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Transparency: Open to Do God's Work!
Transparency: Open to Do God's Work!
Transparency: Open to Do God's Work!
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Transparency: Open to Do God's Work!

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About this ebook

Transparency uncovers the Leadership, Church Congregation and others looking to understand what it is to do Jesus work honestly,by being transparent.
This book has exercises to do, to expand your understand about being transparent while doing His work.
This book will also help Leaders and their congregations to understand that people do not want to be judged because of their appearance or past. They want to feel loved and accepted. They want to experience the real love of Jesus Christ.
If the Church stop trying to be the biggest business in the world, and focus on being the biggest servant of the The Lord. There will be more chances that lives can be transformed.
Release dateNov 3, 2014
Transparency: Open to Do God's Work!

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    Transparency - Tammy Garrett-Williams

    Transparency: Open to Do God's Work!


    Open to Do God’s Work!


    Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from The Kings James Bible.  The Kings James Bible Study Bible Second Edition, copyright © 1988, 2013 by Liberty University

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from The Kings James Bible Study Bible Copyright © 1988, 2013 by Liberty University

    Transformed Ministries, Inc

    Copyright © 2014 by Tammy Garrett-Williams

    Transformed Ministries

    2421 Beech Court

    Golden, Colorado 80401

    All rights reserved.  Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission by the publisher.

    Transformed Ministries

    Tammy Garrett-Williams

    2421 Beech Court

    Golden, Colorado 80401

    Printed in the United States of America

    Transformed Ministries Edition: November 2014

    Transformed Ministries name and logo are trademarks of Transformed Ministries, Inc

    The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.

    ISBN:  978-1-312-65078-7


    I dedicate this book to ALL the followers of Jesus Christ.

    I also dedicate this book to someone who prayed for me, while I was just sitting on their row at church.  God has answered both our prayers, and I am so glad to share the glory of The Lord with you.

    I am proud to dedicate this book to Pastor Edith Coleman.


    IntroductionHow does the world see Transparency?

    Chapter 1God’s Love is Transparent

    Chapter 2The Church

    Chapter 3Motives

    Chapter 4Trust & Acceptance

    Chapter 5The Heart

    Chapter 6Leadership

    Chapter 7Transparency of Paul




    How does the world see Transparency?

    When we turn on the television we see things from, how to cook an egg in five minutes to the war going on in Israel.  Last month, I was reading an article about how our government made a decision on not to challenge same-sex marriage. Now something as simple as how to cook an egg, to the extreme decision of same-sex marriage for an average television watcher there may be nothing that ponders the mind of that viewer on what they have just seen, but to those who understands the word transparency, they would deeply look unto what they have just seen.  By the manufacture not being clear on how the contraption worked for the egg cooks in five minutes, and the war that is going on in Israel, the news media gives us their account, often time we do not get the clear picture of what is going on oversees, and as for the same-sex marriage that is just another opacity of our justice system, instead of making things clear they just used their method to just sweep things under the rug, so to speak and they hope there are no questions asked.  Are you a Christian who likes to get to the bottom of things?  Do you want things clear?

    I was a guest speaker at The State Capitol of Colorado this fall. It was for a protest involving the police department and its continual procedure of police brutality.  Here is where you would expect the system to be transparent right?  Wrong, it has a lot of cloudiness to its operation, and it has caused a lot of grief for the families who have lost loved ones in the hands of the people who are suppose to uphold the law.  There seems to be no transparency there.

    We look for the true unadulterated fact when it comes to the information that is transmitted to us by the internet, television or from people we talk to on a daily basis.  However, there are times when that information can become distorted.  This behavior has become acceptable in our time, in our world and even in our homes.

    I get a since of safety when I watch television, but it is not the modern television shows of today.  I love to watch the television shows from the Black & White era, in my mind this was the innocent era.  I do not have to worry about anyone coming out of their clothes for a soapy sex scene or the slip of a vulgar word or two which has a tendency of polluting one’s mind.  For the reader of this book can you go back in time, where you felt things were told to you, was in its most pure form?  Did you feel that you can trust the things you were seeing?  Hold that thought for a moment, I will come back to that in a later chapter.

    Our leader in this country and leaders in countries around the world appears to be in control with their position.  Leading the country they are responsible for, to the point of defending it with their lives.  These leaders also have huge responsibilities for the lives of the residents or citizens of their state and country, and they have to make choices for the residents/citizens in-line with their constitution/Law/Acts or Declarations for the welfare of everyone.   Why do I not feel so safe anymore; what are the leaders covering up, for giving me these unsure feelings?

    It is my understanding the United States has the best medical care, and the students that come to the US, often times come for our training and then return to their country to tend to their country’s medical needs.  I have seen this lack of medical care with our latest outbreak of Ebola.  It has been displayed on television where there is lack of healthcare in a certain part of Africa, this is where there is a high mortality rate for the citizens in an area where medical care is not as advanced.   The part that is unclear it is 2014.  Why is medical care still a lack thereof in other countries?

    It is sad for me to add the Church to the list of less translucent, but I felt it is important because this will be the focus of our journey as you read Transparency.  When the bible does not make a mistake about how we should be as Christians, how do we as a Human Race take it upon ourselves to overrule what God, the creator of this earth has made clear about being translucent and to be Christ like.  Our Churches has conformed and just let it slide; so to speak thinking you can pull more people

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