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Real Christians Don't Attend Christian Churches
Real Christians Don't Attend Christian Churches
Real Christians Don't Attend Christian Churches
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Real Christians Don't Attend Christian Churches

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A Christian is one who follows Christ, accepting the authority of his teachings and commands. Yet, according to the Christian Church doctrine, we don't need to keep Jesus' teachings and commands, we can reject some, or all, of them, and all we need to do “believe”. The Christian Churches aren't really ‘Christian’, since they deny Christ by denying his teachings. Jesus warned this would happen and told us there would be harsh consequences. The church has set many of Jesus’ and God’s commands aside, as dictated by their ‘lawless’ church doctrines. I give examples of that in this book.
Jesus experienced the same problem with the Jews. Instead of church doctrine, they had their 'traditions' or 'oral laws' which were making them lawless. How did Jesus deal with them? His parables give that answer, and I explain that in the second half of this book. This is an eye-opening book that will make you evaluate your Christian Church as to how faithful it is to Jesus and God's commands.
Release dateAug 4, 2019
Real Christians Don't Attend Christian Churches

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    Real Christians Don't Attend Christian Churches - Donald Werner

    Real Christians Don't Attend Christian Churches


    Donald Werner



    © 2019 Donald Werner. All rights reserved.

    ISBN #: 978-0-359-83300-9

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.  All Scriptures, unless otherwise marked are from the NKJV.

    Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights

    Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved.

    All Scripture emphasis, bolding, underlining, highlighting and italic are mine.


    The Premise for this Book; It is my understanding that the Bible is God’s word, and its authority supersede all other authority, including religious instruction, doctrines, creeds and teachings.  All ‘truth seekers’ must be willing to honestly compare what your church teachings to the teachings of Bible and reject any teaching that is contrary to what the Scriptures teach.


    Over the centuries the original Christian faith changed, and the Christian faith we practice is no longer the same faith that Jesus and his apostles taught and practiced. 

    One would think that the Christian Church is the natural place for Christians to worship God and hang out on Sundays.  But that’s not the place where real ‘Christians’, practicing true ‘Christianity’, should be.  See, a ‘real Christian’ is one who follows ‘Christ’, that is, they keep his word and obey his instructions, and attempt to walk as Christ walked.  But, unfortunately, that’s not what goes on in today’s Christian Churches.  Christian Churches is not longer ‘Christian’, if we define ‘Christianity’ by its adherence to Jesus’ commands, teachings and instructions.  Christianity has forsaken much of what God has spoken and much of what Jesus had instructed.

    Not only doesn’t Christianity follow Christ by keeping his commandments and instructions, as I will explain, in doing what they do, they are actually dishonoring him by their disobedience, and their worship is in vain. A real Christian doesn’t want any part of it.

    John 5:23, that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him.  Since, neither Jesus nor the Father, are physically presence with us, how do we follow them, and honor them?  The greatest honor we can give them is to obey what they spoke, follow their instructions and keeping their commandments. Since Jesus said he spoke the Father’s words with the Father’s authority, so we must obey the Son as we would the Father, and that is how we honor them.  The greatest dishonor we can give them is to reject or disobey their commands and instructions.  But that’s exactly what’s going on in the Christian Church today.

    In the second half of this book I will share Jesus’ way of evangelism, looking into his Parables to determine what his evangelistic message in them was and what we can learn that our church needs to hear today.

    Donald Werner,,



    Yes, I stopped attending church, but let me reassure you, it’s not because I don’t believe in Jesus, and it’s not because I don’t honor or love him.  Just the opposite is true.  I don’t attend church because I believe in Jesus and I want to honor him and show him, and God, my love by my obedience.  John 14:15, "If you love me, keep my commandments. 1John 5:3a,  For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments." The truth is, I obey and honor Jesus more than ‘Christians’ who worship him, sing to him or pray to him in their Christian churches. Now let me explain why that is, and what is wrong with today’s church.

    First, there are a couple of keys to understanding the Scriptures we need to look at so that we are all on the same page and have a clear understanding of these issues;


    In the Scriptures God is also known as the ‘Father’, and God identified His name as ‘Yahoveh’, ‘Jehovah’ or ‘Yahweh’, (There are different ways to pounce it).  We read both His name and ‘Father’ used in 1Chronicles 29:10b, David said: Blessed are You, Yahoveh God of Israel, our Father, forever and ever."

