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More Stories: A Book of Poems
More Stories: A Book of Poems
More Stories: A Book of Poems
Ebook128 pages1 hour

More Stories: A Book of Poems

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More Stories -- A Book Of Poems continues the themes of Love and Death from Don Edwards' previous book, Scars and Stories -- Poems. These poems show us that love can elevate us above the gravity of everyday life. At the same time, we are reminded that, despite our sense of decision-making power, we live with a mere illusion of control. The clock is constantly ticking but we can offer and accept love and, in so doing, not fear the darkness or the final day. Don Edwards received a Masters Degree in English from the University of Tennessee. His first book of poetry is Scars and Stories -- Poems. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and children.
Release dateAug 8, 2018
More Stories: A Book of Poems

Don Edwards

Don Edwards has previously published four books of poetry. These are Scars and Stories — Poems, More Stories — A Book of Poems, The Third Book — A Book of Poems, Mostly, and To Warm The Solitary Night. The third book is “mostly” poems because it includes a handful of stories at the end. Everybody Wants To Be Loved is his fifth book of poetry. Mr Edwards is also the founding member of True Gospel Bookstore which records his poems as songs. These songs can be heard on all streaming services. Also, he has recorded some of these poems for the True Gospel Bookstore website. If you would like to hear them, go to the “Book of Poems” page at Most of these poems consider the topics of Love and Death, which is all that matters, and also the M poems. Mr Edwards lives in Los Angeles.

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    More Stories - Don Edwards


    Copyright © 2018 Don Edwards.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4834-8899-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-8898-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018908754

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    Old men like I have only scars and stories

    To keep

    And spread in thick red pools of memories

    Between the ironic chuckles of a

    Life outlasting

    And the periodic moans of what might have been.

    From Scars and Stories, Old Men Like I

    Volume One

    We Are But Recycled

    We are but recycled souls.

    Absent that I cannot explain

    My tangled memories

    Nor my desultory life.

    No other reason seems to be

    For what happens daily still to me.

    Visions of unknown rivers and forests,

    Nameless broad gray lakes

    Reflecting a foreign sky

    Fill my nightly view.

    And then there's you —

    Your visit every evening,

    The darkness as your doorway,

    My dreams your limousine.

    All I can do is watch you

    Rising up, aglow in sweetness,

    A power I have never seen,

    Your quiet smile otherworldly

    And remembered from afar.

    Your countenance defies gravity

    And floats above the earth's troubled rim,

    The supernal answer to my life's dreary quest.

    You refuse time's constant drag,

    Embrace freedom — beat back

    The resistance of the clock.

    No more regulation, no longer lost

    In time but here for an infinite now

    To answer love's repeated call.

    I have sensed you

    Just around the corner

    From the day's noisy churn.

    Sometime before this life,

    You promised, I'll be right back,

    And here I await, scenting the life before

    Which you made worth the living.

    You have slept throughout my life

    Now awake to us.

    All is stumble and process —

    No words to ease the day.

    I know from the light in your eyes,

    The falcon stare direct and potent,

    That you are here for me.

    More than that is still the mystery

    Of time's twisted way.

    I Am

    I am not your Red Cross Knight

    But how I wish I were.

    I cannot make you promises

    Because it's all designed to fail.

    All I can do is say how much I love you

    Say that I love you

    I love you

    As the meager days plod by.

    No I am not your Savior.

    I'm as lost as all the rest.

    I cannot take you over there.

    The way is dark and long.

    All I can do is say how much I love you

    Say that I love you

    I love you

    As the wicked days confound.

    Neither am I your Mentor.

    The answers elude me.

    The questions themselves

    Seem fuzzy and askance.

    All I can do is say how much I love you

    Say that I love you

    I love you

    As the perplexing days spin past.

    But yes I can be your partner

    Though I am only here awhile.

    I can care and touch and sing to you

    A song to last as long as we

    And say each moment how much I love you

    Say that I love you

    I love you

    As our precious days float quiet by.

    Love and Death

    The days burned hot, unending,

    When all of this began.

    I felt the union all around —

    A brotherhood, a common realm.

    But hours sped on and knots dissolved.

    The perceived empowerment failed,

    Unraveling into a tangled mess

    Of opposing shoves and thoughtless shrugs,

    While years trudged along an unseen course

    As dreams forgot their sway,

    And I kept holding to the rules I'd set

    Derived from those who saw the way.

    But after you beat the horse all day,

    The horse don't feel the beating.

    I can only carry this load so long

    Then nothing can make me step again.

    As time churns on —

    Beginning love and ending life —

    There are only two escapes.

    Both Love and Death await us each

    And all are subject to these fates.

    Philip ODed alone one night

    While you and I snuggled deep into

    Each other's souls.

    His breathing went fast for a time,

    His pulse a flashing beat.

    Then both slowed to unmeasurable,

    And brown warmth drifted away

    Into the blue world surround.

    We should have seen it coming,

    I guess, should have known

    Such startling smiles and constant heat

    Could not be real

    But a shield between others and the lonely

    Pain that ate his feet away.

    I wonder what he was thinking

    As the ticking grew louder.

    What dreams occurred when

    It faded?

    What is it that we can do

    What is it that we should wish

    What is it that we may bring

    To the day?

    Since then you have gone as well,

    Disappeared from my life and

    I have lost all the love that was

    And all that could yet be.

    Overcome, I grumble vicious and unkind.

    A pulse twitches my wrist but I am not alive.

    My chest rises and deflates yet I am not aware.

    I am now a sexless thing and raw.

    Death or impotence —

    That is now the question.

    Love lost and lonely,

    As age, that defect of birth.

    Now mars my daily life.

    I can only think to dance

    All day and dream again of what is not.

    Dance hard while in my reverie

    You both rise from the dark

    Sweet and wet and

    Found once more

    And for awhile.

    The Fires

    The fires burn each day and night

    Of my wretched slogging life

    By the yellow river's edge

    Where the steaming air is sucked away

    Through bullying gravity's dull torn web.

    Here the

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