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Fountains of Youth
Fountains of Youth
Fountains of Youth
Ebook552 pages7 hours

Fountains of Youth

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Hoping to unite their families, Leland Bale invites Simone St. John and her daughter, Rhiannon to join his family for a ten-day vacation at an historical mansion in Nyack, New York. His 30-yr old daughter, Kirsten is elated for him, but it is just the opposite for his youngest child, Lexi, who detests everything about Simone. As Leland attempts to soften the clash between the two, he has no idea that Lexi's outbursts are the result of a dark sexual secret. Also, in spite of the steamy sex, Simone is haunted by her late Haida grandmother. With an array of distinctive personalities, some outright colliding,and the added introduction of love interests for Rhiannon and Kirsten, this contemporary drama maintains a fresh look at love and sacred sex. Third & final installment - The Enlightened Erotica Series.
Release dateJun 29, 2012
Fountains of Youth

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    Fountains of Youth - D'Anna Duquesne

    Fountains of Youth

    Fountains of Youth


    D’Anna Duquesne







    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and situations are used fictitiously. Any similarities to persons living or dead (unless explicitly noted), events, or locales are merely coincidental.

    Excerpts from music lyrics (of diverse genres) are occasionally interspersed in the text. These are attributed explicitly.



    3131 RDU CENTER, SUITE 210


    ISBN: 978-1-257-38040-4

    Cover: Deviant Art







    The Latticed Gate

    A Day at the Print House





    Not written for, or intended for the sexually or morally challenged!

    The body is wiser than its inhabitants. The body is the soul. The body is God’s messenger.

    Erica Jong

    Dedicated to the goddesses and gods living amongst us! Also to my family and friends who allow me the freedom to slip away into that other world; the dimension of love.

    With gratitude! D.D.


    The Confession

    Seventeen year old Alexis Bale, aka Lexi, clad in a bright fuchsia and turquoise string bikini was near the infinity pool sunbathing on the deck at her father’s Santa Monica penthouse when he appeared on the deck.

    Dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a designer polo shirt, Leland Bale momentarily gazed at his daughter and wondered where the time had gone. She had grown up too fast. It wasn’t that she was pretty, or that she had the kind of body men were apt to fall over themselves gawking at, but that his youngest daughter seemed to have transformed overnight.

    As if sensing his presence, she shaded her eyes with her hand and looked in his direction.

    I just got off the phone with your mom, he began. She immediately rolled her eyes. You want to change schools? He looked at her confused. She shrugged her shoulders indifferently. It’s your senior year?

    I want to go to public school, she flatly stated.

    No, he quickly objected. Why? As he awaited an answer she remained quiet. What about swim team?

    I won’t be swimming this year!

    Why not? What happened? he asked perplexed.

    I want to go to Palisades.

    No! It came out firm, followed by a frown as he took a seat across from her on a deck chair; his eyes intense.

    Dad, she whined.

    You’ve been in the best private schools all of your life, we’re not letting you go to public school now!

    You’re just like Mom! She angrily snapped and abruptly stood grabbing her towel and beach wrap only to walk away.

    Lexi! He called towards her but she ignored him and went into the penthouse. Leland followed her inside.

    Lexi? he called her name just as he heard her bedroom door slam. He approached her bedroom and lightly knocked but didn’t wait for her to answer before entering.

    What? Now I can’t have any privacy? It was belligerently sarcastic. She angrily gazed at him while pulling the wrap over her bathing suit.

    I was talking to you…

    …at me, Dad! You were talking at me! It’s my life! I’m old enough to make decisions about my life!

    Bullshit! You’re seventeen!

    In four months I’ll be an adult…then I can drop out if I want to, she said with attitude.

    Drop out? Where the hell is that coming from? She remained defiantly quiet. Leland shook his head. Dropping out is not an option, he said resolved.

    If you and Mom force me to go back, when I turn eighteen it will be! She postured, turning her back to him as if she had voiced the final word.

    Ignoring him, she sat at her desk and opened her laptop and turned it on. As she commenced to navigating to her Facebook page, Leland approached and slammed the computer closed.

    Dad! she yelled.

    Save the attitude for your mother!

