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Atlantis Conspiracy
Atlantis Conspiracy
Atlantis Conspiracy
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Atlantis Conspiracy

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The Ambassador to the planet Atlantis daughter has been kidnapped. Chandler Christianson, a Federation Security field investigator, has been given the assignment to locate and to rescue her from her kidnappers. Atlantis, not being a member of the Federation, resents the Federation interfering with their government. Chandler has to appease not only his boss, members of the Embassy staff, but also a hostile Atlantian Security. With the help of a few members of the embassy staff and his former partner, he works his way through the chain of evidence.
Release dateJun 15, 2013
Atlantis Conspiracy

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    Atlantis Conspiracy - Cecil Cory

    Atlantis Conspiracy

    Atlantis Conspiracy


    Cecil Ian Cory


    Version 1.3

    Copyright © 2013 Cecil I Cory / Lulu Press

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-304-13826-2

    This work is licensed under the Creative

    Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

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    I wish to thank several people for their help and understanding.

    First, to Eugene Fitzgerald for his help in proof reading this story for me. It has been a great help in completing it.

    Next to my Mom and Dad for their support and belief that I could do almost anything I wanted to do.

    Last, but not least to my wife Karen who has kept me going when I felt I could not go any longer.


    Chandler Christianson walked into his office and looked at the reports on his cluttered desk. He picked up the first one and looked at it. He read the first few lines and tossed it back on the pile.

    Morning Cerero, how did it go?

    Hmm oh hi Jared. You know you get some and others get you. This one I got. He is in the can waiting for his hearing. They say he has some big time mouthpiece to get him off. What is all this crap? I cleared all of this before I left.

    The new boss doesn’t like the way we do our reports. He doesn’t think we cover everything right. Stan replied.

    What new boss? Where’s Dave?

    He got promoted and Blackthorn has taken his place. Jared replied as he continued towards his desk.

    Blackthorn! He is three years my junior. Chandler Christianson replied as he picked up another file. This isn’t even my case.

    It is now. Blackthorn said from behind him. I want to see you in my office right now.

    Just as soon as I get some coffee then I will think about it.

    I said now. Blackthorn bellowed as he walked towards Chandler’s desk.

    Don’t push it Bobby or you will find your butt up around your shoulders. Chandler replied not looking at him. None of these are my cases. Hay guys, this is not a storage place for the junk you don’t want to do. Bart this is you case if I remember and so is this one and this one. Jared these two were yours not mine. These five I believe belong to you Bobby. Chandler said and shoved the files into Blackthorn’s stomach. He grabbed his cup from under the pile of reports on his desk and walked towards the coffee mess.

    I want to see you in my office now Christianson. Blackthorn yelled to his back.

    Right, right just as soon as I can, which will be in about six months. Chandler said as he filled his cup he added some sugar then opened the small refrigerator and pulled out a container of milk. He smelled the sour milk and quickly pulled his head away then shoved it back into the refrigerator and closed the door. He started opening other cabinets looking for creamer for his coffee.

    What are you looking for Cerero? Francine asked from behind him.

    Chandler did not look towards her, but continued to look in the cabinets. For some creamer. Chandler replied.

    I saw some milk in the fridge.

    It smells like it has been there since before I left. Chandler looked toward woman standing by the coffee pot.

    Francine stood 176 centimeters tall with auburn hair to her shoulders. Her nose had been busted once in a fight and she was self-conscious of it. She did not hid it, but wore it like a badge of honor letting the others know that she could take care of herself in a tight spot. He could see that she had gained some weight since he had last seen her.

    It probably has been. You’re the only one who uses it. The creamer is in the next cabinet. She replied as she added some sugar to her coffee. Chandler found the creamer and poured some into his coffee. I see you saw who got promoted over…

    Whose ass did he kiss this time?

    Everybody’s he could, but mine. I wouldn’t let him get that close.

    I thought you would be gone by now. You know barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. How’s that new husband and you doing?

    We are doing fine. I’m sorry I was not able to make it to the funeral.

    That is all right. Janet wouldn’t have wanted it to interfere with your honeymoon.

    How are you holding up?

    I’m doing fine. You know it is kind of a relief that it is over. I still miss her, but not the pain suffering she was going through. They just couldn’t stop it.

    We are having a get together this weekend. Why don’t you come by?

    Thanks Francine, but I am going on leave starting this Friday. I have had all of this place I can stand for a while.

