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Polynesian Interconnections: Dwayne Johnson And King Kamehameha In Culture And Science
Polynesian Interconnections: Dwayne Johnson And King Kamehameha In Culture And Science
Polynesian Interconnections: Dwayne Johnson And King Kamehameha In Culture And Science
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Polynesian Interconnections: Dwayne Johnson And King Kamehameha In Culture And Science

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POLYNESIAN INTERCONNECTIONS celebrate the unity of one Polynesian family related to Europeans, Asians and Aborigines Africans through their ancient heritage and genetics. The term Polynesian means 'many islands' or 'many races.' The Polynesians came from an ancient family of intermixed races and today we share our 'ohana' with all peoples of the world. We are one family, the human family, the Polynesian family. To the world we say 'ALOHA' and may the love and spirit of family bring happiness and prosperity into our lives.
Release dateMar 27, 2011
Polynesian Interconnections: Dwayne Johnson And King Kamehameha In Culture And Science

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    Polynesian Interconnections - Peter Leiataua Ahching



    Polynesian Interconnections was written for several reasons:

    ♣ To educate the mass public and especially Polynesian children and families about the interconnections between the Polynesian islands especially Samoa, Tahiti and Hawaii.

    ♣ To chronicle events that transpired upon Dwayne The Rock Johnson’s return home to Polynesia and the King Kamehameha movie controversy in Hawaii.

    ♣ Remedy the poor understanding about Polynesian relatedness even among some native political activists and most non-Polynesians.

    ♣ To analyze the latest scientific evidence on ideas relevant to Polynesian legends and oral traditions. To lay a scientific foundation or an understanding for future generations to build on.

    ♣ To provide Polynesian medical anatomy terms and phrases to help doctors and nurses deliver quality care upon Polynesian patients worldwide.

    Polynesian Interconnections is a World Wide Web-interactive education book, meaning readers are directed to maps, virtual tours of beautiful island surroundings, to scientific journal articles accessible on the World Wide Web if they want to see the data raw. Also, readers can interact directly with the author if they have any questions or ideas to share concerning the book at: Polynesian Interconnections encourage readers to connect on computers for a complete visual education and interactive dialogue.

    Science fields of Archaeology, Anthropology, Linguistics, Genetics and Morphology have been analyzed to show relationships between the Polynesian islands. Complicated ideas like the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Law of Population Genetics have been made simple for reader comprehension as to how it applies to the study of Polynesian origins. Notable theories by famous scientists like the late Thor Heyerdahl were included in these discussions. Did the latest science data support the oral traditions of native Polynesian speaking elders of Samoa, Tahiti and Hawaii? Read and find out.

    Polynesian Interconnections expose the Hawaii controversy over the King Kamehameha movie role. It presents the native Hawaiian community viewpoints, the Samoan community viewpoints and Dwayne Johnson’s personal thoughts about the negativity and support from the Hawaiian Islands at large. Learn the truth about Polynesia as Hollywood will soon shine its bright lights upon the legendary WARRIOR-KING KAMEHAMEHA the Great.

    DWAYNE ‘The Rock’ JOHNSON and King Kamehameha


    Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s homecoming to Hawaii was a great experience for the people of Polynesia. Upon his return home to the Hawaiian Islands, he had great news to share with the people. And the ROCK SAID,


    Kamehameha I - Havaii State Archives

    I’m proud to announce — I just got the call from my agent today — Sony Pictures has purchased the rights and will be in development for myself to play King Kamehameha in a movie based on his life, The Rock said yesterday at a gathering at the Blaisdell Galleria.

    It is believed to be the first film exclusively on Hawai‘i’s king who united the islands and ruled from 1795 to 1819. The Rock said the film would be shot in Hawai’i. (Honolulu Advertiser 2002/06/14)

    Dwayne Johnson is a proud Samoan who is very knowledgeable of who he is and what he is. He is a Polynesian and heir to the Alii lineage of Malietoa and his grandfather the late High Chief Peter Maivia of Samoa and Hawaii nei.

    The late High Chief Peter Maivia was a Samoan chief, according to Leusogafofoma’aitulagi Emmsley of the Samoan Service Providers Association, the group that performed the ‘awa ceremony.

    The Rock sat on a straw mat as a group of about 10 performed the ceremony, which included clapping, chanting and consuming of a drink made from ‘awa root.

    I’m so proud with this ceremony, the ‘awa ceremony, my heritage and all the love that the island has shown me since I’ve been back this week, said The Rock, who is of Samoan and African-American ancestry.


    Emmsley said the ceremony was preserved only for those (of Samoan ancestry) who have succeeded well. (Honolulu Advertiser 2002/06/14)

    Controversy about ‘The Rock’ Dwayne Johnson’s heritage began with comments by a rival movie producer name Gary German of the North Shore Entertainment about Johnson not being fit to play the great King of Hawaii because he is Samoan and not Hawaiian. Mr. German’s comments sounded ‘ETHNOCENTRIC’ to Samoans and most Polynesians, but again he is Mr. German and he lacks the Polynesian heart and education about the interconnections of the Polynesian people.

    Gary German’s comments (Rival Movie Producer): It would be a great ‘taboo’ for the part of Kamehameha to go to a (person whose ancestors were) a fierce enemy of the Hawaiians during that time. So that we don’t have this taboo over our heads during filming, we are opting for a true Hawaiian actor." (Honolulu Advertiser 2002/07/16)

    Mr. German obviously did not know about the proud lineage of Hawaiians to Samoans proclaimed by Hawaiian kings. Well, this is a science and cultural education project for Mr. German and all those who protest against a Samoan ‘The ROCK’ Dwayne Johnson honoring the legacy of King Kamehameha. This project will reveal truths about Savai’i Samoa to Havai‘i Tahiti to Hawai’i the Big Island, home of King Kamehameha at Upolu coast, Hawi and North

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