    As they stared at each other in a standoff, his eyes were intense and the way his jaw tightened his anger was obvious.

    Lexi nervously shook her leg.

    Why do you care anyway? She yelled frustrated.

    What kind of question is that? I care because I’m your father and I love you! As he gazed at her frown, it was apparent she was erecting walls to keep him out. He slowly exhaled. Let’s start over, he began calmly, what’s wrong with your school? All your friends are there…

    They’re not my friends! She huffed.

    "What? Since when?"

    They’re sketchy! All of them! They’re fake and stupid!

    Leland studied her willfulness. Everything she was saying seemed to be coming from left field.

    That’s new, he offered, when did they become sketchy?

    Never mind!

    No, Lexi, what’s going on? He sat on the edge of her bed concerned. It amazed him how a person so young could be so hardened. Talk to me?

    It’s not important!

    Like hell it isn’t! It’s your senior year and you don’t want to go back? That’s major! Do you realize how hard it is to change schools in your senior year?

    Shelf the lecture, Dad, I’ve already heard it from Mom, she stated while glaring.

    Is that why you’ve been giving her so much shit lately? he frowned trying to ascertain her motives.

    She shrieked incredulous.

    "She said that? What about her? He frowned puzzled as she continued. Is my shit any different than hers…or yours for that matter? her voice challenged. You both messed up my life!"

    Leland stared at her pensively.

    Would you have had us stay together and be unhappy?

    What about me…my happiness? she whined. Did either of you even once think about how I would feel?

    Leland felt the sting. He buried his forehead in his hand and sighed. He was slow to look up at her.

    Me and your mother…your happiness was all I thought about! Do you remember? Five years ago you begged me to stay and I did…it was over then! He paused only to exhale loudly. Cara, the Italian term of endearment was soft, I know our divorce wasn’t what you wanted, but we’ve tried to make this an easy transition for you."

    Easy? Easy for me? she retorted harshly. "Nine months, Dad! Mom remarried nine months after the divorce! Do you think living with my Mom and a stepfather is easy?" she caustically posed.

    He blew out a breath and once again buried his face in the palm of his hand as his daughter studied him.

    And what about you? I’m not blind! Or deaf! I’ve heard you on the phone, I see how your demeanor changes, who is she? Is there a stepmother in my future? Her tone was mordant.

    Leland stared at her in disbelief.

    You’re eavesdropping on my phone calls? he asked with harsh disappointed eyes. He silently stood and walked toward the door.

    Great Dad! Walk away! It was sarcastic. "You and Mom are just alike! Why should I tell either of you anything when you can’t tell me anything?" she challenged.

    He stopped dead still, but remained silent with his back to her for several long seconds only to slowly turn around. His piercing gaze was accompanied by a meticulous nod.

    You want to know? His penetrating eyes challenged. I’m in love with her… His demeanor was intense yet sincere.

    Lexi’s face contorted tight at his unexpected confession. Her eyes mirrored shock. Leland instantly tried to allay her sense of betrayal.

    What would you have me do, Alexis? Stop living?

    "Not fall in love! she yelled. Go away! Leave me alone!" She turned to her computer as her eyes watered.

    Leland studied her for a few seconds. Realizing they both needed some space, he finally exited the room, closing the door.

    Lexi remained paralyzed. Blood was rushing to her face. She felt as if he had slapped her. In love with her? First her mother and now her father? How could they do this to her? At that moment she didn’t know what to feel. She wanted to hate both of them! Her parents were so consumed with their own lives, she had become but a detail lost in the shuffle! Thoughts assaulted her senses.

    Who was this anonymous woman her father talked to, laughed with, teased and whispered to on the phone late into the night? Yes, she had eavesdropped! Why wouldn’t she? At times his conversations hinged on the serious, yet replete with sexual innuendo. And as she had listened, everything inside of her had hoped it wasn’t true! The last thing her Forbes-listed father needed was a gold digger!

    Lexi shrank as the tears slipped from her eyes and rolled down her face. Her heart was breaking! Not her father, the man whose love, like a permanent fixture, fed her security. The pain she felt was worse than when her mother re-married, it even lessened the sneering gossips that had plagued her when she was at school.

