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The Path to Discovery: Book IV of the Collection Archangel Michael Speaks
The Path to Discovery: Book IV of the Collection Archangel Michael Speaks
The Path to Discovery: Book IV of the Collection Archangel Michael Speaks
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The Path to Discovery: Book IV of the Collection Archangel Michael Speaks

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These are timeless channeled messages and stories from Archangel Michael. Each message and story has an accompanying meditation to help you practice the key focus of the channeled message. These messages provide the information and questions so that you can move towards your own spiritual growth.Important questions are brought forth here like "Why did you select your parents", what is doubt and how does it keep you stuck. The messages provide the tools and information to help you move upward on your own spiral of evolution.
Release dateMar 22, 2012
The Path to Discovery: Book IV of the Collection Archangel Michael Speaks

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    The Path to Discovery - Carolyn Ann O'Riley

    The Path to Discovery: Book IV of the Collection Archangel Michael Speaks

    The Path to Discovery: Book IV of the Collection Archangel Michael Speaks

    Carolyn Ann O'Riley

    Copyright © 2012 by Carolyn Ann O’Riley

    Print Version Copyright © 2005 by Carolyn Ann O'Riley.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.  Author Carolyn Ann O’Riley. All correspondence and inquiries should be directed to:

    Carolyn Ann O'Riley

    The Archangel's Pen

    18794 Vista Del Sol Drive

    Dallas, Texas 75287-4023 USA

    Phone: 214-232-7199 


    1st Edition Print: ISBN 1-4116-5251-7

    EPUB Edition: ISBN: 978-1-105-61219-0


    This is dedicated to The Creator and

    The Creator's Messenger, Archangel Michael,

    for their infinite love, faith and Omni-presence.

    Also to my Guardian Angels, Spiritual Family and Guides

    for their love, protection, vigilance and constant nudging.

    To All My Family, you are the wind beneath my wings, you

    have taught me more than you will ever imagine.

    To the devoted readers of Archangel Michael's Messages

    Remember you are loved beyond measure.

    Author's Acknowledgment

    I have been very blessed to have had these messages of

    Love, Hope and Wisdom Channeled through me for your understanding and enjoyment.

    My desire is to share the love that has been channeled

    through me with you, so that it may speak directly to your

    Spiritual Heart.

    The Creator's message is that we learn to love

    Ourselves so that we may remember how to

    Love others.

    In our remembrance, of The Creator's unconditional love

    We can remember who we truly are and true origin.

    We can change the world one person at a time

    Through love.

    Love is all there is.


    Welcome everyone to Book IV of the Archangel Michael Speaks Series.

    As usual Archangel Michael has selected and placed these book pages into the sequence in which he feels is the most appropriate order to work with each message and meditation.

    It is my pleasure to assist in this process.

    One can receive as much guidance or as little as desired through these various messages and meditations. The process is strictly up to each individual.

    Enjoy and share what you learn with others.


