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Shadow People - Forever Watching
Shadow People - Forever Watching
Shadow People - Forever Watching
Ebook121 pages1 hour

Shadow People - Forever Watching

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Did you see that dark, fleeting shape out of the corner of your eye? Perhaps you caught a glimpse of a strange dark entity. What are they: dark ghosts, beings from some other time or dimension? Whatever they are, they can be terrifying to those who see them. What is their purpose? Why are they lurking in the shadows? Why are they watching and following us? Are these shadowy figures ghosts, inter-dimensional beings, time travellers or something darker and more evil?
Release dateAug 22, 2013
Shadow People - Forever Watching

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    Shadow People - Forever Watching - Christie Nortje

    Shadow People - Forever Watching


    Instead of trying to find and communicate with other life in the cosmos, humans would be better off doing everything they can to avoid contact with intelligent life. It is more likely that they are more like the Borg and less like the Vulcan’s. Don’t count on friendly aliens, like E. T. They are most likely looking to conquer, colonize, and exploit us and our planet. (Stephen Hawking, National Geographic).

    Chapter 1


    I can’t believe this is how it ends, this is how I’m going to spend the last few moments of my life strapped to an ice cold metal slab like a piece of meat. Not that you can call it a life, I was always running and hiding, trying to forget, trying to move on from my former life. So this is what they wanted all the time, this is what it has all led up to, this moment.

    I find myself paralyzed motionlessly frozen as it were; laying naked on a cold steel table, exposed to the frosty interior of the white sterile looking room. Apart from being unable to move I am fully cognizant, aware of everything around me; I can still hear, smell, see and feel everything that is being done to me. Not as before when I was trapped inside the darkness of my own eyelids. I could only hear them shuffling around before, feeling the hair on my body stirring as they moved passed me. Nevertheless that was before, before they inserted the Wire Speculum into my eyes I don’t know how I know what it is called I just do. Now I can see, I can see every unnatural thing, they are doing to my body, even worse than that I can also feel what they are doing.

    My skin parts like the pages of a book as they point the pen-like device at my upper chest pulling it down slowly. The thin intense beam of blue light being emitted from the tip cut through my flesh like a hot knife through butter. The smell of burning flesh and blood fills the frigid air, followed by the crunching sounds my ribs make as they crack open my chest. Blood trickles down their long lanky arms spilling onto their large feet. I gasp doing a combination of praying, pleading, cursing and screaming, trying anything to make them aware that I am awake yet nothing is working. The pain is excruciating; sharp unbearably piercing bursts of paint is shooting through my body to the point where any normal person would lose consciousness. However, I do not, I remain, awake watching as they remove and inspect each of my organs. They do not speak though, communicating only in short click like sounds coming from their tiny lipless mouths.

    Please no, please stop! I plead from inside my fleshly prison, but alas it all falls on deaf ears. I can’t be sure if they do hear me and just do not care or if they cannot hear me at all, as I have heard they are telepathic. Surely with those large dead black, snake like eyes planted in that grotesquely oversized looking heads, they can see that I am awake, that I can feel every torturing thing, they are doing.


    The last thing, I remember was being woken up during the night, by a bunch of dogs barking loudly. I was very confused when I woke as I wasn’t in my bed when I did. I was actually walking in the middle of the road that ran in front of my family home, the dogs were actually barking at me. As much as I wanted to stop I could not get my legs to respond it was as if they were being controlled by an outside force.

    The street lights flickered and flashed as I passed on my way to where, I was not sure. I could feel a low electrical pulse serge around me like an aura. The warm summer winds blew through my thin lace night gown as I crossed the small wooden footbridge that ran over the tiny brook that separated the park form the neighborhood. As a child this was all a densely wooded area where I came to play for hours when things at home got too bad. Only difference now apart from the obvious is that I was never afraid to come here, not like I am now. I woke again, this time naked laying on this cold steel table feeling it’s coldness burning my exposed flesh.


    I am Torrance Mac Rye and a week ago I was living in the largest city in the world living a life far apart from this town, this town I’ve fought so fiercely to get away from all those years ago.

    Chapter 2


    Why is it that whenever we hear the words UFO or alien we always look up? Up into the skies, never do we look amongst ourselves never do we question the mysteries the unexplainable things that happen around us every day. The strange noises we hear the funny fleeting shadows we see pass by out of the corner of our eyes. Are we that naive to think that they could only come from up there or that they’d travel so far to an unknown planet without gather information about it and it’s dominant species first? If they are so intelligent and so technologically far ahead of us who says they haven’t been watching us, who says that they couldn’t have devised a way to observe us from afar, studying us gathering information about us like we do with animals in the wild before we hunt and capture them. Who says we’re not the animals and now that they’ve studied us they are ready to start the hunt.


    I‘ve been seeing shadow people for several years now, at first they were just fleeting shadows that I believed to be my eyes playing

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