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Eternal Life: Apotheosis
Eternal Life: Apotheosis
Eternal Life: Apotheosis
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Eternal Life: Apotheosis

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The Millenia War has left Earth torn and the people united under a military dictatorship controlled by the honorable and evil General Cain. Andrew Baker, an ordinary teenager is about to have his life changed forever as he gets involved in an ancient prophecy and a war to save earth and the world beyond...
Release dateMar 27, 2013
Eternal Life: Apotheosis

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    Eternal Life - J. Travis Becker

    Eternal Life: Apotheosis

    Eternal Life:


    By: J. Travis Becker

    For my friends and family. Without their love and support,

    none of this could have been possible.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


    Gralder 6: 2-5

    And lo, there is one who will come after me, one who is chosen by the gods. He will come in light of those whose prayers have yet gone unanswered. He will come with the purpose of destroying the evils of both this world and the next. He will fight them to their deaths for pain and death he will know not. His enemies are Satan and the demon hordes which walk among us. He will be a new type of savior and his name shall be Ilmec.

    Chapter 1:



    Riding down the hill on Accent Drive, ten miles from his house, Andrew Baker enjoyed his daily bike ride. Andrew was slim for a high school student. A 3.9 GPA student, he’d just finished his junior year. More or less, Andrew was much like any teen who was about to become an adult.

    Not wearing a helmet, Andrew’s jet-black hair fluttered in the June wind. He kept his just above his shoulders and his bangs long enough to almost cover his dark blue eyes. He was wearing faded jeans and a gray T-shirt. Approaching the bottom of the hill at about 15 mph, Andrew slipped.

    On what he had no idea, its summer it can’t be black ice, he thought. But it was. Shit! he yelled, hitting the ground, knocked unconscious as he hit the asphalt. A gunshot rang out as his head exploded in a spray of blood and flesh. Andrew lay dead just to the right of the double yellow line at the bottom of the hill.

    Any witnesses would have said that Satan had it out for him, but that was the problem, there were no witnesses. The lady walking her dog was gone, the man in the red sports car Andrew was about to pass had vanished and, shortly after, so had he. Only his bike remained on the lonesome road. He awoke in an odd place wondering what the hell just happened.

    Andrew stood up and looked around. What he saw reminded him of a medieval castle. The stone walls and floor, the red velvet carpets, the great stone pillars and the giant fireplace with a cozy warm fire. Everything looked medieval except the odd floating blue flames and the golden dragon statues. He started walking down the hall and saw a large armchair, one that a king might have once sat in, except it was about ten times bigger than any king he knew of.

    From the seat of the throne there was a burst of blue flame and a dragon emerged. The dragon was long, thin and golden. Its eyes were what appeared to be sapphires, and its talons seemed to be silver. Andrew was speechless in awe of the great beast. It broke the silence with a mighty roar and a line of gibberish.

    Alא Σy ДΔhe daђ Юgכ grДΔ miΓ, it said.

    What? Andrew replied.

    I said, ‘welcome to this sacred place,’ it replied.

    And where is ‘this place.’ Is this Xanas’ Garden?

    No, I’m afraid not, but to relieve you it isn’t hell either.

    Ok then, where am I?

    The creature gave a brief pause before answering the question. It then sighed and said, The name of this place does not have any way of being spoken in any earth language, but you may call it the Temple.

    Are you a god?

    No, I am a messenger for the gods. This is where you are blessed with our greatest gift of immunity.

    Why? Andrew asked in shock.

    You are going to become Ilmec. Your job will be to seek revenge against Satan.

    What makes me so special?

    Your death makes you special. You won a lottery you didn't know you were playing. You are the twenty-fifth person this month to be killed by one of Satan's minions. He had been warned not to push us but by killing you he declared war on the gods. He is stealing people's souls to build a vast army. That's where you come in. You will lead the fight against Satan's forces on Earth.

    What becomes of my friends and family?

