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All Four Gospels In One Book
All Four Gospels In One Book
All Four Gospels In One Book
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All Four Gospels In One Book

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After reading this, anyone should be able to pass Christianity 101. Welcome to our book: A blend of all four Gospels, with Jewish and Christian history added in just the right places to fill out the gospel story in a dynamic way for our modern culture. Jesus is Jewish, the Old Testament is Jewish, and the New Testament is a combination of Christian and Jewish background.
Release dateJun 18, 2019
All Four Gospels In One Book

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    All Four Gospels In One Book - Ancient Wisdom Comics


    Simeon and Anna at the Temple

    Jesus was almost 40 days old when the Holy Family set off for Jerusalem to perform the ceremony of dedication, as in the book of Exodus 13:2, which says, Consecrate every first-born male that opens the womb among the Israelites. They also brought two young pigeons as instructed in Leviticus 12:8. Simeon was an old holy priest. The Holy Spirit informed him earlier that he would not die until he saw the Messiah. Led by the Spirit, Simeon entered the Temple at the same time as the Holy Family. Simeon took Jesus into his arms and with a loud voice said, Thank you, Lord, for keeping your promise. Now I may die in peace. With my own eyes I see your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all people. He is a light to reveal your will to the Gentiles and brings glory to your people, Israel.

    Joseph and Mary were amazed at the prophetic utterance of Simeon. Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, Bless you, Mary! This child is chosen by God for the destruction and salvation of many. He is a sign from God that many will speak against. He will reveal their secret thoughts. Later, a sharp sword of sorrow will pierce your heart.

    Anna the prophetess also received a vision that night of Jesus. She was the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was married for seven years, then widowed and since then has served in the Temple and was then 84. She never left the Temple and day and night she worshipped, prayed and fasted. She also came up to Simeon and the Holy Family, saying, Before I die, I’m going to tell everyone who is waiting for God to set Jerusalem free about this.

    When Joseph and Mary had done all that the law required, they went back to Nazareth in Galilee. There they held a feast for Jesus. But within a few days an angel talked to Joseph in a dream, saying, Joseph! You must awaken and take Mary and Jesus into Egypt, for Herod is seeking the child’s life! Flee at once and do not return until I tell you.

    The Holy Family left during the night for Egypt. This happened just as Hosea 11:1 says, Out of Egypt I called him to be my son.

    Yes, Herod realized that the Magi were not returning. He felt tricked and was furious. He gave orders to kill all the boys two years and younger in Bethlehem and surrounding areas. He did this from the timeline that the Magi had informed him about the appearance of the star. In this way what was said in Jeremiah 31:15 came true: A sound is heard in Ramah, the sound of bitter weeping. Rachel is crying for her children, she refuses to be comforted, for they are dead.

    After Herod died, a few years later, the angel reappeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, Get up and take Mary and Jesus back to Israel, for those who sought the child’s death are dead.

    Joseph left soon thereafter for Israel. The Egyptians were sad to see them leave. But when Joseph learned that Archelaus had succeeded his father, Herod, as King of Judea he was afraid to go there and was given more instruction in a dream to go back to Nazareth in Galilee. This happened to make come true what Numbers 6:8 says: He shall be called a Nazarene. Jesus grew and became strong and full of wisdom. God’s blessings were upon him.

    Jesus in the Temple at Age Twelve

    John the Baptist has been hidden in the desert by his mother after the death of her husband, Zachary. The Essenian community has been helping him, and the birds and fish are his friends, with God teaching him in the desert.

    Jesus is now seven years old. His cousin, John the Baptist, is six months older. Herod had laid snares for John even before he had Zachary killed. Jesus was a model for all the children. Even the parents would mention him.

    When Jesus was about 10 years old, the Roman Procurator Capanius took away from the Jewish leaders (also known as the Sanhedrin) the power to perform (known as the Scepter) capital punishment on their own people. Also, Herod’s son, Archelaus, was dethroned as king and banished to Vienne in Gaul. [Source: Antiquities, 17:13, by Josephus]. Thus, a prophecy from Genesis 49:10 was fulfilled: The Scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet until the Messiah comes for all who hearken to his voice.

