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The Empress and the Pharaoh
The Empress and the Pharaoh
The Empress and the Pharaoh
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The Empress and the Pharaoh

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Servia and Catalina are back, and this time, they find themselves facing new obstacles in their relationship. Boredom in a time of peace sends the empress on a voyage across the Mediterranean she quickly wishes she can undo, as she and her queen encounter a new, cunning foe in Cleopatra, the arrogant former pharaoh of Egypt whose thirst for vengeance will not be so easily quenched. Cleopatra's violent political tactics, together with civil unrest over a controversial law passed in Rome and Catalina's hope for a child, soon give Servia plenty of problems with which to occupy her time, as a terrifying new dilemma confronts her: Trapped in a predicament where she must choose, how can she reconcile loyalty to kingdom and loyalty to love without letting one of them go forever?

Warning: This novel contains graphic violence and is not recommended for readers under the age of 18.
Release dateJan 8, 2014
The Empress and the Pharaoh

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    The Empress and the Pharaoh - M.R. Cady

    The Empress and the Pharaoh

    The Empress and the Pharaoh

    The Empress and the Pharaoh

    By M.R. Cady

    Copyright © 2014

    Hilton Run Publishing — First Edition

    ISBN: 978-1-304-78837-5

    By M.R. Cady

    Cover art by Deanna Russell

    Part I


    "And whereas the expansive territory of Egypt offers an inviting environment for vacationing and gleaming, golden architecture for tourism, including but not limited to its pyramids, its palace district and its capital, Alexandria, the comprehensive library established under Alexander the Great nearly three centuries ago, and an abundance of glittering oases; and whereas tourism revenue shall be directed into the coffers of Egypt’s businessmen and, through taxes, thereby into the coffers of the Egyptian government; we, the United Senators of the Roman Empire, hereby declare Resolution 174 of this, the 30th of September in the year 15 on the Servian calendar, passed by a majority of thirty-five to one.

    Again, to make certain for our most respected recorders, counselors Maia of Greece and Angora of the Norse lands, all in favor?

    A near-universal aye echoed like an old men’s choir throughout the domed marble senate chambers as the semi-circle of territory representatives gave unmistakable voice, for a second time that day, to the final vote of the second session of their elected rule.

    All opposed?

    Opposed—bitterly, the lone, accented female voice in the circular room pronounced sharply.

    Without bothering to acknowledge the speaker, the gray-haired senator reading the resolution turned his unmoved gaze from the scroll in his hands to the plump, rosy-cheeked older woman reaffirming the conclusive vote tally on her parchment across the room.

    Noted, Senator Cleopatra opposes bitterly, he sighed apathetically.

    Maia stole only a quick glance up to the top row of senate seats at the senator from Egypt and busily scribbled down the note.

    That concludes new business of this our final day in session— the older man continued on, when he found himself interrupted by a purposeful pounding of the female senator’s fist atop her marble desk, the shimmering gold jewelry adorning her hand clacking against the tabletop.

    After the speech I gave about what this means to me and to all the Egyptian people, you’re all still a bunch of self-righteous pigs! she fumed, her temper having grown considerably out of control since the start of the meeting.

    As I said, Senator Cleopatra, the resolution passes, and the time for comment has closed—

    And am I not allowed to remind the whole lot of you that I’m enraged by the injustice of it? she spat. At least pretend to give a damn when a fellow senator is upset, Senator Alfwin.

    Senator Cleopatra, if there was something I could do for you at this point, I would—

    Oh, of course, the dark-haired, middle-aged beauty scoffed, tossing her arms dramatically into the air. At this point, now that the damage is approved and recorded, you’d do anything to help. Why, that is most gracious of you, Alfwin. I’m sure you’d be just as quick to accept the atrocious new law if it applied to your precious Germania.

    If Germania held the abundance of tourist destination spots and was located in a climate with the potential to become a vacation hub, I’d give the idea some consideration—

    Oh, horseshit—

    All right, enough! another senator cried. I’m sorry, Senator Cleopatra, but you’ve had your say. What’s done is done.

    And I hear you’ve already got your chariots packed to spend a few weeks under the Egyptian sun this winter, Senator Serrum, she accused the new speaker, her hazel eyes daring slits. I would, too, if I were from the shit-covered mountains of Gaul.

    Will someone quiet her, please? Alfwin grumbled.

