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How advanced can a robot be? At what point does Artificial Intelligence surpass the PHd who creates the robot?
Find out the answers and then some in this book.
Is it really Science Fiction?
Only you can decide after reading this story which has been created around real scientific facts and principles that are in existence today.
What happened to Dr. James? How does A.I.D.E.N.N. not only help his creator, but both the scientific and medical world as well?
Release dateFeb 21, 2015

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    Aidenn - James DeHaven










    Copyright 2012 by JMD Productions™

    All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted by The 1976 Copyright Act or in writing by the publisher.

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    James DeHaven & Douglas DeHaven


    Layout: James DeHaven & Douglas DeHaven

    Cover:  Compilation of free images

    Fonts:   Garamond

    Authors: James DeHaven & Douglas DeHaven

    ISBN:     978-1-312-96926-1

    First Edition May 2012


    To my son and co-author Douglas

    You dream the impossible and ask why not.

    These are virtues that all of us should follow. Thank you for the inspiration and help with this book and for showing us all the possibilities in each of us regardless of any self thinking limitations. Because, as you have shown us,

    there are no boundaries of the mind within ourselves.


    1    The Lecture

    2    Who is Milton James?

    3    The Inventions

    4    The Projects

    5    Aidenn

    6    You are my friend

    7    Who is the teacher?

    8    The Sickness

    9    Aidenn takes over

    10  Brain Transfer

    11  The Doctors recovery

    12  The Return

    13  The Beginning

    14  Aidenn is introduced

    15  Dr James – restored

    Author’s Notes


    The Lecture

    The lecture hall was filled to capacity. Most were anxious to personally see and witness Milton James’s dissertation about robotic advancements.  Although at this point none were aware about the existence of his robot.

    Milton James had accomplished much with his inventions to this point. So much so that he was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Humane letters from the University of Pittsburgh as well as an honorary Doctorate in Applied Sciences from Carnegie Mellon University.

    His research and applied scientific discoveries were remarkable for a man who had not completed even his undergraduate degree. Milton James was a self taught man.

    Intelligent tests when he was very young placed his intellect at near genius level.

    But all who knew him felt he was on a par to genius level in all that he did even to this day.  In fact he probably exceeded genius if there was such a category.

    On his own, in his laboratory, he came up with perpetual engines that powered many common appliances and to some extent even some mega machines that were now in use for mining and exploration of the seas and deep space. He became rich not only from that invention but from his water purifying system that was in use in all countries where clean water was essential. So he had the means both intellectually and now monetarily to pursue just about any new idea he had.  Some did not work out on the first try, but the ideas and the applications always held huge promise for mankind.

    Thus with this lecture, primarily concentrating on artificial intelligence, the whole audience this evening was anxious to hear what the noted and self made inventor Milton James had come up with now. 

    Many of the audience held high degrees in some discipline or another with concentrations of doctorates in engineering and computer science. The rest of the audience was made up of representatives of various media.

    But word of an automated robot had leaked out and most all of the sciences were represented in the lecture hall this evening.

    The drone of the sound of everyone talking both in their seats and while circling trying to find their seats suddenly hushed when the halls lights flickered indicating that the lecture would begin in two minutes. With that hint, everyone scurried to find their seat and get settled in for what most felt would be a very interesting evening.

    At the designated hour the auditorium lights dimmed and a spotlight projected a large circle of white light in the middle of the heavy red curtain which hung behind the light oak podium placed in the center of the stage.

    A speaker with bodiless voice suddenly broke the silence and made the announcement.

    Ladies and Gentlemen we are pleased to welcome tonight our guest speaker, Doctor Milton James, whose subject will be on Adaptive, Interactive, Dynamic, Electronic, Neural Networks.

    The normal applause ensued along with some surprised ahh’s followed by a quieting of clapping hands as Milton James appeared stage left and began to slowly walk towards the podium.

    What the audience witnessed was a man who had aged considerably since they last saw him in public. He now expressed a haggard and tired look which was surprising to the audience. He did not look well at all.

    Upon reaching the podium, Dr. James took a moment to gaze out at the packed hall. He could not see much with the spotlight hitting him square in the face and eyes. But he sensed all the people sitting there and felt their thirst for the subject matter of which he was about to speak.

    Previously he had given many lectures to this and this one he thought was typical. In his mind he reviewed quickly how they never fully understood what his work was about. Everyone enjoyed his inventions and expected more and more unique ideas from him.

    But without the proper and formal educational degrees, they were always looking for some way to downplay or question his various theses and findings.  Tonight would probably be no different, or so he thought.

    They would

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