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Code: Shadow
Code: Shadow
Code: Shadow
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Code: Shadow

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Okay, so have you guys ever wondered what it's like to be a spy? No. Well, how about being a hybrid spy? Still no.
Well, lucky you because this is my life everyday. Stopping monsters and saving mankind is my everyday kind of job. And, I would love it too, if I wasn't stuck with an airhead partner, who can't seem to act his age. I would love to just rip his dark wings off and save the world by myself. But as long as I'm at the Supernatural Spy Organization (SSO) that isn't happening anytime soon.
Oh, and if it couldn't get any worse. Now we have an old enemy back on the streets again. That can get rid of mankind as we know it. So, it's up to me and my airhead partner to stop it before we can kiss all the humans goodbye, forever.
Join me Kat Long on this amazing adventure to save the world and keep you humans living longer. But try and keep up though because there is a reason my name is CODE: Shadow.
Release dateFeb 22, 2018
Code: Shadow

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    Book preview

    Code - Ja'Cara McClinton

    Code: Shadow

    Code Shadow

    By: Ja’Cara McClinton


    Copyright © 2018 by Ja’Cara McClinton

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    ISBN 978-1-387-61744-9

    Lulu Press, Inc.

    3101 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC 27607

    No Human Is Perfect or Will Ever Be…. Remember That!

    For everyone who has ever wanted an adventurous life style full of freedom and fun…well don’t worry you’re not alone because my girl Kat feels the exact same way. Enjoy the Read!

    Chapter One

    Code: Shadow do you copy?! Repeat do you copy?! an agent yelled through his wrist communicator.

    Yes, I hear you loud and clear! State your location! I responded.

    The East Building of the S.S.O! he answered.

    I’m on my way! I stated.

    Stop! Now, before we move forward with my story, why don’t I explain what’s going on here. First off, my name is Kat Long, and yes, my last name means I’m Japanese but only half by my standards. The only reason I mention this is because I’m also part ghost. So, to answer another question, yes, I’m a hybrid. Now some of you, are probably wondering how ghost you know is physical when in legends they are dead and intangible. Well, I’m here to tell you now, all that is false, and if you watch cartoons you would know that.

    So, like I was saying, I became a hybrid because of my mother and father. My mother, Wendy Long, was a college student in her sophomore year. When she met my dad, Harry. My dad was a ghost who has lived over a hundred years and never really bother to have a last name, which is why my last name is Long and not something else. But anyway, my dad was at my mom college for a visit with the school’s administrator. And when they both bumped into each other in the hallway, they locked eyes and love, at first sight, was born. She fell in love with his passion purple eyes, strong diamond jawline, long light brown hair, and goatee, with his slightly muscular figure and professional style.

    While he fell in love with her cute black eyes, long curly black hair, and emo style. Which after becoming a mother she gave up, to look like a better parent, but to me she should have kept it. Now, as they were starting to get to know each other, his secret soon become discovered when my mom got kidnapped by some thugs. They wanted to use her as a ransom to get my father’s company. The company he owned was an organization called the Supernatural Spy Organization or the S.S.O. A place where supernatural beings of all races are trained and placed on missions to help mankind. It’s kind of like being a police officer or CIA agent, except we fight monsters and drug lords. And of course, like always we are kept a secret from the human world.

    My father had recused my mom and even though she found out his secret, she still decided to stay because she loved him. Which makes this next part sad. Around 2030, my father was on a mission with his crew to take on a powerful demon drug lord and when he never came back home the next day, we knew he was gone for good. And to take all that in when your only eight years old is really hard to do. After his ceremony, my mother took over the company and sure some people were unhappy to have a human in charge, but as time moved on things got better. And as for me-besides my mom constantly telling me I will take over the company when I turn twenty-one- I chose to follow my dad’s career choice and become a part-time agent at the SSO.

    Sure, I love helping others but the real reason I became an agent is for revenge. This powerful demon lord killed my father and to think this demon is still out there, just boosts my rage more and more. Now because I will take the seat when I turn twenty-one, that means I’m a target on this demons list. So, when this demon comes for me, I’ll be ready, for the fight of my life and to finally put this rage to rest.

    But for now, on April 10th, 2040, a Sunday. I’m currently running down the SSO hallways to go and stop an intruder in my mom’s office.

    I busted through her office door and before I could pull out my katana, the lights flashed on.

    Surprise! Happy Birthday, Kat! I heard people yell. I looked around her office shocked, slapping my forehead.

    Really? I whispered, exhaling from being out of breath.