    You don’t have to leave your friends and family. It’s not like you’re going to be turned into some heartless mercenary. You’ll just be nearly invincible and have a mission to save mankind. Now hold still for a moment, it said. Its big blue eyes began to glow. Andrew felt something strange deep inside him. That feeling quickly turned to sharp pain and vanished.


    Savor that feeling, it’s the last physical pain you will ever feel.

    But I want to feel. . .

    You still have emotion; you’re still human in a sense. You just can’t feel physical pain anymore. You can feel everything but that. This is good even with the hyper-fast immune system we gave you. Your job would hurt a lot.


    Let’s just say your body can grow half your head back in about three seconds.

    Cool, so now what?

    We send you back to earth and you get ready for war. You will know who is against you, though it may not be obvious at first.

    I can’t do that legally, I’m only seventeen. Besides won’t people notice that I’m armed?

    Yes, they will, but they won’t care and yes you can. You are now the one from the prophecy. The people that need to know will know it.

    Alright. Wish me luck.

    You have more than you will ever need.

    With that, Andrew blacked out again coming to on the spot where he died. He stood up and scratched the back of his head. The lady stopped and asked if he was okay after the red sports car went past slowly. Andrew said he was fine and picked up his bike. Giving a quick glance to the blue sky, he got on his bike. His next stop was Tony’s Armory.

    On his way Andrew wondered what the creature meant when he said you have more than you will ever need. He also wondered how he would know who to kill. He sure hoped wisdom comes with the damn good health insurance he just got. Coming to the top of the hill, Andrew paused for a moment. Confident that he would know in due time, he pushed off, pedaling a little to get moving again.

    Andrew stopped pedaling and glided down the hill. It hit him that this wouldn’t be some backyard game with toy guns, like he had when he was a kid, and it wasn’t like the hunting he did. He was going to have to kill real people. He began pedaling again, questioning his abilities to do that when a voice spoke in his head. You will be killing possessed people. They have no souls left in them, only demons. You will be able to tell who, don’t worry about that. As an extra precaution we have hardened your emotions to some degree, thus why you are okay with all this. You won’t be as affected by the deaths of fellow or enemy soldiers. It sounds heartless but without that you would be useless to us. Before he could ask how he would know or complain about altered emotional status, the voice was gone.

    I never liked free will anyway he thought sarcastically as he rode up the other side of the hill. It was two miles to Tony’s. I hope my death didn’t screw up my strength too much he thought. After about a mile, he realized he was actually much stronger than before, though his appearance had not changed. The next mile was a breeze and Andrew pulled into the parking lot of Tony’s Armory.


    Tony’s Armory was a gun store close by, run by none other than Tony Arino. Andrew knew Tony well and hoped the creature was right about the prophecy stuff. He hesitated in wonder before parking his bike out front and entering.

    Tony was a tall and well groomed man with tan skin but light eyes. He was standing behind the counter and smiled when Andrew walked in. Tony was a good friend of Andrew and his family. In truth the Bakers were the closest thing to family Tony had. He smiled as Andrew walked in.

    Not knowing what time it was anymore Andrew said, hello, Tony, as he walked through the door.

    Good day, Andrew.

    At that, Andrew wheeled around and saw the clock on the wall. It read 14:15. He had set out on his bike ride at 10:28. I’ve been out for almost four hours! He thought. He turned back around with a slight expression of shock on his face.

    Something wrong, Andrew? Tony asked.

    Yeah, I was supposed to be back home almost two hours ago

    Do you need to use my phone?

    Yes, thanks. I’ll call home.

    Tony handed him the store’s wireless phone. Andrew called his parents and told them where he was. His mom sounded worried and he said for the twentieth time, Yes, mom. I’m fine, and hung up.

    So what brings you to my store this lovely Saturday? Tony asked.


    Well, what do you need, more .270 ammo?

    No, I need guns, and a lot of ammo.

    Look Andrew, I know were friends and all but I'd like to keep my job and selling guns to minors is a good way to lose it.

    Show him your left hand a voice said. Andrew looked down and on the back of his left hand was a glowing circle with an eleven-point star in the center. It was called the Mark of Acceptance. He knew why this was special, from the looks of it. No human was capable of copying this mark because of the supernatural glow. So he lifted his hand to the table and showed the mark to Tony.

