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Appreciating Nature's Small Stuff
Appreciating Nature's Small Stuff
Appreciating Nature's Small Stuff
Ebook50 pages32 minutes

Appreciating Nature's Small Stuff

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About this ebook

This short book contains a collection of notes which reflect on the wonder of everyday nature. The notes are based on posts from the blog; betweentheweave.
Topics in the book range from the awesomeness of bats to the mindful majesty of clouds.
It is hoped that this book will inspire other people to appreciate the little events in nature that go on all around us, every day.
Release dateMay 21, 2014
Appreciating Nature's Small Stuff

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    Book preview

    Appreciating Nature's Small Stuff - Don Rintoul

    Appreciating Nature's Small Stuff

    Appreciating nature’s small stuff

    First Edition

    Copyright © 2014 Don Rintoul / Between the Weave

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-291-88562-0


    I think nature is exciting and good for the soul. More than that, I think there is a deep connection between nature and being human. In sharing this short eBook I hope to share some of the excitement I get from wildlife.

    This eBook is mainly about the little things, about finding something special and wonderful in the everyday. My belief is that you don't need to swim with sharks, go on safari or spend a year in the jungle with chimps to have a soul connection with nature.

    It can be a robin hopping boldy towards your outstretched hand, a fox turning and looking you in the eye or a devil's coach horse beetle rearing its jaws threateningly.

    These commonplace, backyard nature encounters can be every bit as awe-inspiring as the tigers, orcas and hippos of the world. All of them deserve our attention, respect and a few words of praise.

    The book is structured into five sections.

    Little things is a celebration of the small and the understated characters and events in nature - from flocking jackdaws to lichen on an oak tree - that are worth as much respect as the front page head-turners like snow leopards.

    Wonder is about the impact nature has on us, leaving us inspired, appreciative and, at times, bewildered. Wonder, ignorance even, can be blissful.

    In Backyard I look at how to make more of the nature opportunities all around us and, literally, in our backyard (or terrace, or simply the view from the kitchen window or the route to work each day).

    Immersion goes a bit deeper and explores what we do to truly connect with nature and feel it on our bodies, from rambling in the sleat to running under the summer sun.

    Lastly,  Nature and Human Nature is about the connection between wildlife and being human, in particular what nature has to teach us about mindfulness.

    This short collection of observations and rantings is based on some of the early posts from my blog:

    I am very grateful for the time you spend reading this. I wish you many, many mindful moments of pleasure with nature.

    Part 1: Little things

    Note 1: Everyday wildlife

    Nature has so much to teach us. But we don't have to book a once-in-a-lifetime whale watching voyage or a week on safari to let the wilds enhance our lives and our understanding of the stuff of life.

    This eBook is all about the everyday scurry and squawk of wildlife in our cities, towns and countryside and how meaningful it is. To look is to notice

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