    Story of my existence, she huffed as a handful of other senators began interjecting their thoughts, and Alfwin unsuccessfully pounded his gavel upon the president’s podium to calm the storm the bronze-skinned woman had started.

    I thought I was elected by my people to fight for their values! she continued, fighting to keep her voice the strongest in the suddenly thundering chamber room.

    Yes, Senator Padmesh of India agreed. And may I remind you, that’s all you are—elected. You are not the supreme ruler over your people anymore.

    Well, gods bless democracy! she huffed.

    You are no longer pharaoh, the senator from Hispania pointed out, as if she had forgotten such a travesty. Get rid of whatever bitterness against Rome you still harbor within your heart because the empress will tire of it quickly.

    But of course, Arturo, I bow like a filthy slave now to the mighty Empress Servia, who hasn’t even once bothered to grace us with her lofty presence in the two years this senate has convened, Cleopatra ranted, her head snapping toward the two counselors who sat pinned uncomfortably to their chairs. She sends her minions here to report back and forth—well, you two ladies can tell her Senator Cleopatra’s beyond irritated with the brutish system she’s created.

    A senator across the room scoffed.

    Well, perhaps you should send your teenage brat to next year’s session, Senator Quintilliannus of Cappadocia sneered, meriting snickers from his colleagues.

    But Cleopatra took the snide remark more seriously.

    Well, perhaps I should, she acknowledged, folding her arms with haughty importance. The Egyptian province is populated enough to send four or five representatives, after all, Quintilliannus.

    Sorry, madam, the senator from Sicilia admonished her. Unless this chamber votes to approve such a disaster, you receive one elected representative—

    Just like everybody else, Senator Pontius of Greece finished.

    Defeated, Cleopatra at last flopped back in her seat and grumbled, Well, I may just have to introduce a piece of legislation changing that when we reconvene in nine months. In the meantime, I’ll just try and grow a cock as big as your egos, and then perhaps my voice will be taken a bit more seriously in this chamber.

    Between a roomful of snickers, the gruff, bearded senator from Britannia gave her a wink and replied, If you can achieve that one, I’d let you fuck me with it.

    His voice sounded like wagon wheels rolling through gravel, and she shot him a fierce look of disgust.

    I don’t think you could handle the size of my cock, Gwid, she snapped.

    Gwid mac Brude’s cheeks flushed as crimson as his auburn beard, but he grinned at her nonetheless. The other senators, after howling at the effective insult, finally sobered and returned their attention to the senate president. The Germanic representative rolled his eyes.

    And if there are no further insults to catapult at one another, Senator Alfwin sighed with frustrated annoyance, let us adjourn. Until June, gentlemen. Then, with a nod in the female senator’s direction, he added, And Senator Cleopatra: Thank you, as always, for supplying the dramatics.

    Cleopatra snorted. Well, I am a patron of the theater, Alfwin.

    As the room cleared out, the dark, older beauty rose dejectedly from her seat and bit back the feisty attitude she longed to unleash as she passed by the two counselors who, upon feeling the shadow of her striking, taller presence, paused their busy exchange of whispers to glance up at her and smile, albeit hesitantly.

    Counselors, she addressed them with a respectful bow of the head, though her gaze remained spiteful and cold.

    Senator Cleopatra, it’s been a pleasure working with you for a second session, Angora beamed, holding out her hand. But the senator merely eyed the extended gesture of goodwill and ignored it.

    Lies do not flatter me, she hummed distantly. I am under no illusion that you don’t relay to your empress every temper tantrum I’ve ever thrown. I just ask that you relay my point of view, and that of my people, when you do. I hope she may take these next few days to rethink the vacation destination act and veto it for the same reasons Egypt wishes it could. That is all.

    Why, Senator Cleopatra, we hold no biases against any territory or representative, the young blond woman assured her, and her older counterpart tacked on for good measure, We wish you well these next nine months, senator, on behalf of our empress and her queen.

    The Egyptian’s eyebrows arched with amusement. And I wish your empress and her queen could have had the decency to attend the final session in the flesh and deliver the platitude themselves. At least they don’t have to spend the rest of the calendar year under any false assumptions that they are in charge of something.

    Without waiting for a response from either of the two suddenly mute, troubled-looking counselors, the former pharaoh spun on her golden-heeled sandals, nearly smacking them with her black silk hair as she strutted powerfully away. Behind her, she could just barely make out the hushed insults impudent and bitch, and her full ruby lips curved upward. At the very least, she had still managed to maintain her stubbornly domineering reputation.