    The Jewish men were required to go to Jerusalem three times a year for the Jewish feasts (Exodus 23:17). The women could go but were not required to. The three feasts were Tabernacles, Pentecost and Passover. Jesus was now 12 years old. He went up to Jerusalem with his parents for seven days to celebrate the Passover. On the way back to Nazareth from Passover, Jesus separated from his friends near the Mount of Olives. He went to a certain school near Jerusalem that day, and the next day he went to another school.

    Meanwhile, Mary and Joseph met up in Gophna, a day later as planned. But they could not find Jesus anywhere. They were frantic and finally inquired of their angels, who answered evasively.

    Mary pleaded, Please, our hearts are in torment! Where is Jesus?

    The angel answered, Oh! He has to be about his Father’s business.

    They went back to Jerusalem to search for him. On the third day, Jesus went back to a school near the Temple, where priests and Levites were chosen for Temple service. In the afternoon he went to the lecture hall in the Temple. Jesus, by his questions and answers, so embarrassed the teachers of the schools that they assembled experts to humble him. At first they were amazed, but now they wanted revenge.

    There, in the Temple, was Jesus sitting in a large chair that had greenish-brown dog-like heads on top. Meanwhile, Mary and Joseph were ready to venture into the wilderness of Judea, thinking he may have gone to find John the Baptist. But angels stopped them, saying, Go no further! He is not far from here.

    Mary and Joseph replied, Finally some information!

    The angel answered, You will find him soon, be at peace! God will work this out.

    The people in the Temple asked Jesus all kinds of questions, from the silly to the serious. Jesus then began to describe the human body, astronomy, architecture, agriculture, geometry and every subject proposed to him, far beyond the understanding of the most learned.

    Jesus addressed the crowd, Such subjects are not appropriate Temple subjects. But since it is my Father’s will, I will discuss them.

    Those present went from surprise and admiration to fury and shame. Then the subject of the Messiah came up.

    Scholar Cohen asked, Where is the Messiah? He should be here with his army, freeing Israel!

    Scholar Jed replied, Some of us believe he will come in a hidden way.

    Scholar Cohen angrily replied, Quiet old fool! You are in the minority. The Messiah will come in all his glory!

    Jesus answered, Your question on the Messiah will be answered today. And yes, the scriptures seem contradictory to some. They say the Messiah will come with an army of angels. But then again, that he will be a suffering servant, meek, and a lover of poverty. So then, how is it possible to reconcile these prophecies?

    All were attentive; one could hear a pin drop. Jesus continued to talk.

    "The Messiah is to come twice: First to redeem the world and a second time to judge it. The prophecies must apply to both of these comings. The two are separate offices. The first is to overthrow the demonic stranglehold from the first sin by teaching all his word and the way to eternal life. Also, at that time he must render to God satisfaction for the whole human race. All these and others must the Messiah accomplish at his first coming. The second coming is to discern the hearts of all in the general judgement. As Isaiah 9:7 and Zechariah 9:10 say: He shall rule from sea to sea and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

    The first coming is not to be in worldly pomp, but a spiritual reign. There will be a new church, with spiritual gifts and a continual bloodless sacrifice as Malachi 1:11 says.

    Jesus continued, Yes! The Jews are under the Roman yoke, but it is a sign, as stated in Genesis 49:10, the part about the Scepter departing from Judah. Other signs are the calculated weeks of Daniel (9:24-27). Not to mention around 12 years ago, the report of the shepherds in Bethlehem, and the kings of the east guided by a star seeking the King of the Jews. The Messiah must be here!

    All the learned were dumbfounded, but some were totally stiff-necked and furious. It appeared that they would seize Jesus. Some scribes recorded this as a notable event.

    Mary and Joseph were so tired and relieved to find Jesus. But they really didn’t understand all that he said.

