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Beyond the Imagination 4
Beyond the Imagination 4
Beyond the Imagination 4
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Beyond the Imagination 4

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Fourth book in the beyond the imagination series.
Eliminate the negative from your life, and accentuate the positive.
Release dateMay 7, 2015
Beyond the Imagination 4

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    Beyond the Imagination 4 - Loy Hahn

    Beyond the Imagination 4

    Beyond the Imagination 4

    By: Loy Hahn Copyright © 2015


    It is the long way around; to go over the mountain that is not there. We have been doing this; for so long we refuse to change, even if it is easier go around instead of over. It disturbs me; to know that one person would spend their entire life without knowing the beauty of reality, so you must know how I feel, about me being the only one, who had captured the moment, with a picture, of how it should have been, how it is, and how it will be. I should have been; an artist of eternity. The closest; my life came to being normal, I did reminisce, it was a strange sensation. Normal; was out of the question, right from the beginning. I could see; through the hole in the fabric, of the misconceptions, and denounced the lies, that strangled the blind society, of the misled. If you ignore the past; it is doomed to repeat its self, at least, that is what people have been saying for a long, long time. What they should have said, is if something happens, and corrective action isn't taken, the same mistake will be made again, and again. Remember; everything happens in time, and everything happens on time, so when it is time, it is time, unless you are a fully fledged Soothsayer, than time belongs to you.Thank you for your time. Too whomever; this may concern, the mathematical calculation for accurately predicting the future, has been discovered, this means that everything changes. It is a simple formula; that anyone can use, you can know what is going to happen before it happens, and the longer you practice, the less that will happen to you. The intelligence; that you will requisition, will further assist you in preventing the inevitable. You can change; the inevitable, into a distortion of time, and the inevitable becomes something that is not going to happen at all. You should follow, and lead at the same time; if you want to be the best at what you do.

    Mankind; has fathomed that they could write their own future; this is the best of opportunities. Out of the smoke; of a burning path, in a second of our time, a million years of misconception, was erased forever. The lost was found, and the veil of ignorance, was lifted to reveal the beauty of a face, that could never be forgotten. Forget me not; the Master of time. I was the first; and shall reign as the Master, though out eternity, no matter what happens. This; is by far not the last discovery, all I can do; is to encourage my future commandments, to keep seeking, and finding, for the mysteries, are as many as the stars, and the stars, are forever being born. I found everything I looked for, and was pleased to find the righteous path, that was the path too discovery, and the discovery was the path too righteousness.

    Government waste; has made it impossible for the small farmers to make a living, it has made it very difficult for anyone to progress, and for the families to be enthusiastic. Even if the churches were legitimate, they would not be a feasible way to restore a suitable atmosphere, for children to want to remain a part of the family, or its business. No Lexis; in every drive way; so much for enthusiasm; so much for ambition; so much for education. They waste the money; and charge more for education, so they can replace the money they use to blow countries up, for no reason. We need to start electing politicians; that are qualified to do the job, because it is time. The average plumber; is in the same position, as the small farmer was, in 1940 they are existing. With a busted world economy; and high unemployment, the country losing jobs every day, with the lack of trade regulations, they have given away our country, simply because they could.

    For every one; they let into this country, that can't carry their share of the load, will put a strain on the people, that built this country in the first place, with hard work, honesty, and integrity, not to mention good D.N.A. The truth hurts, but even as a child, I preferred pain to stupidity, and incompetence. The impressions; that I have, of what people have done so far, in the terms of reality, and what we have taught our children, is nothing short of barbarism. We have been transpiring, a relationship with an entity; that never existed, this is comparable to throwing away your childhood, your middle, and your old age, however I am going to bring you the light, that they have been promising for decades. If you comprehend; that I am not making predictions for your future, you are right. The reason for not making predictions; is because every prediction so far, has been debunked at a later date. I can't afford to be doubted, debunked, or have any one person even consider, that I could be wrong, about anything, at any time.1 need every person on this planet; to give a warm welcoming hand to the revelation, that has taken place. For your benefit; I pledge to make every effort to convey, and show the population, the error of their ways. One must be aware; of the traps, set by the fornicators, of religion. Make no mistake they want to sacrifice you, too the corruption of their twisted morals, and use you to support their misguided misconceptions of what time, and life is all about. Don't even consider; every one being in control, and not being able to live together. I am living proof; that it can be done. Confidence must not cloud the vision; so as to let the Prophet, see what is coming through the haze of lies, that block the vision of reality, and cause the despair, that leads to desperation.

    To express the necessity; of punctuality I will tell you what happened to me, I showed up for work, early for 10 years, than one morning, I was five minutes late, and five years later, my supervisor reminds me of that. When it comes; to the important things, people have a short memory, when it comes to your faults, they remember the rest of their lives. It is imperative; that you keep your record beyond reproach, always be punctual, and proficient, always, always, always. No matter; what you do, you must keep in mind, that somewhere in your future, at a very important moment, your mistake will come back to haunt you, just like it did me, just like it does every body.

