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Blood for Blood: Wild West Legends of Revenge
Blood for Blood: Wild West Legends of Revenge
Blood for Blood: Wild West Legends of Revenge
Ebook37 pages31 minutes

Blood for Blood: Wild West Legends of Revenge

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Blood for Blood contains short stories based on true incidents which occurred on the western frontier in the late 1780s and early 1800s. They are tales of bitter revenge. In this book, Turpin tells about: 1) “Thirteen Who Will Die” - When fifteen year old Mary Cunningham was raped and brutally murdered by a vicious band of Mexican bandits, the family swore at her graveside to find and kill every last one of them. Thirteen of them would die for their despicable deed. 2) “Indian Hater” - The soft-spoken, timid-appearing John B. Townsend was a Cherokee half-breed with an undying hatred for all Indians, especially Apache and Comanche. Frontiersmen, used to seeing death in its gory, gruesome forms, were sickened by Townsend’s vengeful ways. In the dark of the night he prowled the hills and valleys, stalking his victims. It was claimed Townsend single-handedly killed twenty-seven Arizona Indians before his death.
Release dateOct 7, 2013
Blood for Blood: Wild West Legends of Revenge

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    Blood for Blood - Robert F. (Bob) Turpin

    Blood for Blood: Wild West Legends of Revenge

    Blood for Blood: Wild West Legends of Revenge


    © 2013 by Bob Turpin – All Rights Reserved

    No part of this book may be copied or reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes.


    To one of my most loyal fans.She passed away on March 3, 2013 at the young age of 95 leaving a big, big empty spot in our hearts. Missing you, Mom!


    Blood for Blood is not for the faint of heart or tender feelings. It’s about revenge, awful hate, bitterness, pain, misery and heartbreak, and vengeance upon those responsible for terrible crimes upon their fellow men, women, and in many cases children. It’s about people who no longer care whether they live or die as long as the perpetrators of their horrible crimes paid dearly for his or her foul and ghastly deeds and go to the grave with them. Their hate is a flame eating at their insides and it can only be extinguished by spilling more blood in return.

    Thirteen Will Die

    The sound of gunfire came from the nearby corral and the three men leaped to their feet. They grabbed their weapons thinking it was an Indian raiding party. They ran toward the corral and saw that it was not the Apaches. It appeared to be a band of Mexican outlaws and they were after the ranch horses. No doubt the bandits thought no was home and the herd of horses would be easy pickings. Taken completely by surprise the bandits wheeled their mounts around and rode south with bullets flying around them like angry bees. Now and then one of them would fire over his shoulder back toward the corral and the three gringos.

    When the shooting stopped and the dust settled they saw the body of their life-long friend and horse handler. The old muskrat he carried to shoot coyotes and rattlesnakes lay at his side. He had not fired the single-shot weapon. It was Navarro and his bunch, said John Cunningham. I counted thirteen of the buggers.

    Dave Cunningham, the father of the two younger men, was a tall, powerful-built man. His skin was burned brown from many summers under the hot sun and the bone-dry winds of southern Arizona. Both of his sons favored their mother. Adrian was tall and twenty years old. John, the younger brother was of medium height but both boys had blond hair and sky-blue eyes.

    The three men were

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