    Carolyn Ann O’Riley

    Table of Contents

    Preface by Carolyn Ann O’Riley

    Chapter 1: Archangel Michael’s Welcome

    Poem: What Color is it

    Chapter 2: The White Rolls Royce Limousine

    Chapter 3: The Van Mission

    Chapter 4: A Slow Dance

    Chapter 5: The Seeds of Remembrance

    Chapter 6: Changing Tracks

    Chapter 7: My Beloveds Ask for More Angels

    Chapter 8: The Mountain Spiral

    Chapter 9: The Seeds of Doubt

    Quote: Carolyn Ann O’Riley

    Chapter 10: The Gift of the Spheres

    Chapter 11: Coming With Love

    Chapter 12: The Gifts

    Chapter 13: The Million Question Journal

    Chapter 14: Opening the Cocoon

    Chapter 15: Only Memo Your Answer Not Your Fear

    Chapter 16: Look for the Tiny Joys

    Chapter 17: You Are Calling Home

    Chapter 18: Peace Pictures

    Chapter 19: Divine White Water Rafting

    Chapter 20: Talk to the Pain

    Chapter 21: More is Yet to Come

    Chapter 22: The Door

    Chapter 23: The Crisis Was a Gift

    Chapter 24: The Keys

    Chapter 25: The Little Child Shall Lead Them

    Chapter 26: Contracts

    Chapter 27: Divine Energy Essence

    Chapter 28: The Triggers You Seek

    Chapter 29: The Perfection Room

    Chapter 30: The Bells That Toll

    Chapter 31: The Fork In the Road

    Chapter 32: The Challenges That You Face

    Chapter 33: The Steps Upward

    Chapter 34: Peace Be With You

    Chapter 35: Returning to The Gold

    Chapter 36: 2006 the Game of Tug A War

    Chapter 37: Archangel Michael Farewell for Now

    About the Author: Carolyn Ann O’Riley

    Chapter 1: Archangel Michael Welcome

    We turn back into ourselves to open the door. Now you are ready to ask Who Am I?

    My Beautiful Beings of Light as the Pink Love Light Waves, from The Creator, waft around you forming a tiny whirlwind vortex, let the memories of HOME flood your remembrance.  If tears come My Beautiful Beings of Light let them flow for you are receiving a Spiritual Hug from The Creator, Welcome HOME.

    You ask how can one be HOME if one is sitting reading this book? The answer My Beloveds is, this is your uplink, your connection if you will. Every time you pick up this book to begin your work it sends a signal to all of your Guardian Angels, Spiritual Guides, Spiritual Families and The Creator so that you are well supported and guided during every word you read and every exercise that you complete. Your Spiritual Support System is waiting, are you ready?

    What and adventure this book will be for you My Beautiful Beings of Light. Each message takes you further and further within your inner crystal palaces. Each message allows more and more awareness to dawn awaking you to your life’s work.

    My Beloveds so many of you have been drifting around asking everyone but yourselves what your mission is.

    Each one of you My Divine Light Warriors have all your own most perfect answers, there is never a reason to go outside yourself for spiritual guidance. It is all inside of you. You came in with it intact but you are missing the data retrieval remembrance keys which many call the veil of forgetfulness.

    This book My Glorious Light Beings builds on the previous books in this series. Each book lays out more and more of the remembered knowledge to assist one in their own data retrieval.

    The spiritual work however My Beloveds is also all yours to do.  This Messenger is here to support your progress and provide the triggers that many of you are seeking.

    This Messenger does suggest keeping a journal, for you will find this book unlike the others in the series does not have additional writing pages added for that purpose.

    It is time to begin My Divine Beings of Grace.

    I Am Archangel Michael, The Creator’s Messenger of Love, Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace & Grace.

    Poem: What Color is it?

    By Carolyn Ann O’Riley

    Crystalline skies of blue

    Orange scorched dessert plains

    Green treed mountains majesty

    As red passion fills our veins.

    The color of a newborn babe

    God’s precious sight behold

    It doesn’t matter the ethnic race

    For the Creator’s story to be told.

    We crossed the land from sea to sea

    The colors were ever changing.

    We formed our quest and then set out

    History rearranging.

    This world is filled with color

    Of every definition that exists

    In God’s eyes there is but wonder

    And the color of everlasting bliss.

    We walk in silent homage

    To our origins that are many

    Hand in hand we hope for peace and love

    Where sometimes there isn’t any.

    What color is energy, flesh and matter

    In a setting of beauty, style and place,

    We are One with ALL THAT IS.

    We are the world in search of Grace.

    Chapter 2: The White Rolls Royce Limousine

    Greetings My Beautiful Beings Of Light we meet again do we not? This Messenger looks forward to each of these journeys with you. You are such special and precious Entities within The Creator’s Universe.

    The Creator accompanies this Messenger on each of these journeys and adds Creator Energies to the Love Washes that your Angels shower you with during each session we spend together.  Close your eyes now and sense the still quiet moments that allow you to perceive and receive the bounty that these Love Washes share with you individually.

    Many others within your Spiritual Families have requested to come this session. They sense that you are in need of a special infusion of higher Family energy. They sense you are longing for Home but do not quite understand that yet. Just allow those feelings to come forth now so that they can be addressed.

    Feelings of unexplained agitation, loss, vague loneliness, sleep issues, a feeling that something is missing in your lives are all signs that you are searching and not finding the real source of concern. You are awakening and looking around wondering what that source is that would sooth all those issues. You sense that you are missing something from long ago but can’t quite put your finger on it?