    As she greeted the light of the midday sun and began her descent down the senate steps, she found the senator from Britannia waiting for her like a lost sheep, and she barely looked him in the eye as he followed her.

    Cleopatra, about my earlier comment—

    Oh, yes, about that. She turned to Gwid mac Brude, made a brief show of removing a bronze key from the cleavage of her most immodest toga and dangled it before his astonished gray eyes. Before you attend the senators’ party the empress is throwing tonight, come by my villa. My bodyguards will be informed of your arrival, and my servant will escort you to my private room.

    Her hips swaying to a soundless, seductive song, she left him a gawking statue upon the steps, and then turned back around and added in a low, sultry voice, And don’t dawdle. I have some very… exciting… plans for you, Gwid.

    She didn’t need to turn around to know the bearded redhead gazed hungrily after her, as she purposefully proceeded on toward her waiting villa.


    Take another swipe at my neck, I dare you.

    Keep egging me on, and you’ll taste the metal of my blade.

    I long for your attempt at that.

    Oh, really? Think you can best me?

    Is that a challenge?

    It’s an order.

    Are you ordering me to send your head rolling to the floor?

    No. I’m ordering you to try.


    Without further talk, Lieutenant Commander Darius dashed across the empress’s sparring room and, with a mighty war cry, drove his long, heavy sword in the direction of the ruler’s pulsing jugular, but, in the final moments, changed course for her lower abdomen. Already anticipating the move, Servia blocked his valiant attempt and thrust her own blade against his, heaving him off her and returning with a vicious grunt and an offensive strike of her own.

    Her green eyes shone devilishly as she put the finishing touches on their afternoon sparring session, always pleased when she came out the clear victor. She grinned at him as she cornered him and he knew it. Throwing up his hands in mock defeat, he chuckled, All right, all right, you win—again.

    Backing off him, she replaced both their swords against her wall of combat weaponry, and he used his tunic to wipe the dripping sweat from his forehead.

    I hope you’re not going too easy on me these days, commander, she winked at him. You never know when we’ll need to use those skills again.

    But Darius merely scoffed as he shuffled over to the water bowl in the far corner of the room and splashed some into his face.

    Yeah, well, it’s been two years since we’ve even had to use them at all, he sighed. I wouldn’t be surprised if we’ve both grown worse instead of the intended effect of these sessions.

    She crossed her arms and frowned. What are you saying, Darius?

    That maybe we’re both just getting old and fat.

    They shared a smile. Then she waltzed over to the lieutenant and patted him chummily on the back.

    Hey, you might be feeling the pangs of age, but I’m in my early thirties yet. Besides, it’s good to not need to go to war, right? This was the end goal, Darius. This is peace.

    Yeah, peace… But you’ve got to admit, peace does get boring, my empress.

    She smirked. Only when we let it, lieutenant.

    In half a heartbeat, she grabbed a spear off the wall and tripped him up with it, slamming him down hard upon the ground and topping off the move with the proud placement of her boot atop his chest as he groaned up at her.

    Well, you may have lost it, she said. But I’ve still got it.

    He cracked a wide grin, and they laughed while she helped him to his feet once again.

    Then they heard the doors of the other chamber room close and strolled into the living and bedroom area to find her wife already stripped naked as the day she was born and humming away, unaware of the others’ presence as Servia repeated with husky desire, And she’s definitely still got it.

    Darius gave an awkward, audible clear of his throat, alerting the attention of the petite queen who suddenly became girlishly self-conscious of her own nudity, quickly covered her exposed breasts and plunged into the giant bathtub, submerging herself.

    On that note, I’ll make my leave, Darius chuckled.

    Yes, you’d better, Servia warned him with a teasing grin, already shoving him toward the golden double doors. "This is the part that keeps me anything but bored, and I’m not fond of sharing."

    Say no more, Servia. I’ve a gorgeous thing waiting for me at home as well. I trust I’ll see you at the senators’ banquet this evening?

    Of course. Now, go on already!

    Once she’d seen him out and sealed the guarded doors tightly behind him, the empress of Rome returned her gaze to the multiplying air bubbles atop the surface of the bath and strutted nonchalantly toward them. Unable to hold her breath any longer, her humiliated wife burst through the steaming hot water and gulped in a large lungful of air.

