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Suitcases and Vacations from Hell
Suitcases and Vacations from Hell
Suitcases and Vacations from Hell
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Suitcases and Vacations from Hell

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A short story of my traumas experienced with Suitcases, Hotels, Airports,Banks,
Two Suitcases brought me to the point of despair, The Banking system and the way it functions,left me broke and Homeless, I eneded up walking the streets of San francisco
The Hotels I stayed in were, near enough uninhabitable,even under serious repair as I stayed in them
The Banks broke me the way the system works and left me Stranded and homeless
I ended up walking the Streets of San Francisco for weeks, staying in Shelters when I could, Eventualy having to be bailed out, by my Consulate,who paid my fare home, and who I'd to repay, months later
And all I had planned to do was take a vacation and visit a sick Aunt
Release dateOct 14, 2014
Suitcases and Vacations from Hell

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    Suitcases and Vacations from Hell - Rodney Tupweod

    Suitcases and Vacations from Hell

    Vacations and Suitcases From Hell

    This Book is about, the Vacations I’ve been on, but in   Particular the nightmare, I experienced

    With not just one suitcases, but two which believing they had wheels and should make my life easier, turned out to be living hell for me I hope you enjoy my tales of woe

    This was originally about one suitcase, and the trauma it put me through, but since then I returned to San Francisco, with the new suitcase, and my experience with it, and the subsequent, horror of a trip I encountered prompted me to rewrite this chapter in my life

    I had so much stolen on me. Issues with my bank account, missed my flight home, stayed in the worse hotels possible and finally became homeless, broke and stranded in San Francisco

    This book is copyrighted, and the contents are the sole possession of the Author, it shall not be lent, or republished without permission

    © Rodney Tupweod

    ISBN      978-1-312-59788-4


    When I was around seventeen I took my first vacation with my Brother, We’d heard of a special deal on flights, for students, although we were both working at the time

    We decided to travel to the Isle of Man, Going anywhere else never crossed our mind at the time

    We both had to buy new suitcases, these were just normal ones, no wheels, but they well-made and were sturdy

    The big mistake we made was the timing of our vacation

    The Isle of Man hosts a Major Motor Bike Meet, T.T races for a week

    Unfortunately we choose this week to travel, we never owned a motorbike, and knew very little about them

    When we arrived at our Lodgings the Landlady had presumed we were a married couple and assigned a room with just one double bed, so we had to share the bed

    We were awoken every morning with the sound of dozens, if not hundreds of motorbikes screaming by our window

    The Island was over-run by bikers, men, the ratio of men to women was well over 100/1

    There weren’t many places to visit, without a gathering of bikers present.

    However we did manage to visit some of the Islands Landmarks, in particular, the Laxey Wheel, War Museum, and took a trip around the Island on the famous steam train

    We were only there for a week, and were just a little disappointed we couldn’t get to see more.

    The next trip I went on was with a workmate, who at the time was also a friend, Paddy and I had originally planned to go back to the Isle of Man

    However when he went in to book the vacation, he was informed on a special deal that two weeks for a trip to Spain, so he decided to go for that instead

    When He informed me later that day, I was a bit apprehensive, about travelling so far away from home, and would we be able to tolerate the heat?

    Paddy had never flown before, I had, but on a twin prop plane, and we’d got sick on it

    This time we were travelling on a Jet plane, and I didn’t know how I’d react

    However it turned out I was actually fine, but Paddy’s head was in the puke bag for all of the Flight

    We’d brought food with us, steaks, bacon, sausages, tea, etc, I cooked most of the evening meals, for the week

    At the end of the week we were coming close to the end of our supplies, so Paddy decided to make a huge meal, with what we’d left, went the full distance, Wine candles, desert, and invited a couple of women

    We even took photos of the spread

    However we’d all been drinking heavily the evening before, and with the heat, and the sunburn we were suffering from, none of us had the stomach to even sit down at the table, never mind eat anything, and the whole lot was wasted, except the wine

    Paddy and I had for the first week, ventured around the neighbourhood, did a lot of sightseeing, and checked out nearly all the watering holes (Bars), but towards the end of the evening we nearly always headed back to the closest one too us, it was an Irish Bar, and stayed open longer than most

    This particular evening we arrived as usual, and there were two women sitting at the Bar, so we sat beside them.

    At the end of the night I’d end up with one and begin a relationship that would last for over a year

    Two memorial incidents out of the ordinary, among other things that I remember about this vacation were

    Four of us guys rented out motorbikes for a few hours, all we needed was a passport to do so

    I’d never ridden a motorbike before, but Paddy in-fact owned one

    I got the hang of using mine pretty quickly, and indeed had the fastest one of the four, however Paddy actually had the slowest

    We headed out on a trip, many miles away, to the old town, and after a number of hours, we’d to head back, I skidded once and grazed my leg

    Paddy’s bike broke down nearly three miles out, and we were in the middle of nowhere, no way of contacting anyone

    We’d to tie our T-shirts together, and tow his bike, we were late when we got back, but after I’d explained what had happened, we were given a couple of more hours to use them

    There was another night, when Paddy and I went out and he got fairly drunk, on the way home he got this notion in his head, to climb to the top of a street light, and shinned his way up along it, made it to the top and sat on the bend of it

    He mightn’t have been noticed except he was right outside a police station, a number of police officers came to him and ordered him down, they were going to arrest him, but I managed to avoid that

    This was the second Vacation I’d brought the suitcase I bought a few years previous with me

    It would be another two years when it would be used again

    On the flight home we hit serious turbulence, and many of the passengers resorted to praying, for our safe landing

    Two years passed before I’d another vacation

    Nine of us guys decided to take a group vacation, Paddy and a couple of brothers, and I with two brothers and a cousin, as well as a number of friends, plus a guy we met on the plane joined us so we were now ten

    We’d to hire a bus to take us to the airport, with some of our families in tow to see us off, I nearly wasn’t going as I couldn’t find my passport when we got to the airport. After searching every pocket, all my luggage, resorting to conclusion that I’d left it at home, and now miss the flight, the  bus driver discovered it, and the floor between the seats

    The flight was uneventful, many of us enjoying the alcohol available

    We were all assigned our rooms, I believe we had three, so three of stayed in a room, the extra guy had his own room

    The first day we all hung around in a group, finding our bearings

    Then over the course of a couple of days we split up, into groups, three, four of us

    One of my brothers friends, got his feet and legs burnt, on the first couple of days, and develop, some really nasty blisters, and he had to stay in

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