    Some random woman had stolen her father’s heart! She could see it in his eyes, in his stance, but hearing it in his voice, in his own words from his very mouth was like a branding iron searing her soul.

    Leland was reeling. He stepped outside onto the deck and stood at the railing and gazed out at the horizon and the wide expanse of the Pacific Ocean. With him perched high atop the high-rise, Santa Monica was alive bustling with residents and the normal weekend tourists, but it was all a murmuring din as his mind somersaulted in a jumble of thoughts.

    Shit, that hadn’t gone well! It wasn’t how he wanted to tell her. She was still trying to process her mother’s abrupt marriage and telling her about Simone only added to her distress. Waiting had seemed his only option, but her in-his face attitude had prompted his honesty. He had let her bait him, forcing him to reveal his hand, but it was that pained look of duplicity on her face that was indicting him.

    As he sighed, his mind was quickly scrambling upright.

    Okay, so it wasn’t how he wanted to approach it, but it was out; they’d have to pick up the pieces.

    Bottom line, Lexi and Simone needed to meet. Yet, the word repeated in his mind. Stepmother.

    If Alexis Bale was nothing else she was astute! A stepmother was very likely to be the case. It was certainly what he wanted. Somewhere along the way Simone would eventually agree to marry him; although she kept the idea as a distant prospect on a far horizon. She wasn’t ready to make such a formal commitment, even though she had committed to be his woman.

    He allowed his thoughts to drift. It had only been three days since she had left and he was already feeling out of sorts. He hated putting her on the plane, but her father’s worsening health had prompted the unexpected trip.

    With Simone he felt stable; at the moment everything seemed askew. He was missing her, everything about her; her voice, her laughter, her easy-going nature, her touch, her femininity, her love, her sensuality and that wickedly tempting body. Their sex was off the chart.

    He blanched as he gave thought to what Lexi actually might have heard him say on the phone. In fact, just last night their conversation was racy. He had been quite explicit as to what he wanted to do to Simone and have her do to him. They were two extremely sexual individuals; a perfect match to each others bodies, both bringing a plethora of combined sexual skills into the bedroom.

    Damnit! Lexi would turn his love and desire for Simone into her own personal drama in an attempt to pit one against the other! As much as he loved his daughter, he still needed a woman; he needed Simone! He needed her love. Feeling her naked body meshed with his, in her arms, with her legs wrapped around him, while he pumped his sex into her, he felt every bit a man. Their relationship felt organic, like peas in a pod. Yet, it wasn’t just her sensual sexuality, Simone was a complete woman on every level and when together, she had a way of making him step up his game.

    He sighed. It wasn’t remotely a conversation he could have with his seventeen year old daughter.

    At the moment, it was Lexi’s mother, Lisa, who Leland held culpable. The last five years of their seventeen year marriage, the sex had been sacrificed. She barely tolerated his need for sex; wanting nothing to do with him. And it faded month after month, dragging into what seemed like long endless years. He had exhausted his efforts, but in truth, a nearly sexless marriage had left him dormant; until Simone St. John. One day she appeared in his life and it was straight up resurrection! Lazarus rising from the dead!

    Now that he had found her, he couldn’t give her up; he wouldn’t let her go in spite of his symbiotic-like relationship with Lexi. Yet, as he considered Lexi’s words, he felt responsible for her current willful state of mind. Marriage, relationships and family could be very complicated. As Leland gave thought to Lexi and Simone, bringing the two together amicably was already presenting a problem.

    Re-entering the house, he went to the bar and poured himself a double scotch. He needed a strategy. He considered calling Lisa, but in truth, it was Simone’s voice he wanted to hear. After downing half of the glass, Lexi, like a vulpine, entered the room and held out her phone to him. He merely stared at her.

    It’s Kirsten, she said indifferently.

    Realizing her deed, annoyance quickly flashed to his eyes.

    You told her? he asked tersely. She said nothing but looked at him challengingly. That wasn’t your place, Alexis! his deep voice barked as he took the phone from her and exhaled heavily before placing it to his ear.

    She had no right to tell you, he said into the phone, his eyes heatedly gazing at Lexi. But his oldest daughter’s voice was calm.