    Servia snickered as she sat on the tub’s edge and played with Catalina’s wet, tousled brunette curls.

    Mortifying, the queen sighed, leaning back into the taller woman’s gentle caresses and running a hand along her thigh. She felt her wife tense at the touch and giggled playfully, summoning her in to join her with a taunting smile. But I know one way you could make it up to me.

    Without delay, the emerald-eyed empress tore off her tunic, kicked her boots across the room and flopped into the smaller woman’s arms, knocking them both into the water with a wild splash. Catalina squealed elatedly, wrapped her strong wife in a hungry embrace and laid a long, luscious kiss on her lips. Even after almost five years since the first moment their lips had locked, Servia’s kisses still tasted like a sweet summer’s day, like a fresh brook bathed in sunshine.

    Servia delighted in hearing the Spaniard’s sweet moan, feeling the sensual vibrations of it enter her own mouth and cascade through her body, like a purr. She entwined her fingers in the soft mess of curls as she pulled Catalina’s petite frame on top of her, the both of them marveling over their ability to still sexually arouse each other like it was their first time.

    They spent the next hour locked in an embrace, thrashing and loving each other, bringing each other to a blissful climax. Then, when Servia felt they were more than clean and the tub water felt like ice, she guided her wife over to the bed, and they laid there in each other’s arms, smiles plastered on their flush cheeks.

    So, Darius and I were talking earlier—he seems to think I’ve grown bored of ruling a peaceful world, Servia hummed into her lover’s ear, and kissed her damp, dark tresses. What do you think?

    Eyes closed, Catalina sighed with euphoric indifference. I think if you can honestly say you’re bored after that bath, then we have a serious problem.

    Servia laughed. I would agree with you there, love.

    After another quiet minute passed between them, Catalina rolled off her and cast her a pair of inquisitive doe eyes.

    Perhaps you miss the fight? The conquest? The danger of it all? That adrenaline rush that comes with a good battle?

    Strong arms squeezed her close as the empress pondered her wife’s words.

    Actually, I think… I think I miss the adventure—not really knowing what’s around the next corner, having to think on my feet.

    Curious slits stared back at her before Catalina took a deep breath and finally chanced to reply, Well, maybe… maybe you just need a new kind of adventure.

    Like what? Servia propped herself up on her elbow, not sure what to make of the tentative, almost mischievous tone in her wife’s voice.

    Well, like… oh, I don’t know… a baby, maybe?

    Servia’s elbow slipped from beneath her and she crashed back down to the sheets, her startled eyes wide and swirling green.

    Catalina, I… I thought we talked about that. I thought you knew how I felt about producing an heir. The people will vote on their next ruler when we’ve both passed on, and quite frankly, I don’t think I could stomach the idea of what would have to happen in this bedroom in order to—

    I know, I know, I know all of that, Catalina stammered nervously, sitting up and taking her hands. But it’s not about leaving a legacy. I mean, maybe we could just raise a family, you know? Leave our mark on the world by bringing new life into it and molding it into a decent human being.

    Still too stunned to provide a response to the unexpected idea, Servia was eternally grateful for the knock that arrived at their chamber door at just that moment. The doors opened, and Maia tucked her cheerful head inside.

    May I interrupt?


    Catalina’s heart sank.

    I was wondering if the empress and queen would like to hear the senate wrap-up counselors have prepared for them? Maia continued. I thought you might, before the party tonight, care to know a few details—

    Yes, Servia announced at once, in official business mode and already donning a suitable tunic. Yes, before this party happens and the senators take off for their respective territories, I would indeed like to know the particulars. Very good, Maia. Have staff meet us in the business chambers.

    Yes, empress.

    Before leaving the room herself, Servia turned to Catalina and finally found the strength to once again meet her saddened puppy eyes.

    We’ll resume this discussion another time.


    Catalina dressed in her white toga, donned her purple cape, twisted her drying locks into a braid atop her head and assumed her crown of laurels, a miniature replica of her wife’s and the mark of her imperial status. Before joining Servia and their staff in their business chambers, where she frequently sat in on official business and often made her opinions on state matters quite vocal, the petite Spaniard paused to admire her reflection in the bedroom chamber mirror.

