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Jesus Priest
Jesus Priest
Jesus Priest
Ebook153 pages2 hours

Jesus Priest

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This is a fictional book which is in the action genre and is based on a fictional story which asks many questions, one of the most important of which is : Will the US government allow for a number of hostages to be taken in order to save millions even without a 100% certainty of this?

Read the book to find out.
Release dateAug 7, 2014
Jesus Priest

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    Book preview

    Jesus Priest - Steven Bayes

    Jesus Priest

    Jesus Priest


    Steven Stanley Bayes

    Chapter 1 : Summary

    A summary is available after the screenplay script.

    Chapter 2 : Important

    All events are fictional although some names are of real people.

    Adult Language. Reader’s discretion is strongly advised.

    Chapter 3 : To


    To Everyone

    Chapter 4 : The Book

    The weather was clear at one of the busiest airports of the US. The check in area was packed with people and luggage. So was the luxury lounge, reserved for higher than First Class travelers.

    The lounges are designed to have comfortable amount of room for the precious customers. In this case, along with the extremely rich uppest class customers, there were some extremely rich, uppest class customers who were also extremely famous.

    This was why the lounge was full of reporters, photographers, TV crews and rich, influential fans, mainly owners of hippy style companies such as earlier dot commers, software, computer, electronics, car, music, movie or movie related business representatives, not to mention rich and famous or, better said, infamous lawyers.

    The fuss was sizzling around two distinguished camps : the biggest camp was around the members of the world super rock band : Jesus Priest.

    Jesus Priest was a rock band with music style ranging from classical music to classical Heavy Metal of the 70’s.

    Jesus Priest consisted of musicians of various nationalities and states and this brought the uniqueness of the band comprising of most all styles, previously known such as British Metal, English and German classics and folk, rock ballads, US Metal, US country, rock and roll, blues, jazz, Arabic elements, heavy half tone transitions and strong, fast bass solos as well as wild and fast guitar solos combined with simple guitar etudes including arpeggios, bass chord playing and strumming.

    This conglomerate of music was combined with unique singing with the same singer being able to sing from the lowest bass to the highest treble without any stops, nor adjustments when switching from low to high. The singer made all these notes look the same.

    The super music the band played propelled them to an unseen and unheard of success, ten folding this of The Beatles. Even Paul McCartney once said in an interview Paul wished to be half age to apply for a job with Jesus Priest and continued to joke the best explanation of the dedicated vegetarianism and salad eating which Paul has been subject to for a very long while was predominantly with one goal : to be younger to join Jesus Priest. People were extremely happy with the jokes of the Beatle. These jokes, per se, did not elevate but certainly helped the band to become even more popular amongst a vast audience of all ages and nationalities.

    Although lyrics are certainly not music, the strong anti American lyrics of the band and their strong criticism of the system, the chaotic and uncontrolled capitalism which has brought the US to a high priced, low volume economy where no one has purchased anything since Kingdom come, the same economy system which has created ghost towns throughout the US and has contributed to foreclosure of most any company of any size and shape, so this strong criticism has created a mass hysterical loving towards the band by the people, through the people, for the people and with the people of all kind of classes, moneys, background and occupations.

    The band became extremely popular with their anti war, anti military, anti weapon possession, anti capital punishment, anti religious, anti gay, anti biker gangs, anti low taxation, anti free trade, anti Vietnam era, anti US intervention in other country’s business, anti slavery, anti US government and anti capitalism songs.

    In the 2000’s, the US economy fell with a big bang leaving empty cities and ghost towns throughout the country such as Rochester and Buffalo, NY. Many single company cities, where there had been only one company for people to work in were destroyed with people experiencing almost 100% unemployment and no place to work except in the local bank, pub, church and insurance agency, suffering of misery, barely having anything to eat with hordes sleeping on the streets and parks. While some were trying to explain the situation with corporate greed and others with the Chinese invasion in Vonnegut’s style, the band was writing songs straight where the real reason was : the US style of overpriced and low volume capitalist economy, legal or illegal but impossible to prove high price fixing and the uncontrolled, unsynchronized capitalism as such.

    With the cold war over, the new generation of Americans had nothing but this rock band to express the truth which all of the Americans saw but none of them said nor did anything, not even in a song and all of them continued to float on the river driven by the river’s drag and continued to pretend this was how the thing naturally were with fewer and fewer thinking the problems were only temporary.