    "Dad, Nonna told me you were seeing someone, he listened to her say, if it’s love, I’m happy for you."

    Leland gazed in blank disbelief. It hadn’t been two weeks since he and Simone had flown to San Francisco to meet his mother and sisters. He hadn’t expected them to keep silent about the relationship, but he had made it clear that he hadn’t told the girls and they should hear it from him. Now his mother had trumped him. If word was spreading like a wildfire through his family he wondered how Kirsten knew and not Lexi. He was prepared to call a truce.

    What? Lexi grilled as if she was suddenly out of the loop.

    Her tone and attitude rubbed him the wrong way.

    This isn’t a three-way conversation, he addressed her coldly and waited for her to give him some space. Instead, she obstinately remained standing in front of him with a smirk on her face. Kirsten…let me call you back, he said into the phone never taking his eyes off Lexi.

    Dad, no! Don’t hang up! she blared into the phone.

    Are you going to stand over me, he posed to Lexi.

    Dad! Kirsten’s voice cracked through the receiver.

    What? he curtly asked.

    Go outside!

    Hell no! Why should he walk away in his own house? But Lexi wasn’t budging. Her presence was taxing. It was obvious she wanted a confrontation and he was but a breath from taking her on.

    Dad, are you there? the voice scratched through the line.

    Leland coolly placed the phone close to his ear, but it in no way diminished the stare-down between him and Lexi.

    Yeah, he said into the phone.

    She’s trying to bring you to her level, you’re better than that!

    His harsh eyes tightened before he finally stood. Lexi remained defiant as her father went outside. He took a deep breath before speaking into the phone.

    Nonna wasn’t supposed to tell you… he began.

    She didn’t tell me anything, really…only that you had been there with a friend…I figured the rest out. My father doesn’t bring women who are friends to meet his family! Kirsten cracked. He quietly laughed.

    You think like your old man!

    He taught me well!

    Your sister must have been absent that day!

    Dad! It’s your life! Don’t let her manipulate you! You found someone and she needs to get over it! Kirsten said objectively.

    He smiled; his oldest daughter understood him a lot better than his youngest.

    She’s jealous and… Kirsten went noticeably quiet.

    And what?

    She thinks she’s a…gold digger!

    He laughed heartily. They had no clue. His mood instantly shifted dissipating his initial anger.

    That doesn’t sound like a vote of confidence for the old man… he quipped.

    No! he heard her exclaim. "Those were her words, I don’t think that! You’ve never walked into anything blindly! Besides, Lexi may say that, but it’s not money, its control, she thinks because you’re in love, you’ll be manipulated…"

    Leland grunted at the suggestion.

    "Kirsten…first of all, she’s not after my money! She’s financially sound on her own! She doesn’t need my money! he offered. Secondly, she doesn’t make demands like that…our relationship is pretty equal…it’s one of the reasons why I love her."

    Feeling at ease with his oldest daughter, he stretched out on one of the lounge chairs and relaxed.

    You sound happy…I don’t think I’ve ever heard you this happy, she tendered.

    She’s everything I want…I’m very happy. They shared a few seconds of silence before Kirsten spoke up.

    What’s her name?

    Leland sighed heavily. Simone…Simone St. John.

    "The writer?" his daughter shrieked into the phone.

    You know who she is? He was surprised.

    I have her books! He raised his brows as he tucked his lower lip into his mouth, only to blow out a breath. "Have you read her books?" his daughter inquired.

    He was cautiously slow to respond.

    A few, he said nonchalantly but guarded.

    "Babies in the Garden?" she threw out in a hushed tone.


    Before or after you met?

    After. What exactly are you digging for, Kirsten, he smiled, …what do you want to know?


    Bullshit! He laughed reading her thoughts. I didn’t know who she was when we met…the reading came after.

    I don’t what to say…I’m speechless!


    Simone St. John! She’s nothing like Lisa…or Mom?

    Leland was reflective.

    It was true. Simone was nothing like the two women he had married. If there was any common thread, all three women were beautiful, confident, and independent, but that was where the commonality ended.