    Two years ago, she’d officially accepted Servia’s hand in marriage, and nearly three years before that, she was practically a child still, ignorant to the cruel ways of the world and its rulers and happy to be so. She spent her days frolicking with the village children and helping her mother harvest grain while listening to tales of faraway lands her father would tell from his travels abroad. Now, it seemed, even though her days were brimming with business and laws that affected thousands—millions—of people, at the same time, she did so much less with her life.

    And she wouldn’t remain young forever, she noted glibly as her fingers traced the faint creases at the corners of her eyes. Now in her mid-twenties, she wanted a baby. She wanted the charge of raising another human life, and she longed to conjure up her own buried innocence again, laughing and playing and remembering the awe that comes from seeing a butterfly for the first time and touching its beautiful wings.

    But for now, she sighed, she wished to learn how the end of the senate session had gone.

    In the business chambers, she took her rightful place at the end of the long table of staff, beside Servia, who had sat dutifully at the head of the table for more than a decade now. Across from her, Maia was already busy reading off the list of final resolutions that were either approved or denied, and passing them off to the empress for either her royal signature or veto. Beside the older woman, Angora sat with the trace of a girlish smile playing on her lips, her blue eyes constantly darting up from her paperwork to steal glimpses of the man seated beside Catalina. The queen spared a brief sideways glance at Aetrius, the chief of communications and their youngest, newest addition to the staff, only to find him totally oblivious to the blonde’s ogling orbs. She stretched her sandaled foot beneath the table and gave her friend a soft kick to the shins to pull her focus back to the meeting.

    Oh! Angora yelped, jumping in her chair, and then gazing wide-eyed at the dark-haired object of her affection and, mistaking him for the source of her new pain, bit her lip and grinned, dangling her own foot across the table and tapping his—not seeming to realize her co-counselor had stopped speaking abruptly at her short-lived outburst, and all eyes now lingered on her in offended confusion.

    Catalina rolled her eyes and shook her head, beckoning Maia to continue.

    Carry on, dear Maia, she chuckled.

    Already eager to do so, the plump woman returned to business.

    And, uh, that concludes all the new resolutions to be signed, with, of course, the exception of the two rather contentious bits of legislation that consumed an ungodly duration of time in the senate chamber this morning.

    Servia’s eyes lit up, and she shifted in her seat to fully face the counselor.

    Let me guess, a snarky male voice down the table prodded. The commerce tax.

    Maia nodded. Yes, that was one of them, though it passed by a two-thirds vote.

    Vergilius, you’ve made your case on several occasions when this law was still in draft, Servia reminded the sandy-haired staff member. We don’t need to hear it again. It’s passed; it’s done.

    Yes, empress. He sighed heavily and muttered under his breath, You only made me commerce chief…

    What’s that? she asked, her nostrils flaring as her patience wore thin. Speak up, Vergilius. Pull your cock out of your tunic so we can all see and be done with it.

    The muscles in his jaw twitched as he gazed about at the captive audience he suddenly held, and then obliged her.

    Fine. Here’s what I think. Requiring fifty-percent of all profits made from the silk trade with China be returned to the empire is taking half of what our empire’s tradesmen are currently used to making. That’s a hefty tax, especially when they’re already competing against one another. This government is practically stealing from them, and those who have already caught wind of the resolution have voiced strong opposition to it. Empress Servia, you must see reason and veto this law.

    The stoic empress merely pursed her lips and rapped her fingernails upon the tabletop, her stony gaze never leaving his, and then replied calmly, There. You’ve delivered your passionate, well-rehearsed oration. Now, you may tell your fellow merchants you did all you could to bend the outcome in their favor and you failed. Now, get over it and sleep well tonight.

    Empress Servia, with all due respect, I’ve always felt that when it comes to matters of business and trade, our merchants who rely upon it as their living are far better at producing fair and equitable trade laws than a room full of politicians.

    Catalina took note of the veins that suddenly began to protrude from her wife’s neck and, before Servia could begin shouting spontaneous insults, she piped up, Vergilius, we understand that logic. We really do. But merchants’ pockets aren’t the only things we have to think about here. The silk trade route is a complex system of roads—more of which are being constructed every day—and they must be maintained in order for trade between the Roman Empire and the Chinese to even occur. But we can’t maintain the roads without the money.

    Well said, love, Servia smiled proudly at her. And the study our financial adviser conducted shows tradesmen will still be able to earn a decent living and then some, even with this law’s existence—especially if they’re good at their trade.

