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Pirates of the Aurora
Pirates of the Aurora
Pirates of the Aurora
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Pirates of the Aurora

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About this ebook

The Pirates of the Aurora is a collection of four short stories. The First Contact, Pirates of the Aurora, Felinae Bed Time Story and Forgotten Hero’s.
The First Contact is a story about the first encounter between the Felinae and the Garuda. The Felinae, a cat being, encounter the Garuda, a being with wings, the head, and feet of a bird with a body, arms, and hands of a human. Their encounter starts a battle between the two and badly disables the Felinae ship.
The Pirates of the Aurora is a pirate story about to orphans, who were raised by Felinae pirates, as they strike out on their own against the Garuda while searching for the one Garuda who was responsible for the massacre of their families.
Felinae Bed Time Story is a story that a Felinae father tells his small children about a group of children who go in search of a Garuda that supposedly lives on the mountain next to their homes.
Forgotten Hero’s is a story about a Felinae and his struggle to free the Felinae from the rule of the Garuda.
Release dateMay 16, 2015
Pirates of the Aurora

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    Pirates of the Aurora - Cecil Cory

    Pirates of the Aurora

    Pirates of the Aurora


    Cecil Ian Cory


    Version 1.3

    Copyright © 2015 Cecil I Cory / Lulu Press

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-329-14070-7

    This work is licensed under the Creative

    Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

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    I wish to thank several people for their help and understanding.

    First, to Eugene Fitzgerald for his help in proof reading this story for me. It has been a great help in completing it.

    Next to my Mom and Dad for their support and belief that I could do almost anything I wanted to do.

    Last, but not least to my wife Karen who has kept me going when I felt I could not go any longer.

    Other Stories by Cecil I Cory

    A Walk in the Sun

    Atlantis Conspiracy

    Einhejar Warriors

    Escape from Regales Two

    Transfer Station 261

    Assault on an Empress

    Darnel’s Revenge

    Stories in the Twin Suns series

    The Twin Suns

    In Search of the Twin suns

    One Last Battle for the Twin Suns

    To Walk in our Fathers Footsteps

    A Meeting with the Federation

    The New Worlds

    Creators of the Towers

    Professor La Forge’s Sabbatical

    First Contact Chapter One

    The ten massive ships hung in the blackness of space. Shuttles slowly passed between the stations and the ships finishing the last of the loading of provisions to sustain the tens of thousands colonists onboard each ship. The Felinae had already expanded to the three inhabitable planets in their system and the Alphas wanted to expand further out into the universe. Their technology located six neighboring star systems with planets within the inhabitable zones. For seven years, they had waited to hear from the first explorer colonists that were sent out to the six neighboring star systems. During this time, they built the ten massive ships to take more colonists to new worlds. Each ship designed as a self-contained biosphere integrated with ships propulsion. Ships propulsion provided the heating, cooling, and lighting needed to sustain the ten-thousand crew colonists in the biosphere and the biosphere would supply food, water, and atmosphere for the inhabitants of the ship.

    The five-year journey was at last to begin. Conformation that five of the first expeditions arrived at their destinations and that they found habitable planets, was received. They found that two of the neighboring star systems held sentient life forms with limited space capability. The technology that the species inhabiting these systems possessed, posed little threat to the Felinae. The star system inhabited by the Reptilian and Nāga were at war with each other. This system would be monitored to make sure they were not a threat to the Felinae. If they became a treat, the Felinae would step in and take control over the warring factions. The Fenrir system, which was more advanced than the other ones, was already venturing out of their star system. Contact with them had happened before and after a short war, the Fenrir systems surrendered to the Felinae. Contact was made with the Reptilian and Nāga and warnings given to them that if the Felinae were attacked they would not hesitate to retaliate. The Felinae felt that with their advanced technology they could subdue any of the planets that the three species controlled.

    For the last year, the colonist lived and worked onboard the ships making sure that the ships were capable of sustaining them for the next five to six years if needed. The advancements in their technology let them travel through space between each of their suns planetary system with ease. New drives technology and advancement in power generation would bring this venture from the six years it took the first expeditions to four years. One hundred thousand Felinae were ready to set out to new worlds.

    The last explorer ship, the Dark Sky, moved out of deep space and slowed as it approached the habitable zone of the new system. They had spent seven years reaching this system because of the problems with the ships prototype drives. Of the one thousand crewmembers, only four hundred and fifty still survived after the attack from the unknown ships. Their belief that they were the only highly technical, intelligent beings in space was forever changed. Their crippled ship slowed as it entered the outer limits of the inhabitable zone. Their communications arrays destroyed and only makeshift receivers working, they monitored the approaching system carefully trying to detect any communication or other forms of intelligence radiated from the system and found nothing. As they approached the system, they found three planets within the habitable zone with one looking as if it could sustain life. The closest one was a frozen ice ball. The furthest was two small, it being the size of one of their largest moons that orbited their home planet, it would not be able to sustain life as they knew it to exist.

