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Ascension Climber In a Metaphysical Primer: Mental Physical Ways for Spirited Days
Ascension Climber In a Metaphysical Primer: Mental Physical Ways for Spirited Days
Ascension Climber In a Metaphysical Primer: Mental Physical Ways for Spirited Days
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Ascension Climber In a Metaphysical Primer: Mental Physical Ways for Spirited Days

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What do you see ascension to be? It’s about a gift of spiritual uplift. It isn’t unfair or doctrinaire. Hear spirits sublime in rhythmic rhyme opening doors with metaphors using prisms of aphorisms to aid comprehension of ways to ascension in turning the page to Aquarian Age. There is wisdom of ages from angels and sages as intuitively heard in clairaudient word coming through channels of spirited panels. Masters and guides show cultural sides for avoiding the curse of the non-diverse. We presently play in a Zen-Tao way. The old is new, as re-created by you. It's an echo of sorts that nature supports. It's a state of change where things re-arrange. The ancient I Ching tells of the swing. So go with the flow in order to grow. Make a conscious decision to allow for re-vision.
Release dateNov 11, 2014
Ascension Climber In a Metaphysical Primer: Mental Physical Ways for Spirited Days

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    Ascension Climber In a Metaphysical Primer - Wayne Myers PhD, RMT


    Pre-face: A Seeming Place in a Time of Grace

    We presently play in a Zen-Tao way. The old is new, as re-created by you. It's an echo of sorts that nature supports. You can have your say of pleasant or nay. It's a state of change where things re-arrange. We tend to cling to a transitory thing. The ancient I Ching tells of the swing. Change is ingrained, though it can be strained. So go with the flow in order to grow. Make a conscious decision to allow for re-vision. Don't be one to grope or give up hope. Being born to a plan for ascension of man, just play your hand in this wonder-land.

    This wonder-land zone is prone to clone when there is adherence to present appearance. Appearance is how most view the now, but some will see a coming to be as a quantum-scape that's taking shape with now as a position in a transition. So now at last we can shed the past, as we create a visionary state in which to ascend beyond need to defend and a dead end.

    It's not a totality of one reality. There are trans-portals to find in the never-mind into a land of living that's made for-giving and where-ever you focus you dwell in that locus. There's a universal mode of a middle road where polarity seems one of the dreams. Don't look for a mind not there to find, since a mind is abstract and not a fact. Beyond the eyes and mental guise, a being lies that never dies.

    It's a world of seeming to a dreamer dreaming and one who doesn't detect the observer effect. There's power to wield in the quantum field, so things don't encroach as you approach. The lost is found in the quantum ground, with earth and skies as paradise; but you must be the one to see, as quantum mirrors reflect your fears. And it's not just you, but others too, since you're not alone in the quantum tone. You see each face in time and space which interlace. Possibilities ebb and grow in temporal flow with quantum condition in continual transition. We plant in this field and reap the yield.

    It helps very much to be in touch with guides and such. There's a transpersonal zone where priors are known and there's no alone. Angels can task if one learns to ask. The ethereal can be the help that is key, if you don't get caught in negative thought. As thoughts bump and grind you get poorly aligned.

    Here we chart a course from multi-source, as silent voices speak of choices. You may have tried an in-sight guide, but this one starts brewing in deep un-doing. It lifts the lid on ego and id, and seeps right through a double-you. It's a resonance class of thought bypass -- beyond the seeing to essence of being, with TIPS and QUIPS as playing chips in life's game of why you came.

    TIPS are codes in acronym modes for Tapping Into Personal Support of a peaceful sort as spirited ways to brighter days that lighten loads on earthly roads without expense in a positive sense. QUIPS bring to naught a negative thought as you cease and desist a contrary twist, since thinking in reverse makes it worse. An acronym view is what to undo -- Quit Using Inherently Problematic Stuff since enough is enough. For phantom mind there's no peace to find. The only surcease is inner peace. Some things must cease and others increase for inner peace.

