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Simple Man's Underground
Simple Man's Underground
Simple Man's Underground
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Simple Man's Underground

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The Club near downtown Houston is a secretive private establishment that is a bar and eatery upstairs. But in the depths of the Houston Underground The Club becomes so much more. Is it just a fetish establishment or is there more to it than a little BDSM?
Release dateJan 20, 2016
Simple Man's Underground

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    Simple Man's Underground - Robert Plunkett

    Simple Man's Underground




    The Simple Man’s Underground: Written by Robert B Plunkett. Copyright 2015 All rights to this story reserved by Robert B Plunkett as the author of this tale.

    Any similarities between the characters in this story and any real person or club is purely coincidence.

    This is a fantastical tale for amusement. In no way does the author endorse anything that might be in this story nor does he feel like the amazing parts of this tale have any bearing on reality. If you are interested in any aspect of the realities in this tale, you should read up and make sure you are informed to the utmost of your ability. Before becoming involved in any relationship type, know yourself and the people with whom you get involved.

    However, for now, sit back, read, enjoy and be entertained without judgment, anger or annoyance. This is just a story. . .

    ISBN #: 978-1-329-84551-0


    James Barron was late. He had less than thirty minutes to get to Lily's apartment, pick her up and make their way to Westheimer, which even on a great night would be tough. But this was Friday and he was at least fifteen minutes from her apartment once he left his house and her apartment was twenty minutes from the little Italian joint she loved without any traffic on the roads. According to the news, every road between Lily's and Westheimer was going at the whopping speed of somewhere between a crawl and a dead stop. They were going to be late. Houston took no mercy on those who didn't follow a tight schedule and sometimes it was twice as hard on those who did.

    He sprayed the cologne on his dark blue long-sleeved shirt as he went over the details again in his mind. A lovely restaurant serving her favorite food where the pair would enjoy a magnificent dinner over candles while soft classical music was piped into the private room he had reserved for them; a long walk in Gerald D. Hines waterpark where they would finish at the water wall beneath the full moon. Finally, they would return to his place and top the evening off with her favorite red wine and a movie of her choice.

    She would stay the night and in the morning he'd prepare a fine breakfast for her and serve it to her just as she awoke. Perfect. Perhaps they'd make love for the first time, but even should that not occur, their being together was all that truly mattered. If all they did was lie on the couch in each other’s arms until she fell asleep and he carried her to bed, he would be satisfied.

    He genuinely enjoyed her company and felt no need to rush headlong toward sex. The only time you rushed sex was when you were certain the person was going to be out of your life as quickly as they entered. One never rushed the right one and he was beginning to think she might be the right one.

    He'd never been with a woman so refined and lovely as Lily. He thought about her as he dressed. Her dark brown hair cut into a modified pixie that fell slightly above  her color; her dark brown eyes intelligent and thoughtful as well as sexy; her shoulders delicate and lovely; high cheek bones and slightly sloping nose as if carved from stone by some great artist and lips so soft they could be made of silk. She was not overly tall nor was she too short and her body was proportioned to fit her frame.

    It was more than just physical attraction that drew him to her, of course. She was smart, funny and had a serious sarcastic streak that made him laugh. She held herself proudly, her head high and looked people in the eye when she spoke to them. She was not afraid to shake a man's hand firmly or offer it to be kissed. She could wait for someone to get the door for her or open it for a man with his arms full. And she never shied away from a topic just because it might have delicate subject matter or her partner might not agree with her. She never argued, but they often discussed things and if someone made a good case, she might even alter her ideals some to accommodate the new information.

    One such time had been their longest discussion to date and was about gun control with the sudden rash of mass shootings. He chuckled softly as he remembered the night.

    They had been curled on her couch with her dog on one side of him and Lily on the other. She flipped on the evening news making James roll his eyes.

    Are we not a fan of the news, Mister Barron? The anchorman, who James personally hated, began speaking about the most recent shooting in some state that wasn't Texas.

    Well look at him, he said as if that should explain everything. And listen to this nonsense he's spouting as if it happened a Houston City Hall. What a tool.

    I like him! She poked him in the ribs and shrugged. It happened in California, James. It's about American lives.

    James looked at her and smiled. Lily, it's in California . . . it's about California lives. And, if I'm honest, it's about terrorism not mass shootings and guns.

    How do you know it's about terror? James started to point to the names of the suspects on the screen then paused. Aha, so you were profiling, eh James?

    He put his hand to his chin and stroked. Yes, based on my experience I was going to profile. And you are right, not every guy named Abdul is a terrorist, but this one? It was.

    And how do you know that?

    And so he had explained everything he understood about people. How the eyes of the man were lost and the woman's eyes were just plain . . . well evil for lack of a better term. She had told him that skin tone was no way to decide who was a terrorist and who wasn't. He then pointed out that they were the exact same skin color as his dad so he didn't use that. She had scoffed at him since he was incredibly fair skinned until he pulled a picture out of his dad.

    Wow, he is dark. She looked at the picture then at him and her eyes narrowed. You sure you aren't the milkman's boy? He pulled a picture out of his mom and handed it to her. Nope, you belong to those two. I see a bit of each in you. Okay so you don't use skin color. I'll accept that.

    They had talked for hours about the event and others until James finally told her the one fact no one ever discussed. You have a less than a point zero one percent chance of being involved in these kinds of shootings . . . or any other for that matter.

    No way, James. That's some number made up by the NRA.

    Lily, I did the math on all this myself and I didn't get the information from the NRA. I got it from the FBI website. What's more, all nations in the world have about the same amount of violent crime. I'm not saying I want every half wit and homeless beggar to have a gun, but they serve a purpose in society and that is protecting the people from each other and their government.

    She had

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