    Six massive ships suddenly appeared around them then smaller ships streamed out from the sides of the six ships that looked like small bugs as they moved into attack formation. Alpha Commander Copper Paw, of the Felinae ship Dark Sky, sounded general quarters and the remaining ten small reconnaissance research ships were launched. Alpha Commander Copper Paw looked towards the Felinae working at the communication console. He could see him trying to locate any recognizable communication. The Felinae looked towards the Alpha Commander and shook his head no. Alpha commander Copper Paw looked at the displays showing the smaller ships as they approached.

    Find me a communication channel. Alpha commander Copper Paw exclaimed.

    Some chirping sounds came over the ships systems and the Alpha looked towards the sound then at the Felinae working the communication equipment.

    That is the best I can find. It is strong and transmitting close by.

    What is that chirping sound? The Second Alpha asked.

    You didn’t expect that they would all speak our language did you. Open a channel for me.

    Transmitters still out.

    Contact our reconnaissance ships on light and tell them to hold position. They are not to move unless I tell them. Contact reconnaissance ship one and have them relay our communication to the approaching craft.

    They have acknowledged and are holding their position. The communications Alpha replied. I am picking up the same sound on the light bands.

    Put it on my speaker.

    The chirping sound suddenly appeared on his speakers. He put a claw on one of the buttons and pushed.

    This is Alpha Commander Copper Paw. We are on a peaceful exploration mission and mean you no harm. However, if we are fired upon we will defend ourselves. He said. Then the first of the smaller reconnaissance ships exploded as it turned to face a group of the other ships. A second reconnaissance ship exploded as it turned to face another group of ships.

    Open fire. Alpha commander Copper Paw said.

    The battered Felinae ship moved towards the inhabitable planet trailing debris in its path. The six massive ships along with hundreds of smaller ships glowed in the star filled sky behind them. Once it established an orbit, the remaining reconnaissance ships slowed and docked with the airlocks on the side. One of the reconnaissance ships detached and headed for the surface. Several minutes later another one headed for the surface followed by more of the reconnaissance ships. This continued for hours as the crew and supplies were transferred to the surface.

    Alpha Commander Copper Paw looked around the bridge of his ship as the last of the Felinae hurried for the reconnaissance ships. Then he slowly walked off the bridge and made his way towards the remaining reconnaissance ship. The emergency lights were all that lit the corridor alone with the flashing warning lights. He stopped at the airlock and motioned for his Second and Third Alpha to enter before him then looked back down the corridor making sure that no one else was left then stepped into the ship. The reconnaissance ship broke lock then moved towards the surface. The Alpha Commander sat next to his second in command on some of the equipment being transported to the surface.

    It was the only thing you could do. It’s too badly damaged to continue to stay onboard.

    Yes I know. I want you to oversee the salvaging of anything that we can use. Send repair crews up and see if they can repair it enough to keep it in orbit while the rest of the equipment is transported to the surface. If at all possible get it so that we can defend ourselves against those ships if they show up again.

    Yes Alpha. Second Alpha Silver Claw replied.

    There was no reason for them attacking us. We hadn’t done anything to provoke them. Even if they were the same ones who attacked us before we hadn’t done anything to them until they fired on us. Third Alpha Night Eye said.

    I want a crew to see if the communication array can be fixed. We need to contact home and tell them what has happened. We need to stop the other ships from running into the same traps we did. Those other ships were not the same as these.

    Do you think that the others made it to their system? Third Alpha Night Eye asked.

    The last reports we received said that two of them had found inhabited systems and were trying to establish communication with the inhabitance. The others are continuing to their systems which were over two light years away from home for most of them. Second Alpha Silver Claw replied. That was over three years ago.

    Yes it was and this is the backup system for both of them that found an inhabited system. As close as I can tell if they left those system we have about a year before the first one arrives, if they decided that they could not stay there. We need to get the communication system up and working as fast as we can. As soon as you can free one of the ships, send it out to see if they can locate any survivors. We need to find out who they were and why they attacked us.

    The ship entered the heavy atmosphere and they could feel the planets gravity as it descended to the surface. Once on the surface the Alpha Commander Copper Paw walked around getting used to the feeling of gravity. He looked at his second and smiled showing his fangs.

    You don’t know how I longed for this. The artificial gravity onboard is no match for the real thing.

    Yes Alpha I agree. Second Alpha Silver Claw replied as he followed him towards the airlock.

    The Alphas walked down the ramp to the surface and looked up at the bright blue sky then across the savanna where they landed. They could see the seven remaining ships scattered across the savanna being unloaded along with a group of Felinae headed in their direction.

    The sky seems bluer here than at home. Second Alpha Silver Claw said.

    I wonder if anybody said anything memorable when they first set foot on the surface. Third Alpha Night Eye asked.

    Here comes the welcoming committee again. Second Alpha Silver Claw said.

    Alpha Commander Copper Paw looked in the direction his second was pointing, with a claw, at the other Alphas approaching. As they walked up to the Alpha Commander, he spoke before they could.

    Well did anybody hear what was said when the first Felinae set foot on the surface.

