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I Am
I Am
I Am
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I Am

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The Book I AM is divided into five basic parts. There is a calling to one living during the beginning of tribulation. There is a message to the daughters of God that they are not property. Women share with men the likeness of God that is the ability to create. The word for women is to know their purpose. There are differences between man and women but the differences do not impose a concept of superiority.
There are dreams providing knowledge of individuals that have suffered from systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and torture. There are tales of sacrifice and suffering from those who have carried their cross. Read the prayers of the young who live in the streets of the world.
The people of God are told to see the humanity in other people, and respect their dignity. It is time for them to realize that their past and future despite their struggles and hardship is to provide the will to end the injustices such as poverty, racism, genocide, human trafficking and political corruption.
Release dateMar 4, 2015
I Am

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    I Am - Tykieyen Moore

    I Am

    I AM


    Tykieyen Moore

    Copyright © 2014 by Tykieyen Moore

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted without the express consent of the author.

    ISBN: 978-1-312-96687-1

    If my people

    If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

    2 Chronicles 7:14 (King James Version)


    I awoke from one dream into another and found myself walking familiar streets one quiet night. The darkness around me forced my eyes to struggle to see. I marveled at the wonders in the vast space. A sudden feeling of deep emotion, my body tingling, chilly intoxication engulfed my mind. Inhaling deeply I tried to dispel more than the air. I tried to relieve myself of troubling thoughts concerning God and life. I failed.  Wherever I turned my eyes, I saw images of lynching. The images had names and faces. A faint voice shouted from a distance, I heard the names of Nease Gillepsie, John Gillepsie, Jack Dillingham, Henry Lee, George Irwin, Laura Nelson and Rubin Stacey. Who are these people and what significance do they have in my life? I closed my eyes and shivered with a fear no one should feel. A faint voice shouted my name from a distance.

    I ran toward the direction of the voice. I begin to see images that faded in then out. These images were of war, famine, poverty and disease. I saw crowds of people with so little struggling for a few scraps in life praying to God, looking to God for help. I stopped running when I saw myself in front of me. The faint voice was mine demanding to know how I could ignore those I should care about. I was told my hardened heart prevents me caring for others. Why did I fail to tell the children that God is there to care for them? When would I tell the people to see the blessings provided by their mother and father? Tell them that Life is going to intervene and ensure that men choose to create and not destroy the world around them

    I should tell them to stop turning right when they need to go left. I should tell them to reject the animal instincts of survival and use their intelligence to change and improve the world around them. I was told to inform them that death is knocking at the door because man followed a god that was not God. I was told to write the following words.

    What does one feel when the soul suddenly joins with the mind and heart to find the true God? Is it anger, fear or shame? I stand before a mirror and realize the image is Adam and Eve making the wrong choice. What was the answer that could stop mankind from killing? What calms the false rage? The innocence became clear: It was time to find and walk through the door from one life to another. This was not a time to fight but to seek penance. Pain always follows the walk toward the path of righteousness. This path is one of sacrifice that concerns itself not with what we want but with what others need. We are to fulfill promises from prayers made by those we will not even know.  We can no longer run because our backs are strong. We honor our fathers by being mature. We honor our mothers as we walk with God. The challenge is the journey to evolve from beast to man. We must recognize each moment that we are offered to make a choice between good and evil. We must identify and nurture the inner talent while rejecting the labels and predetermined images that are used as barriers to success.

    I lay down to rest with peace of mind as I drift off to a semi state of consciousness. Various thoughts flow through my mind of paradise, friends, foes, youthful innocence and the descent to sin.

    I saw clearly the craziness brought into the world and the faces of people who suffered from chaos. That suffered from the chaos of those who are lost. I understood each fight is truly war and that because there is God the sacrifice of so many is why man is not erased from the face of the earth. Please forgive me father, mother and the community. I failed out of weakness to give the world what God has given me. Let all know there is a purpose for life, religion and the madness of man.  Everything is obedient to God even though the choice of good and evil given to man has separated us from the Gospel of God. I am not a prophet. I am a child answering to a call. I am a father who loves all children. I am a husband who treasures and respects all wives. I am a son who loves all mothers. I am a brother, uncle and nephew who know the advantages and need for family.