    Mary asked Jesus, What have you done to us? We have been searching frantically all over for you!

    Jesus replied, Why have you sought me? Do you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?

    A bystander said, Actually I’m impressed by his answer on the Messiah — best I heard so far.

    They left at once for Nazareth and, once there, Jesus remained subject to Mary and Joseph. Mary kept all these sayings and events in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and favor among God and man.

    The Beginning of the End

    Jesus states to his friends and family, Do not only look at me as the redeemer, but also as a teacher of suffering, for since we have been in Nazareth, the Pharisees have been jealous of us and caused us much suffering.

    The Pharisees were already at odds with Jesus. Jesus always had crowds of young people around him. It’s not clear what he did between the ages of 12-30. He may have traveled, it’s unknown. Joseph was around 64 when he died, at that time Mary was around 45 and Jesus, 29. Shortly after this, Jesus started his ministry.

    John the Baptist had been away in the desert, but now started his ministry. John was not well known; Jesus was very well known. It was the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar; Pontius Pilot was governor of Judea; Herod, ruler of Galilee; his brother, Philip, ruler of IIturea and Trachnitus; Lysanius ruler of Abilere; Annas and Caiaphas were the high priests at the Temple in Jerusalem.

    John the Baptist preached and baptized around the Jordan River. As Malachi 3:1 says, Behold I send my messenger who shall prepare the way for the Messiah. Isaiah 40:3-5 refers to John the Baptist as a voice crying in the wilderness, making straight the paths of the Lord. John wore clothes of camel hair with a leather sash. He ate locusts and wild honey. Jews and Gentiles came out to be baptized by him in the Jordan River, confessing their sins. This was the baptism of repentance.

    John the Baptist preaches to the people, Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand! All flesh shall see the salvation of God! Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain brought low! The crooked ways shall be made straight and the rough ways smooth!

    People, listen! The law was given through Moses, but grace and truth will come through the Messiah, who will reveal himself soon! He is the true light that enlightens everyone! You will be able to become children of God, but not through physical fleshly means: it is by believing that you will experience the power of God! The one I will point out is the Word become flesh! He is the only one who has seen the Father, because he is his only begotten Son! I baptize with water, but he shall baptize with the Holy Spirit and with Fire!

    The people asked, What shall we do?

    John answered, Be willing to share your clothes and food with those in need.

    The tax collectors asked, What should people like us tax collectors do?

    John answered, Collect only what is appointed to you.

    The soldiers asked, And what about us soldiers?

    John answered, Soldiers, rob no one by violence or false accusation and be content with your wages.

    Herod, the ruler of Galilee, was curious about John the Baptist, but was also angry because John had rebuked him for sending away his first wife and hitching up with his brother’s wife, Herodias, making them both adulterers. John also rebuked him for other evil things he did. Herod was thinking of arresting John but delayed his actions, wanting to discuss things with his advisors.

    Meanwhile, Jesus and Mary were traveling and beginning to preach that the Messiah was coming soon. Jesus performed a few miracles, as people’s hearts were being prepared. He had beauty, grace, peace, sweetness and gentleness. His speech and confidence impressed many. At this time Lazarus and his family financially supported Jesus’ ministry. Lazarus’ family knew the Holy Family well and knew the prophecies of Anna and Simeon well also. The father of Lazarus was Zorak. Of noble Egyptian birth, he held a position under the Syrian king. For services rendered in war, the Roman emperor gave him property near Jerusalem and Galilee. Zorak married a Jewess of the sect of the Pharisees, named Jezabel. Zorak himself became a Jew and owned part of the city on Mount Zion and a large castle in Bethania.

    The parents of Lazarus had 15 children in all; 11 died before Jesus’ ministry. The parents died when Mary Magdalene was 7 years old. The four surviving children were alive at the time of Jesus’ ministry:

    Lazarus, oldest of the four; Martha, two years younger; Silent Mary, four years younger (considered a simpleton); Mary Magdalene, youngest of the children.