    You're... you're Ilmec, the one I've had read about in Philysacens, Gralder and Hentiph. But it can't be, I don't believe this, Tony said in awe and shock.Andrew let Tony have his moment. So you need guns, yes?

    Andrew watched as Tony pressed a button under the counter. Behind him a section of the wall split vertically and the opposite sides moved away to reveal a large room filled with guns of all sorts. Behind him the door sign changed to CLOSED and large metal shutters slid down over the windows. Amazed, Andrew had never expected this from a man that he had known for so long.

    Step into my office, Tony said.

    Oh shit... Andrew gasped.

    You're telling me, man I can't believe you're Ilmec, Tony said. Now what are you looking for?

    Coming out of his daze Andrew said, Hmmmm, and thought of all those games and movies he had watched. A shotgun and a rifle are a must, he thought. Then he said, I’m going to need power, a lot of power.

    Good. I have lots of that, but I need to know what you want.

    Well, a shotgun and a rifle don’t sound too bad, maybe a pistol or two and, if I can, a rocket launcher or automatic.

    I can supply all but the rockets. Sorry, Andrew.

    Ok, let’s have a look shall we?

    Tony and Andrew entered the room. It was a good-sized room with each wall about 30 feet long. The walls were filled with guns on metal hooks. Tony walked over to a shotgun and handed it to Andrew.

    This is the U-193. It’s a 9 gauge semi-automatic shotgun. The magazine capacity is eight rounds. This will handle any close encounters with ease.

    Andrew set it down by the door way and followed Tony to a large rifle. Before Tony said anything, Andrew knew this rifle well, and he was excited.

    This is the M-20 .60 caliber sniper rifle, military grade, Tony said handing Andrew the gun. The magazine capacity is ten shots, this baby can kill a person well over a mile away and that is why you will need this. Tony handed him a scope that was rather long and round. This is a 6-40 x 60 scope. It'll zoom in damn near a mile. It also has an automatic range-finder and a thermal optic setting.

    Andrew fixed the scope on the rifle and placed it by the shotgun. He looked over and saw Tony was standing by a wall dedicated to pistols of all kinds. This is important, these will be what I’m carrying most of the time he thought and walked over to Tony.

    Well you might recognize some of these so pick some and I’ll give you the specifications.

    Andrew looked up at the wall and saw a hand gun he had envied for a long time. It was his favorite and packed a punch too. He took the long-barreled, stainless steel revolver off the wall and held it in admiration. The look on his face was similar to the look of a small child receiving an ice cream cone, pure joy.

    Ahhh, the .464 magnum, you certainly have an eye for powerful and accurate weaponry, Tony said. Though it’s only a six-shooter it has been known to bring down very large animals in a single shot.

    Andrew set the revolver on an empty shelf at about waist level on the wall and looked back at the pistols. His eyes wandered the wall for a while before he spotted another hand gun he knew and loved. He took it down and popped the clip out to see it. There was a loud metallic clack when he did this. He smiled when it made that clack; it gave him a good feeling.

    That’s the H-71, Tony said. It’s a 10mm with a three shot rapid fire mode in addition to the semi-auto. The magazine capacity is only 15 rounds so pay attention to ammo.

    Andrew took his pistols to his other guns. When he turned back, Tony was standing by a table in the center of the room. On the table was his final request.

    I told you I could supply automatics, Tony said, handing Andrew a submachine gun. It already had the strait clip attached in front of the trigger guard.

    Wow, the J-98, I always wanted one Andrew said in admiration picking up the submachine gun.

    Yes, that’s a good one. With a 9mm cartridge, thirty-six round magazines and full-auto, three-round burst, and semi-auto modes of fire. It should do what you need it to.

    Andrew set it down and picked up a rifle. It was a bull pup design with its curved clip behind the handle instead of in front of it.

    The YD-89, an interesting choice indeed, Tony said. Firing 6.65x51mm rounds, fully automatic and thirty round magazines, it’s a great gun.