    I believe in the covenant God made with Abraham through circumcision. I believe that obedience should be given to Allah.  I believe that the Savior was crucified for all mankind. I belong to people stripped of past achievements, humanity and freedoms. My historical bloodline distorted to strip me and mine of our human qualities to convince the world to accept slavery. Slavery has a foundation belonging to those who believe in false gods and lie to the world about the history of religion. The truth is from your lord; so let whosoever will, believe, and let whosoever will, disbelieve. Paul who did not preach to the believer connects me to the word. I have no connection to my true past there is only a belief in the God of Abraham.

    We who follow a true religion inspired by God have a duty to those who do not. We are the chosen that add truth concerning God before the world conquering empire of our time and to the world. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. The power of God brings salvation to everyone. There is a path for those following a true religion. There is a path for those following a false religion. There is a righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith. We should not accept things that are not godly or righteous as truth.

    We are without excuses because since creation men have seen and known the truth concerning God. That which is from God has been shown to all. Many know God but they do not honor the truth, as they should. The teachers are not thankful. The leaders claiming wisdom believe in their own greatness while acting like fools. They corrupt the original word and create a false image among men concerning God.

    This is the reason men in the world begin to believe in paganism and worshiped birds, beasts, things of nature and not life and their fellow man.  False prophets and teachers want the world to suppress natural lust. They want the world to seek unnatural lust that dishonor the body. This creates the institution of slavery. When you look at the world, what you see? Do you see purity, self-control, truth and nonviolence? We are told that a person achieves the goodness of God by living a life of goodness, charity and humility. How powerful are these believers? In all nations they work with the leaders; eat with the leaders, pray for the leaders and the children live in a world filled with desire, lust, greed, pride and envy.

    These believers change and continue to change the truth of God into a lie so that we worship the creations and not the creator. Men and women change or conceal that which is natural for them to that which is against their nature. We are blind to the error and we do what is convenient following lust rather than natural affection. This fills the world with all manners of evil fornication, wickedness, materialism, cruelty, envy, murder and deceit. If there were one true religion that religion would have no human founder and would not depend on some moment in history for its beginning. The one true religion would include all of the human experience as it evolved. Holding the secrets of all religions and contain all the roads that lead to God.

    We lie against our neighbors and strangers with unjust hate; because of pride we boast over false matters and invent new evil in the world to dishonor our parents and all elders. We live without commitment because we do not understand the need for natural affection. And without real love there is no mercy. Many claim to know God while enjoying and benefitting from man’s madness.

    There are many telling others what not to do under the threat of death while they do as they please. There is no excuse for any that judge falsely. God knows those that judge without care are doing the same things. And you can be sure that God’s judgments will be true. The false teachers and prophets will not escape judgment. This is the day of wrath and revelation for those claiming to be righteous. Who are they to teach every man according to his deeds? The world will be a better place for children when the nations of the world help to create constructive means for every citizen to identify and develop his/her ability and talent. What have you gained from impatience? Do you have glory, honor, is there anything in your life that shall last after your death? Why then do you continue to follow a lie? Are you blind to the misery and suffering doing evil brings to the world? This is a message to believers and nonbelievers.

    If you want glory, honor and peace then do well in the world and work for it with the believer and the nonbeliever. All men are the same to the true God. From Paul we are told that the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doer of the law will be justified. There are men in the world not connected directly to the path of the given law and these persons do things contained in the law by nature and choice. There are also men connected directly to the law. These persons do things by nature and choice against the law. Whom should we see as righteous? The idol worshipers will ask what is the advantage then of being a believer? Where is the profit in being directly connected to a true religion? The profit in the knowledge of the true religions is the strength to challenge evil in the world. 