    Yes, really. I mean we just had to celebrate your birthday, sweetheart. Mom answered, giving me a hug. She released me and guided me closer to the party.


    Looking around the room at all the SSO worker, I could tell they had no problem doing a fake call on me. Even though I was worried and upset, but because my mom planned it, I decided to let it go.

    So, yes, today is my birthday and I’m finally turning eighteen. Huh, I guess I never really told you guys about me and my personal life outside of the SSO. Well besides being a hybrid, I am a high school student at Acacia High in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Currently, in her senior year and in three more months I will graduate. I have long deep brown hair with a bane and always wear one big braid as my style, tan skin from my dad, and black eyes. Because I only have two features from my dad, people often say I look like my mom.

    Shadow (my nickname)! Ops, I mean Kat…sorry, I forgot this was a party and not a work moment, bestie. Becky exclaimed, hugging me. Becky was my best friend who also goes to the same high school as me and works part-time at the SSO too. She’s a fairy and because she believes she so delicate, she chose to work as a lab assistant instead of a spy like me.

    You’re good Becky. Besides no… I stopped talking when huge black wings consumed me whole. I tried to escape before he did anything perverted but it was too late. He wrapped his slim but muscular arms around my waist. I rolled my eyes and touched his face, electrocuting him.

    You’re always the flirt Jay. I mean can’t you just wish me a normal ‘Happy Birthday’. I said, laughing. Everyone in the office laughed with me as I helped him up. Jay was different from all of us at the SSO. Before he joined the company, he was a lost soul looking for a way to return to Hell and get the approval he needed from his father. The right-hand man to Satan himself, Lucifer. Jay was banned from Hell when he chose to disobey an order given by Satan. His father was disappointed and thought this punishment would be a good life lesson, but it wasn’t. While he traveled the Earth for 10 years, he started to learn the valuable lesson of freedom and what it meant to live for him and only him. So, after he saved a burning building from falling on the innocent, the SSO wanted to recruit him and since then he has been nothing but amazing. Which is why my mom thought it would be a good idea for us to be spy partners, and even though he may look eighteen and is really twenty-eight. I still act like the leader of the group, while he acts like a show-off child.

    But the girls at my high school love him for his looks of short spiky blonde hair with purple colored tips with his sides shaved off, deep purple eyes, pale skin, and of course his height of six-feet. I, on the other hand, couldn’t care less, no matter how many times he flirts with me and asks me out every 24/7.

    Hey, now you know that’s not my style love, but I guess for you, I could make it happen. Happy Birthday, Kat, baby. Now that we’re the same age how about you finally decide to go out with me? he asked, nudging my arm. I smirked at his suggestion and tapped his forehead.

    Listen, this may be the age were my immorality kicks in, but you are way too old for me, twenty-eight-year-old, I answered, walking back over to Becky.

    So, I’ll take that as a ‘yes’, ten years from now, sweetheart! he shouted, smirking. I rolled my eyes and returned to my bestie, who was talking to my mom.

    Honey, why don’t you just go out with him already or at least give him a chance. Mom suggested.

    Yeah, your mom’s right. I mean if you truly hated him, you would have been changed partners by now…but instead you chose to still stay with him after three long years. Becky commented. I crossed my arms and gave her a look.

    Whose side are you on, and besides I honestly don’t like him that way. I mean just look at him, he’s a total show-off and a goof. The only reason I’m stuck with him for this long is that he won’t sign the damn partner change form. I explained. Both my mom and Becky looked at each other and nodded.

    Okay, when you put it like that…. sorry you are stuck with him for life. Becky said, laughing.

    Exactly….so how about we get some cake or better yet the presents? I suggested, winking at my mom. She got the hint and walked over to her desk. Becky and I followed, and while we were walking I looked back at Jay, who was playing a trick on one of the staff. I smirked at his actions and noticed Becky staring at me. What? I asked.

    Oh, nothing… she answered, humming.

    I stopped at my mom’s desk and watched her tap her wine glass.

    Listen up everyone! Now I want to thank you once again for helping me with my daughter’s party and now it’s time for the surprise that’s you’ve all been waiting for. So, agents get your video cameras ready! she turned towards me. Honey, Happy Birthday once more…now say hello to your new ride! she yelled motioning her hand to the window. I looked towards the window and almost died of shock. Out the window, hovering in the sky, was a hoverboard!

    Oh my god! You got me the hoverboard 9000…why?! I questioned, never letting go of the window frame. I could see the flashes of cameras behind me but as of right now I didn’t care. I’m such a huge tomboy and receiving a gift like this is better than having sex.