    Oh, fuck the study, Vergilius grumbled. I don’t need a study to tell you this law will do nothing but lower productivity levels and, therefore, decrease trade with China; they’ll just find ways to keep their business within Roman borders. If you knew half of all you make in a year would be taken by the government, what would you do?

    The best trading by far right now is with China, Aetrius chimed in, meriting an eye roll from the older man and adoring eyes from the blonde across from him. If they’re hungry enough for profit, they’ll keep trading with the Chinese. And those roads need to be improved, man. I’ve had many messengers return from the far reaches with nothing but complaints about the rocky travel conditions.

    A wise observation, Aetrius, Angora bubbled, oozing with obvious affection. Catalina watched the young man smile at her uncomfortably and glance back down at his work.

    Tired of fighting with the rest of the room, Vergilius finally grunted them off and quieted. Servia waited a good moment to be sure he was finished and then nodded to Maia, And the second contentious item?

    Ah, yes, Maia proceeded, while Servia kept an icy pair of eyes on the commerce chief, daring him to speak at his own risk—a risk he did not take. The other item would be Egypt. Senator Cleopatra takes great issue with turning parts of the Egyptian territory into a vacation and tourism zone for Rome’s aristocracy. It would have passed unanimously without her very loud ‘nay.’

    The empress’s brow furrowed. I don’t understand. I introduced that legislation, and I’m glad it passed. Cleopatra should give it some time; she’ll come around to enjoying the revenue the tourism brings into Egypt—and her citizens who own shops and baths and hotels will all enjoy it, too. When that time comes, she’ll be lying and telling them how deeply she pledged her support for the law.

    Well, maybe, but she seemed pretty upset today, Angora said softly.

    Well, I’ll talk to her about it tonight, set her mind at ease, Servia shrugged. It’ll be nice to finally meet the ex-pharaoh anyway.

    Her eyes flickered to her yawning wife, whose chin rested in her palms and who couldn’t have looked more bored in that moment. She found herself smiling, overwhelmed with feeling for the other woman, and then remembered the rest of the room.

    All right, everybody, meeting adjourned, she announced, already sliding her chair out from under the table.

    As the staff piled out, Angora stole a wink at Aetrius before spinning around and leaving the business chambers, and Aetrius shook his head awkwardly and leaned into Catalina.

    These meetings can be painful, huh?

    She cast him a crooked brow. I guess. I just find them dull and monotonous most of the time, to be honest.

    I can tell, Aetrius chuckled. But you should smile a little more during them. It’s more becoming on you.

    Ahem, Aetrius, would you check on the status of tonight’s banquet entertainers? Make sure they’ve all arrived and they’re all being attended.

    Absolutely, madam, he nodded, and promptly exited to carry out the empress’s bidding.

    Catalina stood to leave as well, sighing, Well, I suppose I’ll do my part as well and check on the kitchen preparations—

    Catalina, wait. Servia halted her with a steady but gentle hand on her arm, pulling her in close for a tender kiss.

    What’s that for? the smaller woman smiled as they parted.

    You talk as though I have an ulterior motive stored away.

    Catalina raised a suspicious eyebrow. This isn’t another jealous spell over Aetrius, is it?

    Servia rolled her eyes. No, it’s not that… though he’s a smooth-talking, handsome, overly flirtatious young man—


    He’s also the son of my most trusted lieutenant commander, Darius. And every day, more and more, I see where his father was coming from when he said the boy was more cut out for politics than following his father’s boot-steps.

    And you forget, Catalina gleamed, taking both her hands and bringing them to her lips for a soft kiss. I’m your most trusted wife, and you know I only have eyes for you.

    Servia grinned, her queen’s devotion warming her to the core. I know, sweetheart, but I sometimes think the entire palace can smell your boredom with all this mundane imperial business.

    Catalina said nothing, her silence acknowledging the truth in the statement.

    Why don’t we go away for a little while, just the two of us?

    Now intrigued, the petite woman cocked her head with interest. I’m listening…

    Maybe we should take another cruise down the Nile, relive the week after our wedding two years ago?

    Mm, that would be nice, Catalina agreed, and leaned into her, Servia lowering her head until their foreheads touched. Then the Spaniard recalled their earlier conversation in the bedroom and felt compelled to say, Servia, um, about what I said upstairs today—

    Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. I said we can discuss it later. I just… I need to let it settle and stew for a bit, okay?

    Catalina sighed, slightly relieved. Okay.

