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Insights On Retirement: The Wonder Years of Your Life
Insights On Retirement: The Wonder Years of Your Life
Insights On Retirement: The Wonder Years of Your Life
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Insights On Retirement: The Wonder Years of Your Life

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This book on retirement is a useful ally in the hands of every worker who works, intends to work, or planning to retire from work. Unlike many other books on retirement, this book introduces a very practical way of looking at retirement. The insights given at the end of each chapter are stepping stones meant to dispel the negative mental attitudes held by most workers regarding retirement from work. They provide valuable ideas towards formulating a plan for the retirement life from the very beginning of any career most people engage in, during the most productive years of life. The insights reveal that a systematic plan for retirement is as important for every worker as much as a career plan they do develop throughout their working years. It is a time for retirees to begin a second life in which they do things that they were not able to do during the time they worked.
Release dateSep 26, 2014
Insights On Retirement: The Wonder Years of Your Life

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    Insights On Retirement - Jay Hettiarachchy

    Insights on Retirement:


    Jay Hettiarachchy

    Copyright © 2014 Jay Hettiarachchy.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4834-1286-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-1285-6 (e)

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    Lulu Publishing Services rev. date: 8/21/2014




    Chapter 1   Why Not Retire?

    Chapter 2   The Rationale for Retirement

    Chapter 3   Retiring Mind

    Chapter 4   Retired, So What?

    Chapter 5   A Place To Retire

    Chapter 6   Budget Your Retirement

    Chapter 7   Health Is Wealth

    Chapter 8   Happiness

    Chapter 9   The Sunset Years

    Chapter 10   True Retirement

    Chapter 11   End Of Life Cycle



    This work is dedicated to my wife Professor Navam Hettiarachchy, Ph.D., and two sons Gnanin L. Hettiarachchy, M.D., and Rukmin R. Hettiarachchy, M.D., who are the three most precious persons in my life


    Retirement from work has become a reality today. It has also become affordable to most workers and not just an unfulfilled dream people have anymore. However, most often negative feelings and attitudes towards retirement continue to affect working people as well as those who are ready to retire from work and relax during their golden years of life. One of the main objectives of this book is to make valuable observations regarding such negative opinions and mind-sets that are mostly unfounded preventing people from entering the world of retirement where they could spend the remaining years of their life comfortably, happily, and free.

    Undoubtedly, the work phase of an individual’s life gives her/him the opportunity of achieving the full potential of life by enabling them to offer their talents and abilities as a service for which they are compensated. Also it is true that the self-worth, self-esteem, and the social status of a person in the society mostly depend on the type of work that s/he does. These reasons may possibly contribute to certain negative feelings, reluctance, and/or possible postponement of retirement by some workers who continue to work even beyond their retirement age. Nevertheless retirement is a choice available to most workers to relax and enjoy a carefree life.

    The retirement phase in life of a person is to enjoy life free from any obligations or other limitations that most people encounter during the time when they build their careers continuously setting their career goals. It is also a time they have for themselves rather than for others or for a service they provide for others. True retirement is not about having to enter a second phase of work life as most people would think. It is about a second life in which one could virtually do the things that s/he wanted to do in life and never had the time to spend or the opportunity for doing it.

    The insights given at the end of each chapter are stepping stones meant to dispel the negative mental attitudes and prejudices held by some workers in general regarding retirement from work. They provide valuable ideas for formulating a plan for the retirement phase of life from the very beginning to the end of any career most people engage in, during the most productive years of their life. The insights reveal that a systematic plan for retirement is as important for every worker as a career plan they do develop throughout their working years.

    Retirement certainly is an entitlement of people who have done a lifetime of hard work. They have a right to enjoy their life to the fullest extent by being happy, contented, and free during their final stage of life. This book is an attempt to address some of the most important aspects of the retirement phase of life, the importance of which is somewhat marginalized by the currently held social attitudes and prejudices.

    I wish to thank my wife Navam Hettiarachchy and brother Lalith Hettiarachchy for proof reading, and giving me valuable suggestions to improve the quality of this book.

    I hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

    Jay Hettiarachchy, Professor Emeritus

    (Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Michigan)

    2989 E. Setter Street, Fayetteville, AR 72701.


    Unlike in the past, retirement has become an affordable way of life for most people in almost every country and nation in the world today. Advances in medical sciences and pharmaceutical research, have enabled most people to live a longer life. For these reasons, I found this work not only timely and relevant providing very valuable information and insights from an entirely different perspective regarding one’s retirement phase of life, but also a very useful reference book in the hands of any working person including those who are already retired. As a semi-retired person, I can certainly appreciate and relate to the relevancy of the views that the author holds and presents as food for thought for a working person regarding retirement and the importance of planning for retirement systematically discussed throughout the entire book.

    Most often employed people do postpone thinking about retirement until the day they retire. The author however, clearly shows in his writings that whether a person is employed in public service, a private enterprise, or is self-employed, ultimately s/he has to face the reality of retirement from work and therefore it is far better to plan for one’s retirement early in life than late or not at all. The same principle applies to non-working folks as well – the category of people, mostly women who do part-time work among all other tasks that they perform, including and not limited to, household activities as well as the rearing and caring of young children. They too are certainly entitled to retire from such work and enjoy a phase of life of their own, in retirement, at least during the golden years of their life.

    The author brings into clear focus that we need to live our life, and therefore the main purpose of retirement is to relax and enjoy every moment of the remaining life of a person after having worked for at least two thirds of her/his life. He also reinforces the overall importance of planning for retirement by people irrespective of their social, cultural, religious backgrounds and affiliations and their beliefs on life after death that may to a great extent have a bearing on their views and beliefs of temporal life versus after-life expectations.

    This book has a wealth of information presented very objectively and lucidly. Undoubtedly, some people tend to neglect, overlook, or sometimes even refuse to accept certain basic facts of life. As an example, in the chapter on Sunset Years (Chapter 9), the author points out that the average person who tends to care about her/his body fails to recognize the importance of the mind that too is susceptible to sickness as much as the body. This is supported by research as well. The author has made an attempt in this chapter to show how a proper understanding of the workings of our mind and mental attitudes could contribute significantly in improving our retirement life.

    Presumably, the vast majority of present-day retirees are married people sharing their life with their spouses in their retirement years while the number of people living single and therefore spending their retirement life single, seems to be on the rise. Unlike in the case of single retirees, the death of a soul-partner is a challenge that married retirees have to invariably face some day. The last chapter addresses this issue of handling it by some who are less-well or unprepared for it, rather poorly. It is very natural that most people, who lose the function of their senses in their old age, tend to get frustrated, irritated, and at times behave very irrationally. Being prepared to deal with such life events by all parties concerned in a family, is therefore of utmost importance as we do go through the inevitable life changes and events, either by ourselves or by those who we do love and care for in our life.

    The author also discusses in some detail the various avenues and opportunities that are available to retirees to spend the remaining years of their life enjoyably as the function of caring for the elderly by the children is gradually diminishing due to their other pressing needs and commitments they have in the present day societies. The book contains a wealth of information for anybody, working, non-working, near retirement or retired.


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