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Week In the Life of Us
Week In the Life of Us
Week In the Life of Us
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Week In the Life of Us

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A gripping tale about a group of young adults going through just another week in their life. A week of Romance, mystery,confusion, doctors, and deaths.
Release dateJul 25, 2014
Week In the Life of Us

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    Week In the Life of Us - Joseph Woodfin

    Week In the Life of Us

    A Week In the Life of Us

    By: Joey Woodfin

    Copyright Information

    A Week In the Life of Us

    Second edition

    Copyright 2014 Joseph Woodfin

    All rights reserved

    ISBN: 978-1-312-38436-1

    This work is under the Creative Commons Atributation-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Licence. To view a copy of this license, visit

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    Creative commons

    171 second street, suite 300

    San Francisco, CA 94105


    A Week In the Life of Us

    A Typical Friday

    Chapter 1

    Oh my god! Mark said, look at her tail.

    Shut up moron, oh dude! Look at her muzzle! James responded.

    DAMN! they both said simultaneously.

    Dude, don’t we look a little creepy? Mark asked,

    Nah bro, were just looking for a girl for later tonight, James responded dismissively. He checked his phone. Bro, we’re going to be late to the party! James yelled in a panic.

    Let’s go! Mark responded, and with that they left the park.

    James was a buff wolf, jet black fur, and white spots around his eyes, like a reverse panda, with green eyes, and he always seemed to be trying to get every girl. Mark was a bit different, he had white fur with a black stripe down his back. The tips of his ears were also black, and he was a writer. He spent all of his time writing, not at the gym like his stupid roommate James. They ran home and got dressed, James was wearing his stupid leather shirt and skinny jeans. Mark slipped into his sweat pants and a baggy t-shirt. Lazy. I hate you. James said to Mark with an evil look, You look like death.

    I don’t care, I look great! Mark said sarcastically. The sigh James let out was heard for miles. Let’s go. James said, and they left to Skylar’s house for the party.

    Skylar owned a big house, massive. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, a dining hall, and a room with a T.V. the size of the wall with any video game you can think of. It wasn’t Mark or James first time at this mansion of hers, but they still stared in awe at the buildings splendor, and size. Still not as big as me. James joked.

    Quiet you moron. Mark said, but he was laughing. The two entered and their jaws dropped, Oh my god… the pair said in perfect unison, and with good reason. If the giant glass chandelier hanging from the 50 foot high dome room wasn’t enough, an ice sculpture, that was almost to the ceiling, portrayed…. of course…. a fish …. What in the actual? Mark asked,

    I… I have no clue James responded. Even James thinks this is weird… wow. Let’s ignore that. James said I hear 3 of the bedrooms are dance floors!

    What’s the fourth bedroom? Mark asked.

    No clue. James responded Who cares, I want to dance! James said as he grabbed Marks paw and dragged him upstairs.

    OH, WAIT! Mark said, I guess he wasn’t ready for that. Again both of their jaws dropped as they entered the bedrooms, for two reasons. One, Light up floors, lasers, smoke and a DJ! Best party ever!   Two that dress, those legs, her tail, her snout, and her fur… Skylar looks amazing.

    Her fur had a gray tone to it, she dyed it. Spots of yellow, red, blue, pink and every other color littered her body. She looked like a leopard got in a fight with a unicorn, still sexy though. Her body was curvy, she was thin, but you couldn’t see any of her bones poking out like some weird model. She looked, for lack of better words, healthy. Her tail was sort of bushy, and solid gray. It was as long as her and touched the back of her head. Her dress was a light sky blue, and covered in sparkles, it want all the way to her feet on one side, and on the other was split so her leg was showing. She glittered under the lights. Top it off with her yellow eyes that sparkled like a campfire, she was perfect.

    Skylar saw the two and walked over to them. Every guy watched her tail move. Welcome boys, are you impressed? She said. The boys, after a lot of stuttering, managed to spit out a yes. She laughed, Come, my friends want to meet you. Skylar said. Her voice drew them in like she was a singing siren.

    This is Rose, Kat, and Hannah. Skylar said, introducing her friends. Rose was a wolf, magenta fur, a scar on her arm from god knows what, and some sort of contacts in her eyes, they looked like lightning. Kat was of course a cat, orange fur with black stripes, and green eyes. Wearing a hot pink skirt with a matching blouse. Hannah was a zebra, she was, well you know, zebra colored, with solid black eyes, and a zebra print bikini.

    Hey. Mark said. I’m Mark, and this is James. he added as he pointed to the both of them. The girls all decide for everyone to sit down and have a nice drink and chat, the boys join them in the booth placed in the corner of the room. A waiter comes and takes the orders for the boys, the girls already got their drinks. Something so that I can’t walk after. Said James,

    We don’t serve poison I’m sorry sir the waiter responded with a British accent.

    A shot. James responded, embarrassed.

    And I’ll take a Cosmo. Mark said. The waiter leaves and returns a mere minute later with the drinks.

    Can I get the whole bottle? James asked,

    No the waiter responded. As he walks away he slaps James

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