    Why? Well, it’s because you’re my daughter and I love you, honey…and I figured this gift would be perfect for you and your style. Because not only does the hoverboard 9000 hover, but the SSO did some modifications to it and gave it the ability to transform into a skateboard, and has an A.I. system installed in it. So, whenever you need a lift, just press this button and it will come. she explained, tossing me a chained necklace with a red button on it. I ran over and gave my mom a huge hug.

    Thank you so much mom, and I love you too. I will treasure this gift forever. I whispered.

    I know you will, honey. Now come on let’s go cut the cake.

    I nodded my head and followed her until Becky stopped me. She showed me her phone with the picture she took of me.

    This will be my new screensaver for now on and here… she gave me a small gift box. Your present from me. I opened the box and saw it held two tickets to a punk rock concert by my favorite group called Emo Legends.

    No way!?

    Yes, way. I mean how could I not get these tickets for my awesome best friend and besides I love the Emo Legends too. she explained. I gave her the biggest embrace I could manage and because of my emotions going crazy, I accidentally went right through her, literally. We both looked at each other and laughed. I controlled my emotions and went back to normal. Becky put her arm around me and lead me to the cake table.

    Now come on, let’s go get some cake. she motioned, snickering.


    After the party and that delicious Devils Food cake, I decided to take my new hoverboard for a spin. I went to the SSO roof and pressed the button on my necklace to summon my board. It came within seconds and I stepped both my feet on there as a magnetic force held my feet down. This is so cool! I thought. I took in a deep breath and leaned forward. The next thing I knew I was hovering through the sky and the view was just amazing. I decided to do a few skater tricks and even broke through clouds for fun.

    This is so awesome A.I.!. My new name for my hoverboard, which I like, so do not judge me. I turned my head back and observed the SSO with all its big and beautiful glory. The way it shined, attached to Red Rock Canyon was amazing and it was sad the human world could not see this ancient building. I mean it has been around since the 1900s, but since it was located in a restricted area, people never dared to cross the law and therefore never discovered its location.

    I felt a huge brush of wind fly pass me and when I turned my head towards the source, it was only a guy who I wish would sign the damn ‘partner change’ papers.

    Looks like someone having fun on her new ride…. I guess this means no more angel piggy-back rides huh. Jay said with a jokester tone. I laughed at his comment and decided to hover past him. He soon began to follow.

    Well, since you always complain about how heavy I am, I thought you would be happy to no longer have me on your back. I said, laughing.

    I guess that’s true but feeling the pressure of your beautiful breast, is what I’ll really miss. He winked at me as we stopped flying and landed in front of the SSO. I rolled my eyes at his comment and headed back inside. He tried to hold hands with me but once he touched it, I gave him the shock of his life.

    I decide to go change out of my army designed black cargo pants, solid black tank, and grey timberlands (what not everything has to be black you know.). But, before I could head to the locker room my SSO wristwatch started to flash red. The SSO always uses colors to define the threat level and when it’s red, it's never good. Jay and I both looked at each other and nodded our heads. I tapped my watch and a hologram appeared showing me and Jay the location of the threat.

    It looks like a normal house, you think your watch is broken? he asked, looking confused.

    It could be, but we won’t know until we find out. So, let’s go! I answered.

    We arrived at a home in Colorado on Windle street and couldn’t help but notice how deserted the street was, I mean there wasn’t even a single car parked on the streets.

    Strange. I whispered. Jay and I reached the door and before he touched the door handle, we both heard a terrible scream. Jay busted the door down and we both stood there shocked. What appeared before us was a woman, she was wearing a pink polka-dot tank with black leather pants and slippers. Now that wasn’t the scary part. The scary part was seeing she had a neck, but no head attached to it. Instead, her head was located on the center of her shirt as her blond hair covered her eyes. I looked at Jay and he returned my freaked-out stare as we approached the lady slowly. She was definably different from any supernatural creature I’ve ever seen.

    Ma’am, are you alright? I questioned with caution. I heard laughter coming from her stomach face and then suddenly, she moved her hair out of her face…and what I saw made me want to puke. Her hidden eyes had no eye sockets at all but instead had bleeding blood as a replacement.

    Oh my god-wait, am I even allowed to say that?! Jay exclaimed.