    Yes, but it was not something we will want to be put in our history books. One of the Alphas replied and laughed showing his fangs.

    What was it? Second Alpha Silver Claw asked.

    Where the Fugawi? Another replied.

    Good question. Alpha Commander Copper Paw replied looking around. So what is it that you want?

    We are the surface committee and we are being told that we do not get to use any of the shuttles to…

    You can have one just as soon as we get the supplies off the ship.

    That is my question. Another said. Just how bad are we?

    The ship’s hull is intact. None of the drives are operational. It is venting atmosphere at a rate that will make it uninhabitable in three days. Second Alpha Silver Claw replied.

    That is the reason for the evacuation to the surface and why you cannot have one of the ships until we salvage the usable equipment from the ship or are able to repair it enough to keep it in orbit. We need to fix it as fast as we can. Whoever attacked us out there my come back looking for those ships and we need to be prepared to fight them again. I want a list of items you think you need first. Give them to the Second Alpha and he will prioritize them. Food and shelter are the first two on the list and your research equipment being on the bottom of the list. I know I know, your equipment is needed down here, but if we don’t take care of the ship first we won’t need your equipment. Alpha Commander Copper Paw said then walked away.

    The other Alphas stood there telling the Second Alpha what they wanted and why it was needed. He put their request on his tablet and as soon as they were finished, he hurried after the Alpha Commander. He located him sitting on a box looking up at the sky.

    No, it is the same blue as home. He said as the Second Alpha walked up. So what do they want?

    Most of them were reasonable and what they wanted is in line with what we need to survive down here.

    Will six ships do to support the repair crews and transport equipment down?

    Yes it should.

    Good I want the ships orbit stabilized as soon as possible along with its repairs. Then see if you can get the deep space systems back working. I’ll take one reconnaissance crew with me to search for survivors. Once we have that done, start moving the rest of the equipment down. I want one section onboard at all times monitoring space. Make sure that the weapons are working on all of the reconnaissance ships. We lost three good ships out there and I want to know why we did not see them until they were there? What do they have that we do not is the question that needs to be answered.

    Fuel is the number one problem. Most of the reconnaissance ships will need to be refueled soon. That section of the ship was badly damaged.

    Well make it one of the top priorities. I am leaving this in your paws.

    Thank you sir I can do it.

    I know you can. Just remember you are not doing this alone. There are other Alphas and Batas that are here to help.

    Batas? The Third Alpha asked.

    Yes there are some of them that are smarter than most Alphas that I know. An Alpha knows how to be good leaders when he knows what Batas to rely on. Alphas Commander Copper Paw said then started walking around the savanna looking at the ship’s crew.

    Alpha Commander Copper Paw sat in the small cramped cockpit of the reconnaissance ships. He watched the monitors as the ship moved around their crippled ship. He could see the massive holes in the side along with Felinae crew in their Felinae Maneuvering Units doing their best to seal a rupture towards the drives.

    I thought I ordered you to make sure everyone was off. He said.

    Yes Alpha Commander you did. The Third Alpha replied.

    Then why are they still here?

    There were several sections of the ship that were cut off that we could not reach. I informed the Second Alpha and he told us to concentrate on the ones we could reach and not to worry about the Batas in the back until we had the rest of the crew off the ship. We concentrated on the Felinae that could be saved in the rest of the ship. I thought he was taking care of their rescue. By the time you ordered us to leave I had forgotten all about them.

    Well they seem to be alive. Contact the Second Alpha and inform him to get some crews up here as soon as possible to relieve them. Contact them and find out who is in charge.

    Alpha Commander I have a Stalking Shadow who says he is running the repair operation to this section of the ship. The second pilot said.

    Put him through on my set. Alpha Commander Copper Paw said. Alpha Stalking Shadow, this is Alpha Commander Copper Paw.

    Alpha Commander Copper Paw? Stalking Shadow stuttered as he replied. Yes Alpha Commander. The voice seemed a little more confident than before.

    You are doing a fine job. I am sending up some more help. Get with the Alphas when they arrive and tell him what is needed to be done.

    Yes Alpha Commander, but I am only a Bata.

    Are there any Alphas around? The Third Alpha asked as he searched through his tablet for the Felinae’s name. He located it and started reading about the Felinae.

    Who are you? Stalking Shadow asked.

    He is my Third Alpha, Night Eye. Alpha Commander Copper Paw replied. Are there any other Alphas there?

    Yes Alpha Commander there is several of them that don’t know what to do. One of them has been injured and is out of his head. He wants us to abandon the ship and take him to his mother. The other two are around here someplace, in our way, trying to tell us what to do. We have most of the fires under control and we have sealed off the rest of the ship from the major breach in the hull. We are still trying to seal off the other leaks. As far as I know, none of the drives are working and only the one backup power generators is still working. I have some of the section trying to bring the mains back up.

    Don’t worry about the mains. Get the hull sealed first and…

    We need one of the mains up so that we can use it to stabilize the orbit. The orbit is decaying at rate that will be uncontrollable in twenty hours or at least that is what our Alpha said before he was hurt. And that was ten hours ago.