    Unfortunately, in the Scriptures God’s name, "Yahoveh, is omitted and that has caused some confusion.  In the Holy Scriptures God’s name (Yahoveh) is substituted with the title LORD" (In all caps). This was done because it was believed by those producing the Bible that printing God’s name would cause others to read it casually and accidently use God’s name in vain.  So where you read ‘the LORD’ in the Bible, mentally substitute God’s name Yahoveh.  I will do that substitution for you in the verses I quote in this paper, such as I did in 1Chronicles 29:10 above.  


    A key to understanding God and our relation with God is to understanding that there are two types of sinners mentioned in the Scriptures.  Within the Scriptures we see the ‘presumptuous sinner’ and the ‘unintentional sinner’ (Numbers 15:27-31 is an example where we see both types).  Since we are all sinners, we all fit into one of those two types.  The big difference is the ‘presumptuous sinner’, also called defiant sinners,  ‘wicked’, ‘lawless’ or ‘workers of iniquity’,  commit sins because, for one reason or another, they dismissed some (or all) of God’s laws.  And then when they freely violate those laws which they have dismissed they don’t even consider it to be sin. And so long as they see no need to keep those law(s) they will never repent.  And where there is no repentance there is no forgiveness nor is atonement possible. 

    When people are deceived into believing that some (or all) of God’s laws don’t apply to them because they are ‘for the Jews only’, or because they are part of the ‘Old Covenant’, or because ‘Jesus fulfilled them’, or they have been ‘nailed to the cross’, or whatever reason they are given, people will then dismiss those laws and feel no need to keep them. They then freely violate them and never feel a need to repent.  Presumptuous sinners know God’s law, but wrongly presume they don’t need to keep God’s law, wrongly presume it’s not a sin to violate those laws, wrongly presume God doesn’t care,  wrongly presume there will be no eternal consequences for their violation of those laws and so the wrongly presume there is no need to repent. The ‘presumptuous sinner’ doesn’t hold the authority of God’s words as their supreme authority, for they have allows some other ‘lawless’ authority to persuade them to ‘set aside’, dismiss, or reject, some (or all) of God’s laws, thus dethroning God’s word as their supreme authority.

    However, an ‘unintentional sinner’ attempts to keep all of God’s laws, because they submit to God’s words as their supreme authority.  But they too fail from time to time when they are overcome by temptation, or at a time of moral weakness.  But, unlike the presumptuous sinner, the unintentional sinner will repent with godly sorrow, and re-submit themselves back to God’s words as their supreme authority.  Because of their repentance, they are forgiven, pardoned, with their sins are blotted out, they are justified as though they have never sinned, and then their robe of righteousness are made white as snow.  These are the ones the Scripture refers to as the ‘righteous’, ‘saints’ or the ‘redeemed’

    Proverbs 24:16, for the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity.  The righteous (unintentional sinners) are those who fall into sin, even many times, but rise again through repentance. The wicked (presumptuous sinners) are those who fall into sin, but never rise again through repentance – they are lost.  A righteous person is not one who never sins, a righteous person is one that repents when they do sin, i.e., unintentional sinner.

    Note; Jesus is the ‘word of God’, because Jesus spoke Yahoveh God’s words with His authority (Deuteronomy 18:17-19, John 12:49, 14:10, 24).  And Jesus told us to keep the Father’s ‘law and prophets’.  So if we make Yahoveh God’s words our supreme authority, or Jesus’ words our supreme authority, there is no different for they spoke the same words.


    Today’s Christian church has a number of teachings which don’t line up with the Holy Scriptures, but the two teachings which are most problematic are those that are in direct opposition to what Jesus commanded.  To accept and practice those two church teachings is therefore an act of disobedience to what Jesus commanded, and to disobey Jesus is to dishonor him. And since Jesus spoke God’s words, to disobey Jesus is to also disobey and dishonor Our God and Father, Yahoveh.  Knowing this two erroneous teachings makes is hard for a ‘Real Christian’ to attend Christian Churches – knowing that they are dishonoring God and Jesus.


    The First big problem is today’s Christian Church doesn’t obey God or Jesus.  Jesus said in Matthew 5:17-20, "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy

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