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King's Blood
King's Blood
King's Blood
Ebook68 pages58 minutes

King's Blood

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Winter couldn't be any happier! She is finally getting married to her childhood sweetheart and has everything a pampered princess could ever wish for. Her life just couldn't get any better! But what happens when on her very wedding night, her life gets turned completely upside down? How will she face the shocking truth thrust upon her as she sees her new husband leave the room in which her father lies dead in a pool of his own blood?
Release dateMar 17, 2015
King's Blood

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A quirky fantasy novel that pokes fun at the typical hero quest and has several humorous modern references that will make you smile.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A good read. I enjoyed the two main characters. They made a nice contrast to each other and still had a very strong connection. My only issue was zombies. I don't like zombies, they just aren't my thing. I read really quick through those parts. But all in all a good story and well executed.

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King's Blood - Michelle Drago

King's Blood

King’s Blood

Copyright © 2015 by Michelle Drago

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

Publisher: Lulu

First Printing: 2015

ISBN <978-1-312-99682-3>

King’s Blood

Chapter 1: Wedding Night

Chapter 2: King and Queen

Chapter 3: Alone

Chapter 4: Murderer

Chapter 5: Reunion

Chapter 6: A Walk in the Garden

Chapter 7: Poison

Chapter 8: Escape

Chapter 9: In the Dark of Night

Chapter 10: Stubborn Winter

Chapter 1: Wedding Night

The whole cathedral resounded with the audience’s clapping. The bride and groom had just finished exchanging vows. They now walked back down the aisle as the bride’s long train trailed behind the two, cutting a path through the fresh rose petals strewn over the red carpet. Winter blushed pink under the scrutiny of their guests, who were all looking in her direction. She chanced a glance up at the man walking right beside her. His composed countenance made him seem much more regal than she’d ever felt herself. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she took in the perfect contours of his handsome face. She could hardly believe that this person was Kai. She remembered the Kai from her childhood all too well, having spent countless hours playing together as children in the castle’s gardens. But the Kai now standing beside her somehow made her heartbeat grow uneven with his very presence. After twelve whole years of separation, twelve years of wondering where he was or whether he’d even thought of her even a little, she could hardly believe that they’d just sworn eternal love to one another.

Winter couldn’t believe her ears when her father had told her she’d be marrying the general’s son, just two weeks earlier. She was so lucky that her father had arranged a marriage for her with the one person she’d been in love with for the last fourteen years! She lifted her hand to cover her mouth as she attempted to hide her gleeful expression.

Are you alright? Asked Kai’s voice, sounding concerned as he leaned in closer to her.

Ah, yes. She said, blushing at his proximity before smiling up at him. I’m fine.

Don’t push yourself at the reception. He said quietly so that only she would hear as he smiled gently at her. If you feel too tired just let me know.

She nodded, dropping her gaze to his hand as he held it out for her to take. She slid her small hand into his large, warm palm as they entered the reception hall to loud cheers once more. The celebrations passed by in a blur as the guests ate, danced and drank to their hearts’ content. Winter couldn’t help the tears that sprung to her eyes as she hugged her father before they left the hall to go to the wing that housed the new quarters she’d be sharing with her husband from now on.

Once the doors had closed upon their guests inside the hall, she found herself alone in the hallways with Kai, whom she followed down the corridor. The silence between them felt awkward, notwithstanding the comforting warmth his hand exuded, as it was tightly wrapped around hers. When they finally reached the wing, he scooped her up into his arms, taking her by surprise. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck for fear of falling, hiding her blush at their sudden proximity, in the crook of his neck. He carried her over the threshold and took her straight to the main bedroom, laying her gently down on the oversized bed. Her breath caught in her chest but instead of climbing up beside her, he crossed over to the closet in three swift strides and pulled out a rather modest-looking gown, which he then held out to her.

You should change into this. He said quietly, handing her the gown. And leave your wedding gown on the bed.

She simply looked back up at him, lost for words as to why he’d requested she do such an odd thing.

What’s wrong? He asked, sounding concerned. Do you need help to take off your gown?

She blushed bright red at his words.

N-no. I can do it myself. She stammered, getting up and heading off to change behind the screen.

She emerged after a couple of minutes, her frock looking slightly frumpy from the creases it had sustained as she’d tried to put it on right. Kai couldn’t help smiling as he saw her. A strand of her hair had come undone as she’d struggled into the gown she now wore.

What’s funny? She asked, sounding worried as she looked herself up and down.

Nothing. He said, drawing closer to her as he relieved her of the wedding gown she carried in her arms and tucked the loose

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