    What air locks are still functional close to you?

    Airlock forty-two is the only one still working. There is no atmosphere in that section of the ship though.

    All right have someone meet me there in ten minutes. Dock with forty-two. Alpha Commander Copper Paw said as he headed out of the cockpit to the suits.

    Stalking Shadow is a low Bata. He was only chosen to come on this mission after another Bata backed out. His expertise is in…


    It is not listed. He quit school and spent three in the army never rising above a Bata nine. He was released from the army then applied for the mission. He scored high enough on the Alpha test to be placed on the alternate list and was only accepted because one of the Bata’s in engineering backed out do to personal matters. The rest is just his test scores and they are not very good.

    He seems to know what he is doing out there. Alpha Commander Copper Paw said as he closed the vacuum suit. The light above the airlock hatch changed color and they stepped into the airlock.

    A tall Felinae stood on the other side of the airlock and watched as the hatch opened. Two Felinae stepped out of the airlock and he could see their faces through their face shields. He recognized the Alpha Commander as he stepped out of the airlock.

    I’m Stalking Shadow. The tall Felinae said.

    Where are the other Alpha’s? Third Alpha Night Eye asked.

    Around someplace in the way. Several Felinae approached carrying other Felinae. Get them onboard.

    Is this all of your wounded? Alphas Commander Copper Paw asked.

    No Alpha only the ones we can move. The rest are in a section of the ship that still has atmosphere. We don’t have the equipment to take care of them and most of them would not survive being transported here. If you will follow me I will take you to the other Alphas.

    Contact the Second Alpha and tell him to send up a medical team. Also tell him to get his the repair crews up here now.

    Yes Alpha. Third Alpha Night Eye replied.

    Show me what you have. Alpha Commander Copper Paw said.

    This way. Stalking Shadow replied.

    Alpha Commander Copper Paw finished attaching the cable to the fission generator then moved the light so that he could check the other connections. Once he finished he started to push his way out from under the generator. He stopped when he heard someone walk up to him.

    Who told you to work on that? I gave orders not to work on that until one of the engineering Alphas looked at it. We have other things more important than that that need to be done. We are still venting atmosphere and there is no way to reach the airlocks.

    Alpha Commander Copper Paw looked from under the generator at the young Alpha standing there. He pushed his way out until he saw the Bata.

    Try it now. He said as he stood up. An engineering Bata pushed the master switch with his paw. They could feel the vibration from the generator as it started. The lights in the room came on illuminating the room. The young Alpha recognized the Alpha Commander as he stood up and came to attention. You were saying Alpha?

    Sorry Alpha I did not know it was you.

    We have power Alpha Commander.

    Good. See if you can start drive number two.

    Drive two coming online. We have only twenty percent power.

    Hmm, that should be enough. Contact the Third Alpha and tell him to move us into a more stable orbit. As you were saying Alpha?


    What section are you in?

    Life support.

    Life support. Just how were you planning on keeping your life support functioning on the one backup generator?

    I don’t know Alpha.

    Alpha Commander, Third Alpha says that we have maneuvering power and we should be able to stabilize the orbit. He also says that the relief crews have docked and are on their way.

    All right. Alpha Commander Copper Paw said as he wiped his large paws on his dirty uniform. Now Alpha I suggest you go find one of your Batas that knows what he is doing and find out what needs to be done.

    Yes Alpha Commander. The Alpha replied then hurried out of the bay.

    Those young Alphas are going to be the death of me yet. Alpha Commander Copper Paw said. He looked towards the Bata. Let’s go see what can be done with the drives.

    They are in hard vacuum, Alpha.

    So, Stalking Shadow, are you afraid of a little vacuum?

    No Alpha. Just didn’t know if you wanted to mess up your vacuum suit too.

    I spent my first six years in engineering. Most of that time up to my elbows in grease. I had a high Bata who ran the section and he made sure I knew what it took to make it work.

    An Alpha doing Bata work?

    Who said I was an Alpha at the time. When I was in school, I was more interested in partying then in studies. So when I had to take the Alpha test I didn’t pass it. Because of that the only way I could go into space was an engineering Bata.  It wasn’t until I was onboard my second ship that I decided to take the test again. That time I passed and they made me an Alpha and put me as the engineering Alpha. I made sure each new Alpha did the same thing I did when I joined. When they protested to the Alpha Commander, I was promoted and they were left to figure out how to run engineering. They soon found out that the Batas are the ones who run engineering and to rely on them.

    Well, I don’t want to be no Alpha. Stalking Shadow said as he followed Alpha Commander Copper Paw out of the bay.

    You were in the army before you joined the expedition.

    Yeah and I got tired of Alphas telling me what to do then too, who didn’t have a clue. When I quit I saw that we were headed out of the system looking for new planets to colonize. I thought why not. Maybe I can find a place where there were no Alphas to try to screw with me. I didn’t know that you had to pass all of those tests to be accepted. When I saw that one of the tests was an Alpha test and I knew I did not want to be one so I answered the questions so I would score low. Because of that I almost didn’t make the cut.

