captain. But as we said before Mylissian fled to Cervical, Mary said. When St Augusta first came looking for her, she wanted to tell them that Mylissian stayed in the city. Chartise however wrote to St Augusta herself and informed them of Mylissian’s whereabouts. She wanted to intercept the letter but Mary forbade it. Mary told her she did not want to lose two members.

    "I know, but my orders require

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