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Politics: James Reesor for Governor
Politics: James Reesor for Governor
Politics: James Reesor for Governor
Ebook90 pages1 hour

Politics: James Reesor for Governor

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Taking a peek into the experiences of James Reesor as a 1974 gubernatorial candidate in Tennessee will make even the most ardent member of the media more willing to reconsider political ideas. He may try again in 2010 at age 72.
Release dateApr 13, 2011
Politics: James Reesor for Governor

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    Politics - James Reesor


    POLITICS is a unique word used to identify a process practiced by people who are publicly espousing particular philosophical beliefs and various ideas held by individuals and organizations for the purpose of gaining advantage over competitors and adversaries. It is the science and art of government – which includes a maze of extremes between good and evil.

    The art of politics describes the style of certain argumentative persons who use the bully pulpit to challenge the status quo with personal ideas that often prove to be riddled with motives leading to uncivilized behavior during the heat of controversial debates.

    The idea that politics and religion do not mix is a fallacy!

    No person or government has the power needed to take religion – Life and Spirituality – out of politics!

    Every version of every god requires subservience and obedience to sustain preservation of specific, traditional principles which must remain beyond conflict with manmade governments. Not all so-called gods are true gods, but they all play a vital role in the lives of both good and evil people.

    The separation of church and state

    concept is invalid – and a destructive force in American politics!

    The universal laws and commandments of One God, accepted by Christians as the Father, Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, is superior to any person in the White House, Congress, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court – and all other public servants – federal, state or local – who have been elected by we the people after being brainwashed by media pundits with hidden agendas.

    Men and women who practice dirty politics for the purpose of winning votes through the destruction of others are not morally fit to hold positions of power. When striving to demean rivals by smearing personal reputations, they show a lack of love, contempt instead of compassion, rush to judgment rather than wisdom, and unethical disregard for the integrity of common sense.

    This book is dedicated to the honorable Phil Bredesen, Bill Purcell, Howard Baker, Fred Thompson, Thomas Frist, Lamar Alexander, Teddy Bart, Harold Ford, Abe Lincoln, Lord Jesus Christ – and a few others who wish to remain anonymous members of what will be the Amerijericho Advisory Council if my concepts prove to be popular in 2010.

    Taking this peek into the experiences of James Reesor as a candidate for public office will make even the most ardent member of the media more willing to reconsider political ideas.

    Copyright © 2008 by James Reesor

    eISBN: 978-1-25761-150-8

    Published by Earth Family Classics

    Printed in the United States of America

    All rights reserved solely by the author. The author guarantees all contents are original and do not infringe upon the legal rights of any other person or work.

    Unless otherwise indicated, Bible quotations are taken from the King James Version.


    A book by... The World Famous

    Anonymous Author about The Man

    From Tennessee... James Reesor

    The entry of James Reesor into Tennessee politics...

    ...first happened in 1974. The second entry was in 1999. The third and final attempt to appeal to voters will finally take place in 2010 – if he doesn’t die of boredom or old age.

    His 1974 campaign was not based on a conventional plan. The idea to toss his hat into the ring came about because of a sudden, late night urge to express his heartfelt ideas publicly. One thing led to another until he was able to proudly acknowledge the honor of becoming the first cowboy in 1973 to file papers required to be a bonafide candidate for the governorship of Tennessee.

    His poor-man campaign was a learning experience in regard to how the media functions. Considering laws pertaining to equal time rules applied to a need for free media publicity, it was possible for him to participate in approximately 56 newspaper interviews, 31 television news interviews, the famous Tennessee Education Association’s 15-minute program over 125 radio stations, the Middle Tennessee State University’s 30-minute radio program, Nashville’s WPLN 30-minute public affairs show, the Teddy Bart 90-minute WSM radio program, the Noon Show on WSM-TV, the popular Stanley Siegal Mornings Show over Nashville’s WLAC-TV, a 30-minute TV program that aired over stations in Chattanooga, Knoxville, Lexington and the Memphis State University, the informative Morning

    Show with Judy Corn at WDEF-TV in Chattanooga and a 60-minute program at WIVK radio in Knoxville.

    In addition to dozens of other radio and newspaper interviews resulting in much media exposure within Tennessee’s 95 counties, there were a few stories done by Associated Press and United Press International.

    In this world where ordinary people are usually overlooked and forgotten, the fleshly existence of James Reesor has been documented in many ways that should convince skeptics he actually lived at one point in ancient history.

    Even now, many decades later, this nonconformist who has more ideas than money continues to be a creative soul indwelling a human body – at the time of this informative writing in 2008.

    Do voters realize they failed to elect the Elijah Spirit in James Reesor when he wanted to be governor in 1974 and mayor of Nashville in 1999?

    Did God have anything to do with the candidacy of this man who talked funny when trying to defend himself from people with contempt for honesty?

    When doing simple research to learn more about his origins, there was no evidence found to prove a chariot of fire brought James to Nashville back in 1962 – and so his arrival was hardly noticed. There was no white horse or limousine giving him a ride into Music City USA on that day of July 31st. He entered that southern utopia in an old white and green Pontiac being driven by Larry Heil. The Spirit of Elijah

    was hidden deep inside – somewhere under thirteen dollars in his pocket he used to pay for the first week of rent in an East Nashville boarding house near the Cumberland River.

    Surprisingly, considering his reputation for talking and walking fast, it turned out to be twelve years later when God finally got around to telling him about his true Spiritual identity. James had a strong interest in doing the work of God – in spite of his sinful, rebellious ways and

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