    You sure? I have some friends…

    I’m sure, thanks anyways. Chandler looked past her and could see Blackthorn standing in the doorway of his office looking towards him. Well, the kiss ass wants to see me. I will see you later. Chandler said as he walked out of the coffee mess. He walked back to his desk and looked at the remaining files on it. He shoved some of them around and found the picture of his wife and him lying under some of them. He picked it up and looked at it then opened a drawer and shoved it inside.

    Christianson, I want to see you in my office now not next week. Blackthorn yelled from his office doorway.

    I won’t be here next week you ass hole. Chandler said under his breath.

    Chandler picked up the remaining files and carried them with him to Blackthorn’s office. Blackthorn watched him as he walked into the room then tossed the files on his desk. Chandler continued over to a chair, dropped into it then lifted up his feet and placed them on Blackthorn’s desk.

    What do you want? Chandler asked over the lip of his coffee cup.

    What are these? Blackthorn asked as he moved the files around and looked at the titles.

    They are not mine. So, what do you want?

    Get your feet off my desk. Chandler dropped his feet to the floor. I have a special for you. You are to head to the Atlantis sector. The ambassador has requested that we send one of our staff to investigate…

    Get somebody else. I go on leave this Friday.

    Your leave has been canceled. You are to leave on the…

    I put in for that leave over six months ago and it was approved by Nikolov for as soon as I got back.

    Your leave has been canceled. You are to leave on the special tomorrow night.

    Right. Chandler replied and grabbed the file from Blackthorn. I’ll just go talk to Karl and see what he has to say about this.

    This assignment was handed to me to give to you personally by Nikolov. If I had my way you would be the last one I would send. You are out of date Christianson, a relic of the past. I am making this department over into a more efficient place. You had better change or… Blackthorn could see by Chandlers face he had better stop before something happened. You are to be onboard a special tomorrow night and I want that report on DeVielmond before you leave.

    Right. Chandler replied as he stood up and started out of the office. He grabbed the door and slammed it as he left. Others in the office looked towards him as he stormed by them towards the elevator. He stopped at Susan’s desk. Where is the boss’s office now?

    Fifty first level, he took Spencer’s place.

    Where did Spenser go?

    I don’t know.

    Thanks. Chandler said and headed for the elevator.

    He pushed the button and waited for the doors to open. When they did, he had to wait for two men in uniform as they led a prisoner out and headed towards one of the integration rooms. As soon as they were out of the way, he stepped into the elevator and pushed the button for the 51 level. The doors closed and he looked at the assignment in his hand. He started to open it then though better of it. He looked at the reflection in the doors and could see the rumpled suit he had on along with the three days growth on his face. He rubbed his chin and tried to straighten up his suit. He looked down at his dirty shoes and rubbed them on the back of his pant legs as the doors opened. He looked up at the people waiting to get into the elevator and quickly stepped out. Chandler made his way down the corridor looking at the names by the door. When he found the one with Nikolov on the door, he walked inside.

    Nikolov looked up from the screen he was looking at.

    Before you say anything, it came right from the top. The boss asked whom I thought could handle the situation and I told him your name.

    My leave starts this weekend. I haven’t had one in five years. I applied for it over six months ago and you told me I could have it as soon as I finished the DeVielmond case. Well, he is in the can waiting for his hearing. I am taking my leave that you promised me.

    Yes I know, at the time I thought you needed to get away with Janet’s death and all, but you are the one who insisted that you needed to finish the DeVielmond case.

    You’re the one that told me I had to finish the case. You promised me the time off as soon as I finished it. Well, it is finished and I am taking my leave. Give this to somebody else give it to your replacement, Blackthorn. Chandler said and tossed the file on Nikolov desk.

    This wasn’t my idea. I put in several names and his was not on any of the lists.

    Neither was mine was it?

    Are you done? Nikolov asked looking up at him. "I will tell you what I will do. Go out there and see what the Ambassador is talking about. If it is what I think it is, you will be done in a few weeks. Once you have finished take some time off at company expense. Let’s say two weeks on Atlantis before you head back.

    Let’s say three on Regales six.

    Three on Atlantis.

    With an unlimited travel voucher good for the next year.

    I can’t authorize that.

    Then give the job to your boy Blackthorn.

    He is not qualified to handle the job. All right, I will see about getting you an unlimited travel voucher for six months. Just don’t go bouncing all over the universe this time.

    Of course I will. Chandler said and started for the door.