    For those that contemplate; high on life is five shots of bourbon, and a twist of lime, try again' I have always been high on life, and I am proud of it. One should be proud of their high. No addict, or alcoholic, has ever enjoyed their life, any more than I have. I found; the missing equation and I lived. Now that I have made the best, of all that can be; I would like to share my discoveries with you, because it is time. If you take three oz integrity

    Fore oz. of honesty

    Six oz. of knowledge

    Pour into an eight oz glass, and shake well, you will have a cocktail fit for a Prophet .The greatest story; in the history of mankind, and the planet, better than evolution, or time because it is a combination of the two, and you can't get any bigger than that, even if you took the time from your busy schedule, to search for something more important than your next break. Time and evolution was the real Adam, and Eve; and they had a perfect relationship. Time didn't jack slap Eve; and Eve didn't eat the apple.

    I give you just one more page; to make sure that you understand the rules of engagement. First you must understand that your life is not going to be normal, than you must understand, that you must be alert at all times, than you have to be able to recognize the potential of something going to happen, than you must honestly evaluate the circumstances, that called your attention to the possibility in the first place, giving each circumstance a percentage value of one hundred than adding them up if , you reach one hundred your suspicions will be confirmed, and you will have time to react. Time and timing; is of the essence. It is hard to conceive; the idea that nothing is, as they have surmised it was, for thousands of years. They were charmed into concluding that it was easier to just go along with the curriculum; fearing, hoping, praying, wishing, cheating, lying, stealing, and wallowing in discretions, that they hoped, and prayed they wouldn't have to pay for, bad judgment on all counts. You can sell your soul; but it takes a Prophet to close the escrow. It takes; a lot longer to teach someone, the facts of life if 99% of what you are teaching, is wrong. Don't fill their memory banks; full of lies, that they don't really comprehend, and expect them to develop morals, Intellect, intelligence, and sophistication. Teachers take a lesson, time and evolution; live together, overlooking each other’s inconsistencies, in the perfect environmental habitat, the cramped space in the confines of the universe. This is not reminiscing this is dajavu; reminding us of any good marriage. From day one; I have had a wonderful family life even though I agreed with none of them. It amazes me that people could contemplate that something less; could be as reliable as 100%, no matter what I did, I always had 100% in mind. If you half way do a job you are never going to finish; it is the finishers that acquire that necessity called existence.

    Be kind; be nice, be thankful for the sins that they cannot commit onto you, for you are a Prophet, and you will not allow something to happen to you, if you are aware of it before they even have the thought. Be the best; you can be, you can make it happen. You must never lose sight; of whom you are, and where you fit into the universe. You are responsible; for yourself, and how your story ends, dress the part. Time is the under estimated tyrant of all that they hold sacred. Even as a child; I realized how fortunate I was to be a part of life, perhaps on the only planet in the trillions of existing planets. Today I am going to explain the dust cloud; that is several light years long, three universes came together at the same time, the three universes started feeding off of each other’s gravity, the closer they come together, the faster they went until the planets were traveling at remarkable speeds, when they came together at different speeds, it was comparable to three emery wheels coming together at very high speeds. Now like a mother; the dust cloud is producing planets, that will in the future, become more universes.Time, evolution, and gravity will do, what we should be doing, recycling everything. Yesterday; we didn't recognize evolution, we didn't have time for time, and we still don't know what causes gravity. When I bought a window into the future; I opened the door to millions of discoveries, and yet in relation to what I should know, I am an idiot. When I discovered; how to know what was going to happen, before it happens, I was alone looking for what I knew, I would need to thrive, in a less than aggressive population, that never had a scientific thought in over a millennium. I didn't feed; off of someone else’s physics, however my cousin Otto Hahn, that discovered atomic fusion, was my inspiration, thanks to him the first Prophet was born.

    If you stand; on the edge of a cliff long enough, you will fall over the edge, and that is what this is all about seeing the edge, avoiding the edge, having the edge, no more guessing the edge belongs to you. You will have; the edge over every one, and everything, you find yourself confronted with.

    There will be people; that will say that living like I do would be horrible, for those I will assure, that I am the happiest man on the planet. In the interest of clarity; it should be made clear, that the wrong things you will do, not only is going to come back to plague you, but what makes these things happen can only be prevented with the use of a high level society, with an intrusive amount of intellect. One must open their eyes, to see the fallacies that have been a part of our lives; and make a gallant effort to change, before it is too late. Don't try to mask; reality, the reality is, if you don't see the possibility, you won't see the probability, and you won't see the circumstances, which come from all directions. If you try; to make something out of nothing, or nothing out of something you will be too busy, to say nothing of being to confused, to just say enough, is enough, and shake off the stupid fear, that has been programmed, into your contaminated brain. There is more; to live for, than the right to be an ignorant follower, of the promoters of insanity. If the wall; between the past, and the future is not transparent, just what can you see besides the past {nothing}. All; you can see is, what is happening now, and you can't see something until it is, so you can see the advantage, of using a system, that shows you what is going to happen, before the circumstances come together, and become a unity. The courts like to use the term, circumstantial evidence as though it was a generic unity, but it takes circumstances to accumulate a positive, objective that by the rules of the time continuum, shall take place, unless I am there.

