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A Trapped Toad
A Trapped Toad
A Trapped Toad
Ebook116 pages1 hour

A Trapped Toad

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A trapped toad explores the relationships between Jake and the women in his life, each he loved and then wronged intentionally or not.

Is revenge the right way to make anyone change their ways? We do pay for our mistakes in life,we never know how another person will deal with something we have done or what lengths they will go to seek revenge as Jake Guest is just about to find out...
Release dateSep 30, 2011
A Trapped Toad

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    A Trapped Toad - A Rhoden- Lawrence

    A Trapped Toad

    A Trapped Toad


    A. Rhoden Lawrence.

    This book is fiction and as such should any of the characters portrayed in this book bear resemblance to any persons living or dead it is purely coincidental, with no malice intended. This book also contains a sexual theme and contains strong language.

    A Trapped Toad Copyright © A. Rhoden-Lawrence 2009

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication is to be reproduced, lent stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the author.

    Cover art courtesy of copyright 2010 © ALawrence all rights reserved


    For Ann Marie, Lizzy, Sally and the gang.

    (I said it happy now.)

    On a serious note.

    For a true gent Andy who passed away January 2008 rest in peace miss you mate.

    About the author

    Born in the late 1960’s. Lives in Birmingham England.

    Started to write as therapy, well, so the author will joke when questioned.

    Other titles available

    A Dancer’s tale

    Samantha Wilkie

    Unprovoked fear

    Motionless thoughts

    Ode to my love

    Visit find me on twitter and

    Facebook fan page A Rhoden Lawrence the writer

    Toad (plural toads)

    1.An amphibian similar to a frog with bigger back legs and more ragged skin.

    2.A very unpleasant man.


    How do you help the lost? How do broken hearts get fixed?

    She is lost there is no way out, no knight in shining armour ready to whisk her away. Chrissie applies her eye makeup is on thicker than normal to hide the panda eyes. It is still painful each time she closes her eyes to see him in bed with her! Her eyes are red and puffy as she spontaneously bursts into tears. The fizz in her blue eyes dull, cold. She is wearing more make-up than she normally does, lipstick thick and dark red. One of the girls laughed at her eye make-up and asked why she wasn‘t told that it was a punk theme night, normally she would laugh, but she just cried again. Why does he want to hurt me so much? All I ever wanted was love!

    She tells her co-workers seeking understanding and comfort. Some are not sympathetic at all and think she is being fucking stupid. They won’t even try to understand why she is wasting her tears on this prick. Her self-esteem was shattered by him ages ago and when she got as low and pathetic as she could, needing him, he does this to her. Sitting in her pale green bra and matching French knickers, she slowly brushes her long straight brunette hair; she is chain-smoking again and has a sniff of coke to keep her going. She never used to do that shit until she met him.

    She did not do many things until she met him. This shitty job at the club for a start. She hates it, but he said it would be ok. He loves the cash she brings home and enjoys the holiday’s cars and drugs she gets for him. He does nothing to help her. If she is low on cash, he creates a scene then disappears for a couple of days. He does not look like someone who has starved while he is away. He is a... to coin the words of one of her mates a sweaty fat lazy fucker! She loves him more than anything; she has to be with him. She thinks she cannot cope without him, she needs him far more than he realises.

    Get a grip!

    She really should hurry up and get her arse down to the club area she just is in no mood. If it was not for the fact, she has to do it to survive she would not. This is her second job she has already done 8 hours on a hotel reception. Had a break of two hours then off gain for another 6 hours at the club. What is sleep? She blacks out most of the time. Normally when she gets home has a drink and if there is, any gear in the house consumes that too. She eats very little worried about putting weight on and losing customers and her boyfriend. He told her if she ever got fat or pregnant he would dump her. She is not fat she is emaciated. She checks her 5ft size zero frame again in the mirror. She has no cellulite unlike some here. The UV lights will pick it up if it is not concealed when you go on stage making your arse look like a Zebras. Her complexion is pale. Her breasts are small, nipples like a couple of bullets. She strokes them thinking about the last time they fucked, they never make love he tells her as he does not love her; she loves him which makes it all so sad. There is only one person that tells her she is beautiful yet she finds it hard to believe if she does not believe it herself, it is not her boy friend either.

    Her parents are worried as they can see their little girl fading away fast. What can anyone do to help her if she will not help herself? She lives too far from home for them to be of any help. She slips on her blue backless, sequined evening dress customised so the split on her left leg comes all the way to her hip. Looks in the mirror again touches up her makeup and inhales the last bit of her cigarette. She is the last one to leave the room. Chrissie lets out a sigh puts some gum in her mouth and exit is the quiet room filled with the mixed smells of perfumes and other beauty products the smell slowly dissipates as she approaches the club area. The muffled sounds of voices and music gets closer the further she walks down the corridor, which turns, into a blast of disorienting noise as soon as she opens the double doors into the club area.

    Chrissie puts on her best fake smile and wanders around; it is packed in the club, tonight not just with the punters. An unusual number of girls are working tonight. They are milling around taking tiny steps in their 7-inch heels and platforms, watching each trying to out manoeuvre each other to get dances. It is all she needs right now she is not in the mood. It is going to be tough to even make the money for her fee and cab fare home.

    Feeling deflated she sits down and is joined by her mate Sam Wilkie.[1] She understands what she is going though. Her boyfriend is the king of dickheads and cock sucking pricks. They talk she cries again and gets angry. The House mom is on the prowl and yells at her sort her shit out or go home! Chrissie hates the red headed bitch they all do. She cannot take her on, not tonight, no energy to argue or plead her case. She runs to the restroom and throws up, nothing but acid comes out she could not eat again today…then starts to cry again.

    Why does he want to hurt me like this? WHY?

    Chrissie says to Sam who is trying her best to calm her down. She calms down and returns to her seat in the stuffy crowded room. Kat Hubble brings her a drink of vodka and red bull and tells her she is too good to take shit from him. She should do what she does and sleep with women far less complications. Sam then tells Kat "Chrissie won’t suck your rancid pussy so stop hinting!" Kat and Sam laugh and it draws a smile on Chrissie face, she starts to laugh, and she needed that.

    [1] See novels A dancer’s tale and Samantha Wilkie

    Jake Guest

    Jake paid her a visit he always makes her feel better and special. She can never tell when he is being serious or if he is joking. He loves to tease all of the girls; his humour is far too clever for some of them. She felt bad for bawling again, when her asked her what’s up babe? he could see it in her eyes. The other fuckers

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