    You forgot something. Nikolov yelled after him. Chandler stopped and looked at him. Nikolov picked up the file and tossed it to him. You might need that.

    I never look at them. Chandler replied and walked out of the room.

    Chapter One

    Chandler looked at the file again trying to figure out why they asked for someone from Federation Security to investigate a missing person. That was usually left up to the local authorities. Even if it was the Ambassadors daughter, she was 22 and had been on her own for several years. Besides, from her background she had done this sort of thing several times in the past and always shown up a few months later. He closed the small tablet and shoved it into his case along with a small blaster. He closed the case and set it with the rest of his luggage. A knock came from the door and he opened it. A porter stood there and Chandler opened the door further then walked back to where he had set the small case.

    I’ll take the small one the others you can have. How long before we are allowed off.

    We should be cleared by the Atlantian security soon inspector. The porter replied and started to carry out the three bags. Chandler grabbed the small one from him and hung on to it.

    Not this one. He said as he set it on the bed. Just then, over the ships address system he heard.

    All passengers departing for Atlantis report to debarkation. Have your travel voucher along with your papers ready for Atlantian security. Your luggage will be inspected at that time by their customs.

    Chandler looked at the speaker then grabbed his small bag. He looked around the cabin one last time to make sure he had not forgotten anything and then he walked out of the cabin then down the corridor.

    As Chandler walked up to the inspection point, he could see three men dressed in official uniforms going through the luggage of one of the passengers. He waited in line until it was his turn and walked up to the three men. He handed his papers to the first man. Then opened the bag he carried and set it before the second man. The Atlantian security looked at the tablet and the small blaster sitting there. He looked up at Chandler than at the documents the other security held.

    That will not be necessary. A chubby man in multi colored flowing robes said as he hurried up to the checkpoint. This man is part of the Federation Diplomatic Security Service and as such has diplomatic immunity. He is attached to the ambassador to the Federation of Planets.

    Another spy. The first Atlantian security office said.

    Yup. Chandler replied and closed the small case. Those two over there are mine. Go ahead and open them if you want. I have nothing to hide. You will find four other blasters in that one along with my field kit. I have a permit to carry all of them. The three Security men looked at him curiously. This is the first time I have been to your system. I don’t want to get off on the wrong foot with you guys. Chandler looked at the man in flowing robes. Who are you?

    I am Ambassador Angelopoulos secretary. My name is Harkleroad, Andrew Harkleroad.

    Okay Andy, I don’t appreciate government flunkies butting in where they don’t belong. If I had any cover, you have blown it for me. Chandler looked back at the Atlantian security as they finished looking into his bags. He could see that they were not happy with what they had found in one of his bags. If you look on my credentials you will see that I have a permit by your government to carry those weapons with me, signed by your Ambassador to the Federation of Planets Counsel.

    It says here that you are a field investigator. The third man said, as he looked at Chandlers papers.

    That is right.

    Just what are you here to investigate? The third man asked. Chandler could see that he was the ranking man there.

    That is between the Federation of Planets and the Atlantian Assembly. Harkleroad quickly replied.

    I cannot go into to it at this time. Maybe we will see each other again and I might be able to tell you.

    Maybe Investigator Christianson. The third man replied and handed Chandler back his papers.

    Candler took them and closed up his bags. He handed the ambassador’s secretary two of them and grabbed the small case then headed for the airlock. Secretary Harkleroad looked at him then quickly followed him struggling to carry the two bags. He moved in front of him and headed down another corridor away from the others who were getting off the ship.

    What have you got in here? Harkleroad asked.

    Dirty laundry mostly. They didn’t give me much time to get ready before I had to leave. Chandler replied as he walked into the shuttle that would carry them to the surface. As Chandler walked into the shuttle, he looked around the plush compartment. Nice. I take it this isn’t one of the regular shuttles.

    This is the Ambassador Angelopoulos private shuttle. Harkleroad replied. He set the bags down and hurried towards the front of the shuttle.

    A young Atlantian woman in uniform walked out of the passage way and to the airlock. She looked at the two-bags sitting in the middle of the aisle and started to pick them up.

    Where do you want them? Chandler asked as he reached for them.

    In the storage bin. She replied as if he should have known then opened a compartment along the aisle. She took the two bags from Chandler and easily placed them in the compartment. Once she secured the compartment, she continued to the airlock. She closed the hatch and secured it then walked back to where Chandler stood.

