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The Holy Spirit Writes Truth on the Tablet of Your Heart
The Holy Spirit Writes Truth on the Tablet of Your Heart
The Holy Spirit Writes Truth on the Tablet of Your Heart
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The Holy Spirit Writes Truth on the Tablet of Your Heart

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The biggest miracle is my life was when I was filled with the Holy Spirit. I grew up in church but I was never filled with the Holy Spirit. I said the salvation prayer on numerous church retreats and during those times I had experiences where I wept and committed my life to God. But these experiences - prayers and commitments - never changed my life. My life was always the same. I still committed the same sins and I could not break free from my addictions: drinking, pornography, swearing and cursing. As far as I was concerned, the church failed me. When I finally encountered Jesus and was filled with the Holy Spirit, I was really was born again in the Spirit of Christ. And as the Holy Spirit took up residence in my spirit, He began to sanctify me and make me holy. Not only that, He began to write His truth on the tablet of my heart and showed me through my own circumstances and experiences that His words are the only truth and therefore, His words are the only words I will ever need.
Release dateJan 21, 2014
The Holy Spirit Writes Truth on the Tablet of Your Heart

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    The Holy Spirit Writes Truth on the Tablet of Your Heart - Michael Shim

    The Holy Spirit Writes Truth on the Tablet of Your Heart

    The Holy Spirit

    Writes Truth on the Tablet of Your Heart

    By Michael J. Shim

    The Holy Spirit Writes Truth on the Tablet of Your Heart

    First Edition

    Copyright © 2014 by Michael J. Shim

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN 978-1-304-82366-3

    Return to thine own house, and shew how great things God hath done unto thee.  And he went his way, and published throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him.

    Luke 8:39 KJV


    I am writing these things to warn you about those who want to lead you astray.  But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true.  For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know, and what he teaches is true – it is not a lie.  So just as he has taught you, remain in fellowship with Christ.

    1 John 2:26-27 NLT

    The first and biggest miracle is my life was when I was saved and filled with the Holy Spirit.   It was a long road to salvation for me, full of pain, hardships, addictions, immorality and pride.

    I came to the United States from Korea in 1976 as a 7 year old with my older brother and my father and mother.  When I was young, my parents always told me that they came to the U.S. for our education; so my brother and I could have the opportunities that we would never have had in Korea.  I learned years later that this reason was only partly true.

    When I was married and had children of my own, my mother told me that the real reason they left Korea was because my parents wanted to get a divorce.  Because my father was the oldest child as well as the oldest son and divorce being so disgraceful in Korea, if my grandfather heard the news, it would bring terrible shame to him and our family name.  In order to save my grandfather from this disgrace, my parents decided to move half way around the world in order to divorce. 

    The hardest part of my growing up in the U.S. was not that I did not know English or kids making fun of me because of my being Asian, but that my parents were always fighting.  Although we attended church, there was never any peace in our home; only violence and pain.

    Despite their coming to America in order to divorce, they actually did not divorce until almost two decades later.  I guess their difficult life - having to raise two young boys and making ends meet - just kept them too busy to end their marriage.  It wasn’t until my brother was in law school and I was in college that my parents finally divorced.  By then my grandfather had already passed away.

    By this time, I had grown so distant from my father and my heart so calloused towards him that I did not even say good morning to him which was a big deal in a Korean household.  It was painful for me to even acknowledge his existence as a person let alone as a father.  I just wanted him to disappear. 

    I remember when I was in junior high, after a particularly violent drunken episode, I acted as a barrier between my father and mother. While I was standing there between them, I thought to myself that I was going to kill him when I got older.

    So it was good riddance when my father finally left.  My mother described her elation by saying that she felt as if she was a bird and she was finally let out of her cage.  There was finally some peace in our home.

    I grew up in church but I was never filled with the Holy Spirit.  I said the salvation prayer on numerous church retreats and during those times I had experiences where I wept and committed my life to God.  But these experiences - prayers and commitments - never changed my life.  My life was always the same.  I still committed the same sins and I could not break free from my addictions: drinking, pornography, swearing and cursing and thinking so highly of myself. 

    As far as I was concerned, the church failed me.  The church told me that if I said the prayer that I would be saved and that I would be born again.  But I was never born again; I never felt like I was a new creation.  I always felt like I was my old self falling deeper and deeper into darkness.  No one taught me about the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit.  No one told me how to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

    So as time passed, I just became more entrenched in my life of sin and depravity.  Although, I attended church regularly all throughout my life, the church was impotent when it came to leading me to becoming a real born again Christian.

    For decades, I was just living a double life.  Pretending to be a godly person at church but being a depraved, immoral, vile person outside of church.  I just learned to live with the hypocrisy and thought that this was just how a Christian lived since everyone I saw at church was the same way.

    I write this book because I want to share with you what Jesus did for me.  When I finally encountered Jesus and was filled with the Holy Spirit, I really did become a new creation.  I really was born again in the Spirit of Christ.  And as the Holy Spirit took up residence in my spirit, He began to sanctify me and make me holy.  Not only that, He

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