    You know you have felt it before but what is it? When did it leave and how does one regain that sense of wonder for all the beauty that is within the Earth Plane? You think back now to when you were wee babies and yes there was a glimmer of it then but that is still not the full remembrance that is trying to come forward.

    You search your memory banks and nothing is emerging. You sit quietly and close your eyes and try to catch it with your thoughts but didn’t succeed.

    You go outside and see a small butterfly flitting about and that triggers a spark of remembrance that you have seen huge butterflies before but where was that? Hum? Still Searching.

    You look at the trees and feel the breeze blow against your cheek  and it touches a memory long ago but where was that moment???

    You see your loved ones and greet them but the feeling is not there. Still searching.

    You take a walk and just breath in deeply and let it out. Your mind is blank and then you sense that someone is walking with you but you turn and there is no one there? Who was that you ask yourself?

    The feeling comes again but this time you stop and turn in all directions still seeing nothing. The feeling though is one of love of pure love.  It is a feeling of comfort and peace. You’ve felt this before. Your memories are trying to emerge to identify this presence.

    You simply tell yourself to just be, stand still and enjoy the warm feeling that is coming your way. It feels so very good whatever it is, it matters not. You sigh and just allow this presence to enfold you and love you. Oh what a glorious sensation this is you say to yourself.

    You quiet your mind and decide to try a little mental communication with this presence. You ask it who it is? It amazes you when you receive a mental response back, We are your Spiritual Family.

    Another question you decide just to see if this perceived communication is valid for you. You ask Why are you here. The Family responds because we sensed you needed more love in your life. You My Beloved are missing HOME.

    It takes a moment but a tear of joy starts to roll down your cheek. Your memory data banks have finally connected the dots and verified that indeed this is your Spiritual Family and this is the feeling of love from HOME.

    Enthralled with the joy of it all you just allow yourself to be loved. The feeling wafts over you and touches every part of your Essence on all levels dimensions and aspects. It leaves nothing that is not affected by this loving encounter.

    You think to yourself hum! My Spiritual Family, you communicate back that you have missed them so very much. They tell you that they have been there all this time but felt that up until this moment that it was best to honor your space and Earthly experience.

    They relay that within these last days they have sensed that you are in despair and see no avenues of light. The violence and terror have affected all parts of your Being and their presence was needed to remind you once more that you are a Spiritual Being having a human experience. They remind you that you are not this body.

    This information is sinking in gradually. You thank them for their love and ask them to be with you for the rest of the Earth Plane journey. They respond that it would be their pleasure to accompany you all along the way. They also remind you that they cannot interfere so if something is needed you will have to request their assistance and that of your Guardian Angels before they can help you.

    You nod and tell them you will remember that. You continue your walk and as you walk you visualize your Spiritual Family stretching out on both sides walking along side of you. You smile as you pass someone realizing that they cannot see all who walk beside you. What a wonderful feeling of love and security their presence brings to you now. You thank them for being with you.

    My Beautiful Beings Of Light you need the love that you have missed from your Spiritual Family. Allow them to love you and invite them in to connect with you within these moments. They have asked to be with you. Grant them permission to assist you in your every moment within the Earth Plane. Their presence is needed to help you stay balanced, focused and in harmony with The Creator.

    With your permission this Messenger would like to take you on a special meditation journey.

    Find a quiet spot where you will not be disturbed for a while. You may either sit or lay down whichever is more comfortable for you. Cover your physical self with a light blanket if you chill easily. You want no distractions during your meditations so always make sure the physical vessel is comfortable.

    Invite in at this moment all that you would have join you on this adventure.

    In your imagination ask through prayer for The Creator to send you down a protective Ray of White Light by saying My Creator I ask for a protective Ray of White Light to enfold me and lift me up so that I may experience the very highest of vibrations during this journey into my most inner depths of understanding and Being. I am protecting myself from anything that is not for my highest good on this journey. I thank you My Creator for assisting me by sending this Ray that is now coming down through the corner of the area where I am meditating. It is entering into this physical form, permeating all that is within this Beingness presence. The Creator has gifted you with an Iridescent White Ray, a Pink Ray and a Golden Ray for this journey. These are entering into your body through the soles of your feet and moving up through your physical vessel, permeating throughout all of your energies fields into all corners of the area that you are in, then exiting through your Crown Chakra. The Rays are returning to The Creator and cycling back down through you again and back to The Creator in a circular motion.