    You seem to know what you are doing here.

    That is because my mother and father were both low Alpha engineers that helped design these things. The Alphas over them, kept them in their place by using their work to further their careers and not giving them any credit. They lived and breathed this stuff, and thought I should do the same. They started teaching me before I could walk and when I was old enough they sent me to school to learn more. I got bored with all the crap the Alphas were trying to teach me. When it came time for the Alpha test, I decided I wanted nothing to do with it. I failed it and quit school then joined the army. Now I am here with more Alphas who haven’t a clue about what to do. Personal company excluded.

    Bata nine Stalking Shadow, Why aren’t you outside working on that antenna array like you were told. An Alpha yelled at them.

    Why don’t you go put your suit on and get out there and get your paws dirty? Alpha Commander Copper Paw said as they continued down the corridor.

    You can’t talk to me like that.

    The Alpha Commander stopped then turned and looked at the Alpha behind them. He could see the fear on the Alpha’s face as she recognized him.

    What are you standing around for? Alpha Commander Copper Paw asked. The Alpha came to attention then hurried away. He looked towards Stalking Shadow and could see his fangs on his face as he grinned. Well?

    I just love the look on their faces when you do that. Stalking Shadow said then looked at Alpha Commander Copper Paw. He could see the frown on his face. He smiled at him and shook his large head as they continued down the corridor.

    Was that all of the Alphas?

    They are the only ones I have seen besides you and number three. We need to suit up before we can go any further.

    How do you know what is wrong?

    Before my Alpha was hurt he had me do an inspection of this section of the ship for damage control. After he was hurt, none of the other Alphas stepped up to take over. I knew we had to patch the holes and fix the drives before we burnt up if we were going to survive. He had already set some of the damage crews working on the leaks and putting the fires out. He had me interfacing with damage control as he tried to find out how bad we were. After he was hurt the other Batas just kept coming to me to see what needed to be done.

    How did he get hurt?

    Bulkhead blew and he was hit with part of the debris. We got him out of there before we lost pressure to that section of the ship. If he hadn’t been in his vacuum suit, he probably would have been killed. If you want to promote someone he is your Felinae not me.

    Well as of now, you are my Engineering Alpha whether you like it or not.

    I don’t.

    I don’t care. Let’s see if we can get this drive working. Alpha Commander Copper Paw said as they stepped into the next section.

    The Alpha leadership made their decision. The ten ships could no longer wait for the last mission to contact them. Information was still being received from the ships in the other five systems. They would send the majority of the ships to the known inhabitable planets. If during the voyage one of the systems reported problems, then those ships would be diverted to one of the other planets.

    The first of the ships moved away from its moorings and slowly started moving away from their sun. The second and third soon followed. By the end of the day, all but one ship was on their way towards the new planets. The last ship reported that the problems with the new drives were repaired and it began its journey.

    The Alpha Commander of the ship looked at his orders and the coordinates. He did not notice that the numbers were not the same as the ones received by the other ships. He ordered the numbers to be inputted into the guidance system and the ship moved away from its home system with ten thousand lives onboard headed for the sixth planet.

    Stalking Shadow walked through the hatch to the next corridor and pulled his helmet off. He looked at Alpha Commander Copper Paw as he removed his helmet.

    Well they are shot. Stalking Shadow said.

    We might be able to use the parts from the others to fix the one that is still working.

    It still won’t be enough to get us home. Not with all the damage to the rest of the ship.

    I didn’t think you wanted to go back.

    I don’t it’s just the idea that we can’t that bothers me. Stalking Shadow said as they continued down the corridor.

    The hatch to the corridor opened and one of the Alphas stepped into the corridor dressed in his vacuum suit. He stopped when he saw Stalking Shadow and Alpha Commander Copper Paw headed towards him. As soon as they reached him, he came to attention.

    Alpha Commander, I was just on my way to report to you. The fires are out and the major breach has been repaired.

    Don’t tell me tell him. He is the ships engineer now.

    A Bata!

    Do you have a problem with that? Stalking Shadow asked. The Alpha looked at him then at the Alpha Commander and shook his head no.

    Well? Alpha Commander Copper Paw asked.

    No Alpha Commander. The Alpha replied.

    Then finish your report. Stalking Shadow said.

    They listened to what the Alpha told them and when he finished Alpha Commander Copper Paw nodded then continued down the corridor, his magnetic boots clicking as they contacted the deck. He stopped when he reached the hatch and looked back at the Alpha and Stalking Shadow.

    As soon as you can see if you can restore the gravity.

    Hay if I am going to be your Engineer then I want to choice who works for me.

    Pick who you want, just make sure they know what they are doing. If they screw up it’ll be your butt I will have.

    All right Commander I’ll be your Chief Engineer, but I am no Alpha. Stalking Shadow replied then looked at the Alpha. Go find that other boob and tell her I want to see her. While you’re at it, find the highest Batas and tell them to come too. I’ll be in the secondary generator room. Stalking Shadow said and continued down the corridor.