    Wisdom comes not in a singular shot, but the doors will close where judgment goes. Judgment is abrupt and tends to corrupt. Its vision is short and tends to distort. When fed by fear, it is even less clear. Ages now shift and give a lift, renewing a spark where things were dark. Turn a page from Piscean stage to Aquarian age. The physical is seen as in-between, with life like a rose that doesn’t close in a grand design with a single vine.

    TIPS: Transcend Immediate Personal Surroundings

    There's more to being than what you are seeing. Egoistic eyes work to disguise the spiritual ties. Ego is elusive and inconclusive, while intertwined with a phantom mind. A thoughtful mode is a rocky road, with a being distracted by thoughts protracted. Thoughts are like snakes causing restless mistakes, so peace is depending on some transcending.

    Take appearance and fault with a grain of salt. If the eyes impose, then let them close. Peace never exists when fear persists. Treat fears as fakes like hissing snakes. Leave them behind and pay no mind. Think of defend, and peace will end. Just be ready to hold things steady. Peace will depart from an aching heart, but spirit can restore a heart and more.

    Learn to thaw cold rule of law by letting grace take its place. Relinquish the role of taking control. Live and let live by using forgive. What it will do is lift a burden from you. Try to refrain from causing pain. A vision of glory is better than sorry. Don't hold a grudge or be the judge. There is no solution in retribution. Doing in kind creates a bind in a phantom mind. Such phantom plays in grievous ways as long as it stays.

    A transcendent state means thoughts can wait. No thought can intrude on a present mood or interlude. Then it's up to you to think it through or if you do. Transcendent release is a key to peace, but only one stage for the Aquarian age. Real comprehension comes by extension in terms of ascension, as one looks behind the physical kind. This entails transiting veils.

    Our physical days are just a phase, and the veils to pass are akin to glass. Glass as such is hard to the touch, but you can construe that eyes see through. Sound may pass through more than glass, so there are different fences for different senses. Your mental set is a neural net that selects what it expects, and even projects what it selects. An eye witness report can still distort, and a visual detective may not be objective. The left hemisphere seeks logically clear, while from the right comes deeper in-sight. The right is the gate for the intuitive slate.

    There are senses concealed in the biogenic field. This sensing is subtle like waves on a puddle, and it may seem more like a dream. Images arise from the inner eyes with words in the head as if unsaid. The right hemisphere makes it appear, and the left aligns to interpret the signs.

    Just be aware that more is there, so it's not a surprise if things arise. When you start a climb, go a step at a time. Transcend the bounds of your surrounds with their sights and sounds. You can go later to the metaphysical theater. The immediate goal is thought control, so you can still the mental mill and peacefully float in a meta-moat.

    If thoughts still arise, then close the eyes and visualize. Clean the mental room with a visual broom. Choose a retreat with peace complete. Make it your own and be there alone. Let animals play out of your way among the plants with distant chants. Have waters around and peace can be found.

    Peace is a mode for one to unload, giving the best kind of rest. One can clear the flurry of stressful worry, and ease the pain of mental strain. Let the breath flow nice and slow, breathing deep to a count you keep. Straighten the spine to help it align. Relax each part from a head start as you go down to the toe. Imagine light being fed to the top of the head. Have a downward flow make a light show in the body below.

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    ESpirALIGHt IN☼ sight

    TIPS: Thought Influences Prospective Scenarios

    Furthering the goal of thought control has a creative role. The universe we face is opening space. It came from the past in a primordial blast. Space is a condition for scope of position, with a quantum race for taking place. As time flows, space can enclose scenarios. Scenarios reflect the observer effect. Possibilities compete for taking the heat, both new and repeat. Probabilities climb with approaching time. Thus temporality becomes physicality.

    Where things go affects the flow. With matters around, possibilities abound. There is an effect of what people expect. Proximities play in a Confucian way. As people focus, it conditions their locus. This interaction gives law of attraction. As thoughts converge, there's a conditional merge. This is a way faith comes into play as people pray.