    If you will be seated and fasten the straps until we have landed. It is for your own protection. Atlantis is an island planet because of this the upper winds sometime become turbulent. She said as she pointed to one of the plush seats. Just as Chandler sat down Harkleroad hurried back into the cabin with a drink in his hand. He started to sit and the woman walked over to him, took the drink from him, and then walked towards the front of the shuttle.

    Damn them and their petty rules. Harkleroad said as he hurriedly fastened the straps around him. I do not mind coming up, but the going down scares the living daylights out of me. One drink to settle my nervous you would think I was some sort of derelict.

    Harkleroad continued to complain as Chandler settled into the plush chair and looked around the cabin. He felt the shuttle drop away from the station and slowly move until it started to buffet as it entered the plaints heavy atmosphere. As the shuttle dropped, he could feel the pressure increase in the cabin and his ears started to hurt. He reached up and held his nose then blew to equalize the pressure.

    The shuttle buffet more the lower it entered the atmosphere than settled down and banked. It leveled off then there were several large bumps and a rumbling throughout the shuttle. Chandler was pressed into the straps as the shuttle slowed and the rumbling increased.

    The rumbling no more than stopped when Harkleroad had unfastened his restraints and was up out of his seat. Chandler sat there and felt the shuttle as it moved across the ground then come to a stop.

    Harkleroad reappeared with the drink again and sat back down in his seat. He quickly downed it before the woman walked out from the front of the ship. Then he quickly set the empty glass on the floor and shoved it under his seat with his foot.

    The woman walked out of the forward part of the shuttle then over to the airlock hatch and opened it. She looked at Chandler still seated with his restraints on.

    You may remove the restraints at this time. Secretary Harkleroad, your transportation has been arranged and is waiting for you at the terminal.

    Thank you pilot. Harkleroad replied all business like as he stood up. He started for the airlock as Chandler stood up blocking his path. Chandler grabbed the two bags from the storage bin and handed them to Harkleroad.

    Here. Chandler said to him and handed him the two large bags. It was a smooth ride Pilot?

    Thank you. She replied and headed for the font of the shuttle again.

    Not very friendly are they?

    What do you mean? She is very friendly wait until you meet some of the others. This way Inspector. Harkleroad said as he set down the heavier of the two bags. Chandler smiled as he grabbed the bag and followed him out of the shuttle.

    The moist salty air hit him as they walked into the station. He looked out at the dome-covered building next to the runway and the large shuttle they had just exited. Across the runway, he could see tall trees blocking any view of the surrounding area. Another dome was down the runway a short distance with several more shuttles parked next to it. He followed Harkleroad to what looked like a small tram. As he followed Harkleroad into tram, he looked up and down the wide corridor. He quickly noticed that there was nobody in the corridor, but them.

    Harkleroad walked to a seat on the tram and sat down. As soon as Chandler sat down Harkleroad began to speak.

    You will meet with Ambassador Angelopoulos at fourteen hundred at which time he will allow you ten minutes to ask your prepared list of questions. After which you will meet with the head of the embassy security. Following…

    Hold on there. I don’t work by a schedule and what is this list of questions you are talking about?

    You will submit a list of questions to me to be approved before you meet with the Ambassador Angelopoulos. I will see that they are appropriate and…

    Listen to me Andy. Right now, you are my number one suspect and until I talk to the ambassador without you interfering, you will be. Get one thing through your head. I don’t work for you or the ambassador. I am a Federation Investigator here to find out what happened to a member of the embassy party. If you or the ambassador doesn’t like it, I will simply get back on that shuttle and have them take me back to the ship. Then upon my return to my office, I will file a report stating that I was forced to leave due to lack of cooperation. I don’t think the Chairman of the Federation or the Council of Planets for that matter would care to hear that.

    Yes well, I ah yes. Harkleroad replied and faced forwards.

    The transport stopped at the main terminal. The tram no sooner stopped then Harkleroad stood up and headed for the door leaving Chandler’s bag sitting on the floor. Chandler smiled to himself as he picked up the three bags and followed him out.

    Chandler looked at all people moving around the terminal dressed in long flowing robes. Then he looked at his reflection of himself and his crumpled suit in the polished metal on one of the walls. He shrugged. I’ll have to find a cleaners soon. He thought to himself.