    A new, awkward silence neither was used to feeling passed over them like a whispering shadow, and Servia at last pulled away and headed for the door.

    Well, I’m gonna pay a visit to the military training camp, see how Darius is doing with the new boys… I’ll see you at the party tonight.

    Left standing alone in the business chambers, Catalina closed her eyes and sighed. She already felt her comment had driven a wedge between them, and hoped their promised vacation away from Rome might help to mend whatever damage she’d caused by daring to bring up responsibility that included more than ruling an empire.


    En route to the kitchen to see how Hestius and his staff were coming along with the evening’s courses, Catalina heard a giddy singer’s voice bouncing down an adjacent hall and turned the corridor with mild apprehension, when she pinpointed Angora as the source of the upbeat tune. The blonde was already dressed for the evening, in a satin red gown that revealed a bit more of her thin ivory curves than Catalina had ever recalled seeing. The queen’s jaw dropped at the sight of the youthfully cheery counselor, who locked the door to her chambers, slipped the key down her dress and smiled exuberantly when she recognized her friend.

    Isn’t it wonderful, Catalina? she beamed. It’s been months since our last banquet—and tonight, we’ll have a whole huge party full of senators and soldiers and acrobats and musicians. Oh, Catalina, I can hardly stand it!

    The petite brunette hesitated, not sure whether to smile or ask what this imposter had suddenly done with the Angora she knew.

    Okay, your energy level is a tad startling at the moment, she told her. Whatever you had to drink just now, I think I’d like a whole bottle.

    Angora tossed her golden tresses back with a gleeful chortle.

    You’re too funny, my queen. No, I have not had anything to drink—I intend to remain quite sober until the celebration, in fact. Then, after pausing to glance over her shoulder to be sure no one else was around, she bent nearer to her and whispered, I am scheming, you know.

    Now thoroughly puzzled, Catalina’s brow rose with inquisitiveness. Scheming for what?

    Angora’s blue eyes twinkled as she replied, Scheming for Aetrius.

    For a moment, Catalina stood in shock before the other woman, who was only a few years older than she but suddenly seemed years younger. While the response shouldn’t have surprised her, Angora’s girlish vigor over her new crush was unexpected.

    Oh, she said at last, not sure how to react to the brilliant, toothy grin that simply wouldn’t leave Angora’s face. Well, I must say, Angora, in all my years of knowing you, I’ve never seen you work yourself into such a state over a man before. It’s, um… Well, it’s kind of funny, actually.

    Angora giggled as she proceeded to walk with her, following her the rest of the way to the palace kitchen.

    Yes, I know, she sighed. I guess, after what Servia’s army put me through during my capture as a slave… That was difficult… most, most difficult…

    Catalina placed a supportive hand on her arm. She could see fresh tears welling in the counselor’s eyes. I’m so sorry that happened to you…

    The sympathetic comment struck an obvious chord in the blonde, and she immediately shook herself out of her victimized state, cleared her throat and continued, Yes, well, anyway, as you can only imagine, the experience made me rather numb to romantic fancies—at least until Aetrius. I don’t know what it is about that young man, but something about him just drives me wild!

    Yes, you and half the women who work in the palace, Catalina smiled. He’s young, he’s good-looking, he’s the son of a very influential commander, and not to mention, he can be a bit of a flirt—I can certainly see how you could be so charmed by him. It was pretty obvious to me in our staff meeting. You were practically drooling on your notes over him.

    Angora blushed and her eyes widened. Oh, gods! Was it that transparent?

    To me it was—and probably to Aetrius.

    Oh, gods!

    Relax. With any luck, he might just think you’re a little strange.

    Strange?! That’s not what I want, Catalina!

    As they reached the kitchen entryway, Catalina threw two sturdy hands upon her flabbergasted friend’s shoulders and forced their eyes to meet.

    Angora, you’ve got to calm down, she instructed her. I’m happy for you, that you finally have these feelings for someone—but you’ve got to keep your head about you. Remember, you are both high-ranking members of the imperial staff. You must remain professional about this crush of yours.

    Oh, you’re one to talk, Angora winked. Weren’t you once the empress’s—what did she call you again?—‘personal slave?’

    Catalina grew sheepishly quiet and smiled. Okay, so you can’t stop love. I won’t stand in the way of your fancies, Angora. I will, however, ask you to be careful. He’s a young flirt with plenty of options at the moment and, if he’s anything like his father, isn’t exactly the most modest of men. I just don’t want to see your heart broken.