    The Holy Bible; says don't listen to the man who tells the truth; all religious leaders should be rounded up, and prosecuted for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, look up Soothsayer. The churches; cause more trouble, than good and should be held responsible, when it is obvious, that they should pay for spinning the truth, into a vortex that cannot be recognized for what it is. The truth; comes in segments, that are too often, not put together to become a unity, so the truth is never fully comprised, of enough connected parts to properly form a formula, that brings the big picture, that is being searched for by absolutely no one. The big picture; was what flocked for, and found, and it disturbs me, that people dismiss the fact, that it is necessary, in order to keep them from being taken advantage of, and cast aside, when the role of finances are reversed, and it comes time, for the church to give back. Mr. Pastor, where is your compassion; when it comes time to deliver some real help, for your real victims. You will forgive; me if I don't call you father. At a time; when 50 million people are displaced someone should comprehend, that something is terribly wrong. It is time; we come together, all over the planet as one, to help the people of this planet to survive the temper of the time continuum. We do not have to take it; as it comes, we can take it on our own terms, or not take it at all. I never; let anything or anybody rule over me, and since I have to be in charge of everything around me, I concede that all is well, that ends well. Changes; should never be made in this book, because it will dilute, the very essence, of the substance, that is the core meaning, which is perfection, perfection requires a great number of commitments. The Bible, says don't comprehend the man who comprehends, and that is not the good book.

    You would imagine that after a while they would realize that the children that don't go to church turn out to be better people than the ones that do; take a census. I find; that they are learning all the wrong things in church. These pore deprived children are not exposed to the real world, and are not prepared to face the cold hard facts, that lie in their path. Believe me; only the good fighters survive out there. Only the best drivers will survive out there, only the honest will ever amount to anything, because they can't be cheated out of what they have honestly worked to obtain. I spent five years in a place where no one wanted to go; why because I was ready. You can't send a flower to do the job; that has to be done by a bulldozer. You can't inter a donkey in the Kentucky derby; and expect to have a winner. I promised myself when I was old enough; I would do something about the misinformation being sold to the innocent in the churches. If you are shoveling the same old crap to the general public; that they have been shoveling for the past five million years, my organizations will be knocking on your door. We have been following in the footsteps; of the lunatics, of the world long enough, having so called accidents, committing crimes, committing sins, doing ever thing but committing. Now I am going to take away your excuse for ever thing that you have been doing wrong, so if I was you I would read this book over, and over again, when you are arrested; the first thing they are going to ask you is; have you read the book. The book; is available all over the world so you have no excuse not to read it. If you have read it you surly have no excuse; because you will know you are going to be arrested, before you do anything wrong. There is an old saying; be careful what you ask for, you might just get it, if you are a good person with a bad wish, you might get more than you ask for. As the other old saying; goes good things happen, too good people.

    In the confusion of making changes sometimes from moment to moment; I have noticed one thing that is constant, me. The prophet never changes; they don't need to, and they just change the future to correspond with the way they want things to happen. I want you to look into the future; and change anything that may be detrimental to your well being. I have the responsibility of telling you that; therefore, I must want you to know. There are so many negative news reports; that they seem to be the same reports over, and over, to say the very least the news, won't be so repetitious. When you bought this book; I can promise you that it will be the best investment you will make in your life time, not only are you going to learn to see, into the future, but the money you spend on it will be used for your benefit. While the false leaders are able to run wild; our paradise will be on hold, our planet will continue to teeter on the brink of destruction. At this moment; there are more people being killed, more destruction, more dissention, more confusion, more genocide, more corruption, more war, more divorces, more broken homes, more poverty, more orphans, more robberies, more people looking for answers, more people turning to false religions, religions that can't help, because they don't have the answers, more crimes in every name, less respect for the truth, more religious wars, more suicides, more lies, more cheating, more stealing, more deception, more pick pockets, more brain washing, more gambling, we are looking at conditions that will continually get worse, but we can turn it around, and reverse the detrimental suicide, that we are witness to. I am going to do my best to reach you; and convince you that all this is unnecessary. We can stop it, we can stop it all. I can imagine of a better way to control the population; than killing each other, for instance a world birth control program; take a census. We must stop the insanity, and concentrate on the preservation of what is left. 

    We are doomed; to be left standing alone, with no chance of survival. We must learn; to occupy this planet before we move to another one. As long as big companies are making more money than they can spend, they are not going to care about the environment. I hope you can understand; that I have a better chance of stopping the political suicide, and the genocide on the real people. I recently ask a young man; to make me a list of the things, that people are doing wrong, he said are you kidding I am not going to live that long. Just because I am anti christen; does not mean that I am anti Jesus. I would probably be anti ever thing; if it had not been for the picture of Jesus falling from the sky just like I predicted. If you have to fight; make sure you can knock out your opponent with the first blow, because the longer the contest, the worse the odds are of your winning. Just because I am going to take you above, and beyond; does not mean beyond and above the call of duty. I intend to make some improvements; if it goes well there will never

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