    Simone was a Canadian stunner with long, perfectly shaped legs on a five-foot, eight inch frame designed with the kind of curves that made men stare. With an ethnically mixed heritage which she proudly embraced, she was more outwardly reserved than either of his ex-wives and additionally, unlike them, she was for the most part sexually uninhibited.

    She could be down-to-earth gritty and a class act at the same time. She was a warrior at heart and phenomenally loving. She could be extreme opposites posted at either pole while navigating a single spectrum and it made her one of the most fascinating women he knew.

    How long have you been seeing her? Kirsten’s voice probed pulling him from his muse.

    It’s a long story…next time you’re in town, I’ll share it with you over a bottle of wine, he hedged.

    He relaxed back onto the chaise as they continued to talk.

    He felt Lexi’s eyes on him. She had been watching him the entire time, presumably irritated that he was enjoying talking to his eldest child. If she wanted to play jealous he was determined not to be affected.

    *   *   *   *   *   *   *  

    The following night, Sal, Leland’s oldest and best friend met him for dinner in the restaurant of the San Antonio Winery. It was a familiar stomping ground for both men; in fact there were many North Beach transplants that frequented the establishment.

    Upon bringing Sal up to speed, it didn’t surprise Leland when Sal suggested they tackle it together as one big family.

    Sure, why not? Growing up in the Italian section of San Francisco that was how he and Sal had done everything.

    What are you thinking? Leland asked grinning.

    Zio Berto’s turning eighty next month. The family is throwing a party at the Four Seasons in New York. Me and Keaton and Tori are renting the place in upstate New York for ten days, all of you should come?

    Leland appeared to ponder his words. Certainly, the family theme made it a bonafide occasion. He smiled wryly.

    There’s more than enough room… Sal continued, his eyes expectant. Leland stared considering.

    The estate on the Hudson? He finally inquired. Sal gestured one and the same. You still have those connections?

    I got the boat and Gennaro got the gig! Sal smiled. What about it…you, Frisco, Kirsten and Lex?

    Leland frowned as he gave thought to the group.

    "Fratello, Sal easily slipped into Italian. …it’s neutral turf. The females you love…it’s the only solution!"

    Leland studied him hard and addressed him back in Italian.

    I thought Tori didn’t like Keaton? He lifted his brow.

    It’s awkward…but she’s getting better. It’s New York and Zio Berto! Sal grinned. Do you think either one is going to turn down a trip to New York? Ten days, all expenses paid?

    Leland shook his head; Sal could be smoothly persuasive and very calculating. The man with the seasoned face and generous eyes continued in their native tongue.

    I thought we’d relax in Nyack, cruise the Hudson, the girls could kayak, we could go into the City a few times…if we’re lucky catch some music like old times…? He winked. And the ladies are already consumed with shopping…

    Leland smiled at his friend. In all these years, and in spite of the tragic end to his twenty-two year marriage, Sal hadn’t missed a step with the women.

    "Come with us… bring your daughters and your lady…we’ll do family style! That’s what you want…the end result…famiglia!"

    Leland pondered it for several days before jumping in feet first. He had suggested to Simone that she also invite her twenty-one year old daughter, Rhiannon. Simone was reluctant, especially after calling his house a few days after he had decided to go forward with the idea only to hear Lexi’s voice on the other end of the phone.

    His youngest daughter’s icy disposition towards her had made her suspicious enough to question him. It was only at that point that he had relayed his conversation with Lexi.

    That’s not good, she had droned. She’s going to fight for you, tooth and nail. And I’m the enemy!

    Leland tried to allay her concerns but was making little headway, yet he kept at it. Simone actually remained non-committal for two weeks before his easy-going and charming persistence finally coaxed her into agreeing. But even then, committing was contingent on her father’s recovery.

    Two weeks later, when Kirsten came to visit and both of his daughters understood that Simone was in the mix, Leland simply laid out the truth: that he had an affair with her while he was still married to Lexi’s mother.

    It was ill-advised, even he had been hesitant. But he had grown weary of the hiding as if what he and Simone had done was so scandalous it was irreparable.

