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The Homeowner's Guide to Paranormal Activity, Exorcism & Psychic Hygiene
The Homeowner's Guide to Paranormal Activity, Exorcism & Psychic Hygiene
The Homeowner's Guide to Paranormal Activity, Exorcism & Psychic Hygiene
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The Homeowner's Guide to Paranormal Activity, Exorcism & Psychic Hygiene

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The Homeowner’s Guide to Paranormal Activity, Exorcism and Psychic Hygiene is for anyone who has wondered, "How do I fight something I can't see?"

This book gives average, everyday people the tools they need to take back their homes from unwanted spiritual activity. It empowers families with information about different classes of spirits and the signs peculiar to different types of hauntings, as well the armor to shield one’s body, spirit and home against supernatural attack.

Whether you’re coping with poltergeist phenomena or demonic attack, The Homeowner’s Guide to Paranormal Activity, Exorcism and Psychic Hygiene will give you the information that you need to know, and that no one else is telling you.

You don’t have to be afraid of the dark.
Release dateDec 11, 2011
The Homeowner's Guide to Paranormal Activity, Exorcism & Psychic Hygiene

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    The Homeowner's Guide to Paranormal Activity, Exorcism & Psychic Hygiene - Chrisa Williams

    The Homeowner's Guide to Paranormal Activity, Exorcism & Psychic Hygiene

    A Homeowner’s Guide to Paranormal Activity, Exorcism, and Psychic Hygiene

    Chrisa Williams

    Copyright © 2011 Scandalous Industry Marketing

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-0-557-81968-3

    There are lots of things in this book that I want you to know, but know this first: If you believe that your family is under supernatural attack, stop reading here and skip straight to Part 2: Psychic Hygiene. Start performing the practices set out in those pages as quickly as possible. Thousands of years of collective experience say that you have nothing less than the powers of the universe in your hands.

    There are a lot of people I can thank for encouraging me to write this guide, and most of them are among the too-many family members who went through several kinds of hell with me. It's good to have backup when you think you're going crazy. Most special among these is Grandma Nola, five crooked feet of deceptively guileless Sicilian maternity, who is perhaps the strongest creature to ever roam the earth.

    This guide also goes out to the handful of partners and mentors I've had on my quest to understand the hidden nature of things: To the late Jeffrey Ward, who took so many of those early steps with me and who worked so hard to put the puzzle together. To Damien Echols, who has throughout the years been a source of enormous inspiration and thoughtful conversation regarding the nature and peculiarities of the spirit world. And to my husband, Brandon Williams, who has been my priest, my spiritual brother, my anchor, and a nigh-encyclopedic source of occult brain-picking without whom this would have been a far inferior work. Any mistakes are my own.

    Many thanks and much love, all of you.

    Part One: Understanding Paranormal Activity


    Is your house haunted? Would you know if it really were? Many people today believe that some part of their environment is haunted by a supernatural force. Perceptions that don’t make sense to the rational mind: strange noises, feelings of dread, seemingly possessed objects, ghostly images and shadow-people have made people question what they know as reality since the dawn of recorded history. But what is paranormal activity, and how do you know whether unseen forces truly are at work in your home?

    For that matter, how do I know whether unseen forces are working in your home? How do you know that I know what I’m talking about? As with anything else you find on the Internet, you don’t. I could be like any one of the hundreds of occult dabblers in the field who offer advice gleaned from other people’s websites, or those awful books by Ed and Lorraine Warren, or TV shows like Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State, or (God forbid) Most Haunted.

    The truth of the matter is that while these shows offer a glimpse into what it’s like to be involved in a haunting, they’re designed to do one thing: entertain us. Entertainment is at the heart of their bottom line, and so perspectives on the causes and effects are skewed to established ideas. In other words, there’s not much in the way of real innovation, except perhaps in the technology used to collect and analyze their evidence. The producers play it safe for the sake of advertisers and public tastes, and so they won’t give you the information you really need to know.

    I am not a dabbler. I come from the kind of blue-collar family that’s typical for any Midwestern city, save for one thing—my family never lived in a house that didn’t have some seriously freaky things going on. I won’t venture to guess why there have been so many strange events in our family—I’m sure some charismatics would have some interesting comments about generational curses—but I can’t think of a single paternal relative who hasn’t had a half-dozen undeniable paranormal experiences or psychic moments.

    I won’t go into all of my stories now; they’re used throughout this book to illustrate the techniques and ideas that I’m talking about. Suffice it to say that I’ve experienced things since early childhood that most people are fortunate enough to avoid having to deal with. My family and I have experienced physical and psychic attacks, visible and audible manifestations, poltergeist activity, and honest-to-badness demons. Watching things fly across the room has a way of making a person want to understand what’s happening.

    I’ve lived and breathed this stuff since I was a tiny kid, and have been a practicing occultist and ceremonial magician for almost 20 years. And in the course of my studies and practical experience (wherein I’ve made more than my share of mistakes), I’ve learned how to discern one species of spirit from another, how to make them understand and obey when they are given a command, how to prevent attracting and feeding unwanted spirits, and how to banish them forever. That is the ultimate point of this book: the power over supernatural forces rests in your hands if you’re ready to take it. YOURS.

    This book isn’t meant to put the paranormal under a microscope or theorize endlessly about where spiritual entities come from. There are hundreds of books that postulate on that very thing, and none of them can have any more scientific veracity than another. This isn’t a field we can study in a lab, and so everything we know boils down to collective experience and experimentation. However, it is my hope that you come away from this book with the knowledge and confidence you need to take back your home from unwanted paranormal activity, and to empower your family with the skills you need to avoid such things happening in the future.

    This book is also not overly concerned with conveying how the techniques presented work, only that they do work, and have worked for countless other people for hundreds, sometimes thousands of years. It's not meant to be a long and onerous tome, because if you're being afflicted by non-physical entities and you need them to leave, you don't have time to read an encyclopedia of the supernatural—you need to tap into every means you have of fighting back.

    Some of the ideas presented in this book are well outside the realms of mainstream religious practice, but there is nothing sinful about protecting your home and family from invading spirits. Before you say, I’m supposed to say what!? consider whether your sanity and safety are worth feeling a little silly. Ask any priest out there—a little bit of prayer (or magic) can go a long way. Any God worth his proverbial salt will understand.

    Chapter 1: Understanding the Paranormal

    Paranormal reality shows are a hugely popular these days. It seems like every cable network is coming out with their own variation on the theme, and needless to say, some are better than others.

    Why are shows like this so popular? It’s

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