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Building Brand Value
Building Brand Value
Building Brand Value
Ebook111 pages1 hour

Building Brand Value

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About this ebook

Bruce Turkel explains how companies and individuals can build their brand value with simple, clear explanations, anecdotes, and illustrations.
PublisherBruce Turkel
Release dateOct 15, 2014
Building Brand Value

Bruce Turkel

In 1983, Bruce founded TURKEL Brands. Today, he’s as passionate about creating memorable brands as he was then. Bruce conveys the importance of strong brands to clients, audiences and readers, and shows them how to build their own brand value. TURKEL Brands continues to break new ground with innovative work using simple yet powerful brand building techniques. Bruce is a weekly contributor on the Fox Business Channel and has appeared as a branding, marketing and advertising expert on CNN, ABC, CBS and NPR. He’s authored three books on advertising; his latest is Building Brand Value, and is busy writing his next two. He’s also been featured in Fast Company, The New York Times, Communication Arts, Fortune, and AdWeek.

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    Book preview

    Building Brand Value - Bruce Turkel

    Building Brand Value


    Seven Simple Steps to Profitable Communications

    Bruce Turkel


    First printed edition © Copyright 2005, TURKEL Brands. All rights reserved.

    EPub Edition 2014 ISBN 978-0-578-15183-0

    BRAIN DARTS is a registered trademark owned and used by TURKEL Brands. THE SEVEN POINTS OF BRAIN DARTS is a service mark owned and used by TURKEL Brands. In addition, this work includes trademarks and service marks of third parties. All these trademarks are the property of their respective owners, and you, the reader, should not use or display them in any manner without the prior written permission of the applicable trademark owner.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system—except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper or on the Web—without permission in writing from TURKEL Brands, 2871 Oak Avenue, Coconut Grove, FL 33133-5207, 305-476-3500,

    Although the authors and publisher have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of information contained in this book, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions or any inconsistency herein. Any slights to people, places, companies or organizations are strictly unintentional.

    Trade Paperback Original First Published 2005

    Designed and produced by Michael Kunhenn and Marlene Tosca

    All text by Bruce Turkel unless otherwise noted

    All illustrations by Bruce Turkel

    ATTENTION CORPORATIONS, UNIVERSITIES and COLLEGES and PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS and ORGANIZATIONS: Quantity discounts are available on bulk purchases of this book for educational, gift or premium promotion purposes. For more information, please contact TURKEL Brands, 2871 Oak Avenue, Coconut Grove, FL 33133-5207, 305-476-3500,

    For information on courses and workshops; to book keynote speeches or to learn more about our brand consulting, advertising and design services, please contact TURKEL Brands at


    • Read this book if you’ve noticed your world is shrinking.

    • Read this book if you’ve wondered what you can do about it.

    • Read this book if you want to communicate more quickly. Not quick as in auctioneer-paced, but quick as in instantly understood.

    • Read this book if you’d like to communicate more memorably, succinctly, and irresistibly.

    • Read this book if you want people to listen, comprehend and do what you suggest.

    • Read this book if you’ve ever miscommunicated.

    • Read this book if you want to, um, you know, basically, talk, like, you know, better and stuff.



    I spend a lot of my time traveling around the globe speaking to audiences at business conferences. When I do, I always try to open my talk by telling my audiences exactly why I’m standing in front of them. As I see it, my job is to be generous with real information that they can use the minute they return to their offices. And if I can present that useful information in a way that is entertaining and compelling, so much the better.

    My reason for writing this book was exactly the same: during the 31 years I’ve run an advertising agency and brand management firm, I’ve observed and learned quite a bit about how to build powerful messages that can compel people to buy our clients’ products. And I’ve noticed that the same techniques that help savvy advertisers sell their products can also help people make compelling points in everyday conversations. If I can pass some of that information along in a way that is educational, entertaining and enlightening then I can help a lot of people get what they want from their careers, their relationships and their lives.

    According to John Naisbitt, author of Megatrends:

    The life channel of the information age is communication. In simple terms, communication requires a sender, a receiver, and a communication channel.

    If you’ve picked up this book, it’s a pretty good bet that you’ve already got Naisbitt’s first two required communication components—you have something to say and someone to say to.

    It is my sincere hope that after you’ve spent some time with this book, you will also have the understanding and the skills you need to build your point across a clear and open communication channel.

    Bruce Turkel

    Brain Darts Are Born

    Introduction - How It All Got Started

    My business partner Phil and I were sitting around one day rehashing the same issue we’d talked about many times before: How could we differentiate our advertising agency from all the others?

    Each time one of us came up with a point of difference, the other would name some agency that already had that same image.

    • Dedication to creativity?

    • Commitment to our clients?

    • Emphasis on profits?

    We even went to see other agencies present themselves so we could get some idea of what to do and what not to do. In Florida where we live and work, the Sunshine Law requires all business done with public money be done in the sunshine. In other words, company presentations made to win public contracts are open to the public.


    Taking advantage of the unique opportunity this statute offered, my partner and I flew to Tallahassee to

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