    Not the time to be asking that, now, Jay! I shouted. The lady laugh started to get louder and louder until her mouth turned larger and her teeth with sharp. Man, I can’t believe I thought Jason was ugly without his mask because she totally wins my fright now. The woman launched at us and we quickly moved out the way. She was outside now, so I closed her door and watched as Jay launched at her. The woman wasn’t only scary but also fast too. I watched her kick Jay in the back and then she turned her body towards me. I released my katana and readied myself. She ran towards me, but before she could strike me, Jay blocked her with his wings. Pushing her back into the street.

    He unleashed his pistols and focused his dark-air energy into them. This is always like him, just showing off his amazing powers and never working as a team at all! I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as he fired his pistol. The woman dodged each shot and when she tried to attack from the side, I formed a barrier to block her. I believe almost an hour went by with the results being the same. He shot his pistol and the woman dodged; and since this wasn’t a color black threat, there was no reason to go all out with our powers.

    Hey! How long are you going to keep this up or are you ready to hear my plan now?! I yelled.

    Just another hour and I’ll be ready. he mumbled. Are you freaking kidding me! I thought.

    That’s it. I whispered. I let down the barrier and went ghost mode. I saw the shock in Jay's eyes when I disappeared as he was left to fend off this woman on his own. I walked over to a nearby fire hydrate and slashed it open. Water poured out at high speed and covered the whole street with water. Eventually reaching the woman feet. I made myself visible and focused my electric energy to my katana. I stuck it in the water and shocked the woman to death. She passed out in the street and with a miracle, she returned back to normal with her head being back on her neck. I walked over to her and observed her changes. I noticed a black liquid dripping out her mouth and decided to go and check something out.

    You know I almost had her right. Jay stated.

    Oh yeah I know, but if I would have waited any longer, we wouldn’t have been done with this mission until nightfall. I explained, walking back into the lady house. I walked towards the kitchen area and found what I was looking for.

    Why exactly are we back in the house? he asked.

    Well, I saw some black liquid dripping out her mouth. Which tells me, she must have drunk something to make her go completely crazy; and I just found my answer. I answered, waving a green vile in Jay’s face. I knew this was the cause because the black liquid was dripping down the sides of the vile.

    See, that’s why we make such a great team. You’re the brains and I’m the bronze.

    So, basically you’re telling me the only beneficial factor I am to this team is the brains huh? I twitched my eye as he slowly backed away.

    Wait…now you know…that’s not what I meant… I stopped him from talking by punching him through the kitchen window.

    When will he ever learn to just shut his damn mouth! I whispered, leaving out the house and back to SSO. Leaving Jay to bring the woman back with him.

    I headed to SSO labs and saw Becky sitting at the front counter of the lab. Oh, that reminds me I never described Becky to you all. Well, besides her being an enchanted fairy, in her human form she has red medium-curly hair (that’s always in a ponytail), blue eyes, and pale skin. She also loves to wear sundresses no matter the weather-even in the winter she would wear dresses and just wear thick leggings with them- which is probably why people in school would call her ‘weird’. But to me, she was perfectly normal and cute when she wears her dresses; especially with the freckles on her cheeks.

    I approached Becky and she hugged me. The one thing I loved about her was when she was able to tell when I was upset or angry as hell.

    What did that idiot do now? she questioned.

    I’ll tell you after we get off, but for now I need you to analyze this vile I found in this woman’s home. I think it could be the cause of why she was a code red. I explained. Becky nodded her head and took the vile to the test tables.

    An hour had gone by and our victim had finally awoken. She was rubbing her head in pain and started to look around with confusion.

    Where am I? she softly spoke. But before she could speak anymore, Jay caught her attention. She started smiling uncontrollably and drool was coming down her chin.

    A model… she whispered. I handed her some tissue and Jay smiled and waved at her, making her worst. She giggled from his actions, so I coughed to get her attention.

    Oh sorry…now, where am I? she asked.

    Hi, and you’re in the (SSO) hospital, do you remember why you’re here? I stated. She shook her head in a disagreeing motion.

    I see, so the liquid is that strong huh? I mumbled.

    What liquid… Before she could ask more, I snapped my fingers and Jay used his sleep winds to put her back to sleep.

    Well, she knows nothing so, what now? he questioned. I started tapping my finger on my chin and sighed.

    I guess we have no choice…if the liquid is messing with her memory, then I’ll have to go into her mind and see if I can rediscover her memories. I stated.

    You know, your mom doesn’t want you to do that, because you haven’t mastered that power yet and when you tend to do it you tend to either get stuck in her body and can’t get out. Or you end up passing out for almost two whole days. he said.

    I know that Big Bird, but we need answers, so just watch the door and make sure no one walks in, please. I begged.

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