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Kid Avatars
Kid Avatars
Kid Avatars
Ebook167 pages1 hour

Kid Avatars

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About this ebook

While playing computer games online two North Carolina brothers suddenly find themselves in the middle of a conspiracy to ruin the gaming industry and sabotage the
world economy.

As they travel further into cyberspace they run into evil game avatars, mushroom dwelling elves, a purple wizard, an army of skeletons and a whole new cyber universe where anything, and EVERYTHING, is

Join the boys on an exciting romp through cyber space as they fight against cyber bullies and their evil game avatars.

This is a trilogy of the eighth, ninth & tenth stories in the Kids Adventure series.
Release dateSep 17, 2018
Kid Avatars

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    Book preview

    Kid Avatars - Tony Cianchetta

    Kid Avatars

    Kid Avatars

    Copyright 2018 by Tony Cianchetta


    Caleb and Noah are two little kids living in North Carolina. And like all little kids, they like to play ‘pretend’.

    But what’s unusual is the way the boys play.

    Together Caleb and Noah create vivid, living worlds for their adventures.

    So, whether it is traveling through time investigating ancient Egypt, saving the world from evil masterminds as super heroes and secret agents or pretending to be inside the computer when they play video games, the boys go all out in their own special and imaginative way.

    If you ever wondered what kids really ‘see’ when they play pretend, these stories are for you.

    Because when these two brothers play together anything can, and usually does happen…


    This book is dedicated to my grandsons, Caleb and Noah.

    At some point you will have to choose between real and fantasy. Choose what’s real but enjoy what’s fantasy.

    Your T-Pop

    None of this was real, but it sure was fun!

    Story created, written and illustrated by T-Pop

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    Chapter 01

    Entering the world of cyberspace in the hope of finding a fun computer game to play, Caleb and Noah popped into the Gaming Console at the Options menu.

    As they looked around they saw objects floating everywhere - each floating object displaying a computer game title written across them.

    These must be the server tokens to the different computer game choices in cyberspace Noah, Caleb said to his little brother.

    Wow, look at all of them! Noah said as he whistled. There must be a million things to do in here.

    Yeah, cyberspace is pretty crowded with choices of things to do, Caleb answered. But you have to choose carefully, there’s a lot of weird stuff in here too.

    So, what should we do first? Noah asked.

    As the boys walked along looking for an interesting game to play they heard a familiar voice behind them.

    Hi boys, how are you doing in here?

    Caleb and Noah turned around and smiled broadly. Hi mom! the boys said at the same time.

    We’re looking for a fun game to play, Noah answered with a smile.

    Yeah, something with a lot of action and good graphics, Caleb added.

    Well, there is plenty of that in here, their mother replied. You should be able to find something fun in here.

    "Nice sword, Mom. So, what are you doing in here?" Noah asked.

    Thanks! I’m waiting for your father, she answered. "We’re going on a galactic patrol to fight asteroid poachers. Those guys just never know when to give up."

    Hey, here comes dad now, Noah said pointing to their right.

    Hi boys, their dad greeted them. Having fun in cyberspace today?

    Yeah, Caleb answered. We’re having a blast. Where did you guys get those space suits, anyway? They’re nice!

    We used the Avatarium. You can accessorize any avatar you like in there, their mom answered.

    Well, we have an intergalactic natural resource to save guys. And not much time to spend doing it, so we’ll leave you to your games, their dad said. See you later boys.                    

    With that, Caleb and Noah’s parents grabbed the ‘Rangers of the Intergalactic Expanse’ token, crushed it and disappeared in a flash of light.

    I just love those guys, Noah said after they disappeared.

    OK, so let’s find something fun to play, Noah said.

    Let’s find something with lots of action and gadgets, Caleb answered.

    Yeah, and lots of robots or aliens to fight, Noah added. How about this one? ‘Evil Ice Lords of the Outer Galaxy’.

    Wow, that sounds perfect, Caleb said. Grab it and let’s see what it’s all about.

    Noah grabbed the token and handed it to his brother. Your turn to start it up, he said.

    Caleb crushed the token with a ‘pop’ and the boys watched the shiny pieces float around them. Then there was a flash of bright light.

    When the light dimmed the boys were standing on a frozen mountain side.

    Wow, this really is an ice planet, Noah said.

    Hey, nice suit! Caleb said to his brother.

    Awesome! Noah exclaimed looking at his brother. You too. These games really pay attention to details. We really need these warm clothes in this place, Caleb noted.

    We need to find what triggers the beginning of this game, Caleb told his little brother. Let’s walk down this slope and see what we can find at the bottom in that flat area down there.

    The boys carefully walked down the slope and made it to the bottom without too much effort.

    At the bottom they looked around for some clue about how to start the game.

    There’s something dark over there, Caleb said as he pointed to another patch of snow.

    As the boys got closer they started to recognize the objects.

    Wow, laser guns! Noah exclaimed. This game is going to be fun!

    The boys picked up the weapons and looked them over.

    Look at the detail on these things, Noah said as he turned them over in his hands.

    Caleb held his laser pistol in the air and fired a few test shots to try it out.

    "I like these," Caleb said finally as he turned it over in his hands.

    As the boys were discussing what to explore next they heard the sound of a motor high in the air.

    The sound got closer and closer until finally the boys could see a small flying vehicle coming towards them.

    The closer it got the higher-pitched the engine sound became.

    Do you think they are friendly? Noah asked.

    In a game like this? Caleb answered watching it closely. I doubt it.

    The flying vehicle made a long winding turn to the left of the boys, then straightened out and headed right for them.

    Without warning, the vehicle opened fire at them with laser guns. The boys ran behind some rocks as snow and ice flew all about them.

    Definitely not friendly! Caleb yelled to his brother as they ran towards a cave behind the rocks.  

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