    I’ll take it, Andrew said. He didn’t know what it was about it but he liked the rifle. If you can’t supply some explosives then that will be all.

    Well I can supply you with grenades if you’d like.

    I’ll take them.

    Andrew suddenly realized that he had no way of paying for these weapons. His hope fell apart. Just when he thought all was lost, Tony handed him the grenades and the submachine gun he was looking at.

    You might need these, Tony said starting to put the guns into cases for transportation. He was just casing the last rifle when Andrew decided to speak up.

    Tony, I have no way to pay for these.

    Not a problem, Tony said stacking some boxes of ammunition. This one's on me so long as you promise to punch Satan in the mouth for me.

    Andrew was some-what shocked by this. He had expected Tony to just stop and cancel the deal right there. Tony was, for the most part, tight fisted when it came to money. I can't thank you enough for this, and I promise I will, Andrew said still partially surprised. 

    Freeing our land will be thanks enough, Tony said handing him the rifle cases and the boxes of ammo and the grenades. Give ‘em hell, Ilmec.

    Thanks again, Andrew said as he walked out the door hearing the wall close and the metal shutters slide back up. Now how the hell am I to get this stuff home he wondered. He turned back to the shop and saw that the sign said OPEN yet again. He walked back in and up to the counter once more.

    Forget something? Tony asked.

    No, I was just wondering if you had anything that I could use to get this stuff home.

    You can borrow my truck. I need it back in half an hour though.

    I’ll have it back to you in twenty minutes.

    Good deal, Tony said flipping him the keys to his pickup. Don’t scratch her up too bad.

    I won’t, Andrew said heading back out the door. The truck was parked on the side of the building. He loaded the weapons in the truck bed and went to get his bike.

    As he was wheeling it back he saw a yellow sports car pull up. He didn’t recognize the company that made the car but it shined like it had just been washed.

    Two men got out of the car, one about his height and the other shorter, about five-eight, both looked very determined. The tall one was wearing a black sweatshirt with a foreign symbol on it and khaki cargo pants. He had sunglasses on and long blond hair with a goatee that was hard to see in this light. The short guy had a red button-up, short-sleeved shirt on and jeans. He also had sunglasses on but his hair was brown and he had a thin mustache.

    They walked in and Andrew put the bike in the truck. I should be armed he thought remembering why he had gotten this small arsenal. He took out the revolver and popped out the cylinder to load it. He held up one of the bullets, damn these are huge shells he thought and loaded it. Just as he put the sixth and final bullet in its slot he heard a gun shot. He swung the cylinder back in place and ran into the shop.

    As he opened the door the tall guy pumped a shotgun, ejecting the red shell and said I’ll take it, thanks. On the floor behind the counter was Tony, lying still in a pool of blood. The tall man with the goatee pointed the shotgun at his head to finish him.

    Get away from him you bastard! Andrew yelled pulling back the hammer of the revolver and leveling it at the man with the shotgun.

    The man swung the shotgun around and aimed it at Andrew.

    Fuck off you little brat, the man said. Andrew fired.

    He hit the man in the left eye and took half his head off. Andrew still put two more in his chest, sending the man flying backwards. His companion looked at this in shock. His expression soon changed to rage as he pulled a small pistol out of his pocket and shot five rounds blindly at Andrew, who dropped to the floor and rolled behind a display counter.

    Andrew stood up to find the short man reloading the handgun. He leveled his revolver at him and fired once more, leaving a hole between his eyes. The man fell to the floor and Andrew ran over to Tony. He checked his pulse but it wasn’t there. He began to cry, and then he became angry.

    Andrew swore to the sky and headed out the door. He reloaded the revolver and tossed it on the passenger's seat. He got in the truck and cried as he headed for home, his emotions did not seem that altered, if at all.

    Then the voice came to him again. Of course you will morn fallen friends, as would any war veteran, that’s what we modeled your emotions after by the way. But if you hadn’t been that good of friends with him you would not have felt it. Did you feel any emotions at all before you killed those two men?

    No, Andrew replied with a sob, but that was because they killed my friend.