    And was Mary Magdalene upset when her parents died? Not at all! She was vain, proud, smart, talented and beautiful. She practiced petty thefts, and at the age of 9 was engaged in love affairs. At age 11 the family castle in Magdalum fell to her by lot, with servants and all included. Magdalum was eight hours south of Bethsaida and just west of the Sea of Galilee. Magdalum was an area for the rich; no villages were near it, just castles, gardens, private lands, etc.

    Jesus celebrated the Sabbath in Hebron. Then he visited and consoled the sick. He met with the possessed and they grew calm. Everywhere people were drawn to Jesus. Next, he went to the spot where the Dead Sea and the Jordan River met. He crossed over in a ferry and walked up the east side of Jordan. It was common for people to follow him from place to place out of the love he inspired.

    Jesus then went up to Dothain, northeast of Sophoris. Abraham once had fields and cattle there. Joseph’s brothers had sold him to the Egyptians close to there. There was a madhouse in Dothain. As Jesus entered, they all went crazy; he quieted and spoke to them. The people were amazed. They invited him to a wedding, and he was like an honored stranger at the feast. The couple getting married later joined the disciples when Jesus went to Thebez.

    Jesus returned to Nazareth, but he was coldly received. They wouldn’t let him talk in the synagogue, so he preached in the marketplace. Then he kept the Sabbath there.

    Jesus said in the marketplace, The Messiah will be different than all ideas about him, so give up your preconceived ideas! John the Baptist is a voice in the wilderness. Did you ever imagine one such as he? John the Baptist is preparing the way for the Messiah.

    The Valley of Dry Bones

    A Pharisee asked, How do you know so much? You worked with your father before he died a few months ago, and now you’ve traveled a bit and attempt to impart wisdom to us?

    A bystander answered, Let him talk, Pharisee.

    Jesus would meet several men who were coming back from being baptized by John. Among them was Matthew. Matthew, like a lot of them, knew Jesus and suspected that John was talking about him. Jesus taught in schools around Galilee. The possessed would cry out after him. There he healed some.

    Jesus and friends now went to Tyre and Sidon by the Mediterranean Sea. Queen Jezebel of Elijah’s time came from Sidon. It was a stunning island city where both Jews and Gentiles lived. Much idolatry was practiced. Jesus then went alone to pray in Sarepta, which is the city where Elijah was fed by the widow (1st Kings 17:8-24). People were superstitious about this fact and let widows dwell in the city walls.

    Jesus then went northeast to the plain where Ezekial had his vision of the dry bones (Ezekial 37:1-14). Jesus explained to the poor people the meaning of the valley of dry bones, saying, John the Baptist fulfilled the coming together of the bones, but the Spirit and life breathed into them will be accomplished by the Messiah through redemption and descent of the Holy Spirit.

    Jesus then went north to the sheep shearing area where Ruth and Naomi stayed awhile (see Book of Ruth). Jesus then went south on a steep road, very much like the one Adam and Eve took from paradise. (Paradise is now above earth; it is oblique, meaning neither parallel nor perpendicular.) On the downhill route, the trees became smaller and misshapen. Jesus and friends ended up where the Mount of Olives is. Adam took an olive branch from paradise, a descendant of which was used to make the cross. Four types of wood were used to make the cross: palm, olive, cedar and cypress.

    Jesus went barefoot, putting his sandals on only when entering a village. He spent the Sabbath at Sarepta then headed back towards Nazareth. The Sanhedrin of Jerusalem sent letters to schools and synagogues to be on guard against Jesus. Soon they discovered he was the boy who amazed all in the Temple 18 years earlier. This really ticked off the Sanhedrin!

    The Sanhedrin leader said, Ah! The whippersnapper is all grown up. We shall give him a whipping of our own!

    Jesus then went to Sephoris with his mom to visit her mother’s sister, Maraha. Sephoris had three different sects: Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenians. Jesus’ family were Essenians. As Jesus was teaching at the Sadducee school, the insane nearby went crazy. Their keepers tried to control them with whips.