    As ironic as this could be, there was nothing but a rock band writing songs which band, even with the huge popularity, was just entertainment and not a generation leader as the hippies of the 60’s had thought a band may have been.

    As the singing guitarist and group leader once said in an interview : The US still has the same system which nearly lost the World War II to the US and the only reason the US hasn’t lost the war, or the wars as the same has been the case during the World War I and the Spanish Revolution, is because the US was able to organize and work against US’ own system during these wars yet losing the Spanish revolution to Franco because the US did not disregard the system as much then. This is why Germany has been able to start from zero, beaten badly in WWI and to shut down the US all over the place in less than 10 years prior to WWII.

    Another popular interview of the band, known throughout the world as The Selfie was conducted in a way in which the band asked themselves questions and answered them, trying to look into all sides of the questions where some of the band members would act as defenders of a given point with the others taking opposite sides and then changing places.

    Most of their sayings became household sentences. Once they asked themselves the question why the US were so advanced in the 60’s : their answer was this was not because but despite the system, because of the major disruption and a major error of the US system during and after WWII, an off spin of the WWII economy which economy and momentum were soon lost and the US got back to business continuously deteriorating as this was always the case under normal circumstances. Of course, there have been many errors in the general downfall of the US : errors which would mitigate this degradation as, for example, the cars of the 20’s, the boom in electronics in the 70’s, the internet of the 90’s and the wireless of the 0’s. They also asked themselves questions on the 80’s and the Reaganomics to reply Reaganomics was nothing else but nothingness : just taking money from one of the pockets and putting in the other, the so called financial capitalism of Mrs. Thatcher on US steroids. This period in the US history and presence lasted less than 4 years as moving money proved to be pointless and got replaced by moving of other parts from near one pocket to the other, a. k. a. moving something from one sleeve of the pants to the other.

    The 80’s were nothing but a temporary patch on the US’ jeans with a slim thread destined to drop apart.

    The band were the only people in the world to say the truth throughout the US out loud and this, combined with the strong lyrics helped the band shoot higher than stardom.

    But the interviews and the lyrics, although these helped bring the group closer to the non musical listener, were not the reasons for the band’s super popularity : the main reason was their music : instrumental and melody with strong, on occasion classical, on occasion not, harmony made the band stand up to their name and people and fans praised them to a highness higher than Greek half Gods.

    The anti American lyrics and speeches, as well as the multiple Arabic music elements, coming mainly from Ritchie Blackmore and the 70’s and also the strong anti gay lyrics made the band popular in a place no American nor European had ever been popular : the Arab World and the anti capitalist jews of Israel.

    Ironically to their name, their popularity in these parts of the world had become so huge, they were personally invited by the Ayatollah of Iran, the leader of all Muslims to perform a 15 minute gig in front of all pilgrims during the Ramadan religious celebrations. For this super gig, each member of the band was paid $1000000 by rich Arab subsidisers, shahs, petrol magnates and bankers.

    The CIA Arab Affairs Department closely monitored the band’s Arab performance but found nothing unusual and concluded, in their report, the band performed One for the money, two for the show and popularity. .

    Another famous interview with the band was held in the BBC London and was on the topic of free possession of firearms throughout the US and mainly in the Southern States. Against the free possession, the singer was swearing so much, so the BBC editors decided, instead of bleeping, to stop the voice of the interviewed and to lip synch, as much as possible, the singer’s lips with a performance by the London Philharmonic Orchestra shown in an insert on the upper right corner of the TV screen. The BBC were very experienced in silencing voices because they had been practicing this on many political leaders of Northern Ireland for decades.

    As most of the rich bands, the band had a famous private jet which was scheduled for a mandatory annual maintenance, referred to by the band as a mandatory anal maintenance as this maintenance coincided exactly with the band’s performance in Mexico for the first ever appearance there.

    The maintenance event made the tipped TV crews race to the hangars where the base guitar player, who was also the main jet owner as per the jet’s title, went there to sign the necessary paperwork as per the NTSB procedures to authorize the personnel to perform the maintenance of the owner’s jet. Reluctant, the base player had no choice whatsoever as NTSB threatened to ground the jet indefinitely unless the maintenance was performed.

    The base guitar player used the event to

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