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Betrayal is the final book in the trilogy, A Twist of Destiny. Everything finally comes out but will this be Jenna's actual end? Who around her is actually working against her? Who is her enemy and who is her friend? As the questions pile up Jenna will discover the answer to them all but who will die in order for the truth to come out?
Release dateMay 30, 2014

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    Betrayal - Ashley Lytle



    By Ashley Lytle

    Copyright © 2014 by Ashley Lytle

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    First Printing: 2014

    ISBN 978-1-329-14163-6


    This book is dedicated to a few different people. My friend Becky who is always there for me and is one of the strongest people I know. I would also like to dedicate this book to my new friends Lexi and Amanda who I am so glad to have met. You each add something special to my life. Thank you guys so much! I love you!


    The darkness was all around me, I tried moving around but I was in a very small space. I could see a little bit of red tinted light.

    I felt like I was moving. I tried to look at what else was around me. I could find nothing. I screamed for a little while but eventually I gave up. It was a while before I realized I was no longer moving. I could now hear footsteps coming towards me.

    Light suddenly flooded in and I blinked several times before I could see. Now I realized I was in the trunk of a car. I looked up at the person I thought I had known in horror.

    The past events came back to me and I suddenly felt like crying. I wanted to punch and scream at this person who stood over me, who had betrayed me, who had tricked me.

    I heard another set of footsteps coming towards us. I couldn’t look to see who they belonged to. I was afraid I was right and that would be even more painful. I didn’t even have to look.

    You did well, Mr. Black’s clear voice said into the silence.

    I had been right. How could he. How could he betray me like this? I couldn’t see how he could do this. How he had done all he had done already. This time I didn’t just feel like crying, I did cry. I opened my eye but my silent tears blurred my vision.

    Did you have any trouble? Mr. Black asked him.

    No. Sandy’s dead.

    You burned the house? Mr. Black asked.


    How many people were in it?



    Sandy and her brother?

    Did they die?

    I don’t know. Sandy’s probably dead. Jenna’s brother might have made it.

    Sandy tried to stop you then?


    Help me load her into the other car.

    Yes sir.

    Hands grabbed me and I started to fight back. Was there any way for me to survive this one? This time I wasn’t so sure.

    I got loaded into another trunk. Would it really be so bad to die? At this point everyone I loved was probably dead. Who cares if I still hadn’t solved the whole mystery? Maybe it was best if I never knew. I was done fighting. I had nothing else to fight for anymore.

    Some small voice inside of me tried to argue with that but I muted it. I thought of how peaceful it would be to just not have to deal with this anymore. I thought of the people I loved who were now dead. They were only dead because of me.

    Then I remembered. Seth hadn’t been home. Seth had gone to sleep over at a friend’s. Had he really lied? It didn’t matter he was still bad but maybe there was a part of him that still had a tiny sliver of a soul. I knew Mr. Black didn’t have one. Maybe Seth was still alive, maybe he spared him.

    It didn’t matter. I didn’t see a way out of this. I just knew this would probably be my end. No mystery savior to my rescue. No police going to show up suddenly and save me. No one that knew I was gone. Everyone probably thought I had died in the house fire. By the time someone figured out I was missing I’d probably be dead.

    I must have fallen asleep because suddenly I felt the car jolt to a stop and I forgot where I was. Then I remembered. I had woken up to a nightmare.

    I heard the slam of two car doors and both of them coming towards me. I braced myself for blinding light but when the trunk opened I discovered all around me was nothing but blackness. It was night. Not even the stars were out at the moment.

    Mr. Black threw me over his shoulders. I used my tied hands and feet to kick and hit him but he didn’t seem to care or feel it so I gave up. I heard the sound of rushing water but I couldn’t see anything except the back of Mr. Black.

    Mr. Black suddenly stopped. I heard him stop a few steps behind us also. Mr. Black faced me forwards so I could see where we were. I knew this place. There were trees behind me and ahead of me was a beautiful green grassy area that was right next to a cliff over water. Mr. Black pulled out a gun and pointed it at me.

    Untie her, Mr. Black ordered.

    Yes sir.

    I fought him off but

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