    Thought doesn't stay in the head all day or just fade away. It joins the traffic in the telepathic of thoughts unfurled in a quantum world where they start to include in a local mood. In a thought-scape they begin to take shape like a nebulous image of thoughts in a scrimmage, where it almost seems that they form teams. The final test in the noetic quest is to manifest.

    Manifestation has a gestation. A single thought may come to naught. Thoughts of a class must surpass a critical mass. This critical size is a blessing in disguise. You don't want a whim to endanger a limb. Potency is gained by focus sustained. Holding thought longer makes influence stronger. A thought repeated becomes more deep seated. When many are aligned and thinking in kind, it's like fish in a school taking over a pool. Do not pray for a go-away. Pray for a hence in a positive sense. If you focus on nots, it ties things in knots; since the negative stays in its counter-plays.

    Creation is wrought by purposeful thought, and things start congealing when it comes with feeling. There's a way self-taught of imaginative thought. Imagine you see what comes to be. Imagine in detail the things to unveil. Imagine the effect of what you expect. As a cautionary note, stay in your own boat. Don't try to arrange for others to change. Don't say you hope, which is a slippery slope. Hope is a state in which you wait. Faith should be your magical key. True faith is seeing a moment of being.

    Don't get caught in ambivalent thought. Yes and no has nowhere to go but to and fro, and whatever just makes someone else's mistakes. Don't declare how things get to the now, as you might displace a way of grace. Words that you say are thoughts on display, so watch what you say in a careless way.

    Where there is some, more can come. If you want to have more, never keep score. Abundance flows where generosity shows, and appreciation brings more of things. Giving thanks paves the way to a bountiful day, and blessing a bit brings more of it. The golden rule is a useful tool. Having your wishes is like loaves and fishes.

    There is localization in thoughtful creation. Many are here in the earthen sphere and much is at play in the quantum clay; but never neglect the proximity effect. You may not reshape a whole landscape, but you can change the tone of your personal zone. Yea though I walk ...isn't just talk, and faith can be your liberty. Your biogenic field can be your shield as you travel through some broader purview. If apparitions appear, you can steer clear if you have no fear. It's a power you hold to be used by the bold. Fearful thought will only make you distraught with nothing to gain but worry and pain.

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    ESpirALIGHt IN☼ sight

    TIPS: Traditional Inherent Pranā Systems

    Most take the view of an organ-ized you, with muscle tone on skeletal bone covered with skin that’s thick or thin. There are tubes and sacs making multiple tracts. Some are there to bring in air, and others relate to a liquid state. Systems with links process foods and drinks with the endocrine role in chemical control. It’s the brain that serves with the nerves to pass information from station to station. There’s a part at the root where thinking is moot with patterns inherent and often transparent. The left hemisphere tries to make things clear in patterns that emerge as perceptions surge. The right side caps the subliminal taps with intuition and premonition.

    The Orient knows (and occidentals suppose) a vital essence flows as intuitively revealed in the biogenic field. This essence they see as prana or ki (chi). The biogenic field has a rich subtle yield. For those in touch, it offers so much. A path of ki is called a nadi. Paths are inherent, but not so apparent. As intuitively tapped, the paths have been mapped. Patterns repeat in the ears and the feet. With blockage of flow some dis-ease will show. Tap, prick or press may relieve a stress. Acupuncture is done at a juncture.

    Nadis three are structurally key. Susumna core runs roof to floor. Paths of a snake two others take, going opposite ways like nights and days. The Ida is moon that carries the tune, with polarity of yin where impressions begin. Pingala is sun with urge to run: in polarity of yang, it’s life with a bang.

    The Susumna core is central to more, with seven locations of pumping stations. There is metaphorical appeal in the water wheel, and thence came the chakra name. There is swirling rotation at each such station. The swirling tunnels are more like funnels, giving effects of a vortex. The funnels open out to what is about. Each port to the core is a revolving door.

    Overall route is hat to boot, but flow can go up from below in a state to circulate. Chakras by number go up from under. The first chakra notch is the root at the crotch. The number two join is sacral in groin. The number three nexus is solar plexus. Chakra number four has the heart at its door. The throat is five, bringing language alive. For six we are led to the

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