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Diary of a Madman
Diary of a Madman
Diary of a Madman
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Diary of a Madman

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John Baldacci a psychoanalyst who specializes in psychedelic psychotherapy experiments on himself to soon find himself in a psychedelic nightmare where murders take place around him where he has no memory of any of the incidents involved, John cannot explain the blackouts that are connected to the murders in a small town called New Kensington. Is he going crazy or is there someone else committing the murders? In this psychedelic thriller John Baldacci tells his story, this is his confession.

original title Mushroom Madness
Release dateJun 29, 2014
Diary of a Madman

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    Diary of a Madman - Ed Russo

    Diary of a Madman


    I could see life in everything. Everything is alive, the furniture, the walls everything is breathing. All is an extension of me. I do not move, but everything around me moves instead. This is what it means to be God. I am God, ha ha ha ha ha! I started to laugh as I came to the realization that I am… God.

    By Ed Russo

    Published by Illuminated Publications:

    THE SCIENCE OF BUSINESS: The Secret to a Successful Business

    THE ILLUMINATI CODE: The Mystery of the New World

    Order (fiction)

    THE ILLUMINATI CODE 2: The Apocalypse Begins,



    I AM YESHUA: The Celestial Prophet





    A Illuminated Publications Book

    Published by Illuminated Publications

    Copyright© 2008 by Ed Russo

    ISBN 978-1-312-31278-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

    Chapter 1: The Experiment

    September 8, 2008

    When I woke up this morning, she was not lying next to me. Last night she stayed the night. Maybe she is in the bathroom I thought, but when I looked down at my hands they were covered with blood. I started to panic wondering what the hell is going on. I got out of the bed nervously afraid of what I may find. As I walked into the living room I saw her bloody corpse propped up on the sofa. Someone has de-gutted her.

    At that moment my world began to spin as I face the horror of reality of what has taken place. Did I do this? Why can't I remember? Why do I have mixed feelings about this? I'm confused as I wonder if this is a bad thing.

    5 weeks ago

    August 4, 2008

    My name is Dr. John Balducci. I am a psychoanalyst and I have a Ph.D. in medicine. I specialize in the field of psychedelic psychotherapy. I just recently published a book under the pseudonym Caden Morningside. The book that I had published is called Head Tripping which is a text book about LSD effects on the psyche.

    I received my M.D. at the University of Pittsburgh and I work at the Research Western Psychiatric Institute & Clinic. I live in the state of Pennsylvania in the city of New Kensington.

    Today I am experimenting on a schizophrenia patient from a psyche ward. I will not say which one for confidential reasons. The patient's name is Gertrude.

    Gertrude has dirty blonde greasy hair from it being unwashed. She has dark circles under her eyes. I have electrodes hooked up to her so that I can monitor her brain waves when I dose her with a small dose of Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD).

    Gertrude's brainwaves are in an alpha state of consciousness. She experiences a religious mystical experience, which is common in schizophrenics.

    One experiment that I plan to do is use a psychedelic on a patient while the patient is immersed in a Sensory Deprivation Tank combined with brain wave synchronization.

    Doing this without authorization is illegal. If I can get authorization then I will try this on a patient.

    After work I went home. I live in an apartment in New Kensington alone after a break up with my wife.

    My wife Liz complained that I don't spend any time with her; instead I spend too much time at work.

    My goal is to try to find out the key to expanding consciousness. My theory is that by expanding the consciousness one can tap into powers and abilities that they did not think was even possible. I want to make the world a better place. Expanding consciousness may be the key into tapping into what many call God.

    While I am at home sipping on a glass of Italian red wine I am on my desktop finishing some work that I brought home with me.

    I am supposed to be traveling to Mexico. A Native American tribe in Mexico has a potion that is made out of a mixture of different mushrooms. I have done some research and hear that this mushroom potion is a very powerful psychedelic that is used for religious purposes in this tribe.

    Most psychedelic mushrooms contain the psilocybin or psilocin which is psychedelics. Somehow this tribe is very skilled in making the right mixture.

    After I finished my work for the evening, I called my girlfriend Stephanie, so that I can spend some time with her. Since my wife left me, I have been dating Stephanie Jamison who I met at the University. Stephanie is in school to become a nurse.

    Stephanie came over to spend the night. I made her a candlelit dinner. I made Piera Marretta's Pasta C'anciuova which is Sicilian pasta with anchovies.

    This is some good food that you prepared. I like it, said Stephanie.

    Thank you; it is an old recipe from family tradition.

    Stephanie and I enjoy the rest of the night together.

    The next morning I wake up cuddling with Stephanie. I look and see a slight smile on her face while she is dreaming. What is she dreaming about? I wondered. Is she dreaming about us?

    I know very shortly we both have to get up so that I can catch my flight to Mexico.

    Shortly Stephanie and I are eating breakfast. She decided to prepare breakfast. She made eggs and bacon topped off with mushroom sauce.

    After breakfast I drove Stephanie home and I then drove to the airport to make my trip to Mexico.

    August 6, 2008

    I am now in Mexico. I am there meeting with Carlos Gomez who is a Professor at the University of Mexico.

    We are both there to meet the Brujo of a Nahua tribe.

    In a remote area in Mexico we meet the Brujo. He is a Sorcerer of his tribe. We sit among the tribe around a camp fire. The Brujo chants and passes a honey type substance. I tasted the honey and the Brujo slightly touch my forehead and I suddenly felt a bliss wash all over me.

    I fell to the ground seeing visions. One vision that I saw is a man with a horned halo. Suddenly that vision turned into a clown face rabbit. I never saw anything like that before. Suddenly I found myself in some type of cocoon. It was made of some type of organic material. I reached my hand out and the material stretched. It was very elastic. I finally ripped through the material and found myself falling inside some organic like tunnel. It seems like there was no bottom, but I held onto a giant umbilical cord that was attached to the cocoon.

    Before I knew it I was being dragged by monsters. The monsters were the texture and complexion of mushrooms. They were grotesque looking as they appeared in a deformed humanoid appearance. They were horrifying as they had deep black penetrating eyes. I screamed and screamed and no one can hear me. I wanted to wake up from this terrible nightmare, but there seem to be no way out.

    The mushroom monsters started to pull my limbs apart. Suddenly the face of the clown rabbit appeared in front of me, as it startled me. The pain was excruciating as I am being pulled apart. I screamed at the top of my lungs. Next I find myself on the desert ground and I snap out of my experience as I see that the Brujo and the others are 20 feet away from me.

    August 8, 2008

    I am now back in Pennsylvania. I have a sample of the mushroom potion that I got from Mexico.

    I am ready to precede the experiment. I have used theories very similar to Timothy Leary. I have read many of his books. Leary believes that a psychedelic experience is a journey to new realms of consciousness. I also believe that a psychedelic experience opens doors to

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