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Is It Fun Being You? : The Journey to Lasting Happiness
Is It Fun Being You? : The Journey to Lasting Happiness
Is It Fun Being You? : The Journey to Lasting Happiness
Ebook72 pages1 hour

Is It Fun Being You? : The Journey to Lasting Happiness

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In his book Is It Fun Being You? , Marcus helps you answer this question at the most fundamental level. You will uncover secrets for living an enjoyable, fulfilled life, experiencing just how much fun you can have being you. In Is It Fun Being You , Marcus introduces you to the life-changing tool which he calls TDSF. He uses simple and understandable examples from his own experiences to help you implement TDSF and find clarity in your own life. The strategies Marcus shares in this book will change your outlook forever...if you'll implement and use them in your life. He gives you a step-by-step system to create a greater level of consciousness in your life and uncover what's really important to you. Is It Fun Being You? helps you realize how much of your life is lived unconsciously and gives you the tools to regain control of your habits and experiences. No matter where you are in your life's journey, he helps you take control of your levels of happiness, peace, and fulfillment.
Release dateApr 11, 2011
Is It Fun Being You? : The Journey to Lasting Happiness

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    Is It Fun Being You? - Marcus Straub




    Is It Fun Being You?

    Have you ever wanted to feel less at the mercy of what others think, do and say? Do you want to be happier on a more consistent basis? Have you ever wanted to be more in control of yourself and your life, no matter what happens in your life? Do you want to enjoy being you to a far greater degree than you ever have?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are like most, if not all, of humanity. Is It Fun Being You? is a book dedicated to all people who want to live a greater reality on a daily basis.

    Only with consciousness of how you feel, then a decision as to whether or not you wish to continue feeling as you do and, finally, taking the actions that will deliver to you the feeling you have decided on, will you be able to answer the question, Is it fun being you? with a resounding YES! It must be fun being you if you are going to truly enjoy your life.

    Life is an experience with a tremendous learning curve. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to come across a piece of information that would allow you to shorten this learning curve? Would it not be pleasing to access a powerful tool that would allow you to do what you have only wished you could do if you only knew how?

    You are reading this for a reason. You are ready to step into your greater life. TDSF is a powerful tool that will help you to create the more profound life experience you have been searching for.

    What new undertaking in life, whether it’s learning a language, a sport, a job, or how to have a meaningful relationship, doesn’t seem hard and daunting at first? I have no doubt that learning to walk and talk as children was challenging. However, for all of us who had the capabilities to do so, we did accomplish these tremendous feats. Why? Because we were excited to do so, we had the will to do so; we wanted to do so, and we weren’t afraid to take on these challenges. When we weren’t successful in our attempts we didn’t give up; we tried again and again, a thousand times, until we were successful. The same is true for us at any time in our lives, with any new undertaking, as long as these same qualities exist within us.

    What if I were to suggest to you that there is a tool that you can become proficient with, that will allow you to end as much suffering as you want to and that will deliver to you as much happiness as you desire? The following pages lay out a simple, yet powerful, process for taking control of yourself, so that you can enjoy life more than you ever have.

    So much of what we do is unconscious habit. Through the use of TDSF (What am I thinking? What am I doing? What am I saying? And, how do I feel?) you will come to know yourself. You will discover how you think, what you think, and why you think as you do. You will become truly conscious of your thoughts, actions and words for the first time in your life. Your feelings will be revealed to you, and through it all you will position yourself to live a life that is illuminated by your awareness of yourself, and directed by you.

    Upon my discovery of this amazing tool, I immediately began using it to take control of myself, which quickly empowered me to create a pleasing life. As a Success Coach, I have shared this tool with every client I have had the privilege of working with. The life-changing power of TDSF has astounded everyone who has discovered and utilized it. For those who have given their all to its development, the results have been rapid and lasting. These people have said things like, This is the greatest tool I have ever come across, I catch myself in negativity, and I immediately have the power to turn it around, I can’t believe how easy TDSF is to use, My life is so simple now, This is the best my life has ever been, and I am happy!

    You can and will enjoy these same kinds of experiences as you discover and develop your own ability to be the conscious creator of your life. You can do it. You deserve to live your greatest life, and this falls squarely in your hands.




    The Awakening Within Me

    I vividly remember walking across the street with my friend Mark in 1991, and asking him if he knew the feeling of being happy one moment and then all of a sudden not being happy: How our happiness seems to be at the mercy of what happens in life. You know, the constant ups and downs of life that never let you be at peace. He replied, That’s the story of my life. I responded that I too lived life this way and didn’t like it. He agreed.

    I suggested to him that there had to be a way to get off this rollercoaster so one could enjoy a more consistently pleasant life. Mark laughed, and said, "If you

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