    In some circles, perhaps it was; two people cheating on their spouses was judged and talked about, but in their business, with close working relationships and associations, it was commonplace. Producers, directors, actors, writers, it was the same fallout; media outlets sensationalized the liaisons like fodder to be exposed and strung up on a flagpole at high noon to the scrutinizing eyes of a hungry and judgmental public.

    Fuck that, Leland thought. He didn’t regret it. Simone loved him and he loved her. He wasn’t worried about their reputations, certainly not his. People had been filling in the blanks of who he was for as long as he could remember, yet very few people knew the true Leland Bale. As far as Simone, she was already fielding people’s preconceived perceptions of her, it simply added to her mystique.


    Love in Motion

    Leland was quite dapper for a man in his mid-fifties. Dressed in a light gray polo shirt and an off white pair of poplin khakis, every detail of his attire was sharp down to his Christian Dior light gray-white suede and calf-skin trimmed cap-toe sneakers.

    He was glad he had kept Brian’s card.

    It had been nearly a year since that Friday he was in New York. The weather had been wickedly cold; icy rain coming down in sheets. His meeting with the distribution arm of CBS Television had gone well. Having launched his new company, he found it to be in his best interest to keep his contact base fluid. Slipping into the limo that morning as if he had ordered it had caught the driver off guard. Thankfully, Brian had just emptied the vehicle of its clients and hadn’t pulled away. Leland hired him on the spot. The aspiring entrepreneur remained in his employ throughout the last two days of his trip.

    Leland’s stay in lower Manhattan at the Ritz-Carlton had been relaxing, but it was his bleak evening view of the New York harbor, the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island that made his thoughts drift to Simone. The fact that she had made a choice and it wasn’t him had plagued him. Being in a hotel suite surrounded by water pumped his mind with images of her and the time they had spent in San Francisco; sexual images entwined around his heart.

    When Brian dropped him off at the Ritz, Leland instructed him to return in two hours. After taking care of some business, they shared dinner at a friend’s family-owned pizzeria in the Bronx. Brian was guardedly quiet but when they left the restaurant, he appeared comfortable with Leland’s business-like interest in him.

    As Leland thought back, what he remembered most was that the young man had reminded him of himself when he was in his late twenties; ambitious.

    Now, as Leland gazed at familiar sites, the limo snaked south. He spun a champagne bottle amidst the tingling cubes in an ice bucket and grabbed a small throw pillow and feeling its soft texture, he relaxed into the soft, plush leather seat taking in the New York countryside as he gave thought to his daughter, Lexi.

    She had seemed okay when he left; he hoped she’d remain that way. His ambivalence over having told her about Simone was no longer an issue. As he gave thought to his confession about the affair, in truth, the admission had been freeing. He wasn’t the kind of man that flinched over other people’s opinions.

    Actually, he had Rhiannon to thank.

    Perhaps he wouldn’t have been as forthcoming had she not asked her mother point blank about the affair. Simone had spilled everything. She wouldn’t lie, not after what her ex had done.

    As he gazed out of the car window, he was confident it had been the right course. It was best for both families that they present a clean slate; especially now that he was seeking to cement their future together.

    *   *   *   *   *   *   *

    Walking through JFK airport, Simone St. John was already getting double-takes.

    She appeared at least ten years younger than her forty-five years. Although her black pin-striped business suit was conservative with the skirt’s hem lined just above the knee, it wasn’t simply that she was exotically pretty, but her mystery coupled with quiet sensuality caused people to stare.

    If there was any flair in her garb it was the sheer, pink and black polka-dot blouse under her jacket and those black, strappy, Tudor, Jimmy Choo sandaled heels. With her hair upswept in a conservative French roll, her reserved demeanor expressed quiet confidence. No one except maybe Leland knew the degree to which she was internally stressed. He had arrived in New York yesterday, but she wouldn’t see him until she made her way upstate.

    Meeting his daughters made her uneasy. Actually, it wasn’t so much thirty-year old, Kirsten, but rather, seventeen year-old, Lexi, who presently was preoccupying her mind.

    Lexi had made her feelings known in regards to the new woman in his life; and their affair. As Simone thought about it, that Leland had been so candid was surprising. Just six months ago he had blown up at his personal assistant, whose snooping had uncovered enough information to cause speculation amongst his employees. That she had gossiped had made Leland livid.