    Wrong again, we helped tremendously on that one. Without the altered emotions, you would have hesitated before shooting the man with that shotgun. He would have blown a huge hole in your chest and both of them would have gotten away. We’re sorry about your friend. Believe me when I say the gods had nothing to do with that. Satan is after you, he knows you're Ilmec now and he will stop at nothing to kill you. Right now, you are his only threat. He will target you and the ones you love until you submit to him or die. Do not let him win, we can help but you have to fight the final battle. Good luck, Ilmec.


    Andrew pulled up to his house ten minutes later. Getting his equipment out of the truck, he walked up to the door. There was a note on the door that read, Hi honey, went to get groceries and other errands be back soon. Love, Mom.

    Andrew read the note twice. He nearly dropped his stuff.  Oh shit. He ran in the house. He threw his stuff on his bed and quickly loaded three magazines for his assault rifle. He also loaded two mags for the 10mm pistol. He popped the first mag in the assault rifle and a mag in the pistol and ran out the door.

    Andrew got in the truck and headed to the grocery store. Oh please, not them, not now, he thought as he continued on his way.

    Pulling into the parking lot, Andrew saw his mom’s car. He parked and got out of the truck. With assault rifle in hand and pistol in pocket (this one fit a little better), Andrew ran into the store.

    The second he stepped in he was shot in the shoulder by a man dressed in black standing on the counter. The man in black was holding a military assault rifle. As Andrew fell to the floor, he wondered why the weapon had only fired one shot.

    Andrew stood back up and yelled. Hold your fire! The man was stunned. He took a half step back and almost fell.

    Regaining his balance he said, I didn’t know we had backup on the way, I wasn’t. . .

    That was all Andrew heard. The rest of the terrorist’s words were drowned out by the loud cracks of Andrew’s assault rifle. He thought he would have to aim low, he thought it would kick him back and the barrel would go up. But he realized after firing about seven shots into the man's gut that the gun was very steadily.

    Well, that has to hurt, he said as he put four rounds into the terrorist's head.

    He looked down the aisles looking for the hostages and more terrorists. Andrew saw no one in the aisles. The storage room, they must be in the storage room he thought. This was logical too. The storage room has one door and no windows.

    He approached the storage room knowing he wouldn’t have much time once he kicked the door in. He held the assault rifle tight as he quietly turned the handle. He pushed the door in just enough to keep it from closing again. Now or never he thought.

    Grasping the assault rifle, finger on the trigger, Andrew kicked the door hard. He saw that the door had knocked down a guy in a black ski-mask. He saw the submachine gun on the floor by the guy's hand so he let five rounds into his head. Andrew pointed the gun up and found the other man, pointing his submachine gun at the crowd of hostages.

    Stop right there! the man yelled.

    Drop it! Andrew replied.

    You can either be a hostage or responsible for a lot of dead one's, your call.

    Andrew was already aiming at the man from his hip, he decided that luck was his only option having no training for this situation except for late night action movies. Andrew gripped the gun tightly and squeezed the trigger. His shots pummeled the man's chest, spraying blood on the wall and hostages. Andrew let up when the gun stopped firing and the man collapsed, miraculously never firing a shot through his bodily spasms.

    Andrew looked down and saw his mother. She was looking at him in shock, almost like she hadn’t wanted him to save her. This look hurt him. He felt it like a knife in his head and knew it would haunt him.

    What's wrong, mom? he asked helping her up.

    Look at what you have done, she said pointing to the blood puddle forming around the fraction of the terrorist’s head. You killed him. What's happening? Where have I failed?

    You haven't failed, he said showing her the sign on his left hand. You have been blessed.

    Her look changed. She smiled despite the recent events. Maybe her head had stopped spinning. Maybe she was just as happy to see it as Tony was. This made Andrew feel a little better. He and his mother helped the rest of the hostages out. The police and SWAT team had just arrived.

    The police took Andrew aside and questioned him. When they asked why he had an illegal weapon and how he got it he just raised his left hand to show them the sign. They let him go and said in shock, Sorry to have wasted your time, Ilmec.