    You are now divinely protected and nothing can even  communicate with you that is not for your highest good without your permission at this moment.

    If it helps you to visualize by identifying your ego with a symbol or object please do so. Direct your ego self to perch on your left shoulder. Instruct your ego self that it is to only be an observer on this journey. Breath in deeply My Divine Light Beings and feel the lighter relaxed feelings of being Divinely guided into this meditation. Breath in deeply and know that you are breathing to the Pulse of The Creator. Breath in deeply and encircle your Essence with the symbol of infinity.

    Breath in deeply allowing and seeing within your imagination your Guardian Angels join you and take your etheric hand to guide you into your Spiritual Heart Chakra.

    Your Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides and special invited guests are now within your Spiritual Heart Chakra and as you locate and turn the door knob of the Golden Door that says To My Highest Guidance Within you cross over the threshold.

    You find yourself in a white marble corridor. Your Angels show you a closet and ask you to open it. You gasp as you find the most beautiful formal outfits you have ever seen. The Angels ask you to change from your old garments and put on these rich and gorgeous clothes.

    A smile crosses your face as you feel the garments against you skin. They make you feel elegant and luscious.

    The Angels smile also and lead you through a door to your left. There you see a circular driveway and they ask you to just stand there. They tell you a car will be there shortly to pick you up. As you stand you wonder where you are going.

    Within a few moments you see a white car approaching. You look again and can’t believe what you are seeing. You ask your Angels Is that a White Rolls Royce Limousine?

    The Angels nod their head yes in answer to the question.

    This time you ask where am I going in this beautiful car? There is a pause and then an answer. You are taking a drive with a very special chauffeur.

    The Creator desires you to feel as much as you can like the glorious complete Energy Essence in Perfection that you truly are with all the Abundance that the Universe has to offer.

    Looking confused you look up and the car is in front of you with the door standing wide open for you to enter.

    Wow you say to yourself this is so lavish and beautiful. Look at all the gadgets and things in this car what a fun experience this is going to be. Then you think to yourself again I wonder where I am going and what was that comment about the chauffeur.

    About that time you happen to look in the front seat to see who the chauffeur is there doesn’t seem to be anyone there.

    Then you begin sensing a huge warm light presence approaching the car. A glare of light is coming towards you. You can’t really make out the image because the light is so brilliant you can barely look directly at its brilliance.

    With the brilliance also comes waves and waves of love just one continual wash over yourself one right after another.

    You know this driver. Your Angels are beside you and confirm that indeed you know this Essence it is The Creator Itself that will be driving you during this journey.

    Oh My you think to yourself what a privilege this is. About that time The Creator’s booming voice welcomes you and honor’s you for taking this journey.

    Your Spiritual Family joins you in the limousine along with all your Angels and invited guests. You feel so secure and wonderful sharing that space with all those high energy entities. It is lovely and hard to believe that you are connected again and loved this much by so many.

    The limousine begins to pull away from the curb and you look out the window at the scenery passing by. You see sights within the nature setting that you have never seen before. You spot all types of animals and flowers that are so beautiful and unusual.

    Your Angels tell you that on this drive you will also be passing through areas of your life to show you the highest potential that could have been selected had you chosen that option.

    Your Spiritual Family wants you to understand that with The Creator driving for you in your Earth Plane life, if you will, and your allowing the guidance to be received about all options available to you, you can begin making choices that will be much more beneficial for you on your path with ever so much less pain, stress and struggling than you are exhibiting on a regular basis within your current Earth Plane existence. Your Spiritual Family and Angels gather around you as you begin this mini life review of those areas so that you can view within your Spiritual Heart the scenes of your life where a higher choice could have made all the difference in your present outcome. 

    First they show you the scene and then they show you the alternate ending.