    The possessed cried out, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! It’s Jesus of Nazareth! He is preaching new doctrine, which we cannot tolerate! Wise men from the east visited him!

    The keepers barked, Quiet, you idiots!

    Jesus had them brought to him, about 50 in all. He spoke to them and cured them. The whole city broke out into confused excitement, which the Pharisees used to their advantage. Jesus and his followers escaped to some trees appointed earlier. Mary had seen her son harassed by the Pharisees, but this was the first time he was so violently persecuted. Most of the cured later went to receive John’s baptism.

    Mary said to Jesus, I’m upset because the Pharisees hate you and are laying snares.

    Jesus answered, Do not worry, I will accomplish my mission. The sorrowful days are not here yet. Persevere in prayer.

    They all went to Bethulia, a mountain city southeast of Sephoris. This is the city written about in the Book of Judith, where Judith slew Holofenes (Judith 13:4-10). Mary Magdalene’s castle in Magdalum was not far from here. At the same time, Mary Magdalene was at the height of her worldly glory. The people of Bethulia liked Jesus, but their motives were not pure. They lost trade with the Gentiles and wanted some sort of commercial recognition.

    Jesus traveled next to Jezrael, which is the home of the Nazarenes. They were a very strict Jewish sect like the Essenians. They wore gray and white habits with black shiny caps with writing on them and a ball on top. They had long, thick, curly hair and beards. The Apostle Paul was a Nazarene and looked like them.

    Jesus said to them, Your piety is praiseworthy, but excess can be dangerous. There are many ways people can come to salvation through me. In your pride you look down on the weaker ones who cannot keep up with you. You don’t need to shun the members who deal with the Gentiles. Circumcision had its reason for existence, which will soon be taken away. God’s people will become family by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, not according to the flesh from Abraham.

    Later many Nazarenes became Christians; but they clung so tenaciously to Judaism, and seeking to combine the two, fell into heresy.

    Jesus then went east of Jezrael to a city occupied by tax collectors. No one liked them, so they lived together in nice houses and gardens. For taxing purposes, the commercial highways to Egypt, Sidon and Arabia passed this way. Jesus then went to the madhouse of Dothain with some tax collectors; here he healed the insane, who then followed him.

    The madhouse keeper said, Aaaaaaaaaaaah, the insane are going crazy!

    Jesus answered, Release them to me and I shall take full responsibility.

    Jesus then went west to Kisloth, a city of Mt. Thabor inhabited mainly by Pharisees. They heard of Jesus, but were displeased that such a low quality of humans were following him. Jesus taught at the school and attended a feast; there was an ancient custom to always invite the poor.

    Jesus asked, Where are the poor?

    The Pharisees answered, We are ashamed to say that the custom has faded away. This is inconvenient, but you are in the right.

    Jesus told some disciples, Arastoria, Cocharia and Kolaiah, go at once and bring all.

    The next morning crowds of people said goodbye as Jesus left for another shepherd village near Nazareth. The shepherds in that village washed the feet of all, as was their custom.

    Jesus asked, You seem anxious. Are any of your companions not present?

    The shepherds answered, Yes, we are sad. Two of our shepherds have leprosy and we fear it may be the unclean kind. We hid them, so you could come here.

    Jesus answered, It will be ok. Bring them here before me.

    Jesus then told the lepers, please wash in the water that was used for my feet. This disease leprosy did not come from within but is an outward infection.

    The lepers said, What? This is amazing! It’s a miracle! We are returning to normal!

    Jesus said, Do not say a word about this until I return from being baptized by John.

    Jesus and Eliud

    Jesus then went to an Essenian community that lived in stone ruins outside of Nazareth. Here Jesus talked with a very pious Essenian named Eliud. They discussed mysteries of the scripture and Jesus made it clear to Eliud that he was the Messiah.

    Eliud asked, Why did you not come sooner?

    Jesus answered, My coming was delayed by chosen ones who became unworthy. Anne and Joachim were pure. My mother, Mary, was conceived under the golden gate. There was a mysterious blessed germ that was taken from Adam before the fall and kept here on earth. It was taken onto Noah’s ark, then kept in the Ark of the Covenant.