    Harkleroad quickly moved through the crowed until he reached another security checkpoint. He stopped and waited for Chandler to catch up before continuing through the door. Chandler nodded to the two security men standing by the door as he followed Harkleroad. On the other side of the door was a short corridor leading to another door. Harkleroad hurried through it and out to the black vehicle waiting for them. A man dressed in a black suit opened the door as Harkleroad and Chandler approached. Chandler could see the bulge under his arm where some sort of weapon was being carried. As Chandler approached with his bags, the man reached for them.

    I’ll hang onto this one.

    Yes Investigator Christianson. The man replied as he took the two larger bags.

    Chandler slid into the seat across from Harkleroad. He could see Harkleroad as he poured an amber liquid into a glass then add some ice. Harkleroad sat back in his seat and looked towards Chandler.

    The ambassador is hoping you will be able to clear this up as quickly as possible. He is a very busy person with a great deal of responsibility. Just what have they told you about what has happened?

    Chandler did not look at him, but continued looking out of the darkened windows. The vehicle started moving and Chandler looked towards the front. He could see that the man who had opened the doors had not entered the vehicle. In fact, he and the Harkleroad were the only two people he could see inside of the vehicle.

    Where is the driver? Chandler asked.

    This is the Ambassador Angelopoulos personal transportation. It is fully autonomous from the planets system and requires no external control. Would you care for a drink? Harkleroad asked as he reached for the decanter.

    No thank you, not while I am on duty.

    I do not normally, but after that horrendous ride down I need something to calm my nerves. As I was saying, the ambassador is a very busy person and he has expressed his concerns that this matter be cleared up as quickly as possible.

    Chandler just sat there letting Harkleroad babble on and did not reply to any of his probing. He watched out the windows as the vehicle lifted off the ground then head out over the ocean. Within a matter of a few minutes, the Island they had landed on was out of sight and only water was in view.

    How long before they get an elevator? Chandler asked.

    Never, it has something to do with the upper winds that prevent them from lowering the cable. They say that the winds are to strong and would destroy the elevators cars as they raise and lower.

    Chandler sat back and watched the ocean as they glided past large schools of enormous fish only 20 meter below. All of a sudden, a larger fish rose up out of the ocean through the school of large fish carrying one of them up in its gigantic mouth. Chandler watched as it rose up until it was almost even with the transport. He looked over at Harkleroad who was busy pouring himself another drink.

    What is that?

    Bourbon, the ambassador keeps the best...

    No back there.


    Back there some big fish just jumped out of the water almost up as high as we are.

    Nothing to worry about it was probably a Megalodon. They are quite common at this time of the year. They don’t normally attack a GEA. Harkleroad said and looked towards Chandler. We should be approaching Ampheres soon.


    Yes it is one of the lesser islands. As you know, the planet was named Atlantis because of the two larger island masses with the smaller one between them. The smaller island reminded the first settlers of the stories of Atlantis because of the smaller island in the center of the larger end that opened to the sea. They named it Atlantis and the island in the center Poseidon. The capital now resides on Poseidon. The other two large landmasses are named Plato and Hellanicus after some old Greek legends. The rest of the islands around the planet are named after Poseidon’s children or something like that.

    Aren’t you from here?

    Oh heavens no. I am from Tallarious the same as the ambassador.

    Hmm. Chandler replied and turned back towards the front windows.

    The ship continued to skim over the surface of the ocean only a few meters above the water causing the dark blue water to blur under them. A large Island appeared off to the right side of the transport. Chandler could see houses dotted along the coast along with a small inlet where other transports, similar to the one he was riding in, were moored. The transport continued past Ampheres and out across the ocean. Several more islands passed off in the distances and Chandler decided not to ask Harkleroad their names.

    Chandler had already read Harkleroad’s file on the trip out along with the rest of the embassy staff and had seen some discrepancies from what Harkleroad had just told him. He decided that he needed to talk to more people before coming to a decision about this man.

    The ship rapidly approached a larger land mass. Harkleroad put the glass and decanter back on the small shelf and started brushing out his robes. He held his hand up to his mouth and tried to tell if anyone could smell the alcohol on his breath.

    The port of Ourea is just ahead. We will be stopping there.

    Is this Atlantis?

    "Oh no, this is the lesser island Triton. All of the embassies have residence on this island. Atlantis is another eight thousand kilometers from here. To reach it you have to travel to Aiolos and catch an air transport. Atlantis is mostly for the planets inhabitants who serve either in the Assembly the Council or the Courts. None of the embassies are allowed private residences on the Atlantis. Off worlders are seldom permitted on Atlantis except for formal functions with one of the Council. The government is all run off the island of Poseidon. It is over seen by the Epistates who seldom leave the island of Poseidon. The ambassador has a representative on Poseidon who keeps him apprised as to what is happening there.  