    He got in his truck and his mom got in her car and they headed home. Once they got there, his mother asked about the truck. Isn’t that Tony’s truck? she asked.

    Mom, Tony is dead, he said to her, tears came to her eyes and his, two bastards killed him as I was leaving the store.

    His mother’s expression changed to shock again. She was surprised to hear him use that word in front of her, surprised that he would even speak it.

    Don’t use that word! she said with a great hint of sternness in her voice, you know I don’t like to hear it.

    I’m sorry mom but that’s how I feel, he said with a little apology in his voice (and a little tremble), I’m sorry to have said it, I shouldn’t let those things slip.

    He could hear how fake that sounded but his mom seemed to buy it. Apology accepted, she said. Well that was easy he thought as they went inside. She went to the kitchen to settle down over a glass of wine and start lunch and he went to his room to clean his guns.

    At around 18:00 his dad got home. They sat down to lunch in silence. They started eating quietly.

    So how is your day, honey? his dad asked, breaking the silence.

    Well it has been quiet full of surprises, she said looking at Andrew, your son is blessed.

    Oh, is that so?

    Yes it is, Andrew said holding up his left hand, I have been chosen by the gods to destroy Satan.

    Wow, he said with a shocked expression on his face, that’s amazing.

    You guys aren’t safe here, Andrew said to them, you need to be somewhere safe. Satan will do anything to stop me, he has already killed Tony.

    Tears came to all their eyes. Tony was a family friend. He was like an uncle to them and they would take care of the funeral service. The Bakers sat in silence for a moment or two. The news slowly soaked in as they wept. They would miss him immensely. They eventually came back around knowing the gods now protected him in their grace.

    So what would you suggest son? his father asked wiping the last tear from his eye.

    The military base, Andrew said. I’m sure Johnny could get you guys in and under protection.

    Andrew’s twenty-seven-year-old brother Johnny had been in the military for four years now and he could likely get them under military protection or at least a place on the base. The fact that Andrew was now a prophesied figure might help. He knew it would work, it had to.


    The next day they went to the military base. Andrew requested Johnny and they were escorted to him.

    Hey, Zip, Johnny called to his brother as he entered the door to his bunkhouse, what’s up?

    Not much, Johnny, Andrew replied as his parents entered, can I ask a favor of you.

    Sure, why do I get a bad feeling about this?

    Andrew held up his left hand.

    I’m sure you know what this is, Andrew said with some doubt, his brother never was very religious. I need some help. Mom and Dad aren’t safe with me.s Tony has already been killed and mom was in a hostage situation yesterday. Can you do that for me, for them?

    I’ll try but I give you no guarantees.

    With that said they headed to the head office. Upon arrival, Johnny requested a meeting and after a few minutes waiting in the secretary’s office they were showed in. In the office there was a large man behind a desk. The name plate said Lt. Jason Reeds. He was at least six-foot-five and about as wide as the doorway. His voice was as deep and powerful as Andrew had expected.

    Corporal Baker, he said in his deep thunderous voice. This was a man who was easily respected. What brings you to my office?

    Protection request, sir, Johnny replied.

    Does this look like a damn day-care to you boy. This particular outburst seemed to be directed right at Andrew, so he thought. Apparently his brother did too.

    Sir it's not him it’s his parents, my parents, sir! there was extra energy on that last sir. Andrew passed this off as a military thing.

    Well, little boy, what makes you think we should protect your parents, what makes you so special?

    This time it was Andrew's turn to do the talking. With all due respect, sir, I happen to have a very good reason. He held up his left hand. He looked at the lieutenant as his jaw hit the floor.

    Ilmec, you have come at last, Reeds' voice now sounding a little softer. I will personally see to it that your parents are under great care. He saluted and said, You are dismissed!

    As they were heading out Johnny turned to his brother, the look of pure amazement in his eyes. How, how did you just do that? he asked in great disbelief.

    I have that kind of effect on people, Andrew replied with a huge grin. He would have continued this until they got back to Johnny’s bunkhouse, but someone had other plans for him.