    Simone sighed. People simply thrived on dirt; especially in the film business!

    At least their families knew and for the most part had dealt with it. Simone was happy Rhiannon would be joining them in Nyack and she wouldn’t have to keep her and Leland’s past on the down low. As far as Simone was concerned, after everything Rhiannon had endured, the newly turned twenty-one year old shouldn’t be burdened or saddled with anymore secrets.

    She exhaled.

    Secrets, lies and illicit sex. That’s what had caused all the problems in the first place.

    Four years ago, her ex-husband, Rick, had begged their daughter’s silence when she discovered he was leading a double life. Until a few months ago, Rick, who had been married to her for twenty-one years, had also been married to Claire Bowden for seventeen years and in fact, had a daughter with Claire, who was a mere three years younger than Rhiannon.

    It still unnerved her.

    Rhiannon had been sixteen when her father swore her to secrecy. The overwhelming guilt had adversely affected their mother-daughter relationship, to the point where her daughter had shut down. But even worse, at sixteen, Rhiannon had attempted suicide. That one fact; that her daughter had nearly died because of her father’s idiocy could still set her off.

    What he had done dwarfed her cheating on him. Rhiannon had kept the secret for almost four years while her bigamist father manipulated and played her like a pawn. The only good thing that had come out of it was that her relationship with Rhiannon had blossomed. And now, she was adamant that she wouldn’t compromise it by hiding anything else, even though Leland’s admission was certain to put him in a bad light with his daughters, especially his youngest. And as expected, it did.

    Why Leland thought having them all meet on neutral ground would help, Simone questioned. Yet, she was commiserate in the fact that Keaton, Sal’s girlfriend of eight months, who she had yet to meet, was dealing with a similar situation, sans the affair, with his twenty year old daughter, Tori; also icy towards her father’s new paramour.

    At first, Leland’s suggestion to invite Rhiannon wasn’t an idea Simone even remotely weighed. Perhaps it was for moral support, but at the last minute, with Rhiannon’s summer quickly coming to an end as her fall college semester was to start in three weeks, she invited her. Although she wouldn’t arrive for several days, it was Rhiannon’s suggestion to drive to New York from Philadelphia where she was visiting a male friend, or in Rhiannon’s words, ‘a male friend with benefits’.

    Simone smiled at the thought. For the first time they had a completely open relationship, they discussed everything like two close girlfriends.

    As she waited for her luggage on the carousel, she glanced up toward the exit doors and saw a limo driver holding a placard that read: S. St. John.

    Leland had wanted to meet her at JFK but Kirsten had booked her flight into LaGuardia at the same time. It was Simone’s idea to make her way to the estate on the Hudson River giving him some private time with Kirsten.

    Leland hadn’t been happy with the proposal, especially since it was a closer distance and Kirsten was old enough to make her way, but she insisted that he be there for his daughter.

    His compromise was to send a car to pick her up.

    Spotting her suitcase, Simone pulled it off the circling carousel and wheeled it towards the driver.

    Ms. St. John? he inquired courteously. She nodded. Let me get that for you, the attractive, thirtyish driver with tawny skin and deep set eyes said as he took possession of her bag and wheeled it out to a waiting black, stretch limousine.

    Typically Leland, she thought! His tastes leaned toward the expensive, but for Simone growing up on a horse ranch, the luxury car was way more than what she required. Still, it was sweet. She watched the driver as he situated the bag in the trunk. Suddenly the back door of the limo opened and Leland stepped out grinning.

    Leland! What are you doing here?

    His perfectly etched face was animated as he hugged her. In spite of her puzzlement, she was excited to see him. She had said goodbye to him in L.A. three weeks ago.

    Her father on Vancouver Island had been in and out of the hospital with a bevy of tests on his heart and they had discovered that he needed a pacemaker. And in truth, there were some scary moments that made her question whether she’d be able to make the trip at all.

    As it was, she flew into Chicago and had advantageously taken a morning meeting with her literary agent after arriving from Victoria yesterday. She had dinner with friends and spent the night. Her flight to New York was uneventful except her wandering mind.