    The ambassador’s home is up on the hill off to the left. A transport will be waiting for us in the harbor." Harkleroad said as the GEA settled on the water.

    The GEA moved through the harbor mouth then up a small tributary to a ramp then into a modest white building. When it stopped Harkleroad quickly moved to the door and waited for it to open. The door swung up and away and Harkleroad walked out. Chandler picked up the small case and followed him down the ramp. A man wearing a black suit stood next to the end of the ramp. Chandler could see the budge under his arm where he carried some sort of weapon.  

    Investigator Christianson, you bags are already in the Ambassadors vehicle. If you will follow me. The man said and walked across the large room where the GEA was parked.

    Chandler looked back at the sleek vehicle and could see the wings that had been hidden when they boarded. Two large drives were mounted one to each wing and he could see the exhaust nozzles that sent some of the drives force beneath the wings to give it extra lift.

    Nice ship. Chandler said.

    As far as I am concerned it is a death trap. The man replied.


    You are not going to catch me out over that water without some human at the controls.

    I know what you mean. It is a little unnerving.

    The man walked up to a black limo and opened the door. Chandler slid into the back seat and found Harkleroad sitting in the middle of the seat. The man closed the door and the vehicle started to move. Chandler looked towards the front where the driver should have been sitting and found nobody there.

    Don’t tell me that this doesn’t need a driver either.

    It is fully autonomous from the planets system and requires no external control. Harkleroad slurred out.

    Chandler moved out of the back seat and sat on one of the jump seats. He looked at Harkleroad as he sat in the middle of the back seat.

    You say you have known Ambassador Angelopoulos for several years now.

    Yes. I have been his personal confidant for the last four years.

    Hmm. Chandler replied and turned to look out the front of the vehicle.

    The narrow road was lined with white buildings until they reached the edge of the harbor. Then modest homes appeared intermixed with several open-air markets. The vehicle made its way down the street until it had passed through the town. The vehicle never seemed to decrease its speed as it move through the narrow streets. Then it turned on to another road and started up the side of the mountain. About three quarters the way up it turned on to another narrower road.

    Chandler looked back at Harkleroad and could see that his head was down and he was hanging onto the seat with his hands so tightly that his knuckles were white. Chandler chuckled to himself then looked out the side window at the town below and out to the harbor. He could see several more buildings similar to the one they parked the GEA in along with more GEA’s moored out in the harbor.

    The vehicle reached the top of the ridge and turned on to a gravel road that led up to a large mansion. It slowed then came to a stop in at the front portico. Three men walked up to the vehicle and the one in the lead opened the door. Chandler quickly moved out of the vehicle and looked at the front of the mansion.

    Harkleroad made his way out of the vehicle and staggered up the steps to the front door.  

    This way Investigator Christianson. Harkleroad said.

    Chandler followed Harkleroad up the steps as he looked around the front grounds. He took in a deep breath of the salt laden air as he looked back at the vehicle and the three men following them with his bags.

    Chapter Two

    Harkleroad stopped just inside of the entrance. Chandler walked in behind him and looked around at the lavishly decorated entry. A huge marble staircase wound its way up to the second level on both sides of the entrance. A large crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling suspended by a massive gold colored chain. Two large opened doors opened to rooms on each side of the entrance with another opening under the second level leading. Further, back under the second level landing, he could see the ocean through the expansive widows along the back of the house. He looked to his right through the open door into the large hall. To his left was another massive room that looked like some sort of sitting room. He could see the ornate furniture and rugs in the room. A large fireplace was on the inside wall with a portrait of a woman hanging over it.

    The man carrying the two bags walked past them and continued up the stairs. Chandler watched him until he disappeared from sight. The other two men stopped behind Chandler and watched him as he walked around the foyer. Harkleroad walked over to the table sitting in the middle of the foyer and hung on to the top as he looked at Chandler.

    It is now 11:30. The ambassador will be able to see you at fifteen hundred.

    You told me I had ten minutes with him at fourteen hundred. Chandler said turning towards him.