    Suddenly a great siren went off. To Andrew, who had never heard an air-raid siren before, it was a surprise. He slapped his right hand to his left breast were the revolver usually hang. It was not there. He looked over at Johnny then and said, What the hell is going on?

    Enemy trooper movement in the near vicinity, Johnny said with a lack of emotion that almost scared Andrew. It must be the Hemn Zoth. Those bastards are always up to no good.

    Andrew knew the Hemn Zoth. They were a group of rebels that would stop at nothing to kill General Cain. Johnny said they always caused trouble and if they didn’t exist there would be no need for an army. Thus Andrew had grown to dislike them.

    What do those rebels have against General Cain?

    If we knew that we would have sought a diplomatic solution by now. But the only language they seem to understand is gunfire.

    Well let’s kick some ass then! Andrew exclaimed.

    Now hold on little bro, I believe that decision is up to the lieutenant.

    Andrew was about to reply when the lieutenant himself did the talking. Baker! he yelled.

    Johnny turned around and saluted, his right hand coming to his sternum like a blade with the fingers facing up. He then yelled Sir! as a response.

    At ease soldier, I have come for your brother. Johnny relaxed and dropped the salute. The lieutenant turned to Andrew. Son, are you able to fight?

    Able and willing, Sir! Andrew eagerly replied and saluted as Johnny had.

    At ease, son, you’re not a soldier yet.

    Andrew saw the frown on the lieutenant’s face and dropped the salute. He thought a military official would be happy to be saluted. He didn’t seem to be.

    Where is the problem, sir? Johnny asked.

    The Zoths are holed up in a church in sector Delta 17, just outside of the city of Derange. Our reports show that they have quite an arsenal with them. We are to infiltrate the vicinity and kill every unlucky bastard there. Any questions?

    No, Sir! Andrew and Johnny said at the same time.

    Then report to the armory for your weaponry, Lieutenant Reed told them.

    Sir, may I use my own weapons, sir! Andrew asked the lieutenant.

    If you have them with you. You're not a soldier so letting you use your guns means that I don't have to account for an extra assault rifle. Be ready to go in one hour!

    The Lieutenant handed Andrew a set of forest camouflage that he pulled out of nowhere and he and Johnny left. Andrew was alone. He turned and went to his truck.

    Once there, Andrew changed from his jeans and sweatshirt into the camo and slung his assault rifle on his back and loaded up his shotgun’s tube-magazine under the barrel. When opening the box of shells he saw that they were white. Andrew slung that on his back too and took up the sniper rifle. He picked up four huge clips and put ten rounds in each. He set it back down with a magazine in the gun. Andrew strapped on his two pistols, the 10mm on his right ankle and the revolver under his left arm. Taking an extra clip for the 10mm and twelve extra shells for his revolver, Andrew felt very heavy. I’m going to be slow, he thought as he picked up the rifle.


    At the rendezvous point Andrew and five other men, including Johnny, got in a long, covered truck. They got the order to lock-and-load, and Andrew pulled back the bolt on his sniper rifle. In to the fire, Andrew thought as the truck started to move. They were off.

    Andrew looked back and saw his parents waving at him from the gate. He waved back and his mother blew a kiss then mouthed something. Andrew knew what she was saying and mouthed it back before they disappeared from sight. I love you.

    Sector Delta 17 was a three hour drive from the base. When they stopped in Derange, everyone got out. It was 10:00 and raining. From there, Andrew and another man with a bolt action rifle were to hike a mile to the hill where they would set up and snipe. As they set off towards the hill in the gray haze of the passing storm, the man introduced himself as Jack.

    Once at the hill, the three-man-strike-squad checked their gear one last time and headed off to the old church, leaving Jack and Andrew, now acquainted, alone. It was Andrew who asked if they were to wait for orders to take out the sentries in front of the church. Jack replied by telling Andrew that they were to wait for the open fire command or the enemy to start the fire-fight, whichever came first. Andrew hoped for the first option to happen first. It did.

    About fifteen minutes later, seeming like an eternity to Andrew, Jack got the

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