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365 Dreams And Interpretations
365 Dreams And Interpretations
365 Dreams And Interpretations
Ebook67 pages41 minutes

365 Dreams And Interpretations

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About this ebook

This dream book is an eye opener to all and sundry. Dream is an occurrence in one’s life which should not be waved aside because a well interpreted dream saves one form troubles.

This is exactly the purpose of this book.Thus this book shall surely save from much doubt and worries after you might awake from sleep.

It shall serve as spiritual guide for counselors and personal use. It affords you opportunity to take conscious steps in respect of your dream, gaining deep understanding of mysteries in dreams.

As dream is spiritual monitor power that in forms one of what is going on in the spirit, this book shall serve a long way to expand your spiritual knowledge, wisdom and strength. With this book, you shall add value to your spirit life, claim your right, and more so, win every dream battle.

This book in your hand shall answer your dream needs. Awake your spirit mind, fetch your spiritual compass, find hide outs of enemies in the corridor of your life and track them down.

It is time you read meditate and act with vision. May this book inspire, open your spiritual eyes, and make you champion in spiritual matters .

PublisherTella Olayeri
Release dateNov 21, 2020
365 Dreams And Interpretations

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    365 Dreams And Interpretations - Tella Olayeri


    We must not fold arms in the midst of battle. The life is battle itself. We need to pray and cancel decisions of darkness against us. We are born to win not to lose. Many times we lose out because we don’t know how to pray or go about challenges we face.

    Also, you must know how to claim and retain what God gives you, called destiny. You must not be robbed!

    Brethren, your case is not close until you decide to close it. Don’t give up, fight on in faith, you are born to win. Be violent in prayer. The degree of your violence in prayer determines the victory that awaits you. It is time you count spoils not loss, triumph not defeat.

    I have some free books for you to put fire to your prayer zeal. Pick them and inform others. Try and share your experience with five to ten people. You may be the one God sent. Don’t leave them outside prayer war room.

    Be your brother/sister keeper. Good-luck

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    1.      IF YOU SEE BAD OR DAMAGED COMPUTER IN THE DREAM. It means you have attitude that disrupts divine message from God. Prayer. My heart, unite with God in the name of Jesus.

    2.      IF YOU SHARE MEAT IN SLAUGHTER HOUSE IN THE DREAM: You are a witch that kills project at infancy or kill people in the spirit. Prayer. My soul, disengage from evil acts, in the name of Jesus.

    3.      IF SINGLE AND SEE RIPE TWIN PLANTAIN SEED IN THE DREAM: It means your partner to be is the right choice. Prayer. O Lord pour anointing of fertility upon my marriage, in the name of Jesus.

    4.      IF SINGLE AND SEE TWIN PLANTAIN SEED; ONE GOOD AND THE OTHER SIDE BAD IN THE DREAM. It means the person you propose to marry will not match you at all. Prayer. O Lord, locate me with the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh, in the name of Jesus.

    5.      IF YOU SAVE MONEY IN THE BANK IN THE DREAM. It means fruitfulness and financial favour ahead. Prayer. Power of financial upliftment fall upon me, in the name of Jesus.

    6.      IF YOU CARRY DEAD ANIMAL ON THE HEAD IN THE DREAM. It means problems solved but dangerously reappear to consume you. Prayer. My destiny, receive total deliverance from evil arrows in the name of Jesus.

    7.      IF YOU ARE DRAGGED FROM HIGHER SEAT TO OCCUPY LOWER SEAT IN THE DREAM. It means arrow of the tail and demotion is fired at you. Prayer. I shall not be a subject of demotion, in the name of Jesus.

    8.      IF YOU SAIL ON BUSINESS TRIP WITHOUT HINDERANCE IN THE DREAM. It means financial explosion is on the way. Prayer. My breakthrough, appear by fire, in the name of Jesus.

    9.      IF YOUR HAIR IS BUSHY AND UNKEPT IN THE DREAM. It means hindrance that brings rejection and poverty is on the way. Prayer. I reject by fire every spirit of poverty, in the name of Jesus.

    10.      IF YOU RECEIVE PRECIOUS GIFTS IN EXCESS OF EXPECTATION IN THE DREAM. It means outstanding breakthrough and favour shall locate you. Prayer. My heaven open wide and favour me, in the name of Jesus.

    11.       IF PREGNANT AND FIND YOUR ABDOMEN UNCOVERED IN THE DREAM. It means dark power is in operation against your safe delivery. Prayer. My life become too hot to handle by dark powers, in the name of Jesus.

    12.      IF YOU DREAM TRAVELLING ABROAD IN THE DREAM. It means high expectations, international connections, and or, physical manifestation of it. Prayer. My life you are a candidate for prosperity, in the name of Jesus.

    13.      IF SOMEONE POUR ACID ON YOU IN THE DREAM. It means imminent danger from close associates. Prayer. Any power assign to torment my life die, in the name of Jesus.

    14.      IF CAT SCARED AT YOU IN YOUR MATRIMONIAL BED IN THE DREAM. It is a witchcraft marital attack against your home. Prayer. My marriage shall not bow to power of darkness, in the name of Jesus.

    15.      IF YOU ARE BEHEADED IN THE DREAM. It means

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