    Ah yes I did didn’t I. however, that was before you made it clear that you did not have prepared questions for me to summit to him. I will inform him of this and… A man walked out of a set of doors under the landing and continued towards them. Harkleroad turned towards the footsteps and quickly stood up as straight as he could. Mister Ambassador, I was…

    You must be Chandler Christianson. The man said as he walked towards them in his long flowing robes. He held out his hand to Chandler as soon as he had passed Harkleroad. Chandler took his out reached hand and felt the firm grip as they shook.

    Mister Ambassador I was just informing Investigator Christianson that his appointment to meet with you is not until…

    Yes, yes Harkleroad. Why don’t you run along and see if lunch is ready? Tell Brenda that mister Christianson will be dining with me on the veranda.

    Yes Mister Ambassador.

    Will you come with me Chandler? It is Chandler isn’t. I can call you that?

    Yes Mister Ambassador. You can call me anything you like. Chandler replied and followed the ambassador towards the large windows.

    I hope your journey was not too difficult.

    No Mister Ambassador I am used to traveling around our galaxy.

    Yes from my sources I would say you are, but I meant with Harkleroad. He does get a bit over reactive at times. Was he able to answer any of your questions about Atlantis?

    He gave me the rundown on how the government worked along with how the planets names came about. I was wondering why you waited so long to file a missing person report. The information I looked at…

    We will speak of this after our lunch. Ambassador Angelopoulos said as they reached to large doors leading out on to the veranda on the back of the mansion. The Ambassador continued to a small table and pointed to a chair. Please be seated mister Christianson. I find it pleasant to eat out here before the sun gets too hot to enjoy it.

    Chandler walked over to the chair that the ambassador had pointed to and sat down as the ambassador did.

    Mister Ambassador…

    You can call me Oidipous if you wish. I am not as big of a stuff shirt as Harkleroad tries to make me out.

    How long have you known Andy?

    Oh lord let me think. It must be almost three and a half no four years now.

    Oh. He indicated that he had known you longer.

    We will speak more after our lunch. Chandler sat back in the chair and looked at the ambassador as he gazed out towards the ocean. The sunsets are magnificent from here. I often sit here and watch them when I can.

    Chandler looked out across the expansive grounds behind the mansion that stretched to a cliff. He could see the ocean stretching out to the horizon. There were just a few clouds in the distance and the water was turning different shades of blue. Chandler turned towards a set of doors that had just opened and watched as a man slowly pushed a cart toward them.

    Would you care for some wine? The Atlantion’s pride themselves on their wine.

    No thank you Mister Ambassador, I do not drink on duty.

    Admirable, but you are not on duty right now. You are having lunch with me and I do not talk shop during lunch. Angelopoulos said and filled his glass then Chandlers. You will find this one amusing.

    Chandler lifted the glass and looked at the dark ruby red wine then smelt it before he took a sip. He nodded his head and set the glass back on the table. It’s alright. A bit on the tart side for a Cabernet, but it will be very good if they would let it age a little longer. I’d say this one has only age for a few years by the taste.

    You do know your wine. Yes, this is one was bottled only last year. I always try them at my lunch to see if they are good enough to put in my cellar. If I like them I buy more and if not I buy them and serve them to my dinner guest at large gatherings. I believe in supporting the local economy if I can. Ambassador Angelopoulos replied over the brim of the glass.

    The man set a plate in front of Chandler and removed the lid. A small piece of meat sat on the plate along with several kinds of vegetables one looking as if it were small onions. They sat there quietly and ate the meal. When the meal was finished, the man reappeared and removed the plates from in front of them.

    That was very good. Chandler said to the man as he took the plate.

    Tell Brenda that she did splendidly as usual.

    Yes Excellency. The man replied and set the dishes on the cart then pushed it back towards the door.

    I hope you enjoyed your lunch.

    Yes Mister Ambassador I did very much. However, it was more like a dinner to me. I have been up since seven thirty Federation standard. We didn’t dock with the Atlantis station until almost eighteen thirty and I had to leave my compartment by nineteen hundred. Chandler replied and started to yawn. Sorry Mister Ambassador.

    I am the one who should be apologizing. It had completely skipped my mind about the time difference. I have several engagements this afternoon. Why don’t we postpone our meeting until let’s say after dinner. That way you can catch a few hours of rest before then.

    That sounds fine with me. Chandler replied and yawned again. That wine seems to have made me sleepy.

    Fine dinner will be around nineteen hundred. I will have them wake you in plenty of time to dress.

    Yes sir, however, if you are talking black tie and all of that. This is the only suit I have and as you can see it is not in the best way.