    She gazed at Leland and tried not to ogle. He looked fresh and debonair; the silver hair at his temples only made him more attractive. Twisting her mouth, she bit the edge of her lower lip to settle the desire riveting through her body; truth be told, he was beautiful. His style, even when casual was always dashingly groomed.

    Simone exhaled to calm her racing heart. She bashfully brought her hand to her mouth and looked down coyly, hoping that she wouldn’t appear like one of his groupies even though the sight of him was making her melt.

    Leland stood back and studied her; his magnetic eyes filled with attraction. He pulled her to him and embraced her again appearing to suck in her redolence. He kissed her neck.

    At last I’m holding you, he whispered in her ear, I’ve missed your scent, you smell nice, he complimented.

    Simone smiled demurely as he held the door open and watched her climb into the car. The driver closed the door behind him and they instantly had privacy.

    She looked around the inside and suddenly looked at him.

    Isn’t this a tad over the top? she referenced the spacious interior as she raised a brow.

    Not for what I have in mind, he cheesed. You look good. His eyes tightened pleasurably while his deep voice sent chills through her.

    "’En you," she said provocatively.

    I like it when you speak Canadian, he laughed as she twisted her face.

    I thought Kirsten…

    …She changed her flight and flew in last night…I thought I’d surprise you.

    Simone immediately wrapped her arms around him and held onto him and exhaled. Embracing him had a way of settling her nerves.

    Peeling her arms from around him, he kissed her hands.

    How was your flight?

    It wasn’t too bad…considering, her brows furled as she softly eyed him.

    Stop stressing about this, the back of Leland’s hand caressed her face. Get comfortable…with traffic we have about a forty-minute drive.

    Taking a breath, she slipped out of her jacket as he grabbed one of her long, bare legs and caressed it, only to begin undoing the strap of her shoe.

    Nice shoes, he glinted as he slipped it off her foot and grabbed the other foot, removing the other shoe as well. He brought a foot to his mouth and tenderly kissed it. A breath escaped her mouth as she withdrew her foot bending her knee back towards her body.

    His eyes instantly zeroed in on her black lace panties.

    She flushed at the wolfish desire in his eyes. Leland!

    You know you’re going to have everything off in about two minutes? His intense and unwavering gaze was accompanied by a seductive smile. He reached over to a bar and grabbed the freshly opened bottle of Cristal and poured them both flutes.

    The driver can see, she began, but he cut her off.

    No, it’s closed off…he’s been given instructions. He winked.

    After sipping the champagne, he put his glass down and scooted close to her. He watched her take several sips and took the glass from her and after securing it in a glass holder, he began to unbutton her blouse.

    I like this fabric, its soft, he said removing her blouse only to stare at her black lacey bra and her cleavage.


    I need you woman…now!

    She watched as he ran one of his hands along the swells protruding from her underwire bra. Reaching his hand into the cup, he removed a breast. His mouth was immediately on it.

    Simone whirred in anticipated ecstasy. She wanted him as much as he wanted her; there was no point in playing coy.

    Her hand easily slid over the erection being held in place by his pants. She unbuckled his belt, undid his pants and rubbed her hand over his underwear along its length. Leland kissed her as she reached into his underwear and liberated his beautifully perfect penis, caressing it with her hand. Simone loved his dick! As she bent over to take it in her mouth, he pulled her upright and shook his head.

    Uh uh, he grinned, I go first.

    They were barely out of JFK proper before she suddenly found herself completely naked in the back of the limo.

    With Leland seated and still pretty much dressed save his freed dick, he had her positioned upside down with the top of her head grazing a pillow on the floor, her legs tucked over his shoulders, her back pressing into his torso and his face in her pussy; and he was licking her like she was a refreshing ice cream on a summer day.

    Simone moaned and wiggled with satisfying delight as his flawless mouth navigated all of her pleasure zones.

    She loved his tongue on her pussy, it wasn’t simply that it felt good, or that it was familiar, but his tongue made her feel regal, queenly, as if there was no other pussy like hers. His tongue was patient and aggressive, intensely focused and it felt like he was getting as much out of it as she was and at present, he was seconds away from bringing

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