    You shield my heart in vain, Catalina, Angora smiled wickedly. As you said, you can’t stop love. I intend to carry out my schemes without regard to friendly warning.

    With that, she dipped a slender index finger into a brewing stew and stole a taste.

    Mm! Delicious! I’d have added more spices, though—

    Catalina cut her off as the blonde dipped her finger in for more, and she snatched her hand and licked the bubbling mixture off the pale finger herself. Then, with a hand on the forearm of the older woman preparing the course, she smiled, It’s wonderful, Quinta. Keep up the good work.

    The cook nodded, pleased. Thank you, my queen.

    Angora shrugged. I’d still add a spice or two.

    The curly-haired queen rolled her eyes and ignored her, moving on to find Hestius, and located the head of the kitchen staff giving orders to a new handful of servants at the far end of the expansive room. She waved to him, and his arms opened for her.

    Queen Catalina! A visit most anticipated! Hestius cried, the portly old man bowing to hug her and then straightening back up and gesturing to a fiery roast of a young calf.

    Spectacular! she beamed, and he laughed.

    Veal was on your wife’s list of requests for the occasion, was it not?

    Yes, and it looks like you won’t disappoint!

    Never! he shouted triumphantly.

    I wonder what Aetrius’s favorite meal is…

    Catalina brought a tired hand to her face as she turned to the distracted counselor. What was that part about not losing your head?

    The question summoned Angora’s thoughts from the clouds, and she gleamed at her.

    Oh, you’re right. I should probably start with his favorite wine first and work my way up.

    The brunette and cook exchanged amused glances. Romance always seemed so easy, carefree and exhilarating at the start of a relationship, Catalina mused. Now, she often had to make a conscious effort to do something romantic for her wife, even little gestures. Unfortunately, business seemed to have consumed them both lately. The thought made her miserable—but it also gave her an idea.

    Heeding her friend’s example, Catalina pursed her lips and cast Hestius a playful pair of almond eyes.

    Hestius, once the celebration has started, would you mind sending a servant up to our chambers with a bottle of Caecuban wine? It might be nice to have Servia’s favorite waiting for us when we return.

    Of course, madam. I’ll send a whole vat if you wish!

    That won’t be necessary, but thank you.

    As she turned from him, she also avoided the entertained gaze of her counselor. She was successful until they exited the kitchen and began walking, side by side, back down the marble hallway. Out of her peripherals, she caught a glimpse of Angora shaking her head.

    What? she asked at last, with innocent, round brown eyes.

    Oh, nothing, the other sighed. You’re just my absolute favorite hypocrite, I hope you know.

    Catalina laughed and threw an arm around her. And you, my friend, are absolutely the most genuine person I know. Don’t you dare change.


    Arms dangling casually over the balcony rail, the Roman empress scanned the sparring rows of soldiers with pinned forest slits. Beside her, her lieutenant commander studied her with quiet, nervous hope, while beneath them, metallic blades clashed, muscles tensed behind their shields, voices grunted and sweat glistened along the hard, sculpted forms of the military’s trainees.

    And does our empress approve? Darius finally asked. The men, they’re quite energetic. We’ve got a large number of new recruits whose fathers served beside you during the conquest period. I told them if they’re looking to do the same work, they might be somewhat disappointed, but they seem eager to train and serve nonetheless. A lot of youthful promise down there, my liege.

    Servia gave only a snort, then watched with disgust as the young general shouting commands in the dirt below called on an even younger soldier to step forward and engage him one on one. The soldier charged at him, and the general—a tanned, dark-haired reflection of his father—tripped him up and pinned him instantly, and the two young men laughed as he immediately helped him to his feet again.

    That’s it, Servia huffed, and flew down the steps to the training yard.

    Empress? Darius called after her, quickening pace to join her as she stormed over to the stunned young general and snatched his shield from his grasp.

    Come at me! she commanded.

    The man glanced from her piercing green orbs to the lieutenant commander at her back, muted by her powerful presence.

    Come at me! she cried a second time.

    Without further delay or wear on her patience, he lifted his sword and lunged for her heart. She easily deflected the blow with the shield, and he made a second swipe, this time at her head, and she not only dodged it, but also lunged back at his own skull with the heavy, golden shield, striking him and sending him stumbling backward.

    Before he could regroup, she turned the shield on its side and

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