    God is not God only to those following the chosen religion.  God does not call only someone proclaiming submission to God the promise was made before both exist even though they are directly connected to Abraham who knew God. The promise to Abraham concerning his seed was to bring to the world Moses and Muhammad who would challenge the pagans in their day. People argue concerning the beginning. Yet, what was there? Was there knowledge of death or sin? Was there more than one life? Was there hell? Was there heaven? Was there day or night? The person who can answer the questions can claim to know from where all creation has its origin.

    Since the beginning, the word, the truth promised by God through his prophets provided to us in writing by divine inspiration has since the earliest days gone through many changes. Public speakers and leaders have stolen the word and perverted it with an emphasis on death. Who knows of the first man? Who knows and who can say how the world began? Is life created in a single moment? We only know that there is darkness before the light and that men created gods after Life created men.

    So let the sages admit what their hearts know with wisdom and honesty that we do not know and cannot say how the creation of Life happened or began. To push an unknown truth is a lie and a lie is the greatest of sins. We know and have always known that there is a purpose to all life. Life has made it plain to us. Men are fools who would prefer to worship images made by their hands. Since the beginning, men have preferred to worship what is created instead of God so we have punished ourselves. We have filled the world with immorality. We have abandoned principles of decency, honesty, virtue and honor. We praise evil, greed, jealousy, murder, wars, and deceit. We believe false gossip. We are not insulted to worship the proud and corrupt. We enjoy the breaking of promises and agreements.

    History is filled with hatred and lacking in kindness to others. Still we have been given the law by way of religion and yet we still continue to prefer death to Life.

    The knowledge has been used to approve what we know is wrong. This is the time of judgments and the teachers will be first.  We see the variety in nature yet we pervert the natural.

    If you seek to teach others; then make sure you do not pervert the truth. Men cannot do right when they follow someone whose path is wrong. There are persons throughout the world who would claim to teach and follow the will/word of God. Many of these persons have joined with rulers to relentlessly use the knowledge and wisdom provided by the descendants of the original man to exploit the slave, the servant, the hardworking and their children to maintain their ignorance, which would ensure that they stay in poverty regarding the spirit and earthly treasure.

    However, among the slaves, servants and hardworking were born masters, seers, monks, priest, rabbis and mullahs. All over the world men and women of God fought for justice with faith and knowledge, forcing the pagan world to accept obedience to law. The price for this is an obligation to teach all the truth, the faithful and the faithless, also the wise and the foolish. Those who choose to teach unlike any in the world should be eager to speak concerning the ways of things that are righteous. They are second only to the mothers and fathers who are responsible for teaching the children Life placed in their care.

    The promise of judgments at the end of this world claimed by all the true religions begins with the judgments of these persons. They have allowed their hearts to harden because too many have not glorified the truth. They return men to the foolish ways of worshiping created things. They should bring men to their glory by ensuring that there is the concern for life and the well-being of all men. These men are without excuse for things have been made plain to them.

    The qualities, eternal power and divine wisdom has been provided to them and yet so many suppress the truth with wickedness. Do not be terrified when you hear of wars and commotion. These things must come, but the end is not yet. Nations will rise against nations. Earthquakes will grow in number and severity. The world will panic because of famines and pestilence.

    Time and time again they will lay hands on the good in the world and persecute them. They will condemn the righteous because of the evil in what they worship. While claiming to follow the law, they will place the innocent in jail.  The heavens will be a place of great signs and great sights. Do not be a part of those groups that make it a sin to be young.

    Do not let the children suffer. Do not meditate on your answer when they question you: Life will provide you with the wisdom to challenge your adversaries, adversaries that may be parents, siblings, kinfolks and friends. Some of you will die and be hated by evil man/woman because of their false doctrines.

    Throughout the World religious leaders are exploiting the faith to subdue the human spirit and voice. The media in all areas have contributed to the hysteria. For the future well-being of religious insight, Life continues to inspire those that seek righteousness.

    It is the duty of the true teachers to reveal the ancient

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