    You find yourself pensive and very quiet, a tear begins to roll down your cheek as you view these scenes. This review does not bring up the vast emotions that accompanied these events but only a slight remembrance, so do not be afraid of looking at what you are being shown. The higher alternate choice is what is then revealed to you next. You see yourself walking through this other choice and see where it would have made all the difference in the world.

    This you are finding so beneficial and you now understand what this is all about.

    You walk through several more scenes and their alternatives and can’t really grasp the vast difference that these mere selections could have made had you but selected them.

    The Creator sends you more wafting love energy and bolters your tender and sensitive longing for what might have been.

    The Creator in a gentle voice simply asks you to allow Its presence to drive, if you will and guide you to your highest selections.  Seeing you in such pain for so long is a very difficult thing.

    The Creator congratulates you for performing this meditation so that this awareness could be brought forth for your understanding. The Creator tells you to simply visualize yourself in this glorious White Rolls Royce Limousine with The Creator as the driver at all times within your life. See yourself asking for the highest guidance advice when choosing within each moment and know that the choice made was the one that was for your highest good.

    This is making perfect sense to you now and you thank The Creator and all that were in attendance and invited for their assistance in helping you understand this concept.

    You ask their assistance to be with you in each moment.

    Your Angels tell you it is time to return.  You thank The Creator of the tools and wonderful help and drive.

    You get out of the car and walk back through the door. You find yourself in the white marble corridor once more. You smile as you imagine yourself riding once more in that beautiful White Rolls Royce Limousine. Your Angels are reading your thoughts and smile with you.

    They guide you back to the closet so that you can change. You tell them you really hate to do that because you are feeling so elegant and loved.

    You find that putting your old clothes back on is really hard because it brings back all the attachments that go with the Earth Plane life thus far. You remind yourself again that you will simply visualize yourself back in that White Rolls Royce Limousine and do as suggested by allowing The Creator to do the driving in your life. 

    You stop for a moment and  visualize yourself in traffic as everyone around you wishes they too were riding in a White Rolls Royce Limousine with The Creator as their chauffeur. The Angels are now leading you back through the golden door back into your Heart Chakra and then guiding you back into your physical form.

    They tell you that when you are ready to wiggle your fingers and toes and open your eyes. They ask you to re-orient and ground a bit before going back to your day as you have been in the highest of rarefied energies.

    My Beloved you are loved more than any Earth Plane language could ever express. Go about your moments in joy and grace and give The Creator thanks for All That Is.

    I Am Archangel Michael, The Creator’s Messenger, of Love, Joy, Wisdom, Light and Grace.

    Chapter 3: The Van Mission

    Glorious Greetings My Beautiful Beings Of Light From The Creator and from all within the Angelic Realms.

    Our Creator has gifted each of you with two more Angels to beam their love to you within each moment.

    Within these special moments of emotional trial, unrest, war talk, fear and conflict this Messenger has requested the presence during your reading of this message of your Guardian Angels, Your Spirit Guides, Your Spiritual Family and all those that are Special Light Beings to you on this side of the veil.

    This Messenger has asked these Beautiful Entities to beam more Love Essence to you as we communicate within this message. Feel their presence around you and know that you are surrounded by love and peace within this moment. Just be still and drink in the peace and love that has been gifted to you.

    Allow their love to calm you and provide you a solace of space between your fears and your doubts so that your inner guidance can whisper in your ear that you are dearly loved beyond any Earth Bound Language capability

    It matters not if you cannot completely grasp at this juncture the idea of being surrounded by those that you cannot physically see. They are there in spite of your doubts. They are communing with other levels within your Beingness that remember them, welcome them and sheds tears with them as they share the feeling of HOME.

    Rest assured that they will not come into your Earth Plane awareness without your permission. Also remember that permission is often granted on other higher levels of your Beingness than what your physical self perceives. Intervention requests My Beloved Divine Light Warriors are often times given at higher levels of your awareness.

    Allow this Messenger to share a story with you so that you can remember how this works.

    Jake Jones was to go on a vacation with a group to a nearby village. The day of the trip was very cloudy and overcast. Storms were predicted by the weather predictors.

    The group of friends all gathered at Jake’s church and were to take a van from that location.

    It would take approximately 3 Earth hours to arrive at their travel destination. All the travelers were chatting among themselves and all seem

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