    The reconnaissance ship slowed as it approached the wreckage of one of the destroyed reconnaissance ships. Two Felinae moved away from the ship and over to the wreckage. They slowly moved through the ship trying to locate any survivors. When they reached the gunners section they found two of them still alive. They called back to their reconnaissance ship then carefully brought the two Felinae back to the ship. Once on board they removed their helmets and placed masks over their faces. A female Felinae opened her eyes and looked at the rescuers. She started to cough then grabbed the mask and inhaled the oxygen deeply. The second gunner opened his eyes and grabbed the mask. He tried to remove it, but they held it over his face. He calmed down and began to relax as he breathed in deeply.

    The reconnaissance ship moved away from the wreckage and continued towards one of the small alien ships. The ship hung in space like a wounded bird with large holes through its wings and with the front blown completely off. Not too far away was object floating in space. The reconnaissance slowed to a stop and two Felinae moved out towards the alien ship. As they approached, the object floating in front, moved. The Felinae stopped then changed course towards the object. As they approached it they could see that it was some kind of being in a vacuum suit. The being tried to move away from them as they reached it. Its jet packs made several short burst of steam as it tried to flee. The two Felinae were able to catch the being and tethered the being to them then drag it back to the reconnaissance ship. They moved the being into the airlock then into the cargo bay. Several of the crew helped move the being to other side of the bay and tether it to the deck. The Alpha pilot pulled his way out of the cockpit and over to the others.

    All right let’s get back to work. He said as he approached the being. He looked at the being in its vacuum suit floating there with one of the rescuers standing over it.

    Do you want us to open it up?


    It may not be able to breathe our atmosphere. One of the medicals said.

    Leave it in its box then until we finish. It might stink up the place if we let it out. The Alpha pilot moved back to the cockpit leaving the others with the Alien.

    The reconnaissance ship continued through the debris looking for other survivors. By the time it reached the first large ship it had only found ten. There they saw hundreds of what looked like escape pods floating in space. They move close to one of them and the two rescuers moved out of the reconnaissance ship to investigate. There were no windows or any apparent opening to the escape pod. They moved around the escape pod trying to locate a way inside. When they found none they contacted the Alpha pilot and told him, they could not find out if there was anybody inside or not. The second pilot said that he was receiving strange chirping sounds over the radio. The Alpha pilot told the two rescuers to return to the ship and to leave the pod. The two rescuers moved back then inside of the ship. Then the reconnaissance ship moved towards the wreckage of the lager ship. As they approached, they could see the extent of the damage to the ship. Suddenly alarms started sounding telling them that the radiation levels were high and they knew they could not go any closer until it dissipated. The reconnaissance ship backed away then moved towards the next ship. There they found almost the same thing. Small pods scattered about the damaged ship and high radiation levels as they approached the ship. The pilot brought the reconnaissance ship around and started for the next alien ship. Each ship was the same as the others. They located more of the alien beings from the smaller ships and brought them onboard. As they started to return to their ship they located one of the escape pods off by itself. They slowed as they approached it then stopped next to it. The pilot told his crew to recover the pod and store it in the cargo hold. Once it was loaded they started for the planet.

    One of the aliens in the vacuum suit moved and grabbed onto one of the rings with one of its gloved hands. The face shield cleared and a feathered head appeared inside of the helmet. The medical saw the movement and pulled his way over to the alien. He looked into the helmet and saw a feathered head with large eyes along with a hooked beak looking at him. His upper lip began to quiver uncontrollable as he moved back. The alien reached up and flipped several latches then removed its helmet. It breathed the air into its lungs several times before it squawked towards the medical. The medical covered his pointed ears with his paws as the Alien continued to squawk.

    The Second Alpha pilot hurried out of the cockpit to see what was making the noise. The alien was holding onto a ring with a strange looking paw and holding a weapon in the other. Its large helmet floated a few paws away. It swung the weapon towards the Second Alpha and squawked as he moved in the bay.

    Take it easy. We are not going to hurt you. The medical said trying to calm the alien down.

    The alien moved from one rung to another as it made its way towards one of the other aliens that was tethered to the rungs. Every time one of the Felinae moved, it would squawk loudly and aim the weapon towards them. When it reached the next alien, it tried to look inside of the helmet. It let go of the rung and tried to open the helmet, but started to float away. One of the ship’s crew pushed away from the wall and leaped towards the alien, its claws extended, and as it drew close, it took a swipe at the feathered head of the alien. Feathers flew out of the Alien’s head as it tried to twist in its vacuum suit to fire at the Felinae that attacked him. A second Felinae launched itself from the wall and grabbed the weapon as it streaked by wrenching it from the gloved hand of the alien. Then two more Felinae landed on the alien grabbing its strong arms and pulling them behind its back. The alien squawked in protest as the Felinae secured its arms behind its back. Then a gag was placed in the alien’s beak to quiet it down. Several droplets of blood floated from the back of the aliens head. The medical moved over to the alien and looked at the wound from the claws. The medical placed some cream on the wounds and the bleeding stopped. He sucked the blood up that floated in the bay into a container then stored it in another container.

