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Faith and Facts: What It Means to Have a Relationship With God
Faith and Facts: What It Means to Have a Relationship With God
Faith and Facts: What It Means to Have a Relationship With God
Ebook105 pages1 hour

Faith and Facts: What It Means to Have a Relationship With God

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Did you go to Sunday School? How much do you really know about God, Christianity, and the Bible? For many of us, it is not much. If you want to teach your children about Jesus, answer some of your own questions, or know what to say when people ask you what you believe, then read on and get the facts behind your faith. You will see how science points to our Creator, how history demonstrates his love for man, how the Bible gives us the words of God, and how much we need each other. Do you have a relationship with God?
Release dateSep 28, 2011
Faith and Facts: What It Means to Have a Relationship With God

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    Faith and Facts - Jeremy McCollum


    I have several people to thank for their help and inspiration in writing this book.  First, I thank the Lord for burning the words of this book in my heart.  I also thank my wife for her constant support and encouragement; I draw strength from her wisdom and unwavering faith.  Finally, I dedicate this book to the students and staff of Teen Challenge Prayer Mountain Boys Academy in Meansville, GA.  Originally written as part of their Personal Studies for New Christians discipleship curriculum, Faith and Facts was written to address the questions and concerns of young men just beginning their journey of faith.  Welcome to the adventure guys; Jesus will take you places you could only imagine!

    Christianity, if false, is not important. If Christianity is true, however, it is of infinite importance. What it cannot be is moderately important. – C.S. Lewis

    Table of Contents

    Faith and Facts:

    What It Means to Have a Relationship with God


    Chapter 1- Faith and Science: If God Does Exist, What Does He Have to Do with Me?

    Evolution, Creationism, and Intelligent Design

    Science vs. Faith

    Living with Purpose

    Overcoming Ourselves

    Chapter 2- Faith and Religion: From Atheism to Islam- Why Religion is Not the Answer

    Major World Religions

    Christianity Past and Present

    Cults and Other Deceptions

    Religion vs. Relationship

    Chapter 3- Faith Foundations: Bible Basics

    Old Testament: Pentateuch, History, Poetry, Major and Minor Prophets

    New Testament: The Gospels, History, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles, and Prophecy

    Greek Language, Roman Empire: the Perfect Combination

    Why the Bible is Relevant and Authoritative

    Chapter 4- Faith and Fellowship: Stay Connected

    Why We Need Family

    Why We Need Friends

    Why We Need the Church

    Why We Need Help


    Answer Key to Study Questions



    Few people accept anything on faith anymore.  Doubt, skepticism, and even hostility towards God and Christianity have become the norm in much of today’s society.  Many people make a choice that is far more disturbing than simply rejecting God; they choose to ignore him.  It is truly amazing to see how much people invest into their education, career, family, and friends, but turn a blind eye to spiritual issues.  Why is this so?  Why do people criticize Christianity without researching the facts, trade in two thousand years of theological study for their own hastily formed opinions, or reject spiritual issues altogether?  Perhaps it is out of convenience, fear, or simply that spiritual issues are out of sight, out of mind. 

    Faith and Facts was written to combat the rampant ignorance about spiritual issues, and help people understand how and why having a relationship with God is the single most important decision in their lives.  Whether someone is resistant to Christianity, seeking more information, struggling with doubt, or secure in their faith but looking for answers to common questions, they can find many of the facts behind their faith.

    Faith and Facts is certainly not comprehensive; it is a summary of critical information everyone should know about Christianity.  It is brief enough to read in a single sitting, but contains enough information and study materials to lead a Sunday school class or Bible study for several weeks.  It is written from the perspective of a teacher, not an expert.  It is written for a general audience, but draws on established and recent research in order to be accurate.  It should answer many questions for some, and provide a starting place for others to do more research on their own.  It is intended to open up the scriptures for understanding, not replace any of them.  Finally, the single purpose of this book is lead people to a closer relationship with God, because without knowing your Creator, your life will have no purpose here on Earth or in Eternity.  If you don’t agree, please read on!

    Chapter 1: Faith and Science- If God Does Exist, What Does He Have to Do With Me?

    Evolution, Creationism, and Intelligent Design

    One of the most basic questions people have asked throughout history is where did we come from?  That’s a good question, and until the 1800’s, God made us was a perfectly satisfactory answer.  Now, in an age of science and technology, we want specifics.  This drive to discover where we came from has lead to three theories, and the debate over these theories has gone on from university research labs to public school classrooms to court rooms.  It can be confusing, but let’s take a look at the facts first, and then look at the theories.  Ultimately we all must decide if life is random and chaotic, or if God really is the Author of Life.

    Many scientists today support the idea that our universe began with a Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago, where a super-dense and super-hot mass exploded, and created the Universe we know today.  The massive nuclear explosion caused the formation of the elements such as Hydrogen and Helium, and created masses of exploding gasses we know as stars as well as gravitational forces.  The Universe is believed to still be expanding today.  According to Radiometric Age Dating, the Earth is about 4.54 billion years old.  Radiometric Age Dating is generally accepted as quite reliable, and it is believed to provide an accurate way to date many natural and man-made materials.  There has been some criticism of Radiometric Age Dating, but the scientific community generally accepts it as reliable.  In fact, Radiometric Age Dating, or Carbon

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