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Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast
Ebook60 pages39 minutes

Beauty and the Beast

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Happily marrieds experiment with BDSM to spice their sex life up and one night changes everything when a blindfolded and handcuffed wife gets more than she bargained for. Things don’t seem quite right between them and Jeff shudders to think she has been with another man. Loni does indeed have a secret to reveal that is utterly off Jeff’s radar. Can their relationship survive? Heat Level 2
Release dateJan 13, 2015
Beauty and the Beast


A new and different look at the Amicus, John Cole, former radio announcer and newspaper reporter.... and... father... which is why... A recent family reunion of fifteen grandchildren, eight boys, seven girls, reminds me of what life is all about. I have had a life many would aspire to, ran from an abusive step father at age twelve, joined the US Navy at seventeen, married at eighteen, a baby girl at nineteen. Toured Europe on a motorcycle, thus, “Natasha”, let Miss Canada drive my ‘57 T-Bird, the one with t hr port-holes, drove my little girl around in a ’58 Austin-Healy Mk 3000. Interviewed Joan Baez... Had Don Ho and his band as guests on my radio program many times. Built and sailed a boat from Miami into the Caribbean, cut down 1400 trees with a 32” Stihl saw as a logger and cut beef as a butcher... Been to Alaska, loved a Canadian girl and served fifteen months in Goose Bay, Labrador as an Air Force communications supervisor. But my six children have proven to be the greatest delight of all... hi guys... I have some life to share with you... Got arrested, along with a nineteen year old co-ed from the University of Hawaii, for painting a Pink line down the main street of Waikiki on St. Patrick’s day... Judge said had we painted it green... I loved my work as a DJ and radio and television talk show host, loved even more the newspaper reporting for high school sports, and play by play game broadcasting... and now I write naughty stories about all the girls I met and then some... in the hope of entertaining you for a while...

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Reviews for Beauty and the Beast

Rating: 4.17000014 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I hate to say that the Disney movie is a great improvement on this "original" version, with it's dream sequences and postscript of multiple chapters of narratively null contorted explanations for what happened and total disclaimed snobbery. I did love the Palace's television room, though that would bollix a dramatization in no time.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Beautiful illustrations, pop-ups. and 3D art telling the story of Beauty and the Beast by the first published author the tale. I enjoyed it. There are not as many villains in this version but Beauty agrees to take her father's place at the Beast's palace for the rose. Beauty must fall for the Beast to break the curse on him. His story is told and so is hers. I was a bit confused at times as no one has a name. Each person has a description of who she or he is but no names. This is my favorite fairy tale.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I'm not going to lie, I'm giving this 5 out of 5 stars simply because this book is so gorgeous. The illustrations are divine and the interactive elements are beautiful. I honestly can't recall the last time I was so bowled over by how pretty a book was. The text and story are quite different from what most people remember in the Disney version. The text in this book is used from one of the original French translations, so there are some big notable differences. Beauty has lots of siblings, there is no Gaston, no talking household items, lots of fairies, and trickery, and more. It's not bad, just different. The text can also be a little clunky, but I think that's due to the translation and time period it was written. Kids (and adults) will be enthralled enough in the illustrations and interactive elements to not care. A beautiful book that will light up any bookshelf.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    If you're expecting this story to resemble the Disney movie of the same name you will be thouroughly disappointed. This was so vastly different that I barely recognized the movie Disney made from it. That said, the tale is still a fun read and this edition especially. With the interactive elements and the lovely illustrations, this is the version I would tell people to go for. It enhances the story so, so much. I would recommend it. 5 out of 5 stars.

Book preview

Beauty and the Beast - Amicus



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4


The Author

Family Exotica

Taboo Erotica

Other Novels

Chapter 1

Still drawing in deep draughts of warm scented air, I turned my head and gently lay my cheek on her right breast.

I love you.

She lifted slightly and ran her fingers through my hair, I love you back.

She leaned and rested her head on the pillow again. We stayed that way for a few moments before Loni did her usual shift alongside me, her face on my left shoulder, her arm across me and my arm around her.

After six and a half years of marriage, Jeff, why is our loving still good and wonderful every time?

Cause I love you and I am still in love with you and your beautiful bod turns me on. You asked that about a month ago.

I did? Yeah, I did; and your answer was the same.

Something was a little different this night. I turned, sat up and pulled her on top of me, face down on my chest. After this long, we know each other. What is it?

Do you ever think about sleeping with someone else? I mean, there are a lot of younger, prettier girls out there, all looking. I see them put the eye on you whenever we go out. How does that make you feel?

No, babe, I don’t want anyone else; never have, never will.

But you look, I know you do.

Where is this going and what is the right thing to say—be honest?

I try not to look, babe, and you know it, my eyes just follow the T & A automatically; I can’t help it but I look away as soon as I realize it and you see me do it.

She buried her face in my neck and kissed me soft and long, I know you do and it makes me smile and then glare at the girl; but you really don’t think or fantasize about making love to someone else?

That was harder to answer and still keep truth right there, I can’t control my dreams, neither can you, I think. Sometimes a movie actress turns me on and if I have a hard time falling asleep, I guess I see her, kinda.


I blinked my eyes several times, looking for a way to close or continue the conversation. Suddenly a cold chill shot through me and my body went rigid.

Oh, God, no, Loni, please, tell me you haven’t been with another guy, Loni. It would kill me to think of another man holding you, kissing you, on top of you.

No! NO, no no no no no! Honey, you are all the man I want and that I will ever want, I don’t even look at other guys, not at all! Never! You just gotta believe me, I believe you!

I turned her to the side, wrapped myself firmly around her and cried into her neck. This is not me, I don’t cry, I am not emotional over things, what is this?

I’m sorry, I just had a flash of some man having sex with you; it was so vivid, so real, it hit me so hard. I’m really sorry, I don’t know why.

She cut in to stop my blabbering; I think, kissing my face everywhere and clinging to me tightly. No, Jeff, it’s me, I’m sorry. I am just in a crazy mood. It seems sometimes we are not moving on with our lives, just holding place and that our love is too. Like I always heard married sex would turn into, but ours hasn’t, has it?

No, Loni, it hasn’t and it won’t. Holding on after we made love tonight, I smiled and thought how wonderful we are together. Didn’t you feel that way too?

Quick answer.

"Yes, Jeff, the same way; most of our friends just live together and none as long as we have been married. The few that are married… it seems like they

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