    Do not worry about it. Wear what you are comfortable in. Angelopoulos said as he stood up. Harkleroad. Angelopoulos said and Harkleroad suddenly appeared by the table. Show Chandler to his room and see that he is not disturbed until dinner.

    Yes Mister Ambassador. This way Investigator Christianson. Harkleroad replied and motion towards the large glass doors.

    Mister Ambassador, I will see you at dinner. Chandler said and followed Harkleroad back inside.

    Harkleroad quickly walked back out to the foyer then started up the steps to the second level.

    The guest for tonight’s dinner will be arriving around twenty hundred. You are expected to be in proper attire. Do you have a dinner jacket with you?

    What you see is what I have. I don’t normally wear formal cloths chasing criminals.

    Yes. Harkleroad huffed out as they reached the top of the stairs. This way Investigator. Your room is in the south wing.

    Chandler followed Harkleroad as he waddled down the corridor past several closed doors. He stopped in front of one of the doors and stood there until Chandler caught up with him. He opened the door and walked into the room.

    This is your room while you are here. There is a bath over there. If you need anything all you have to do is call housekeeping. Harkleroad said as he walked around the room. When he had finished he walked back towards the door.

    Do you live here too?

    Yes. My quarters are in the other wing. If you will excuse me I must return to the Ambassador’s office.

    He can’t do anything without you.

    That is correct. Good day Investigator Christianson. Harkleroad said and walked out of the door.

    Chandler looked around the room at the large bed and small writing table with a small chair in front of it. A larger overstuffed chair sat in one corner of the room. Chandler walked over to the door, looked down the hallway in both directions, and did not see any sign of Harkleroad. He must have caught his breath. Chandler thought as he closed the door. He walked over to the door that Harkleroad said was the bath and opened it. Inside the small room, he found his two bags. He looked at them and could see that someone had opened them since he had arrived. He walked out of the closet and saw another door on the opposite side of the room. He walked over, opened the door, and looked into the room. Inside he found a small bath with a tub shower, toilet, and a sink. He nodded his head and walked over to the bed. He pushed on the mattress then sat down. I could get used to living here. He said as he pulled his shoes off.

    Chandler heard movement in the room. He shoved his hand under the pillow and felt the same energy weapon he had place there. He slowly pulled it out then quickly sprang from the bed and aimed it at the intruder. The woman screamed and dropped the clean linen she was carrying. She started for the door and Chandler quickly stopped her.

    I am sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Chandler said. The woman held her hand up to her mouth and looked at him standing there in only his underwear. She could see the weapon in his right hand as he back away from her. Are you okay?

    I am sorry Investigator Christianson. I was told not to disturb you. Please do not tell Mistress Demopoulos.

    Who is Demopoulos?

    She is the house keeper Investigator Christianson.

    And you are?

    Me sir, I am Kostopoulos, Susan Kostopoulos the laundry maid. I was bringing some fresh linen for the bath. I did not mean to wake you. Please do not tell Mistress Demopoulos.

    No, no it is okay. Chandler said. Do you know where a laundry is?

    It is in the basement Investigator Christianson.

    Stop with the Investigator Christianson shit. The name is Chandler if you want. I need to do some laundry. I didn’t get a chance to do it before I left the home planet.

    Are you from Earth? She asked.

    No my office is out in the Bravo sector.

    Your clothes are in the laundry now. I should have them finished in a few more hours.

    What do you mean they’re in the laundry now?

    Yes Invest…ah mister Christianson, Harrison brought them down to have them cleaned after he unpacked your bags.

    He did what? Chandler said and hurried to the small room with his bags. He quickly opened the one with his clothes inside and only found a pair of dirty socks he had refolded. He opened the other bag and looked at his equipment then just as quickly closed it. Great now I have nothing clean to wear. He said as he walked back out to the room. Who is Harrison?

    He is your valet sir. Sir may I finish. I need to return to the laundry.

    Yeah sure. Oh here he forgot these. Chandler tossed her the pair of socks. She picked up the clean linen and continued into the bath. She returned shortly and looked at the dirty rumpled suit lying on the chair. She picked it up and started for the door. Hold on there where are you going with my suit?

    I will have it cleaned and pressed and returned to you. She replied as she picked up the shirt he had been wearing. She continued to the door and curtseyed to him then left.

    Chandler shook his head and looked at his watch. It said that it was almost 2:00 in the morning back on the

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