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A Simple Guide to Voyaging the Energetic Universe: Awaken to the Power Within You and Live Life Supremely Well
A Simple Guide to Voyaging the Energetic Universe: Awaken to the Power Within You and Live Life Supremely Well
A Simple Guide to Voyaging the Energetic Universe: Awaken to the Power Within You and Live Life Supremely Well
Ebook75 pages1 hour

A Simple Guide to Voyaging the Energetic Universe: Awaken to the Power Within You and Live Life Supremely Well

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About this ebook

For those prepared to take a leap of faith, to forget all they know or think they know, another exciting world awaits them: The Energetic Matrix.
This subtle world has always been there but unseen, as the human mind does not perceive what does not fit into its narrow view of life, which has been shaped by a lifetime’s programming, labeling and preconceptions.
Seen with new eyes, the Matrix gives the mind free flight and demonstrates its unlimited power. This book outlines the requirements for recognizing and then accessing the Energetic Matrix and how the Matrix extends into our normal daily lives, our relationships and our work as we develop abilities that are well beyond what is perceived as the normal range of the 5 senses.
This book is for everyone who wants to develop and apply real practical energetic skills in life and work, and/or who wants to be a voyager in the many dimensions within the Matrix, and/or who wants to realize their place as an integral part of the self-aware Universe.
Release dateOct 2, 2014
A Simple Guide to Voyaging the Energetic Universe: Awaken to the Power Within You and Live Life Supremely Well

Michael Webster

Michael Webster is passionate about the natural world. He is a conservationist, birdwatcher and wildlife filmmaker, and throughout his life has encouraged others to share his love of nature. Michael enjoys the excitement of photographing and filming in wild lands. He is among the few people to have accessed Iran to record bird migration across the Caspian Sea. Travelling independently, he has slept alone with African elephants, tracked lemurs in Madagascar and filmed tigers in India. During their nearly five years in South America, Michael and his wife, Paula, were the first to film the incredible courtship 'dance' of the critically endangered hooded grebe. The footage from their film Tango in the Wind had 50 million views on social media and was bought by National Geographic, becoming their second most popular video of 2018. Michael is also the author of Birds of Charnwood, described by Sir David Attenborough as a splendid book. Lecturing all over Great Britain on bird conservation and adventure travel, as well as being a regular speaker at the annual British Birdwatching Fair, Michael can also be found on Facebook at 'Living Wild in South America'.

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    Book preview

    A Simple Guide to Voyaging the Energetic Universe - Michael Webster

    A Simple Guide


    Voyaging The Energetic


    Awaken To The Power Within You And Live Life Supremely Well

    Michael Webster

    Copyright © 2014 Michael Webster.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic—without written permission of both publisher and author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.

    ISBN: 978-1-291-96031-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-1871-1 (e)

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Lulu Publishing Services rev. date: 09/29/2014





    1)    The Energetic Matrix

    2)    Programming And Preconceptions

    3)    Accessing The Energetic Matrix

    4)    The Tools Of Energetic Recognition And Change

    5)    Emotional Resonances – The Person And The Universe

    6)    Being Present And Aware

    7)    Focus

    8)    Fingerprinting

    9)    Frequencies And The Human Energy Field

    10)    Personal Alignment

    11)    Energy And Spirit

    12)    Distance And Time - Past, Present And Future

    13)    Humour And The Energetic/Spiritual Path

    14)    Summary

    To Boldly Go….


    Training In Waveform

    Author’s Biographical Details


    To my lovely Stella.

    You demonstrate unconditional love just by being who you are. I do not have the words to fully express my love for you, and the gratitude I feel that you chose me. All I can say is thank you for everything.

    To my children; Michael, Lana, Colette, Karen and Mark, in the hope that this book will motivate and inspire you in a way that I was unable to.


    The foundations for this book were sketched out sixty six years ago when I had my first experience of unity with the Universe. Since that time many people - knowingly or unknowingly - have helped me along my way.

    My first formal teacher, a yogi called Helen Mason–Ellis, helped me at the age of 26 to understand my profound experiences of the Energetic Matrix. At that time the teacher was there but the student was not ready. It was only after her death that I really understood what she had tried to teach me.

    To Joy and Mary, Ann and Doreen, the Orkney ‘Shamanic’ group who undertook to train me in the way of energy and spirit. I managed to maintain my position as a slow and stubborn learner. To Stuart Hepburn, NLP Master Practitioner, Trainer and friend who gave me the gift of NLP at a time when I badly needed it. Stuart remains an inspiration, not only to me but to all who know him. To Huang Po for making me laugh and providing clear instructions for the journey along the universal path. To Evelyn, Gary and Des who were the first Waveform students, and to the many who have since contributed and also benefited from the growing development of Waveform; in particular Joe McHugh, Ray Pawlett and Alan Leith. My thanks for your contributions in the past and good luck in your new enterprises.

    My thanks to those who had faith in us and brought us to many countries in the world and to our present European team, Nicky, Erici and Wulf. To Jean-Gil who represents us in Canada and France and is already translating the book into French. To my son Michael for bringing the book to other people through his media skills. To our accountant, Chris, who nagged me to write the book. To Martin Armitage-Smith for his thoroughness and sound advice which has made all the difference to the presentation of this book. My thanks to all our students across the globe from whom I learn more and more.

    Finally, my deepest thanks to my wife Stella for her faith and unfailing love and support, for proof-reading the manuscript and for pulling this reluctant recluse kicking and screaming out of his cave.

    Mike Webster. July 2014 - Loch Lomond, Scotland


    Several years ago I was fortunate to meet Mike and his wife-to-be, Stella, at a Remote Viewing course on Loch Lomond. Remote Viewing is one of those things in life which shouldn’t work, but does. With a multi-step protocol developed for the most sceptical of Cold

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