    The Second Pilot pulled his way over to the alien and looked at its head and his upper lip began to quiver uncontrollably. He turned to the others.

    Open them up and see if they are alive. He said.

    The Felinae removed the helmets from the other aliens and found that most of them looked the same. A smooth feathered covered head of grayish white feathers with large eyes and a hooked beak. Once their helmets were removed, their arms were secured behind them and gags placed in their beaks to silence them.

    One of the rescued gunners from the reconnaissance ship moved into the cargo bay and over to the escape pod. She slowly moved around the escape pod until she saw the outline of a hatch with a strange looking handle in the middle. Kicking off the side of the escape pod she moved back to the other compartment and grabbing one of the rungs stopped at the hatch.

    Second Alpha pilot, I think I think I have found a way into that thing back here.

    Let me see. The Second pilot said as he pulled his way to the hatch followed by several of the others.

    He followed the gunner to the escape pod and looked at the strange controls on the hatch. Then a banging sound sounded from the side of the escape pod. The Second pilot moved over to where the banging was coming from. He pulled his weapon out and rapped on the side of the escape pod. There was a return rapping from inside. He rapped several more times and more rapping returned from inside. He pushed his way back from the escape pod and aimed the weapon at the pod. The gunner pulled her weapon and aimed it at the pod too.

    Do you know how to open it?

    No, but I will try. The gunner replied. She moved towards the hatch and looked back towards the others as they aimed their weapons at her and the hatch. She pulled on the handle then tried to twist it. The handle moved then the hatch opened with a whooshing sound. She pushed herself backwards away from the escape pod and watched as a green-feathered head appeared out of the escape pod. A large alien stepped out its head covered with green feathers with a small red crown on top. It looked at the Felinae with its small eyes then rose up it two hands as it pushed itself out of the escape pod. Once outside its wings extended and slowly moved moving it away from the exit of the escape pod. Four more of them slowly exited the escape pod. They floated a few paws from each other with their strange looking paws up and their wings slowly moving.

    What the fuck are they? The gunner asked.

    I don’t know, but get them tied up and secured to one of the rungs in the other bay. The second Alpha said.

    He hurried back through the hatch to the next bay then to the cockpit. A few minutes later, the pilot pulled his way into the bay. He stopped when he saw the feathered heads turn and look at him. One of the green-feathered headed aliens was moved into the bay from the cargo bay. He watched as it was secured to one of the walls. One of the green-headed ones chirped at him several times and he looked at it. A gag was placed in the hooked beak of that alien and secured. The pilot watched as the rest of the green-headed aliens were moved into the bay and secured.

    One of the rescuers pulled his way over to the Alpha pilot.

    Do you think there are more of them in those escape pods?

    I don’t know.

    We can’t leave them out here to die.

    We haven’t the room for all of them.

    We have room for a few. The other rescuer said.

    The pilot looked at them then at the aliens secured to the walls. He nodded his head.

    Suit up. We’ll gather what we can fit into the bay then head back.

    Yes alpha. The two rescuers replied and moved to where their equipment was stored.

    Once the cargo bays were filled with escape pods, they started for the planet.

    The reconnaissance ship set down on the savanna next to several others being unloaded. The drives stopped then the hatch opened and the ramp extended. The two rescued gunners ran down the ramp then turned, with weapons drawn and aimed back inside of the ship. Several more Felinae ran over to the ship followed by Second Alpha Silver Claw. He stopped with the rest as the first of the aliens stepped out of the ship. He could see that they were almost as tall as they were with brightly colored feathers covering their heads. The ones with crowns of different colors stood prominent on the top of their heads as they looked around at the Felinae looking at them. A band was tied around each one pinning their wings to their bodies. The Second Alpha pushed his way through the crowd of onlookers until he reached one of the gunners. He stood there as more of the aliens walked out of the ship and lined up. He looked up as a second reconnaissance ship set down a short distance away then looked at the Aliens again.

    How many are there? He asked the gunner.

    We picked up thirty of their escape pods and all of them that we could find that were just floating in space. There escape pods carried five to six in each one. I don’t know how many there are for sure. We had to tie their wings so that we could keep them under control. There are six more escape pods still in the stern cargo bay that we haven’t opened yet.

    Where are the Alpha pilots?

    They are still inside Second Alpha. Where do you want them?

    Good job Alpha gunner. Second Alpha Silver Claw said and made his way towards the ramp. As soon as there was a break in the Aliens, he moved up the ramp into the reconnaissance ship.

    Alpha gunner, I would like to alpha gunner you. She said softly. She turned and almost ran into another Felinae standing there. She recognized the Alpha Commander at once. Sorry Alpha Commander, I didn’t see you. She said coming to attention.

    Yes I see. You are a Bata I take it.

    Yes Alpha Commander. She replied stiffly.

    Some of my best friends are Batas. Is this your reconnaissance ship?

    No Alpha Commander, our ship was destroyed. Only the two of us survived.


    What do you want done with these things Alpha Commander? Another Alpha asked as he walked up to them.

