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Sexual Purity, Is It Still Possible?
Sexual Purity, Is It Still Possible?
Sexual Purity, Is It Still Possible?
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Sexual Purity, Is It Still Possible?

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A non-confrontational practical approach to the subject of sex before and after marriage
Release dateMar 10, 2015
Sexual Purity, Is It Still Possible?

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    Sexual Purity, Is It Still Possible? - Tekena Ikoko

    Sexual Purity, Is It Still Possible?

    Sexual Purity, Is It Still Possible?

    by Tekena Ikoko

    Copyright © 2015, Tekena Ikoko

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic—without written permission of both publisher and author. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.

    ISBN: 978-1-312-98096-9


    Virginity is lack of opportunity, he bragged, "and there is no real young guy that can claim to abstain from sex in this generation."

    Tekena remained silent as they watched some ladies walk pass, but Jude received another bolt of inspiration. And what does a guy do when he sees these beautiful creatures? he persisted, and pointed to their tight revealing clothes. Isn’t sex the normal thing to do when you are in love?

    Over the next thirty minutes, Tekena Ikoko, president, Single But Not Stupid™ awareness campaign, ventured into dangerous waters. He peeled layers off the secrecy and silence surrounding sexual purity..

    Sexual Purity: is it still possible? unveils practical steps to achieving sexual purity in the midst of a generation that is shaped by rape, incest, and heartbreak. Its simple, analytical, and detailed approach makes it a must read for all teenagers, youths, and singles.

    If you are tired of the conventional, religious, and ambiguous approach to sexual purity, then this book is for you.

    Tekena Ikoko

    President, Single But Not Stupid Awareness Campaign,

    +234 8067907884; +234 8097817900


    Rejoice not against me...

    Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy; when I fall, I shall arise.


    Chapter One

    The Problem Behind the Problem

    Why are you not having sex?

    Are you single and matured and yet not having sex? Why are you not having sex? Do you have a firm reason for not having sex? I have posed this question to many people. Below are some answers and my responses.

    Miranda:    Because I want to remain a virgin.

    Me:   Well, the desire to remain a virgin is never strong enough to resist the tantalizing pressure of sex. Most ladies will lose their virginity once they feel that the pleasure of sex outweighs the gains of waiting. So, look for another reason.

    Paul:      Because I promised to wait until I am much older.

    Me:   Is there an appropriate age for immorality? Are you more justified when you have sex at twenty-five than at fifteen? Does a university admission letter give you a license for sex that your secondary school refused to issue?

    Rita:      Because I don’t want to disappoint my mentor.

    Me:      Do you know how many mentors are sleeping with their protégées?"

    Linda:      Because I don’t want to get pregnant.

    Me:   You may not get pregnant. If this is your reason, you might as well begin practicing oral and anal sex. Are you?"

    Christy:   Because I am waiting for the right guy.

    Me:   Well, that means once you feel he is the right guy, you will have sex. In fact, most ladies have sex because they do not want to lose their Mr. Right.

    Peter:      Because my fiancée and I agreed that we will not.

    Me:   What happened to those who agreed, but one thing led to another thing and they had sex?

    Am I off course? Do you still have reasons why you are not having sex? Here are some more reasons from the religious sector.

    Chorister:   Because I took an oath to keep myself.

    Me:   Oaths come and go. Only God can keep an oath for eternity. Humans break oaths and many virgins have broken their oaths. Are you sure you have not broken your oath in principle already?

    Usher:      Because I am a worker in my fellowship or church.

    Me:   Are you the first worker to commit fornication or even commit an abortion? The church go forgive you after jo.

    Drummer:   Because I don’t want to offend my parents and pastor.

    Me:   Great, but how many parents and pastors were virgins themselves? And what about those who do not have parents and pastors?

    Soloist:      Because I am a leader.

    Me:   Were David, Samson, and Solomon not leaders? People in leadership are not exempt from the lure of immorality. Rather, leadership exposes you to greater temptations.

    Coordinator:   Because it is a sin.

    Me:   Let me speak like one of your friends. A sin? Don’t you think you are being too hard on your conscience? Anyway, you can confess the sin afterwards to a priest or the Pope himself. Won’t the blood of Jesus cleanse you afterwards?

    Mr & Mrs:   Because I am happily married with kids.

    Me:      Was King David sadly married without kids?

    After reading all the reasons so far given, do you consider your reason for not having sex good enough? Perhaps your reason for not having sex is not listed above, but is it valid and will it stand the test of time?

    On the other hand, those who are having sex may list the following benefits of sexual intercourse:

    a. Sex is exciting

    b. Sex is liberating

    c. Sex is wonderful

    d. Sex is the greatest emotional release known to man

    Then, they may put forward the arguments below to justify their actions:

    a. Sex comes naturally; therefore, it can’t be against nature.

    b. Physical attraction to the opposite sex is normal, so why not embrace it? And some of us cannot be blamed for being attracted to the same sex because we are wired that way.

    c. Sex is a gift from God. Distinctions should not be made by labelling it pre-marital or post-marital sex.

    When one takes a stand for sexual purity, people tend to ask many questions. Is God out to kill your joy? Is Christianity or the born again sect out to stop fun? Why is there a huge fuss about fornication and adultery? If a man is free to eat whenever and whatever he pleases, why can’t he have sex whenever, wherever, or with whomever he pleases? If sexually transmitted diseases are an issue, he can use a condom and double it for better protection!

    These practical questions stare us in the face in this generation. Reasons for abstinence or celibacy must hinge on time-tested principles; otherwise, they will fall, fail, or falter after a while. Pressure, pleasure, and problems, have caused many roofs to cave in because their foundations were never rooted in core values. Sadly, many arise from these pitiful experiences to proclaim that sexual purity is not possible.

    So, once again, are you one of those people who aren’t having sex? If you are, why are you not having sex? Or perhaps, I should assume you are one of those who have no such standards.

    The conflict of standards

    It was three days to Collins’ wedding and Morris, his childhood friend, was visiting.

    I trust you have confirmed your sexual compatibility with Victoria? Morris asked.

    I am a virgin, Collins bluntly replied.

    Morris gave a low whistle and shook his head. The gravel under their feet seemed to wince in protest as each man hugged his thoughts en route to the car.

    So you mean to tell me you’re still a virgin at thirty-two? Morris resumed his interrogation once

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