    Eliud said, I heard of this mysterious germ, but we were taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar for 70 years. Where did it go?

    Jesus answered, Before the captivity, the ark was hidden by Jeremiah on Mount Sinai, where it is today. A second ark was built. Most objects were lost, but the Essenians on Mt. Horeb still have the Rod of Aaron and a few other holy relics. Priests were guided to remove the mysterious germ when danger was around.

    Eliud said, Achim and our other prophets were focused on prophesying over the females in the hope of one of them being the mother of the Messiah.

    Jesus answered, Correct! At Mary’s birth she became the Ark of the Covenant and the germ (or seed) was deposited in her as stated in Genesis 3:15. I could only be born of a woman who was conceived as if the fall of Adam and Eve never happened.

    Eliud believed what Jesus said, but was confused as to who Jesus really was… as all people are. The poor but good people who lived in the ruins were stunned because they looked at Jesus as one of them. Now that Jesus was being so seriously presented to them by Eliud, they were shocked to think of Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus then walked with Eliud and talked about Lazarus’ family.

    Eliud asked, What about Mary Magdalene and her family?

    Jesus answered, Martha and Lazarus are pious; they will follow and support me financially. Silent Mary possesses a great mind and understanding, but for the good of her soul they have been withdrawn from her in this life; she is not for this world. She will understand the mysteries I relate to her. Soon she will die. Mary Magdalene has strayed, but she will turn out to be one of my best disciples.

    Jesus and his disciples now went to Endor, where Sisera from Judges Chapter Four was killed by Jael, the wife of Heber, with a tent stake through the temple. The city was in ruins from previous wars. The Endorites had to work under David and Solomon quarrying stones for the Temple and are now building an aqueduct to Mt. Zion. Jesus exhorted them to be baptized by John.

    The Endorites had an idol hidden away which they were fond of. Through a hidden mechanism it could suddenly arise from the ground. They procured it from Egypt. It was the idol Astarte, her husband idol being Adonis. The Endorites asked, See our idols? Are you impressed?

    Jesus answered, No! Because you sacrifice deformed children to it. Get baptized and follow the true God.

    That night the Jews were displeased because he visited the Gentiles; he reproved them, and they took it to heart.

    Jesus said, You are hard hearted towards your fellow humans. Have a spirit of kindness and take them to be baptized.

    The Jews answered, Gee, I guess we have been harsh to them.

    Later the Pharisees questioned Jesus because he and the Essenians blessed people.

    Jesus said, We Essenians bless children. Why are you so annoyed at this?

    When mothers took their highly agitated children to be blessed by Jesus, dark vapors would come out of them and they would become calm. Later the mothers would check to see if Jesus had become too proud to notice them.

    A mother said, My kid has been horrible!

    Jesus answered, Yes, Sheila, I remember you. Let me bless Billy.

    The next day Jesus told Eliud that he would show him what kind of kingdom he belonged to. As Jesus began to pray, he lifted up his eyes and a dark cloud came down and surrounded them. Jesus became transparent; Eliud stood in awe then fell on his face. It was similar to the transfiguration with the Apostles later on.

    Eliud asked, Are you another Melchizedek?

    Jesus answered, No, Melchizedek paved the way with his sacrifice. But I shall be the sacrifice itself.

    Then Jesus went alone to an inn at Gur, near Megaddo. Toward the end of the world a battle with the Antichrist will be fought in that valley (Revelations 19:11-21). The next day he walked to Gophna; some of Joachim’s relatives were there. He taught in their synagogue, saying, John the Baptist will point out the Messiah, but will you acknowledge him? Because he will not come as a conqueror with worldly pomp, but will be surrounded by peasants, beggars, cripples, lepers and sinners.

    Jesus went to Lazarus’ castle, where his mom and others were waiting. They ate well, then went to sleep. The next morning Jesus went to Silent

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