    Find some place out of the sun and separate them. Keep them quiet and see if any of them speak our language. Are those wings functional?

    Yes Alpha Commander. The gunner replied. That is how they moved about the ship.

    Well we don’t want them flying away now do we? Keep them bound until we find out what they are and why they are here. Do they speak our language?

    They squawk or chirp. I don’t understand them. I’m not sure they understand each other. Those over there were the ones we picked up from the small ships. We thought that they were much larger than the others were until we removed them from their vacuum suits. Their wing span must be sixty paws. She pointed towards the smooth feathered covered headed ones of grayish white feathers with large eyes and a hooked beak that were slowly looking around. They still had the gags in their beaks They don’t say much of anything now. When they were first brought onboard they were vocal enough.

    I can see that. What is your name Bata gunner? Alpha Commander Copper Paw asked.

    My name? Ah I am eighth Bata Moon Fire, Alpha Commander.

    Well you are now sixth Bata Moon Fire. I want you and your other gunner over there to guard these prisoners.

    Prisoners, Alpha Commander? Moon Fire asked.

    Yes prisoners, until we find out why they attacked us, they are to be considered prisoners.

    Yes Alpha Commander. Moon Fire replied.

    Find some more of the Bata gunners to help you if you need some help. If any of the alphas give you any problems have them contact me.

    Yes Alpha Commander. She replied.

    She watched as more of the Aliens walked out of the reconnaissance ship and down the ramps. These aliens looked different from the others that had walked down the ramp before. There feathered heads made their eyes appear larger by the way the feathers looked around them. Their strange looking paws were bound behind their backs and a band around them pinning their wings to their backs. She motioned to them to move over with the others. One of them stopped and looked at her and Alpha Commander Copper Paw. It started to squawk, but changed its mind then continued to where the rest of the prisoners stood. A smaller one started down the ramp looking all around. Then broke and ran for the savanna. Several of the Felinae ran after it as they reached it, it freed its wings, and flapping them took to the sky. Moon Fire aimed her weapon at the fleeing Alien and fired. The alien dropped from the sky and crashed to the ground in a heap. Several Felinae ran to where the alien lay. They stood around looking at the strange being one of them grabbed it by the wings and drug it back to the others. Two of the aliens with large eyes tried to hurry over to it and Moon Fire and the other gunner blocked their path and aimed their weapons at them. They stopped and looked at her. The largest one pushed his way past the others and continued towards the alien. Moon Fire aimed at it as it walked.

    Stay where you are. She said as she aimed at the alien’s head. The alien stopped and looked at her. It squawked softly and motioned to the alien lying on the ground then continued towards the alien. She started to squeeze the fire controls.

    Lower your weapon Sixth Bata Moon Fire and let it attend to the other one. Alpha Commander Copper Paw said. The large alien looked towards Alpha Commander Copper Paw then continued towards the alien on the ground. It turned and looked towards its bound hands then at Alpha Commander Copper Paw. Cut its paws loose.

    The second gunner walked over and cut the restraints from around the alien’s strange looking paws. The alien continued to the alien on the ground. The other Felinae moved back from the alien as the large alien walked up. The Alien rubbed his strange looking paws on his wrists as he walked. Then his large wings extended and flapped several times sending the Felinae scurrying away. Moon Fire aimed her weapon at the alien and Alpha Commander Copper Paw placed his paw on the weapon and slowly pushed it down as the large wings folded behind the large Alien. The Alien stopped next to the alien lying on the ground and knelt next to it. After several minutes, it folded the beings paws over its chest then straightened the wings and wrapped them around the body. It stood up and looked towards the others then squawked several times. Several of the others started squawking in return. Moon Fire along with others aimed their weapons at the squawking aliens. The large alien lifted the alien up and carried it over to where the others stood and placed it on the ground. Another alien with blue feathers covering its head with a red crown stepped out and walked over to the body. It squawked several times and the rest became quiet. It continued to squawk towards the others and motioned towards the one on the ground. When it finished it looked towards Moon Fire and the Alpha Commander with hatred in its eyes.

    I think I have found their alpha. Alpha Commander Copper Paw said.

    I don’t think he likes us. Moon Fire said.

    He hasn’t got to know us yet. Alpha Commander Copper Paw said then continued towards the reconnaissance ship. Moon Fire looked towards him and could see the filthy uniform he wore as he walked up the ramp. She looked back towards the aliens.

    Alpha Commander Copper Paw sat in his makeshift shelter and looked at the days reports. He set the last one down as Third Alpha Night Eye walked in.

    We could be in worse shape. Alpha Commander Copper Paw said as Third Alpha Night Eye stopped in front of him.

    I don’t see how. Here is the causality list. Seventy-five dead or missing three reconnaissance ships lost along with their crews. In addition, there must be thousands of escape pods out there still filled with those things. With the dead from the other attack we only have four hundred and thirty-two left.

    Alpha Commander Copper Paw looked up at the third alpha and saw his upper lip twitching.

    "What is the matter, don’t you like

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